BigWindowF BackArrow top
Chicken Rods and Ammo Bags Dwain Adkins, Bob Taylor, TJ Lange
Bored Nighthawk Crew Stan Allen
A Mothers Ode to Vietnam Alice Allen (Stan Allen's Mother)
The Sergeant Who Fell Into a Well - Mar 67 William "Bill" Altenhofen & Rich Williams
Deadly Ambush, But No Body Count - May 67 William "Bill" Altenhofen
The “Scare” Of A Frowning Hooch Maid Allen "KC" Allcock
Left Alone Allen "KC" Allcock
Foggy Test Flight - 1969 Allen "KC" Allcock
Keep'Em Flying - 1969 Allen "KC" Allcock
Jesus Nut Nightmare - 1969 Allen "KC" Allcock
Accidental Death of Ernest Dow Ford - 69 Allen "KC" Allcock
Landing Light Story Allen "KC" Allcock
Daniel "Dan" Wilson Story - 1969 Allen "KC" Allcock
Vet's Day Explosion - 1969 Allen "KC" Allcock
No Damn Way! - 1966 John Alto
The First Centaur Aeroriflemen - 1966 John Alto
There I Was Looking at Rudy Parris Cary Bacon
The Brothers Lament Michael Banks
Coming To Wolters - 1965 Michael Banks
LRRP Infiltration and Extraction Dec 1966 Herbert Beasley
A Time To Remember - (Shotgun Program/Mac Meece) Herbert Beasley
The Untold Truth - Sep 1966 Herbert Beasley
The History of Wargasm - LOH 795 Carl Betsill and Curt Knapp
Second Tour of Duty - 2008 Carl Betsill
Backpack & the Tire Tread Sandals Billy Blackmon 165th CAG - Air Traffic Controller
Cobra Medivacs LOH Crew - 24 Dec 1969 Robert "Bob" Bobo
Remembering Skip Petrie Don Borey
Leaving Vietnam Don Borey
Blessed to be a Centaur Don Borey
Banned from the Long Binh O'Club Don Borey
Centaur 13, a Call Sign Oydessey Eric Brethen Getting his call sign and passing it on
Supporting Air America - Eric Brethen
COL Butcher Mission - Eric Brethen
Another Scout Killed in Mushroom -Jul 71 Steve Borden
War Battle Buddies Reunite After 47 Years Terry Branham
Wrong Turn in III Corp - 1971 Thomas Broadbent
Sheriff of Lai Khe - 1971 Robert "Pat" Broderick
CPT Gary Brown Stories - 1966 Eric Brown (Gary's son)
Celebrating with Children of Vietnam - Christmas 1966 Carl W. Burns
Getting There -1966 Carl W. Burns - From Centaurs In Vietnam Book
USS Gordon Trip to Nam -1966 Carl W. Burns - From Centaurs In Vietnam Book
Wife Visits Her Centaur in Vietnam - 66 Ruth Ann Burns (Carl's wife)
Combat Delvy Bill Carroll
The Craig Peterson Story Steve Chicoine Historian and Writer
Norm Clark Letter Norm Clark, Doug Olsen
All In a Day's Work - 1969 Ray Kenneth Clark
Cobra Saves LOH Crew - Oct 1969 Ray Kenneth Clark
Battle of Suoi Tre Reunion Speech Bain Cowell, George Stenehjem (see also Battle LZ gold)
Return to Vietnam 48 yrs later Bain & Karen Cowell
The Mark Jackson KIA Story Jack Craig
My Tour 1971-1972 Frank Dillon
Smokey Burgess Shot Down Book Article Chris Dortch
The An Duc Extraction - 4 Nov 68 Dale Dow and many others
Dale Dow Thoughts Dale Dow
NVA Offensive 1972 Log Book entries Dale Dow
Cobra LRRP Rescue - 21 Feb 1970 Tom "Sam" Dooling, JL Walters, Tom Olsson, Silver Star
A Bit Too Close Tom "Sam" Dooling- Accidentally hits his Scout low bird (LOH)
Misplaced Hero Worship Tom "Sam" Dooling- Rog Johnson witnesses some great rocket shooting
Rog and the Head Strike Tom "Sam" Dooling- Rog gets hit in head with main rotor blade & walks
Gary Drennen and the Tracers Tom "Sam" Dooling- Tracers need stronger links & can get you in trouble
Test Flight Mast Bumping - 1969 Tom "Sam" Dooling- Bill Malinovsky's Test Flight
Loach Ordnance - 69-70 Tom "Sam" Dooling- Things thrown at the enemy
NVA Surrender - 1969 Tom "Sam" Dooling -
Strange Strand (Discussion) Tom "Sam" Dooling -
LOH Shoots Tower (Discussion) Tom "Sam" Dooling -
LOH Minigun Door Gun (Discussion) Tom "Sam" Dooling -
Accidental Death of Ernest Ford Tom "Sam" Dooling -
Loss of the Iron Butterfly - 1969 Tom "Sam" Dooling - KIA of Mark Jackson
Practical Jokes? "The Old Grenade Trick" Tom "Sam" Dooling -
We've Lost You... Tom "Sam" Dooling -
USS New Jersey 16" Guns - 1969 Tom "Sam" Dooling -
Mini-Cav Story - 1970 Tom "Sam" Dooling -
Lost At Sea - LOH Arkansas Butch - 1969 Tom "Sam" Dooling - LOH is Deep Six
The Ugly American - 1969 Tom "Sam" Dooling - Vung Tau R&R
51 Caliber Basketballs - Feb 1969 Tom "Sam" Dooling - at night near the Angels Wing
FNG - 1967 Charles "Pat" "Jauquin" Eastes
Firefight in the Hobo - 67-68 Charles "Pat" "Jauquin" Eastes
The Year of the Rat Charles "Pat" "Jauquin" Eastes
Centaur Gunship Tactics - 67-68 Charles "Pat" "Jauquin" Eastes
Who can help with your VA Claim? Charles "Pat" "Jauquin" Eastes
Wounding of Wayne Yetman - 18 Feb 68 Charles "Pat" "Jauquin" Eastes and Wayne Yetman
LRRPs Ambushed Near Tay Ninh - 1966 Richard "Rick" Ellison
Extract CIA from Cambodia - 1969 John Evans
The Sawed Off M2 Carbine Tim Fegette
Iron Triangle LRP Rescue - 27 Aug 68 Jim and Dee Dee (daughter) Filiatreault
LOH 378's Last Engine Failure - 26 Feb 69 OT Failen
Alone Again - 1967- 68 Ginnie Fleming
OH-23 Ground Recovery - 67 Tom Fleming
Battle for Saigon Book Input - TET 68 Tom Fleming
Stable Boy Rescues LRRPs - 67 Tom Fleming
The Second Year - Mar 67 to Mar 68 Tom Fleming
KIA Medevac - May 1967 Tom Fleming
The Way it Was - 1967 Tom Fleming
Flight Operations Audio 1967 Tom Fleming
Mission at Dau Tieng - Jan 68 Tom Fleming
LRRP Rescue War Zone C - May 67 Tom Fleming
LRRP Extraction Charcoal Kiln - 67 Tom Fleming
Transition Year 66 to 67 Tom Fleming
Stuck Throttle - Failed Autorotation- Oct 67 Tom Fleming
The Suicide Tom Fleming / Bruce Powell
Divisional Air Cav Troop - 1967 Tom Fleming
Digging the New Well - Jan 68 Tom Fleming
Bill Wilde Shoots Cambodia Tom Fleming
OH-23 Stuck Throttle & Autorotation Tom Fleming / Pat Eastes
Surviving the Artillery Barrage - Jan 68 Tom Fleming
Fire Mission Rolland "Fletch" Fletcher
Cutting Red Tape - 68 Rolland "Fletch" Fletcher
Doing the Right Thing - 68 Rolland "Fletch" Fletcher
Dilemma - 68 Rolland "Fletch" Fletcher
Loss of Innocence Rolland "Fletch" Fletcher
Never Volunteer for Nothin' - 67 Woody Gardner
The Driveshaft and the 51 cal Round Woody Gardner
Gun Runs on Cu Chi Woody Gardner
First Resupply After Tet 68 - Ambush Woody Gardner
My Last Door Gunner - John McMurtry Woody Gardner
Same Place Glen Gouge
Main Rotor Defect Lloyd Goldsmith
Kill When I Say Lloyd Goldsmith
Sapper Attack Lloyd Goldsmith
Bright Shining Lie? Lloyd Goldsmith
The Rescue of Lady Ace - 11 July 1972 Rex Gooch
Chocolate Donuts - Mar 1972 Stephen Gormley
The First Centaur Casuality - 5 May 66 Robert "Bob" Graham
Return to the Devil's Playground - Jan 67 Robert "Bob" Graham
Flameout 1966 Robert "Bob" Graham
Jesus Nut Robert "Bob" Graham
Little Bear Crash - 20 May 66 Robert "Bob" Graham
Extractions-R-Us Robert "Bob" Graham
The Claymore Ambush -1966 - Ann Margret Poem Robert "Bob" Graham
Luck Has It's Day Robert "Bob" Graham
Birth of Robin Robert "Bob" Graham
Shell Rep Robert "Bob" Graham
LRRP Insertion Robert "Bob" Graham
II Field Force Robert "Bob" Graham

Cambodian Sunset

Robert "Bob" Graham
Counter Mortar Tactics - 1966 Robert "Bob" Graham
Pain Keith Hall
Harrison Letters Home (Dec 72-Jan 73) Brian "Stretch" Harrison
My Tour 1972 - 1973) Brian "Stretch" Harrison
The Lost Weapons of Tan My Brian "Stretch" Harrison
The Last Mission - 28 Jan 1973 Brian "Stretch" Harrison
Centaur Brothers - Stretch & Moose Brian "Stretch" Harrison
Enemy Radios of the Vietnam War Brian "Stretch" Harrison
Angel's Wing Battle - 26 Jan 69 Jerry Headley (B Troop)
My Tour - 1970-71 Jim Hoag
Cambodia Crash & Rescue - 10 May 1970 Wayne Hooper
Night Hawk - 1971

Joe Hoover

Night Hawk - August 1971 Joe Hoover provides this article from Redhorse Review
Sapper Attack - 28 July 1971 Joe Hoover
Unpinned Hand Grenade - 1971 Joe Hoover
Unpinned Hand Grenade - 1971 Joe Hoover
CuChi - 1966 Marshall Huckaby
Dead Chinese Tank - Apr 1972 Frank Hock
What D Troop Meant to Me Bill Hull
Another View of TET 68 Bill Hull
Winter Wolf- A Poem Bill Hull
The New Centaur Commander - 1972 Fate "Jim" Hutchins
C&C 50cal and Minigun Fate "Jim" Hutchins
Homemade CS Gas Bombs & Navy WP Fate "Jim" Hutchins
Make Soldiers out of Them Fate "Jim" Hutchins
The Move to Long Bien Fate "Jim" Hutchins
The CO's Jeep Fate "Jim" Hutchins
Going Home - 1973 Fate "Jim" Hutchins
Hog Crew Rescued by Little Vietnamese Girl Jerry Jarvis
AeroRifles Extract Cache Found by LRP Jerry Jarvis
LRP's Seek Enemy (TLN article) Jerry Jarvis
A Visit to Black Virgin Mountain Jerry Jarvis
Angel's Wing: A Shitty Mission - Jan 1969 Jerry Jarvis
Centaur AH-1G Cobra Medivac - 25 Apr 1969 Marty Jenkins
Unplanned Rocket Attacks Retaliation Charlie Johnson
Near Mid Air - 1967 Charlie Johnson
Centaur 40 shoot down - Early 68 Charlie Johnson/Bill Stribling/Bruce Powell - Info on Mackey/Gunn
Jim Moore & the Monsoon flight Charlie Johnson / Pat Eastes
Violating the Primary LOH Rule Gary Jones
Some Memories Will Never Fade Randolph "Randy" Jones
My Year in the Air Cavalry - Aug 70-71 Randolph "Randy" Jones
Interview with Lee Burgess - 2005 Cadet William Keller
Welcome to the Cav T.J. Lange
The Grenade TJ Lange
Letter to Soldier's Parents - Nov 72 Kermit E. Larson, Jr
Nighthawk - 1969 Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski and Steven Zorger
Centaur Officers Club - 1968 Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski
Squadron & the B52 Crew - 1968 Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski
New Operations Officer - 68 Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski
Forward Air Controller Coordination - 68 Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski
80 Percent - 68 Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski
Remembering Chuck Weseman Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski
Letter Home - Martindale 1972 Paul Martindale - provided by his brother Charles
Night Rescue Crashed Cobra - Aug 1968 Russell "Russ" Mattison
Mini-Cav - 1969 Daniel L. "Dan" McIntyre
Dust Off Cover & Fire Support 8 Mar 1971 Hugh "Sandy" McLeod Audio Recording 43 Min
Snake Driver - 1968 Tom Meeks
Rescue of Air Force Pilots 2 May 1972 Russ Miller
Easter Offensive - Mick 1972 Kenneth Mick
Chup Rubber Plantation Cambodia - 1971 Kenneth Mick
New Car Smell - 1972 Kenneth Mick
Sling Load -72 Kenneth Mick
Panache -72 Kenneth Mick
Battle of The Hobo Woods 29Jan68 (TET) MosenthalCollinsFlemingEastesArthurClarkAltenhofenAshabranner
Drop Camera Crew - Save LOH Crewmen - 21May1970 Jack Nemeyer - The Joe Ramey KIA Story
Renegade Woods Battle 2 Apr 1970 - Corrections Phillip John Norton Unofficial After Action Report w/corrections 2022
'Copters in Vietnam Dawn Patrol Joe Owen - Richmond, MO newspaper article
The Flores Tragedy - 1969 David Olsen 1st Platoon A Troop
Holy Crap Moment!! Tom Olsson
James Roy Pearson - KIA - 4 Nov 1966 Albert Menzl
The AH-1 Helicopter Name? Michael Peake
D Troop Redefined -1966 James "Pete" Peterson
Year of the Cockpit Majors -1966 James "Pete" Peterson
Troop Eight Ball -1966 James "Pete" Peterson
Nighthawk Sniper - 1969 Paul Plante
Charlie Takes Notice - 1969 Paul Plante
Creating the Centaur LRRPs - 1966 Mark Ponzillo
Stolen Valor Bruce Powell
Letter Home - 13 Feb 67 Bruce Powell
At The Hootch - Audio 5 Mar 67 Bruce Powell
Letter Home - 23 Apr 67 Bruce Powell
Working with Saber Alpha - Audio - 11 May 67 Bruce Powell
The Storm (1)- Audio - 11 May 67 Bruce Powell
Attack Raven (2)- Audio - 12 May 67 Bruce Powell
Tunnels (3)- Audio - 12 May 67 Bruce Powell
Rat Down (4)- Audio - 12 May 67 Bruce Powell
More Tunnels (5) - Audio - 12 May 67 Bruce Powell
Letter Home - 6 Jul 67 Bruce Powell
Letter Home - 5 Sep 67 Bruce Powell
Letter Home - 29 Sep 67 Bruce Powell
Letter Home - 29 Oct 67 Bruce Powell
Bu Dop - Nov 67 Bruce Powell
Unfinished Letter - 67 Bruce Powell
Dog Team Related Rescue - Nov 67 - TLN Bruce Powell & Tropic Lightning Article
Letter Home 19 Feb 1968bap Bruce Powell Burgess Shootdown/ContinuedStory/Rocket Attack/
SharksTeethTale Audio - 68 Bruce Powell
Cobra 23 LRRP Rescue 2 Jul 68 Bruce Powell
The F Troop Factor Bruce Powell
Too Steep Bruce Powell
Return to Vietnam Notes - April 2016 Bruce Powell
Gunship Notes - Battle for Tay Ninh Bruce Powell
Who, What, Where is Dakota Troop Bruce Powell
Mess Hall Powell/Fleming/Graham
37mm Takes out Centaur Cobra - 72 Ron Radcliffe
Memoirs of his three tours Ron Radcliffe - Recorded in July 2021 - Several War stories
Nighthawk and the Twin 60's - 70-71 Fred Reese
A Day Late and a Nickel Short - 66 - First Mortar Attack Charles "Tony" Robinson
Nighthawk Minigun - 69 Jim Rodgers
Murphy and the Snake - 69 Jim Rodgers
Craig Peterson - Jul 68 Bill Shaffer- C Troop Commander
My Last Night - Battle for Tay Ninh Bob Schneider - Tank Commander, 1st Plt, A Trp, 3/4 Cav
Mounted Combat in Vietnam Donn A. Starry
Award Nomination for Medal of Honor Erwin "Ernie" Steincamp, Air Force FAC
Friendly Fire, a B57 Airstrike and a Quagmire - Early 67 George Stenehjem, Bill Altenhofen, Andy Gerrie, Rich Williams (Canberra B57 Bombers)
Rescue of Air Force Pilots 2 May 1972 Jerry Shelton
Very Hot Resupply & Medevac TET68 Mike Siegel
Weird Checkride - Easter 68 Mike Siegel
Centaur LRRP Insertion Tactics 67-68 Mike & Pati Siegel
Cobra Wingover Bruce W. Sikkema
MOH Recommendation for Ron Radcliffe John Spencer
Ranger Scout Wins Combat Honor Award Fred Stuckey
Understanding a Military Veteran Unknown Arthur - provided by Bob Tegelman
LRRP Scrounging - 1966 Gene Tucker
Communist Flag - 1966 Gene Tucker
The Snake - 1966 Gene Tucker
You Bet Your Life - 1966 Gene Tucker
My First D Troop/Squadron Reunion - 8 Sept 2002 Mike Vaughn
Two Down - Feb 1967 Mike Vaughn
Case of the Missing Beer (pun intended) Mike Vaughn
Lt. Buxton at the Controls - mid 67 Mike Vaughn

Two Crazy Bastards Up Front

Mike Vaughn
Battle of Soui Tre (LZ Gold) Mike Vaughn / Bain Cowell / Tom Fleming

The VC Dog

Mike Vaughn
Vietnam 67 - The way I saw it Terry Vaughn
Talley, Izzy and the Tree Jim Walt
Cobra Calendar - 1968 John Whitehead and Bruce Powell
Accidental Centaur - 1971 Kenneth Wiegand
Cobra Smoke Grenades - 1971 Kenneth Wiegand
Skip Petrie & the CIA - 1971 Kenneth Wiegand
Thank You CPT Yood Kenneth Wiegand
OH-23 Down William "Bill" Whitmoyer
They Shot My Gun - 1969-70 Larry Wilkerson
Coming to D Troop - Nov 66 John 'Willi' Williams
Becoming a Crew Chief John "Willi" Williams
Ground Rolling a Gunship - Dec 66 John 'Willi' Williams/Paul Davidson/Don Goode
Colonel Pete Stuck John "Willi" Williams
The Monkey Strap Boogie Jan67 John "Willi" Willaims (John Cumbie)
VC Flag - Oct 1967 John "Willi" Willaims
What is a Veteran? Rick Williams
Letter 4 Nov 68 - 35 Extraction battle Rick Williams to Tom Meeks
Sabre Charlie Gun Spt 68 Audio Rick Williams Bob Taylor
"Proud Mary" - The Day Before Ed Wolfe
LOH Medivacs - 1971 Ed Wolfe
Easter Offensive - Woods 1972 Mike "BG" Woods
Battle for Saigon (TET 68) Wright/Siegel/Ashabranner/Olsen/Starry
Squadron Log - Bad Day - 18Feb1968 Mike Peake restores from records.
Aerorifles Drop In For Action TLN 22Mar71 Kenneth L. Cavender and Jon E. Hagen Aeroriflemen
Cav Hunter/Killer Team Gets the Job Done TLN 22Mar71 TLN News article by SGT Mike Conroy
Hobo Fight Kills 68 TLN 19Feb68 TLN News article by SP4 George Hairston
Baby Scouts Net 2 TLN 22May1967 TLN News article Mackie Webb and Daryl Gunn
Join LRRP! TLN 22May1967 TLN News article advertising the LRRP's
Odom Rescue Jul 69 TLN Jul 1969 also Stars & Stripes Article. - Michael Joest, Al Ward, Dennis Rogers and Marty Lalli
Togetherness Now an Army Habit TLN 21 April 1969 also see Same Place by Glen Gouge Terry Hansen
Odom Rescue-Pilot lifts 600 lbs S&S also TLN Article. - Michael Joest, Al Ward, Dennis Rogers and Marty Lalli
Hunter Crew & Rescue Crew KIA 22 Jan 71 Eye witnesses tell of LOH Scout Team KIA - Johnson/Vigil/Petty
Renegade Woods Battle - 2 Apr 1970 External Articles/Tonelli/Nemeyer
Rocket Attack Cu Chi - 9 May 1968 -Library of Congress by General John H. Hay, Jr - Jim Messina, JimTraw, Jim Mahair, John Gough
Night Attack on Dau Tieng Airfield - Army Reporter March or April 1967 Charles "Tony" Robertson, Frank Delvy and SGT Robert E. Price
Teamwork Pays off for Army Air Force - TLN 9 Oct 67 LRRP Team works with FAC and F5's to wipe out VC between them and Pickup Zone
Men Need For 25th's LRRP Det - TLN 16 Oct 67 Volunteers will make up the LRRP Detachment,
The Crescent - 19 Sep 1970 - 25th Div After Action McCoy, Adams, Lee, Grof, Dunham, Hagger, Mathis, Mayer
Countersigns Harass V.C. - TLN 6 May 1966 Viet Cong poster tacked to a tree about three miles northwest of the base camp
Rifle Team Destroys V.C. Med Supplies - TLN 28 Oct 1966 Rifle team discovers and destroys VC aid stations with explosives.
New Mexico Family Adopts Aerorifles - TLN 2 Dec 1966 Mrs. Iva Jo Parratt of Carlsbad, N.M., decided to do something to let the men in Vietnam know that someone was thinking of them.
Young Pham's Gift Explodes - TLN 9 Dec 1966 D Troopers save young Vietnamese after booby trapped gift explodes
"Stable Boy Watches Helicopter Corral" - TLN 2 Sept 1966 Article about Stable Boy our Maintenance aircraft
U.S. Copter Pilots Are Happiest When Job Is Tough - NYT-72 Mentioned: Hayne, Bruce, Spencer, Martindale
LRRP Action - 4 VC KIA and DFC - TLN 23 Dec 66 Mentioned: Gerald Traxler and Myron Squires
Cobra Saves Downed LOH Teammates - TLN Nov 69 Mentioned: Tom Sinclair, Wayne White, Charles Vierra, William Malinovsky, Larry Bruce
Gunships Rake VC - TLN Apr 69 Mentioned: Terry Talley
Supply Clerk Captured - TLN Dec 70 Mentioned: Pat Bilyk
Cav Boasts Flexible Air/Ground Team - TLN May 69 Mentioned: William Laird, Bill Cirincione, Gerald Odom, William Reavis, Eugene Carolan, Bill Chiaramonte, Jack Dickson, Moose Marcinkowski.
Downed Chopper Saved from Marauding Cong - TLN Jul 66 Mentioned: John Alto
Keep Em Flyin - 1968 - TLN 22 Jul 68 Mentioned: John Albers and John Paul Eisele
Ann Margret Gate - TLN 1 Apr 66 Back gate to Cu Chi named after actress
Flashlight Mission - TLN 9 Jun 1969 Mentioned: MAJ William Laird and CW2 John M. Hofman
How LRRP Scored Big in Op. 'Gadsden' - TLN Feb 67 Mentioned: Caldwell, Hatfield, Lacy, Pruden, McIntosh, Boyd
"Stable Boy" Watches Helicopter Corral- TLN 2 Sep 66 Mentioned: Dick Thomas, Nick Doiron
Five Receive DFC -
Stars & Stripes 20 Feb 1972
Mentioned: Charles O'Connell, Mike "BG" Woods, Donald Radcliffe, Joseph F Arzate, Steve Suiter, James Carlson, Joel Woodley, Raymond Seathorn, Marvin Hwery, John Schilinski, Steven Powell, Don Ware, James Hamrick
Bac Ha's Orphanage Christmas - Dec 68 TLN Vol 3 - No 52 - 23 Dec 1968 Mentioned: LTC McGowan, CW2 Russell Mattison and CPT Garrett Marcinkowski
War Stories