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Centaur Website Newsletter - July 2022
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: Featured Brothers, News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, Photos, War Stories, Reunions, Glossary
Are you helping us search out Centaurs? Making calls, sending emails, writing letters?
Reminder: How to search the Centaur Website for anything. Go to our Help/Answers page, item #1. You are going to love this. Please try it out!
Everyone who doesn't know what MP means in our newsletter, raise your hand.
Featured Centaur Brothers
- Brian "Stretch" Harrison, SP4 Slick Door Gunner and Harold "Wayne" Moose SP4 LOH Scout Gunner
Brian has written a wonderful story about how he and Wayne Moose, both from Charlotte, North Carolina, didn’t know each other until they both went to Nam and both ended up with F Troop, 4th Cav Regiment 1972-73. They still live in the Charlotte area and remain close friends to this day. Be sure to look them up the next time you are in the area or just passing through, you will never meet two nicer guys. CLICK HERE
National Museum of the United States Army: We are pleased to report that our Centaur request to make corrections to the display of our Cobra has been acted upon. In these turbulent times it is a great rewarding feeling to know that those representing and preserving our history are serious and truly care about getting things right. We encourage all our members to visit and support the National Museum of the United States Army.
From Paul Morando, Chief Curator: "...This glass panel currently on display in the Cold War Gallery that includes the photo and caption of a Cobra gunship, should be replaced on or about December 2022 or January 2023 with "AH-1C" and "1966" being updated to read "AH-1G" and "1968."
VHPA Magazine May-June Issue (page 5) has published our Searching for Centaurs Ad. We have already received a lot of input. Many thanks to Tom Kirk Managing Editor.
If we can find someone with influence at AAAA magazine, we may try it there also.
Stars and Stripes Newspaper (started in WW1): was intended to provide uncensored news from soldiers and for soldiers. To see an informative YouTube historic video of our Stars and Stripes Magazine Click here. Unfortunately we cannot search their archives (like we can with Tropic Lightning News) without a paid subscription. If someone decides to do that, let us know and we will publish any Centaur related stories that you find. Or maybe you have an old copy with an article you could send in. Frank Dillon provided this article from 20 Feb 1970.
SP4 Larry Vallelonga was a Public Affairs Specialist assigned to the Centaurs working as a field reporter for the Stars and Stripes Newspaper. He was KIA doing that mission (30 Jun 1969).
Dwight Birdwell SP5 C Troop 3/4 Cav Jan 1968 (TET):
Some of you were there when our sister Cav Troop took trememdous casualities defending Tan Son Nhut from the huge NVA attack of TET68. Dwight's heroic actions that day are finally being properly recognized. President Biden will be presenting him with the Medal of Honor at the White House on 5 July 2022. Press Release courtesy of John Moore
Dwight wrote the book 100 Miles of Bad Road.
Michael Peake has updated the Cobra Tail Number Roster with information from Ray E. Stanton. AH-1G 67-15726 named "Zombie" is now listed. See photos one and two. Also more posted for LOH 68-17177 (Jim Kreil CE)
Finding Centaurs & Friends
Richard P. "Rick" Yood CPT 1970-71: We are now in contact with Rick and hope to have a MyPage up soon. His name is linked to his draft InfoSheet. Rick is recovering from Covid that he caught at the VHPA Tampa Reunion.
Tyrone J. Thornsberry SP4 "T Berry" LOH Observer 1968 (DEROS around Jan 69): We have a draft InfoSheet with information on him. We have no photos or other info and he was never listed on our Rosters. Can you help out? Update 1Jul2022 1100 hrs: John Moore finds Thornberry obit. Middle initial J not T.
Removed from Centaur Newsletter Distribution for failed email address:
...Jim Wells PVT 1965-66 (job unknown) - Michigan
...Edmond W. "Ed" Manville SP4 Aerorifles, 1965-Sep66 - Uncasville CT
...Richard Quintas Slick Crew Chief 1969-70 Tucson, AZ
..."": anyone know anything about this email address. I keep getting a rejection yet it is not on our distribution list
Jim Kreil photo 35 of 89 in his Photo Album is now an MP for the MyPages of Matt Mathews, John Evans and Peter R. Perez.
Peter R. Perez SP4 LOH Door Gunner now has a rough draft MyPage using a Stan Allen photo and an MP from Jim Kreil.
John Evans remembers him on Pete's InfoSheet. Need more info.
Hacrett PFC Door Gunner Slicks 1972 now has a draft MyPage using a Stephen S. Gormley photo. We have no other information on him yet.
James M Roberson SP4 Crew Chief Slicks 1972 now has a draft MyPage using a Stephen S. Gormley photo. We have no other information on him yet.
Larry D. Simpson CPT Trp XO, Flt Opns Off & Gun Platoon Leader Jul 70 - Jul 71 now has a real MyPage. Larry and Dawn plan to attend the Centaur reunion.
Larry took the photos of Bruce Sikkema doing his wild Cobra dives.
Richard M. "Dick" Ward CPT Cobra Pilot Jan69 to Jan70 now has a MyPage an InfoSheet and an MP1
Dick flew Wretched Mildred Cobra. He had a second tour flying Cobras with the 11th ACE.
Harry T. Brown CPT Slick Pilot 1972 now has a draft MyPage using a Stephen S. Gormley photo. We have no other information on him yet.
Stephen S. Gormley 1LT now has a full MyPage with four MP's. Includes photos of Steve Deaton, Harry Brown, SP4 James M. Roberson and PFC Hacrett.
His Photo Allbum shows the company area at Long Binh & links to his MP's
His group photo (MP3) with the Huey allowed us to do draft pages for CPT Harry T. Brown, SP4 James M Roberson and PFC Hacrett.
Stephen also added photos to the MyPages of Steve Deaton, Dan Miller and John Petrilla as MP's
Ray E. Stanton CW2 Centaur 57 Cobra Pilot has an improved MyPage showing his Cobra named "Zombie" in the background. Also has an InfoSheet with him and his wife Gloria. His Slide Show of photos is being proscessed.
Ray's call sign Centaur 57 has been added to the Call Sign page.
John Evans 1LT LOH Scout Pilot 1969 has a new MyPage with eight MPs.
His MP's have been used to create a MyPage for Peter R. Perez and an MP for Matt Mathews. Plus an MP added to Jim Kreil's page. Photos of LOH's "Bad News" & "Snafu"
We need photos of Larry J Turley WO1 (Deceased) and one for Larry E. Bruce.
Mike Brideweser SP4 Slick Crew Chief 1972 has a draft MyPage using a group photo crop. The Group photo which also shows Gary L. Matuska, is linked as an MP1.
Check out the larger pic below and see if you can help us with names. Please email "Dillon, Frank" <> or contact him on Facebook.
Larry Richardson's MP1 has been upgraded with Ben Roger's name. This has also been added to Ben's MyPage as an MP.
Update 1600 hours 1 July 2022: I failed to post the death of SSG Agustino "Rocky" Graziano Supply Sergeant Oct 63 to Feb 67. This well loved soldier died and age 92. His page will be updated to Deceased. If you remember Rocky please send me your comments and stories, and they will be posted to his InfoObit Page.
John Gabrielson CW2 Slick pilot 1968-69 died 11 Oct 2021. Thanks to Bob Acker for letting us know about John's death.
His name is added to the Deceased page. There will be a lot of Centaurs that will mourn his passing. Tom Meeks and Moose Marcinkowski were very thankful that John and Russ Mattison rescued them after their night Cobra Crash.
We have not been able to find Crew Chief John T. Albers yet.
Larry J Turley WO1 LOH Pilot 1969 now has a draft Deceased MyPage with linked InfoSheet/Obit. Larry died 1 Feb 1983.
He and his LOH Crew Chief Ken Taylor were wounded in the same incident. Bob Forringer LOH Pilot, experienced but new to the unit was in the left seat Observer position and was able to fly the aircraft back to the 12th Medivac Pad "Broomstick" style. Can you provide info on Turley or Taylor?
SlideShow:Ray E. Stanton CW2 Cobra Pilot Centaur 57 now has a Slideshow of 84 photos. He is working on the captions. If you spot something you remember in his photos please send a note along with the slide number.
Eudelmer "Skip" Petrie has a new MP using photo from Ray Stanton's Slide Show.
Hugh "Sandy" McLeod has a new MP using photo from Ray Stanton's Slide Show.
War Stories
F Troop Orphans Discussion Page: The ever perplexing issue of what happened to D Troop, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div when it was turned into F Troop, 4th Cav Regiment, remains with us. Don Borey provides a wrapup that you might agree with. While the official paperwork says one thing, logic tells us that they screwed up. Regardless, we remain one band of Cav Brothers, the "Centaurs".
"SCAS was our Copilot": We are gathering stories from Cobra Pilots and Crewmembers that relate to the Cobra's Stability Control Augmentation System. These will become War Stories and linked to from a SCAS Discussion Page. We already have several and an Army trainning movie. Send in yours.
"The 20 Minute Warning Light": We are developing some great stories related to the dreaded 20 minute warning light. Please send your stories and comments so they can be included.
"The Hunter Killer Team Patch": We already have a Discussion page started, but are collecting more stories and photos. This page will be updated periodically in July.
May 26-29, 2022 - After Action Report VHPA 39th Annual Reunion Tampa, FL .Don Borey sends this photo.
Thirteen Centaurs were in attendance. (from Gary Jones)
May 27-28 2022 - After Action Report: The Heroes Honor Festival (w/Toby Keith) Daytona Speedway, Florida .
by Terry Branham: "It was an awesome event. Fantastic music and speakers and overall great environment
Lots of love showed for VN Veterans and I believe it made an impact on the 20,000 of us that were there. I know it did for Mike Holder and I and our wives. We met some vets from 25th ID but no one who specifically had experienced our services. No one from Centaurs that we saw and I had my Centaur hat on the entire time and
Walking around.
October 8-14, 2022 - F/50th-F/75th Unit Reunion (LRRP): Las Vegas. All Centaurs are invited. Contact Alexis Park All Suite Resort at 800-582-2228 or 702-796-3540 and use code FCO75TH to get the $85.04 room rate. Centaur Marshall Huckaby, nominated for the US Army Ranger Hall of Fame, will be there and would like to see you.
November 10-13 - Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion Phoenix, Arizona. See Roster for those already planning to attend. Contact Jim Walt at Huey and Cobra Rides will be available!
Link to the Hotel Reservations updated to:
In addition to the Joe Kline Prints, Centaur Tumblers are to be raffled at the reunion. Two each, F and D Troop. Donated by Don Borey
Swashplate and stars Bouncing Betty are added to the Glossary. Can you think of any terms that should be added? send to
For the CIVO Board of Directors,
Bruce Powell, Moderator of the Centaur Society and Webmaster of
1031 E Highline Drive, Payson, AZ 85541 (Summer)
11875 S Ironwood Drive, Yuma, AZ 85367 (Winter)
Centaur Website Newsletter - June 2022
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: Featured Brothers, News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Reunions,
We are learning just how very important the smallest comments and stories submitted to the InfoSheets of our KIA and Deceased are to their family and loved ones. It is such a simple and kind thing for each of you to think about doing for those men that you remember. Please take a few minutes and look through our KIA and Deceased Rosters for men that you knew. Send in a comment or two that we will add to their page.
Featured Centaur Brothers & Friends
Joe Owen Centaur pilot Feb 68 to Feb 69 and Jerry Headley B Troop Commander, 3/4 Cav Jun 68 to Jun 68 met in combat and established a camaraderie, a bond, that holds strong to this day. Fortunately we got them to tell some of their stories on video at our reunion in Harrisburg, PA in 2016. What a terrific example of the importance of the self contained, self supporting Divisional Cavalry Squadron with their internal ground and air troops. Hope that you will take the time to review their stories again. Owen/Headley Friends; Angel's Wing Battle; and other stories you can find on their MyPages.
In the March 2022 Newsletter (click & scroll down) we posted a photo from Sandy McLeod that showed a bit of the name of the 20 mm Cobra. Turns out it is aircraft #68-17107 "Lady Godiva". Distinguishing features of the A/C are 20mm ammo pods attached to lower part of fuselage on each side. The photo has been added to Centaur Aircraft Photos page and linked to from the Cobra Tail Numbers page.
Also added is a photo of the back seat pilot's console showing the 20mm Control Panel.
In addition to 20mm major component installations, Sandy notes that they also had to attach a strap next to the front seater’s canopy handle. Vibration on that 20mm side of the aircraft when firing would cause the handle to shake loose and possibly canopy would open during firing run. Thus during missions would have to put strap over the handle.
Bob Acker sends this iconic photo of UH-1D 65-09659 during a troop insertion, taken by Jerry Jarvis (Centaur Door Gunner and Unit PIO). It has been added to the Mike Reed and Jerry Jarvis MyPages as an MP.
Remember 659 was one of the An Duc casualties
Dean Smith SP5 OH-23 Crew Chief checks in. He found this Cobra on display at Dixon, Ill. Mike Peake found that this aircraft was not assigned as a Centaur aircraft during the war, but did serve with D Troop, 3/4 Cav at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii from May 1974 to October 1975.
Matthew R. Godec, Curator of the National Museum of the United States Army has contacted us seeking information on our Cobra aircraft 68-15012 "#1 Du Me Mi" and its Crew Chief Robin Haywood. Robin, who lives in the Philipines, has been notified. We would like to have any information you have on this aircraft and the people who flew and maintained it, and so would Mr. Godec. You can talk to him direct, if you wish, at email Please copy
Finding Centaurs & Friends
James T Rodgers CW2 1965-66 has contacted us and will be sending some info so we can create a MyPage for him. He is planning to attend the Centaur Reunion in November in Phoenix.
Dennis Yenser has identified SP4 Durbin as Door Gunner on Slick 436. Jimmy Jacks was Crew Chief. His rough draft MyPage has been updated. Let us know if you remember Durbin.
Kenneth Wiegand with Centaurs Dec70 to May 71 checks in. He is not on our roster.We hope to take care of that. If you remember him please send us an email.
Wayne Cooper checks in and will send us info needed to get him on the roster and do a MyPage. Wayne was at Frank Walkers event in August of 2021. Send us a note if you remember Wayne.
Stephen S. Gromley 1LT Centaur from Feb 72 to Apr 72 checks in with us. Came from the 187th AHC.
Nicholas E. McCollum SP4 Aerorifles Feb 1966 to Aug 1966 sends in his new email address
Larry D. Simpson CPT Flt Opns Off, Gun Plt Ldr, XO Jul70 to Jul71 checks in. Will provide us with more info.
Kenneth Wiegand Milford, OH checks in. He was Centaur 3A Dec 70 to May 71 but for some reason didn't get listed as a Centaur. We will sort that out. Do you remember Ken?
David B. Pritchard SP5 Crew Chief Light Scouts & Hogs May 68 to May 69 now has a MyPage and several MP's thanks to his friend Derrick Sample.
Oscar Thoreson, MAJ D Troop Commander mid 1967: Doug Olsen located a faded photo that we added to Thoresons Deceased MyPage as an MP. Also, one of Frank Delvy's MP's with Thoreson in it was added.
John Whitehead CPT Slick and Gun Platoon Leader, Cobra Pilot, 1968 to 1969: His son Scott called and told us that John had passed away peacefully, surrounded by family on 29 May 2022.
John was piloting the Cobra and firing a rocket in the photo used at the US Army Museum.
See the video of John and Rick Williams at the 2016 3/4 Cav Reunion.
John T. Newton SFC Service Platoon Jan 72 to Jan 73 died 26 March 2022. His page has been converted to a Deceased MyPage, has a linked Info/Obit page, and his name added to the Deceased Roster. If you remember John, please send me some words to add to his Info/Obit page. Any photos?
Lyle David Sutton SP4 Fuel Truck Driver then Door Gunner on the Service Platoon aircraft Stable Boy died 29 March 2022. We don't yet have a photo of Lyle from Nam. Bob Tegelman provided a photo of Lyle and Nick Doiran at the 3/4 Cav Kentucky Reunion. It has been added as an MP to both MyPages.
Randy Lessard SP4 Crew Chief on Maintenance aircraft Stable Boy 1970-71 died back in 1977. A rough draft MyPage has been created for Randy using his photo from the 1970 Yearbook.
John Moore located his obit. His gravestone photo is show as an MP1.
If you remember him, please let us know something about him. He is mentioned in Joe Hoover's Grenade Story.
War Stories
F Troop Orphans Discussion Page: D-F Troop Commander Tom Hamilton 1970-71 presents some detailed information about the transition from D Troop to F Troop.
Lia Khe and the Fence: This new Discussion Page is about the Barbed wire and a Cyclone Fence enclosing the living area of F Troop Base at Lia Khe. Tom Hamilton, Carl Betsill, Jim Hoag, Don Borey and Frank Dillon recall the memories of that fence.. This Discussion Page is linked to from the Discussion Page Section and from each man's MyPage.
Maybe you have a story to add.
Snake Driver War Story Essay by Tom Meeks CW2 Cobra Gun Pilot Oct 67 to Oct 68. Tom took an incountry transition from UH-1C Gunships to Cobras and was one of the first pilots to fly Cobras in the 25th Infantry Division.
Unpinned Hand Grenade - 1971: Joe Hoover tells of a terrible accident where a fragmentation hand grenade with no pin was pulled from a cannister and exploded.
The incident was late Jan early Feb 71 with the Wolfhounds. Anyone remember it? Do you remember when the notice came out to carefully check cannisters?
Story added to Joe's MyPage and linked to from the War Stories Essay page.
We are putting together a Discussion Page for stories related to the Cobra SCAS (Stability Augmentation Sustem). Please send in your experiences with this system.
October 8-14, 2022 - F/50th-F/75th Unit Reunion (LRRP): Las Vegas. All Centaurs are invited. Contact Alexis Park All Suite Resort at 800-582-2228 or 702-796-3540 and use code FCO75TH to get the $85.04 room rate. Centaur Marshall Huckaby, nominated for the US Army Ranger Hall of Fame, will be there and would like to see you.
November 10-13 - Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion Phoenix, Arizona. See Roster for those already signed up. Contact Jim Walt at Huey and Cobra Rides will be available!
Check out the Attendee Roster! You need to be there!
Centaur Website Newsletter - May 2022
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: Featured Brothers, News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Reunions, Glossary
NOTICE 1:...Please be sure to let us know if you change your email address!!
NOTICE 2:...Are you helping your fellow Centaurs? Review our website in detail. Add what you can to help us honor every man. Photos, stories, and corrections that you might find. Aske them if they are getting the monthly newsletter. Thank you.
NOTICE 3:....Help us if you can with the Nov 2022 Centaur Reunion. It is nearly impossible to negotiate with restaurant and hotels for good deals if we can't have a good guess at the number of folks planning to attend. Sent an email to the host Jim Walt.
We continue to move forward with the planning on the reunion.We’ve arranged special rates at the Home2 Suite by Hilton – Mesa Longbow Hotel - $122 plus tax per night, good Nov 8 - Nov 16. Two queen beds or single king. Rate includes a full kitchen, free laundry, free buffet breakfast, free parking, and free WiFi. There will be a dedicated Centaur room, as well as inside and outside spaces for get-aways or get-togethers.
We will be providing Registration Form with a Questionnaire and tentative agenda in a separate email to all on the Centaur Newsletter mailing list in May. Some highlights for the reunion include: marching in the Mesa Veteran’s Day Parade with the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation aircraft; a banquet at the Longbow Golf Resort; visit to the Commemorative Air Force Museum; visit to the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation (including opportunity to go for rides in a Huey [$100] and Cobra [$600]); photo opportunities in a Cobra, OH-6, Huey, and TH-55; raffle of four Joe Kline posters customized with Centaur logo; and much more.
Watch for the Reunion Email coming in the next couple of weeks.
Featured Centaur Brothers
John "Willi" Wiliams and Walter L. Buford Reunite at the Nashville, TN - 2012 3/4 Cav Reunion
From Bruce Powell: It was a very busy and productive day in the Video Room at the Nashville, Tennesse 3/4 Cav Reunion in 2012. Rick Arthur was assisting me shooting many video interviews. Willi was having a great day finding old friends and was getting ready to do his video interviews. He had captured a VC Flag on a mission in Nam and would be presenting it to the Squadron Commander later at our dinner function. Walter walked in, introduced himself and was talking to me about what we were doing, when he and Willi made eye contact. They both erupted with joy and embraced. They were hootchmates in Nam. It didn't take much to get them to do a dual interview. Click Here. This is really what reunions are all about.
Be sure to watch Willi's videos Capturing the Flag, Willi with Terry Vaughn, & Flag Presentation with Dale Dow. Willi passed on the following year (11 March 2013).
Rick and I were nearly moved to tears when we recorded Walter's heartwarming story of his PTSD recovery. See his InfoSheet.
Do you have a similiar experience? Please tell us the story. email
Army Aviation Hall of Fame Ceremony & Tribute to the OH-6 Loach
From Rex Gooch Event Planner and Moderator:
On April 15, 2022, at MD Helicopters in Mesa, AZ, Randy Baisden was one of several honored guests at a special Army Aviation Hall of Fame (AAAA) ceremony. Randy had been awarded the Silver Star for his actions in the rescue of six U.S. Marines during Lam Son II. Frank Walker, John Mackey, Tom Dooling and Alan Zygowicz were in attendance. Learn more about AAAA click here.
The highlight of this event was the presentation of the Army Aviation Hall of Fame Award to LTC Ace Cozzalio’s family. Cozzalio received the Distinguished Service Cross for flying an OH-6 helicopter to destroy a fortified enemy machine gun bunker that held an Infantry Company of 90 Soldiers pinned down for over two hours.
There were over 60 attendees at the ceremony, many who flew or crewed the OH-6 Loach in Vietnam. Those honored:
- CSM Tod Glidewell - Chairman of the Army Aviation Hall of Fame
- CPT James Stein - Army Aviation Hall of Fame Class of 2021, Loach pilot, 7th Squadron of the 17th Cavalry Regiment,
- Randy Baisden - Crew chief/Gunner for F-4 Air Cavalry, the Centaurs, recipient of Silver Star in Lam Son II, 1972
- Albert Gulliver - Infantry Soldier with Charlie Company, 5th of the 60th Infantry (The Charlie Rangers) who fought in the Battle of Phu My on January 25, 1969.
- John Blehm - Cavalry Sergeant who served with 1st of the 5th Cavalry in Vietnam. Author of Angel of Death: True Story of a Vietnam Vet's War Experience and His Battle to Overcome PTSD
The event was also a tribute to the OH-6 scout helicopter. Two Vietnam-era totally restored Loaches were on display during the event, one flown in from Little Bird, LLC in Santa Teresa, New Mexico and the other from the Arizona Army Aviation Heritage Foundation. Both aircraft were on display next to the podium.
MD Helicopters graciously hosted this event in one of their hangars at Falcon Field Airport and showcased the MD-500E and MD-530F helicopters on the tarmac outside the hangar.
Two videos were shown during the event. You can view the videos by clicking the links below. Watch closely on the OH-6 Vietnam Legacy video to see several Centaur photos provided by Brian Harrison.
It was an honor to have the Centaurs join our event. OH-6 Tribute Video and Ace Cozzalio Trubute Video.
- Rex
Fly in the original OH-6A LOH again! The owner of Little Bird LLC, Harland Beuden, extends the offer of a free OH-6A flight at his facility near El Paso, TX to all Centaur LOH pilots and crewmembers. Facebook Info.
Contact him in advance - 915-525-8797 or
Little Bird LLC is the manifestation of one man’s love of this breed of aircraft. That man is Harland Beuden—you may have heard of him as “Pilot X” from several Article 15 Clothing & Mat Best videos—has been a pilot his entire adult life. When other kids were worried about learning to drive and getting a car, Harland was working on all his pilot's licenses. Harland grew up around pilots as the Vietnam War was winding down, and learned his skills from seasoned former members of Air America.
3/4 Cav Reunion After Action Report from April 2022:
From Larry & Linda Richardson: We had a great time. Kudos to everyone who put it together. Hope we all make the next one.
From Tom Fleming: We had a successful reunion. The location and accommodations were excellent. The tours selected were well attended. The tour of the museum was overwhelming. The common comment was that there was to much of interest to see, too little time to see it and not enough energy to take it all in.
(I talked to Peter Wells Docent at the museum about the plaque with our Cobra. He told me the work order to correct the faulty information has been submitted and is in the queue for correction.)
I give cudoes to Jim Walt for his presentation on the Centaur Vets Reunion this fall. I worked his presentation into the Chapter Meeting.
The tour of the Wall & tour of monuments was well received & very emotional experience for many.
LTG Schultz was the guest speaker. He is a soldiers soldier & currently President of The Army Historical Foundation.
My family sat at the head table with him. He is an engaging person..
I am saddened by the loss of so many of our membership. The paucity of D 3/4 , F/4th Cav and LRRP members attending this reunion is sad. I talked to all that I could.
From James Kreil: Everything went well. As far as I know there were no problems. D troop was represented by Jim Walt, myself and Moose. We met two F troopers. Each day at meals we introduced ourselves and made a lot of friends. The tours were nice; the Army Museum was beautiful but a lot to take in. A lot of staff available to answer questions. Several I spoke to had fathers or relatives that were in Vietnam. I was stunned by the amount of men we lost since last reunion 142? I was stunned when I saw Tim Fegette had past; I must have missed it. I have my own health problems. I have been declared 90 percent disabled. The joke was we are all deaf so ask your wife what I said and don't shout. I dont know why I spell Deaf and it keeps coming out dead. Anyway I had a good time and Saturday night dinner and ceremonies were good. Sunday breakfast then we said our good byes and home.
From Ken Hundt: The reunion was a blast. Had a very good time. So did my wife.
From Jim Walt: Good time in DC. Not nearly as many D or F troopers there as normal. Jim Kriel, Stan Allen, Ken Hundt, and Moose Marcinkowski, a few of them. Over 140 of us passed between last meeting in 2018 and this one.
I did get a chance at the business meeting to present info and handout sheet on our Centaur Event next November. Invited everyone to come.
Bob "Bingo" Bingham Treasurer & OM for 3/4 Cav, offered us this picture (below) to auction off at your event.
Michael Peake says "AH-1G Cobra #68-17107 “Lady Godiva” was the first Centaur aircraft mounted with the M35 20mm cannon on the left wing with D and F Troop. The second was AH-1G 69-16439 that served with F Troop until we turned out the lights in 1973.".
Bob Acker sends photos of UH-1D 65-09659 destroyed during the An Duc Extractions Nov 1968. Michael Peake adds this information to that aircraft's listing on the UH-1D Tail Number Discussion page. Dale Dow’s Centaur Aircraft 66-73 Excel Database #2 shows UH-1D 65-09659 Destroyed, loss to inventory-4 November 68. One of four aircraft damaged/destroyed during the An Duc Extraction on November 4, 1968. Military Aircraft Serial Numbers—1908 to Present for 1965 shows: Bell UH-1D Iroquois 65-09659 written off November 11, 1968.
Michael Peake updates the Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Discussion page. Please review and send Mike comments and photos to help with his research and to better update this page.
Air America, CIA, others: Some Centaurs were involved in supporting operations for these folks. Let's hear them. It is part of our history and needs to be told.
On 25 June 1962 Company A, 303rd Army Security Agency Battalion was activated at Fort Carson Colorado. It was reorganized and redesignated as the 372nd Army Security Agency Company on 15 October 1966. The 372nd was a radio research company supporting the 25th Division in intercepting enemy communications and locating enemy units. The 372nd participated in twelve Vietnam campaigns receiving five Meritorious Unit Commendations and four Republic of Vietnam awards. The company was inactivated in Vietnam on 6 March 1971.
Do you remember doing anything with these fellows at Cu Chi?
F Troop Orphans: This discussion page has been updated for your review. We show 114 Centaurs on our Roster that were in D Troop when it was converted to F Troop, 4th Regiment. We would love to hear what you recall about that event.
Jim Hoag is donating a UH-1 Test Flight Manual (TM 55-1500-219-MTF) (Feb 1979) to the Gillespie Field restoration guys, for UH-1 494. Our San Diego Centaur Representative Richard Stegner will present it to them.
Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm: Answers for questions about the award have been added to the website under Help/Answers section.
Dave Sale, Centaur Friend, is featured in a new Commerative Air Force Museum Video on YouTube. Good information on flying the UH-1C model "Hog" and on visiting the Museum. His interview is the first 16 minutes.
Dave also lets us know that there is a SCAM going on targeting the VHPA Membership. They are asking us to buy and donate gift cards for people in the Ukraine. This is totally a scam. Please ignore if you receive such a request.
Edward P. "Ed" Shanahan, CPT OH-6A Pilot 1970-1971 CENTAUR 11— added to Centaur Call Signs page.
Seeking Easter Offensive Information (Mar - Oct 1972):
Matt Jackson, Vietnam Book Author, is researching material to write his fourth book in the Undaunted Valor series. This will be Undaunted Valor, Easter Offensive. Although written as a novel, he will attempt to use actual events and present them in the order they occur with real people and dialogue being what was said or would have been said under the circumstances. Ken Mick (Deceased) has already provided detailed information from his experiences.
If you can provide information or wish to be interviewed, please contact Matt at Mailing address is Matt Jackson, P.O.Box 1653, Ruskin, Florida 33575. Matt will provide recognition for those who participate and will credit our Centaur Legacy Website.
Bill Comeau A/2/12, 3rd Brigade, 4th ID, book author of "Duel with the Dragon" (will be out soon).
Thanks to to all who contributed to the story that culminates at the Battle of Suoi Tre. Without your working with me to get the story told from different vantage points, it would have been impossible to tell our story. Thank you. I am particularly in debt to the Mechanized and Armor veterans of the battle (2/22nd Mechanized and 2/34th Armor) and the FAC, Bob Staib, (7th Air Force) and chopper pilots (Centaurs, D Troop (Air), 3rd Squadron 4th Cavalry 25th Div and the Thunderbirds, 118th Assault Helicopter Company) who patiently explained their participation in our victory on that marshland field in War Zone C. That victory was truly a team effort."
Finding Centaurs & Friends
Hubert H. McMinn CPT Pilot 1971 from Waller, TX has his MyPage updated with a current photo provided by John Moore. We are not yet in contact with him. Facebook?
Edward P. "Ed" Shanahan CPT Scout Pilot 1970-71 Centaur 11. His last known location was Haleiwa, HI. Still searching for him.
Thomas H. Habbick 1LT Scout Pilot 1970-71 has his MyPage updated with a current photo provided by John Moore. We are not yet in contact with him
Stanley H. Miller CPT Scout Pilot from Alpharetta, CA
Unable to contact him
Durbin (no first name) SP4 Crew Chief on UH-1H Slicks. He was recognized by Dennis Yenser in a group Yearbook photo standing next to Ron Welsh.
He had been erroneously listed on our roster as Durkin. That has been corrected.
Michael J. Reed SP5 now has an MP2 with photo from Bob Acker. Was he a door gunner or crew chief? Let us know if you find him.
Larry E. Bruce WO1 D Troop 1968-69 died 25 Sep 2006 from agent orange related cancer. We have posted an InfoSheet Obit for him based on information from the VHPA. If you rememeber Larry please go through your files and get on your laptop to see if you can find any photos of him from his NAM tour with the Centaurs. Also check out the War Story Cobra Saves Downed LOH Teammates - 3 Nov 69 that features him, William Malinovinski, Tom Sinclair, Wayne White, and Charles Vierra,
Other update notes:
Bob Acker photo added to his MP's.
Ron Holmes comments added to F Troop Orphans discussion page. -
Joe Hoover creates InfoSheet for Don "Goose" Gerwe. Bill Boyd LRRP sends an updated email address.
War Story Cobra Saves Downed LOH Teammates - 3 Nov 69 added to William Malinovinski's MyPage.
These men are not responding to emails or phone calls. If you are in contact with any of them please ask them to respond to
....CW2 Larry M. Dau LOH Pilot 1970-71
....WO Larry J. Kastanek Feb 70-71 Gunpilot D/F
....CPT Dennis Yenser 1970-71 Slick Plt Leader
James "Jim" Kirker Cobra Crew Chief 1969-70 checks in and updates his hometown, his rank then (SP5) and his InfoSheet.
Received earlier from John Brennan, Nose Art Books Author: "You posed a question in the March 2022 Centaur Newsletter regarding a photo of an AH-1G showing the last two letters of a painted word featured on the doghouse. I believe the full name might be "LADY GODIVA", 68-17107, maintained by Jim Kirker CE."
Allen KC Allcock slide show photo 47 made into MP and add to these MyPages: Allcock, Bill Wilson, Jim Kirker, Garnet Holcomb and Johnny Rhymes.
Bill Holmes SP5 Cobra Crew Chief of aircraft 68-15189 "Wretched Mildred" 1970, now has a draft MyPage using photo #57 from KC Allcocks Slideshow
Albert "Vic" Vickers SSG Medical Detachment NCOIC. Randy Love found out that Vic had passed away 27 February 2021. His page has been changed to Deceased and his obituary added to his InfoSheet.
Still seeking his exact tour dates
Terrance "Terry" O'Connell, 1LT Aerorifle Platoon Leader (deceased) Oct 69 to Jan 70, has his tour of duty dates corrected.
Close friend Danny Jamison submitted a DSC upgrade to Medal of Honor for Terry O’Connell. Unfortunately the upgrade was denied. Danny was pissed, but Terry laughed it off. It is sad that our nation could overlook his tremendous act of self-sacrifice. see DSC award
War Stories
Dave Ripley, Scout Pilot, ACT 11ACR and D Troop 229 adds to our article “The History of Wargasm LOH 795” and explains how the name "Wargasm" came about.
Go to the War Story Discussion The History of Wargasm and click on Dave Ripley Update 22 Apr 2022.
Supporting Air America: Eric Brethen LOH Scout pilot May 69 - Dec 70 remembers this very different mission. He was very surprised to see an unarmed Huey with pilots in white short sleeved shirts, ties and using civilian headsets. Read the story
Butcher Mission - Triple Deuce (2/22nd): Eric Brethen found that sometimes you hesitate to follow orders that don't seem right. Also learned how to keep a pig in your hootch.
Landing Light Story - Allen KC Allcock tells how a modified landing light causes some pain and misery for Bill Holmes
May 5-8, 2022 - Florida's 34th Annual All Veterans Reunion. The Nation's Largest Veterans Reunion. Note that the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall will be on display May 1st to 8th, 2022.
The Friends of Army Aviation (from Ozark, AL near Ft Rucker) will be providing helicopter rides.
May 26-29, 2022 - The VHPA 39th ANNUAL REUNION ~ TAMPA, FL -.
May 27-28, 2022 - Heroes Honor Festival (w/Toby Keith) Datona Speedway, Dayton Beach, Florida. Free to Military Veterans and their spouses. Terry Branham reminds us. He, Mike Holder and their wives plan to attend.
Daytona Beach is a city on Florida’s Atlantic coast. It’s known for Daytona International Speedway, which hosts February’s iconic Daytona 500 NASCAR race. The beach has hard-packed sand where driving is permitted in designated areas. Near the boardwalk’s rides and arcades, Daytona Beach Bandshell stages free summer concerts. Steps from the beach, Daytona Lagoon water park offers go-karts, laser tag and waterslides
October 8-14, 2022 - F/50th-F/75th Unit Reunion (LRRP): Las Vegas. All Centaurs are invited. Contact Alexis Park All Suite Resort at 800-582-2228 or 702-796-3540 and use code FCO75TH to get the $85.04 room rate. Centaur Marshall Huckaby, nominated for the US Army Ranger Hall of Fame, will be there and would like to see you.
November 10-13 - Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion Phoenix, Arizona. See Roster for those already signed up. Contact Jim Walt at Huey and Cobra Rides will be available!
Terms Added to the Glossary: MOC, MTF, Spook, APU
Centaur Website Newsletter - April 2022
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos. Updated 19:00hrs 1Apr2022
Featured Brothers,
Help Find,
War Stories/PhotoAlbum/Audio,
Reunions, Decals, Glossary,
NOTICE 1:....please tell all your friends to make sure that the Webmaster email address ( is in their Contacts folder so Browse filters will not move it to their Spam folder.
NOTICE 2:.. .you can now click on most photos and go directly to that photo on the website.
If you recognize anybody in a photo, that is not identified, PLEASE email the webmaster.
NOTICE 3:....Help us if you can with the Nov 2022 Centaur Vets Day Reunion. It is nearly impossible to negotiate with restaurant and hotels for good deals if we can't have a good guess at the number of folks planning to attend. Sent an email to the host Jim Walt.
Featured Centaur Brothers
Herb Beasley and Bob Tegelman helped to start the original Centaur Society. They served together in combat as Aeroriflemen. Herb was part of the famous Shotgun Program in Hawaii, Operation Shotgun, and soon moved to be a Door Gunner in the Aerorifle Platoon. Be sure to watch the "Red Ants" story where at the end Herb tells how he and Bob got back together in the States and have remained very close friends ever since.
Do you have a similiar experience? Please tell us the story. email
In front of a Bell UH-1V (formerly Centaur UH-1H 67-19494) are Tony Beres (Curator SD Air & Space Museum), Richard Stegner (Centaur Crew Chief), Bruce Powell (CIVO Webmaster) and wife Sharon. It is being restored at the Gillespie Field Annex in El Cajon, CA. The tail boom, short shaft and engine have been recently installed.
On behalf of CIVO, Bruce and Sharon presented Tony with a UH-1D/H Operator's Manual (-10 dated 1969) and Maintenance Manual (-20). We will try to find a -35 for them, and possibly help recruit veterans to volunteer with the restoration.
Photos of 494 in Vietnam: Jack Nemeyer took the photo on the left below from his aircraft 224. Fred Reese designed and installed a twin M60 Machine Gun setup and experimented with it on UH-1H 67-19494.
Item corrected/updated 18:00hrs 1Apr2022 by Bob Acker
Back in the 1968 timeframe, Mike Reed crewed this Slick UH-1D #65-09659 that had twin M60's on both sides using fixed mounts. In 1971 Fred Reese used a bongie cord to secure his weapons on 494. Sal Tornello and PJ Jones (Crew Chief) were from aircraft UH-1D 65-09661.
Don Borey CPT Cobra Pilot 1971-72 is featured in a news article from the Observer-Dispatch (NY) 11 Nov 2020 where he is reunited with his Vietnam Cobra aircraft #68-15110. It was an old Blue Max aircraft that they named it "Centaur Max".
Smithsonian Air and Space Muesum (Dulles): It is very gratifying to know that another great Muesum has chosen to show a photo of a Centaur Cobra. Tom Dooling visited and took this photo. Looks like it might have been taken on the 725th Maintenance Pad.
If you know Forrest Snyder (guy that provided the photo to the museum) please try to get him in contact with our webmaster
No Masks Required: David Cox sends us a note: According to a Facebook post by museum docent Pete Wells, the new US Army Museum is no longer requiring facemasks when visiting. It will make our tour a lot more comfortable (3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion).
SEEKING Easter Offensive Information (Mar - Oct 1972):
Matt Jackson, Vietnam Book Author, is researching material to write his fourth book in the Undaunted Valor series. This will be Undaunted Valor, Easter Offensive. Although written as a novel, he will attempt to use actual events and present them in the order they occur with real people and dialogue being what was said or would have been said under the circumstances. Ken Mick has already provided detailed information from his experiences.
If you can provide information or wish to be interviewed, please contact Matt at Mailing address is Matt Jackson, P.O.Box 1653, Ruskin, Florida 33575. Matt will provide recognition for those who participate and will credit our Centaur Legacy Website.
Added/updated 19:00hrs 1Apr2022 by Bill Comeau A 2/12th Historian:
I inserted Stenehjem's story of LZ Gold in my book. In his speech, he mentions a Chinook flight to LZ GOLD to bring artillery ammunition to the defenders of GOLD. I heard that there were three different chinook flights to rearm the artillerymen at the fire base.I thought that was an amazingly brave action. Chinooks are very big and made a large target for the hundreds of VC attacking the base. I would love to give credit to those men who delivered that ammunition in those huge aircrafts. Any idea who they were? contact Bill at
Finding Centaurs & Friends
You can help out! Check with your Centaur contacts to make sure they are recieving the monthly newsletter. We have found some who have not. Turns out that in some cases we have been sending it to an old email address. Please provide us with an updated address and let people know to enter into their Contacts file to help avoid browser filters from sending it to Spam.
VHPA Aviator Magazine: Editor Tom Kirk has decided to help us in our search for lost Centaurs by placing the full page ad (below) in the front pages of the next issue of his magazine with no additional surcharge. We may run a second ad in the issue that comes out just before our Centaur Reunion in November. If you have ideas/sugestions for that ad please send them to our Marketing Manager Nick LaRich
Joe Hoover has identified most of the names for this Yearbook Photo below. It has been added to each man's MyPage as an MP. Can you identify the missing four names?
Photo of F Troop Medical Detachment 1971 Below. Help us identify the unknown men in the photo below. Also need Vickers and Nixon first names. Update from Randy Love: #3 is Andy Birdsong. Who sent in this photo?
Who is this? Photo is taken from Marty Jenkins Photo Album image #9. Marty recalls that he was the Maintenance Officer in 1969.
William J. Boyd PFC LRRP with the Centaurs. Retired as a First Sergeant. Our email address for him no longer works. We did find this article on line about him. If you have contact with him, let us know
Gary W. Harper PFC LRRP now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Bill Boyd's Photo Album. We would like to find him.
SSG "Vic" Vickers NCOIC of the Medical Detachment 1971 - 72 now has a draft MyPage and InfoSheet. CPT Joel Andres was the Flight Surgeon. SP5 Randy "Doc" Love worked with him. What was his first name?
Steven C. "Steve" Lund CPT Cobra Pilot, Co E 725th Maint Bn (Opcon to Centaurs) 1969 has checked in. We now have a draft MyPage, with three MP's and an InfoSheet for him. That is Cobra 67-15554 "Warlord" in the background.
Cobra Tail Numbers page has been updated with Lund's info and linked back to his MyPage
Thomas "Tom" Broadbent CW2 Scout Pilot 1971-72 has corrections to his MyPage and InfoSheet
Hubert McMinn CPT 1971 Cobra Pilot: Don Borey has identified McMinn in the McLeod photo standing next to Lee Cranney. Hubert was the Supply Officer for F Troop and Don's hootchmate.
This photo has been added to McMinn''s MyPage
We are not in contact with McMinn.
Richard Stegner SSG Door Gunner Slicks & Aerorifles 1965 to 1968: His MyPage is updated with a current photo. Richard is currently scanning in a bunch of 35mm slides to eventually add to his Photo Album.
Edward P. "Ed" Shanahan CPT Scout Pilot 1970 - 1971 Centaur 11 has a new draft MyPage using a photo from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album.
Ed is listed as living in Haleiwa, Hawaii, but we do not have contact with him. Can you help us get in contact?
Thomas H. "Tom" Habbick 1LT Scout Pilot 1970-1971 has a new draft MyPage using a photo from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album.
Tom may own a business in Santa Rosa but we have not been able to contact him. Can you help us get in contact?
Bruce W. Sikkema CW2 Cobra Pilot Centaur 51 1969 - 1971 has a photo from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album added to his MyPage as an MP3.
Randall N. "Randy" Love SP5 Medic 1971 is in contact and now has a rough draft MyPage.
Melvin W. Locke Jr CPT Cobra Pilot 1971 has a new draft MyPage using a photo from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album.
Donald E Gerwe CW2 Service Platoon Pilot (Deceased) has his MyPage upgraded using a photo from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album, which is also used as an MP1.
Alvin "Al" Nixon SSG 1967-68 & 69-70 died 8 March 2022. Al was an original member of the Centaur Society and contributed greatly to our Legacy Website. Thanks to Bob Tegelman and Herb Beasley for letting us know.
Notes from Al's obituary have been added to his MyPage as an Info/Obit page. Click here to see his online obit.
Send your comments about Al to
Roger D. "RD" Clark SP5 Motor Pool Sergeant 1967-68 died 15 March 2020. He now has a deceased MyPage and InfoObit Sheet. Thanks to "RD's" friend Bob Acker for letting us know. We would like to find a better Nam photo of him. Hope some of you Motor Pool guys will check in.
Francis X. "Frank" Delvy CPT Gun Pilot/Operations Officer April 1966 to September 1967, who died 22 January 2009, has his MyPage and InfoObit sheet updated with some corrections. If you are looking for a John Wayne of the Korean & Vietnam wars, it was Frank. Eight Purple Hearts.
Ernest Paul Bartnik PFC OH-23G Door Gunner who died 27 March 1970 has a new deceased MyPage. The wrong photo of him had been used and is now corrected. Paul was a true hero when he was filling in as a Hog Door Gunner on 21 Feb 1968. He was in A Troop before coming to the Centaurs. We have not been able to find a NAM photo of him.
War Stories/PhotoAlbum/Audio
Mini-Cav Story -1970: by Tom "Sam" Dooling CW2 LOH Scout & Cobra Pilot Jan69 - Aug70. This very popular team was in great demand yet sometimes misused. In the early days before the Cobra and LOH, we called this mission an Eagle Flight using two UH-1C model guns (Hog and Scout) and a UH-1D with troops. Did we use one or two Slicks then? Remember? Tell us more MiniCav & Eagle Flight stories!
Also see Thunder Magazine article "Mini-Cav", Mini-Cav Brings Maxi-Smoke of Foe & Mini Cav: A Real Life 'Dirty Dozen'.
April 15, 2022 (Friday) - This is a delayed special event to honor Allen "Ace" Cozzalio (D Trp, 3/5th Cav - deceased) who was originally to be inducted into the Army Aviation Hall of Fame in 2020. Covid has delayed the ceremony until now. It will also be a tribute to the OH-6 Loach. Hosted by MD Helicopters at MD Facility on Falcon Field, 4555 E. McDowell Road, Mesa, Arizona. Centaur Randy Baisden will be a guest of honor. For more information contact Rex Gooch, Event Coordinator, <>
April 20-24, 2022 - 3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion - Washington, DC -. See roster of those already signed up. See the 3/4 Cav Spring 2022 newsletter
May 5-8, 2022 - Florida's 34th Annual All Veterans Reunion. The Nation's Largest Veterans Reunion. Note that the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall will be on display May 1st to 8th, 2022.
The Friends of Army Aviation (from Ozark, AL near Ft Rucker) will be providing helicopter rides.
May 26-29, 2022 - The VHPA 39th ANNUAL REUNION ~ TAMPA, FL -.
May 27-28, 2022 - Heroes Honor Festival (w/Toby Keith) Daytona Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida. Free to Military Veterans and their spouses. Terry Branham reminds us. He, Mike Holder and their wives plan to attend.
Daytona Beach is a city on Florida’s Atlantic coast. It’s known for Daytona International Speedway, which hosts February’s iconic Daytona 500 NASCAR race. The beach has hard-packed sand where driving is permitted in designated areas. Near the boardwalk’s rides and arcades, Daytona Beach Bandshell stages free summer concerts. Steps from the beach, Daytona Lagoon water park offers go-karts, laser tag and waterslides
November 10-13 - Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion Phoenix (Mesa), Arizona. See Roster for those already signed up
Vehicle Decals
reprint from Jan 2021
Cobra Vehicle Decals: Tom Dooling took the photo of Wretched Mildred Cobra and had it made into a decal for his pickup. The one in the photo is 18” across. The company that makes them is Military Decals & Sticker (https:/ ). Type “cobra” in the search box and it will take you to the decal. It comes in four different sizes. The one on Tom’s truck is over a year old and is holding up really well - even in the Phoenix heat.
Website Tips
Go FULL SCREEN with your Centaur Movies! When you get to a website page that has a Centaur movie, click on the video window to activate it, then look in the lower right corner (might be upper right in some browsers) for a square button that may look something like one of these icons:
Click on it. Click on it again to return or simply hit the ESC key on you keyboard.
Terms add to the Glossary:Rucksack, RON, GP, Trail Watcher, Operation Shotgun
CIVO Website Newsletter - March 2022
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: Featured Brothers, News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories/PhotoAlbum/Audio, Glossary
Note that you can now click on most photos and go directly to that photo on the website.
If you recognize anybody in a photo, that is not identified, PLEASE email the webmaster
Featured Centaur Brothers
We share our continued fascination with our many Centaur Brothers who credit their "life's training" and their lifelong friendships, to their tour with our great combat unit. 1LT Terry Branham, Cobra Pilot, and CW2 Mike Holder, LOH Pilot, flew as a Hunter Killer Team for nearly 200 missions. To this day their bond is stronger than blood.
Here is their story: Vietnam War Battle Buddies Reunite After 47 Years. It is listed on our War Stories Essay page and linked to from both Terry and Mike's MyPages.
Terry Branham's InfoSheet has been updated.
Also see Holder Wounded - Shot Down, and Branham Interview 2018
Do you have a similiar experience? Please tell us the story. email
Calling all Scouts and supporting aircraft crewmembers! You have seen the number of books and videos that are now flooding the market concerning telling the stories of the Vietnam War (or the American War as the Vietnamese call it). There is a genuine high interest now. This is such a good time for us to double our efforts to find and honor our many missing Centaur Brothers. Also to get some of the hesitant ones to stand up and be counted.
Tom Fleming sent in the YouTube Video "Low Level History - Meet the Aero Scouts of Vietnam". We hope you will take the time to review it and ask yourself how you would answer some of the questions asked. Take some notes and create an outline for your video interview at the Centaur Reunion in November. Let history see our faces, hear our voices and know the real facts from the men that were there. You can do these videos on your own and send them in. Email Bruce Powell and get some help. Click on the small logos in photo above for more information,
We found it interesting that our OH-23G scout birds were not mentioned. An email was sent to the narrator and others, telling them about how our Air Cav Scouting really got started. (1966-68)
Gary Worthy Scout Pilot 11th ACR 1968 (in the video interview above) has joined our Newsletter.
Email from Koleta Thompson (wife of Jim Thompson Centaur Maintenance Officer 1966-67 (decesed 6 Oct 2006):
"Just stumbled on this site. Great information. Blessings to all. Thanks to all who served and those who were left at home as surviving spouses. Welcome Home! Thank you all, each of you, for your service."
Koleta Thompson, surviving spouse of Colonel (ret) deceased James Burton Thompson. Jim was buried in San Antonio, TX
"PS - I gave all his military items to the Army Transportation Museum, Ft. Eustis, VA. He was buried in his dress blues that he bought in 1958. While not active in the Centaur organization, he was a member pf Daedelines, MOAA, and others. He was very proud of his Army career and especially the aircraft he flew and maintained.
If any Centaurs run by Ft Hood, TX let me know. I might be able to find the coffee pot. Cheers. mkt"
If you would like to contact Koleta please send your email to
Take a look at this Cobra from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album. (#13).Looks like it has a name painted on the conning tower that ends in an "A"; maybe a "VA". Can you identify it?
John Jones the Vietnam Patch Collector has a change of email address to
"Jones, John" <>
Finding Centaurs & Friends
SSG Robert Love Crew Chief of Cobra #67-15776 (69-70?) has been added to the Centaur Roster. We found a photo of him in the 1970 Yearbook. Wayne Hooper remembers him well. See story. If you remember anything about him please email the webmaster at
The Robert Love story is linked to from Wayne Hooper's MyPage
Randy Jones CW2 (retired CW5) Cobra Pilot - MyPage is updated. His very impressive biography had been hidden at the bottom of his InfoSheet until now.
Thanks to Sandy McLeod it has been linked to, directly from his MyPage and from the top of his InfoSheet.
Group shot photo by Sandy McCloud has been posted to each identified man's MyPage as an MP. Can you identify those not known? Unknown, Mel Locke, Farris “Cess” Poole, Tom Habbick, Unknown, Lee Cranney
Click on the photo to enlarge. Help us with the names.
Jimmy Jacks SP4 Crew Chief Aerorifles 1970-71 now has an InfoSheet.
Stanley H. "Stan" Miller Pilot CPT 1970 - 1971 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album.
We have been unable to contact Stan so far.
Allen "KC" Allcock updates his MP3 photo telling about the "Cigars". Everyone in the photo is having a cigar provided by Tom Boettcher the proud new father. This MP is also linked to from each man's page. Click the small white arrows in the lower right of each MyPage.
This photo comes from KC's SlideShow #AA-79, where more details are mentioned. scroll down the Index of Photos
Calvin E. Williams SGT Service Platoon & Crew Chief in the Aerorifle Platoon: Allen "KC" Allcock provides more information on him from when Calvin was in KC's Maintenance Section. See Calvin's InfoSheet.
We have not been in contact with him.
Bob Tegelman SP4 Aerorifleman April 1965 to November 1966: Bob got married last November to Lu. His MyPage has been upgraded to show that, and to let people know they snowbird in Sarasota, Fl from November through April. Bob is one of the original Centaur Society Members who is continually seeking and providing information for our Legacy Website. Hope you will take some time to review his many videos and other great website input.
Larry Dau CW2 Scout Pilot Centaur 14 1970 - 1971 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Sandy McLeod's Photo Album.
Larry is now in contact with us and will be sending more information.
Steven Leroy "Bouncer" Morey PVT LRRP now has a Deceased MyPage thanks to Marshall Huckaby.
Do you remember "Bouncer"?
Steven Van Rie SP4 Crew Chief for Stable Boy (Maint Aircraft) Feb to Aug 1969 who died 23 Jan 2021: Allen "KC" Allcock provides more information on him added to Steve's Info/Obit page.
James Sapwell SP5 Slick Crew Chief deceased 10 Dec 2020: Allen "KC" Allcock provides more information on him added to his Info/Obit page.
Thomas H. Kennedy CW2 Asstistant Maintenance Officer 1971-72: Harlan Sparrow tells us that Tom died on 1 February 2022. His name has been added to the Memoriam section.
Patrick J. "Pat" Bilyk CW2 LOH Scout Pilot 1967-68 died 4 August 2020: His nephew, Joe Bilyk, tells us that Pat will have his memorial service at 2pm on May 6th at Arlington Virginia National Cemetery, with full Honors. His friend, Dennis Bartash, that he flew Cobras with in the 7/17 in Vietnam, is trying to make it. He lives in Santa Clarita, CA . An MP of Pat flying Cobras has been added. Joe adds text to Pat's InfoSheet
If you remember Pat and have comments, or would like to contact his nephew Joe, please send an email to the Webmaster at
War Stories/PhotoAlbum/Audio
Combat Audio Recording: 1LT Hugh Sandy McCloud Cobra Pilot Jul 1970 to Jun 1971 has provided a 43 minute audio recording taken during a Dust Off and Fire Support mission on 8 March 1971, near Xuan Loc. Involved in the mission were Randy Jones, Ed Wolfe, Marty Sullivan, Mel Locke, and Terry Bleed.
We are looking for someone to volunteer to transcribe the audio file into text. Please contact -
Note Sandy's new MyPage.
"Whacky The Barmaid" is a War Stories Discussion by Wayne Hooper, Eric Brethen and Tom Dooling.
It is linked to from both their MyPages and from the War Stories Discussion section.
Anyone have a photo of her that we can add? Other stories?
Hugh "Sandy" McLeod CPT Cobra Pilot 1970-71 now has a Photo Album of 15 great pictures. Several have been used to create new MyPages for others. Check it out and see if you can add any names or tidbits to the photo captions.
send to
Super Egg II -LOH 68-17169 - 1970: Is a new Discussion page with notes on this aircraft by Mike Holder. You can also click on Mike's video interview where he tells the story of the day he was critically wounded in this aircraft while supporting the 2/12th Warriors and sent home for long term medical attention. This information has also been added to the Website Timeline.
If you know someone in the 2/22nd, tell them about Mike, the man who humg his ass out for them.
Terms Added to the Glossary: The Crescent, Rocket City.
For the CIVO Board of Directors,
Bruce Powell, Moderator of the Centaur Society and Webmaster of
1031 E Highline Drive, Payson, AZ 85541 (Summer)
11875 S Ironwood Drive, Yuma, AZ 85367 (Winter)
CIVO Website Newsletter - February 2022
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories/SlideShows, Reunion/Events
.........................A personal request from the CIVO Board of Directors.........................
If you are a Centaur and have never contacted us in the last year, PLEASE take a minute and let us know that you are still kicking and hopefully enjoying the free newsletter. It is a lot of work to put it out, with the main reward being potential contact with more Centaurs and further development of the Centaur Legacy Website. Send your email to Thanks!
AH-1F Cobra & Huey rides may be available at the Centaur Veterans Day Reunion 10 - 13 November 2022, Phoenix, Arizona. Tom Dooling has volunteered to help Jim Walt (Reunion Host) with the Reunion by being the point of contact for possible reunion activities with the AAHF organization. They plan to have both aircraft on trailers during the parade, and then rides later at nearby Falcon Field. The Cobra ride will be $600 and the Huey $110 $100 if prepaid. We mention it now so that those seriously interested in this can let us know in advance. The more people that sign up now, the better the chance that we can make that happen. Let us know! See the Reunion Section for more information. Contact is "Walt, Jim" <>
Updating the Format of our Newsletter: As you probably noticed in the last Newletter, we found that our MyPage photos from the website can be pasted into the Newsletter as an "alias", therefore taking up minimum computer space. Adding these photos will make for easier reading for our viewers since they will not have to click on a hyperlinked name to see that persons photo. We hope that most folks will continue to click on all the hyperlinks since that shows up as more website activity to Google and other search engines robots (bots). But the main mission with the Newsletter is to help stimulate old memories and get more Centaur data.
Finding Documents Recording the Formation of F Troop, 4th Cav:
Don Borey, Centaur 43 Reporting (re: Orphans):
5 Jan 2022 - "Below is the response to my FOIA (Freedom of Information Act Request) request about the formation of F Troop. Looks like we didn't exist, according to these official files".
"This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act request of December 8, 2021 for records relating to the formation, activation, assignment, and/or deactivation of F Troop (Air), 4th Cavalry and its assignment to the 2nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division or the 11th Aviation Group and 12th Aviation Group, 1st Aviation Brigade. Your request was received in this office on December 20, 2021 and assigned FOIA case number 22-12256.
Within Record Group 472 – Records of US Forces in Southeast Asia, we searched in the boxes containing organizational history and planning files for F Troop, 4th Cavalry (Entry 1651, Boxes 90 – 92). We did not locate the document recording the formation the troop during our search.
We also searched in the organizational history files for the 11th Aviation Group (Entry A1 1650, Box 1), 12th Aviation Group (Entry A1 1650, Box 19), the 1st Aviation Brigade (Entry P 1810, Box 1), and the 25th Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade (Entry A1 1332, Box 1). The records in these boxes either did not go through to 1971 and those that had records from 1971 and after did not contain the F Troop, 4th Cavalry assignment/attachment record."
The records we searched are open for public viewing and do not require a Freedom of Information Act to review. If you would like to view the operational records on the unit we did locate, please check for updates on the status of Research Rooms, please visit. The College Park facility is closed to the public for research, but that website will show updates on the status. LAUREN THEODORE Archives Specialist, Textual Reference Archives II Branch (RR2RR), National Archives at College Park, MD
Don notes that the Order of Battle page on the 25th Div website shows F Troop in the 2d Bde Vietnam Order of Battle and assigned to the Brigade from 2/10/71 to 2/26/73. Borey and Lloyd Goldsmith continue to research this issue.
Frank Dillon remembers that Dale Dow, an exhaustive researcher, visited NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) twice, that Frank knows of, and dug through the boxes. Evidently Dale found documentation that F Troop was part of the 25th ID and only attached to 1st Aviation Bde. We still hope to find Dale's lost notes.
Operation Ranch Hand: (Agent Orange) was a U.S. military operation during the Vietnam War, lasting from 1962 until 1971.
Gene Peters reminds us that this is the 60th Anniversary of that questionable decision. See our discussion page on it. Add comments as you remember. Also check this article out.
Finding Centaurs
John Hohman CW2 Slick and LOH Pilot 1966, 67 & 69 (two tours) KIA is identified by Buck Buxton in a Laird photo as being on the far left #1. John's name added to the photo #2 of that album. That aircraft, 661, was Buck's ship in 1967.
Emails that no longer work: Bill Boyd, Jim Mouser, James H. Jacks, Chester Stanley, Jerry D Shelton
Al Roy Sellers MSG Helicopter Mechanic 1966-67 now has a Deceased MyPage using photos sent in by Shaun Sellers, his son. Shaun also provided photos to do a Slide Show. Please review the slideshow and see if you can help us identify some of the men shown.
Ross Finn SP5 Crew Chief of LOH 68-17229: His MyPage is updated with his first name. PFC Howell W. Burns was killed when this LOH was shot down in Cambodia.
John Poston PFC Mechanic 1971-72 now has a draft MyPage using Randy Nicholas Slideshow photo #34.
Shiner SP4 (no first name) LOH Scout Observer 1971 now has a draft MyPage using Randy Nicholas Slideshow photo #55
Jackie White CW2 Pilot has MP1 and MP2 added to his MyPage by Don Borey. Jackie has not yet responded to emails. MP2 of White and Tom Broadbent has been added to Tom's page also.
Dwight Byrd SP4 OH-23G Crew Chief Mar 1965 to Mar 1966 has an MP1 added to his page of him and Fred William Lazootin at CuChi.
Dwight Byrd SP4 OH-23G Crew Chief Mar 1965 to Mar 1966 has an MP2 added to his page of him with Raymond Lyons and Harlan Cooper at CuChi on the Flight line. This MP is added to Cooper and Lyons MyPages.
Gayle Dean Kimberling SP5 Crew Chief UH-B Gunships has MP2 and MP3 added to his Deceased MyPage.
Notes say Gayle was shot down in 1966. Ideas?
Steven Leroy "Bouncer" Morey PVT 1968 -69, died 4 June 2003. John Moore located his Obituary. We have no photos or other information. His name on the roster is linked to an InfoSheet/Obit page with a photo of his gravestone
Joe Don Ramey SP5 LOH Scout Crew Chief, KIA 20 May 1970: Wayne Hooper located a Newspaper article that came out a few days after Joe's death. It tells a lot more about this great Centaur Warrior and his passion for helping others. The article is posted to Joe's InfoSheet. TWS indicates that Joe received a Silver Star. We will try to find the citation.
Fred William Lazootin SP5 OH-23G Crew Chief died 27 Jul 1976 (age 52). Photo DB-07 from Dwight Byrd's slide show used for his deceased MyPage and MP1. InfoSheet Obituary has been added with photo of his gravestone (Thanks John Moore)
Michael "Mike " Gordon Folse, Inventor/developer of the AH1 Cobra Helicopter died peacefully in his sleep on December 11, 2021, at Willow Bend Assisted Living in Denton, TX. Without this one man, the Cobra would never have existed. I bet that even a lot of LOH guys will raise their glasses with all the Cobra Pilots in a toast to Mike.
Mike's Obituary - Air & Space Magazine Article - CIVO notes in History Section
Thanks to Dave Sale Arizona AAHF for this information
War Stories/Slide Shows
Photo Album - Carl Betsill SP4 Avionics Mechanic Aug 71 to Apr 72 (& CIVO Director) has created his Photo Album of 77 pictures taken during his tour. Mike Peake our Historian has already identified two helicopters in Carl's Album that were not listed in our aircraft tailnumber section. Please review and see if you can add any notes to the photos. Email "Betsill, Carl" <>
Slide Show: - Al Roy Sellers MSG Helicopter Mechanic 1966-67 - Shows 18 photos of his tour. It is linked to from Al's Deceased MyPage and from the Photo/Slides Section. Help us identify the unnamed men in the photos and any other things you are reminded of in watching the show.
Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion 10 to 13 November 2022
Jim Walt, Marty Jenkins and Tom Dooling are on the planning committee for the 2022 Centaur Veteran’s Day Reunion. It is scheduled for November 10–13, 2022 in Phoenix, AZ. Details are being developed and will be provided in further updates as information becomes available.
To help the planning committee, we kindly request that you provide an email stating your intentions to attend, how many folks will attend with you, and any special requests for activities. Being able to better determine attendance early in the planning will greatly help with making hotel and transportation arrangements.
.....Some of the tentative activities scheduled include:
Nov 10 Thursday
· Opening day gathering and dinner / meet and greet / social time.
· Golf for those that may want to play.
· Evening time to visit and chat
Nov 11 (Veteran’s Day) Friday
· Participate in a Mesa Veteran’s Day parade with the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation (AAHF), marching/riding with their trailered Viet Nam era Huey and LOH. (see Last years parade)
· Veteran’s Day BBQ picnic lunch.
· Evening time to visit and chat
Nov 12 Saturday
· Visit the Commemorative Air Force facility at Falcon Field, Mesa, AZ. (
· Visit Army Aviation Heritage Foundation also at Falcon Field. (https:/
· Rides on an AAHF restored Cobra or Huey will be available for participants and family members. ($600 for the Cobra (the higher cost because it can only take one passenger), $110 for Huey). This is a truly unique experience - one that family members, kids and grandkids would remember forever. if you are interested please let us know in advance. Lunch will be available at the field.
· Dinner at the Steak and Stone restaurant. Another truly unique experience, where they serve the meats on 500 degree stones).
Nov 13 Sunday
· Get-away Day. Breakfast and saying farewells until next year.
· Golf and other family activities in the area.
Video Interviews: We anticipate having video equipment set up in the hotel to allow members to contribute their stories to the ever-growing library of war stories of Centaur experiences. Volunteers will be on hand to help you put together a story board for your story and coach you on how to best capture your story.
For detailed info on doing a video interview contact Bruce Powell anytime
We continue to look for other Veterans Day activities in the Phoenix area to add to the list. Please contact us with any other ideas at the email below. Your input is valued and welcomed.
Arizona has tons of activities to offer should you like to expand your stay with your family.
Spend a few extra days in the area enjoying Spring-like weather – particularly nice for the snow birds from up North. If there is enough interest in one of these activities, we could put together a group trip.
· For NASCAR fans, there are scheduled events Nov 4/5/6 at Phoenix International Raceway.
· For history buffs, the Pima Air and Space Museum is located in Tucson – about a two-hour drive.
· For outdoor buffs, there are countless desert hiking trails in and around Phoenix.
· Sedona (red rock area) is a two-hour drive – with lots of hiking and incredibly beautiful mountains.
· Grand Canyon National Park is about a three-hour and fifteen-minute drive from Phoenix. It can be done as a day trip.
· AZ Cardinals football – if there is a home game
· Phoenix Suns basketball – if there is a home game
Please send an email to Jim ( with your comments and intentions.
Friday, April 15, 2022 - Army Aviation Hall of Fame Special Event and Tribute to the OH-6 Loach. Hosted by MD Helicopters at MD Facility on Falcon Field, 4555 E. McDowell Road, Mesa, Arizona. For more information contact Rex Gooch, Event Coordinator, <>
3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion - Washington, DC - 20-24 April 2022. See roster of those already signed up.
The VHPA 39th ANNUAL REUNION ~ TAMPA, FL - 26 May, 2022 - 29 May, 2022.
Update noon 3 Feb 2022: YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Please RSVP by Friday, February 1. The revised phone number is 888-789-3090
Update 4 Feb 2022:
Heroes Honor Festival (w/Toby Keith) 27-28 May 2022 Datona Speedway, Dayton Beach, Florida. Free to Military Veterans and their spouses. Terry Branham reminds us. He, Mike Holder and their wives plan to attend.
Daytona Beach is a city on Florida’s Atlantic coast. It’s known for Daytona International Speedway, which hosts February’s iconic Daytona 500 NASCAR race. The beach has hard-packed sand where driving is permitted in designated areas. Near the boardwalk’s rides and arcades, Daytona Beach Bandshell stages free summer concerts. Steps from the beach, Daytona Lagoon water park offers go-karts, laser tag and waterslides
CIVO Website Newsletter - January 2022
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories/SlideShows, Reunions
Website Links Tip: When you encounter a link (blue underlined text) that doesn't work, it may have an HTTPs text link next to it in small italics print. Copy that text, open a new tab in your Google browser and paste it in and click.That should get you there.
It has been a staggeringly busy month
Helicopter Show in the Phoenix Arizona area 15 January 2022. 1st Annual Commemorative Air Force and Army Aviation Heritage Foundation Helicopter Show Falcon Field, Mesa, AZ (
Saturday, January 15th, 2022 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. Entrances: CAF Hangar and Falcon Field Park South Taxiway Gate. 15 Different Helicopters; Commercial to Vietnam Era. No Airshow or rides, just static display and get togethers.Dave Sale, a Cobra Pilot from Cobra Hall is in charge. Bruce & Sharon Powell and Pat & Clare Eastes plan to attend. Let Powell know if you can make it.
On Wednesday October 13 2021 Frank Walker presented to the Poinsett Club, Greenville South Carolina as part of their Military Lecture Series. The presentation was entitled “The 1972 Easter Offensive and F Troop 4th CAV Air"
Feedback received: "Your story was one of the most compelling we have had in over 100 lectures. Your delivery was great and your memory of the details of your experience is amazing! I know that our audience shares these sentiments - no one left early!"
Cut then Paste the following http address into Google on your browser to view the video.
Thanks to Rick Kline for bringing two Wikipedia articles to our attention: Easter Offensive and 4th Cavalry Regiment.
Are you a Wikipedia Fan? Anyone can edit Wikipedia but they must make their email availabe to the public. We would like to find someone willing to take on the role of representing CIVO on Wikipedia, making corrections using data from our website and possibly adding additional articles. An example of a correction needed is the Wikipedia article for 4th Cavalry Regiment that states that F Troop (Air), 4th Cav Reg remained assigned to the 25th Division after the Division left Nam. It did not. Also nothing is mentioned about our role in the Easter Offensive in that article.
Update 1 Jan 2022: Michael Peake will take on the Wikipedia Project.
James C. Spears CW2 Pilot D Troop 1966 died 23 September 2018: Dr. Marshall Boone Jr. was an extremely close friend of James. Marshall's daughter in law, Jacklyn Boone, requested we provide her with website photos of James so she could frame them for the family. We sent high resolution versions of our three best photos of him to her. Our best to Jim's family and friends.
"Mississippi Queen" AH-1G Cobra 546 has been located on display at the Arkansas Air and Military Museum, Drake Field, Fayetteville, AR. Jim Hoag has coordinated with Bill Kistler to add Hoag's photos of 546 to Bill's Aircraft Visuals Website. Hoag's photo JH-12 from his Slide Show has been added to the Centaur Aircraft Photos page (and a link from there to his other 546 photos).
From John Brennan (Book Author): "The following quotation has been printed on page 13 in my new helicopter nose art book ( from Fonthill Media. Books can be purchased now for delivery after January 28, 2022. No tax, no postage needed (USA only). $32 by check or $33.75 via PayPal."
"I logged nearly five hundred flight time hours in Nam and never once had the forethought to give a name nor paint a logo on my AH-1 bird. Remembrances of my favorite book as a kid, "God Is My Copilot", and those of The Flying Tigers hung heavy on my mind. Why in the world did they call it a Cobra? It's a Shark, not a Snake! I began to think of ‘540 like a cowboy thinks of his horse. I just broke him and we are now an inseparable team. I wasn't sure if our new Troop Commander would authorize me to paint the teeth, so I bypassed that and just hoped he had his hands full enough that he might not notice for a while or maybe he would think they just came that way. To the best of my knowledge ‘540 was the first Cobra in the Division. I was the first active Cobra pilot, and SP5 Warren Waite was the first Cobra crew chief. We painted the teeth. It was so exciting! My nickname, which is another story, was painted below the backseat cockpit (Crazy Bruce), we had that sucker ready for a combat mission in a couple days." Bruce Powell, D Troop, 3/4th Cav, 1967-68
Finding Centaurs
Who are they? Powell Scans 100 and 101 taken in early 1967.
Who is this? This mid Aug67 photo in Charlie Rice's hootch says the guy on the left is LT Chuck Buckley. It is probably just a friend of his since we have no "Buckley" anywhere in our archives.
Help us find more Centaurs!! Help us build the Centaur Legacy by sending in information, photos, articles, anything related to our Centaur tours.
Check the Roster. If your name is not linked to information (blue and underlined text) then we don't have a MyPage for you. We hope you would take the time to contact us. Email the Webmaster at
Do you know a Centaur that does not have a Centaur MyPage? Please send us his contact information so we can send him a Centaur Welcome email and possibly build a MyPage for him on our great Legacy Website.
Can you help us with more information on the Randy Nicholas Slide Show photo captions?
RN-08 We now know that SP5 Fenn's first name is Ross. Remember him?
RN-10 We have no Franks listed. Ideas?
RN-12 Which Smitty is this?
RN-18 Is this CPT James F. Carlson?
RN-19 Brun's first name?
RN-23 Which White is this? Update 2 Jan 22 from Don Borey - This is Jackie White
RN-31 Which White is this?
RN-33 is this David "Sullly" Sullivan? - Observer Zonker is not on roster
RN-35 Observer SP4 Shiner (first name?) – Carlson AC, is this CPT James F. Carlson?
James Elwood "Jim" McPeak CW2 Pilot F Troop 1971-72: We have made contact with Jim and hope to get more information and photos from him. This link takes you to his InfoSheet.
Shiner SP4 LOH Scout Observer 1971 now has a rough draft MyPage using photo #55 from The Rndy Nicholas Slide Show
John "Jerry" Wall, WO1 Gunpilot Heavy Hogs 1967 now has a draft MyPage. Born on February 28th, 1943. Last know address is in Pace, Florida. The email address and phone number we have are not valid.
Other info: WO1 Air Medal 12 May 67 – 23 May 67, GO 2552, dtd 23 Jun 67 from Bob Taylors stuff; Rick Arthur on same orders.
William T. Pixton 1LT Pilot Aerorifle Platoon Sep 71 to Apr 72 now has a draft MyPage and MP1 using his Yearbook photo and the 2017 Reunion photo.
Bill says he will be getting some photos and information for us soon.
Richard E Fargo CPT, Pilot 1972 now has a draft MyPage, an MP1 using his Yearbook photo, MP2 is the 2017 Reunion photo; plus an InfoSheet.
Hooper (first name?) WO1, Gunpilot Heavy Hogs 1967 now has a draft MyPage and MP1 using a photo (Powell) from Aug 67 where he Johnson, Holliday, Eschenwald and others were getting a briefing on how to use the experimental Xenon light ship.
Patrick "Pat" Bilyk's info Sheet corrected. It had the wrong photo. Also the code on his MP4 (medals) was corrected so it can now be seen.
James V. Holland SP4 Crew Chief 1967 MyPage update with City, State and Rank. MP1 from Dave Bossary added. No contact.
Robert E. "Bob" VanCleave SSG LRRP and Aerorifles 1967-68 now has a draft MyPage using photo from Dave Bossary.; and an MP1 from an unknown source.
William A. Franklin SP4 LRRPs and Aerorifles 1966 - 67 now has a draft MyPage using photo from Dave Bossary.; and an MP1 from an unknown source.
Fenn SP5 1971 CE 229 has a rough draft MyPage. No first name or other info available. Just the one photo of him with LOH 229 from Randy Nicholas and a Yearbook photo. The MP1 is a closeup of the words painted above the right door of LOH 229. Randy says that 30 years ago he was a state trooper in Rhode Island.
Corrections: The MyPage for Larry "Pete" Harlamert was not properly linked to from the main Roster. Notes from talking with Dave Bossary were added to Pete's InfoSheet.
Marquis "Zman" LOH Crew Chief 1970-71: Jim Hoag located a photo of him at Camp Frenzel-Jones in 1970 (JH-38) that we used to create a rough draft MyPage. Marquis was not listed on any of our rosters, but has been added. Also a photo in Randy Nicholas Slideshow #RN-11.
Rudy Grimm LOH Crew Chief of #69-16003: Jim Hoag located two photos of Rudy with his new XM-303 minigun; We created MP1 and MP2 with those.
Photos of Paul Conniff and Gary Schmidt found in Jim Hoags Slide Show (#49 & 50), have been added to their MyPages as MP's.
Bill Pennington LOH Crew Chief 1971 now has a rough draft MyPage. Photo from Jim Hoags Slide Show (#55). Rank is unknown
Richard Joe "Shorty" Mull SGT Maintenance NCO 1972, died on 8 November 2021. His MyPage converted to Deceased and an Info/Obit page added.
Kenneth R. "Ken" Mick 1LT Cobra Pilot Oct 71 to Sep 72 has died. His good friend Bill McCurdie notified us that Ken passed away on 16 Nov 2021. If you have comments about Ken, please send them in so we can post them to his Deceased MyPage.
Steve L Morey is listed on the 3/4 Cav and Centaur rosters as died after tour 4 Jun 2003, with no rank or position. Wife's name Valerie. Conflicting info on his tour dates: 1963 -66 or 1968-69? Can you help with this?
Al R. Sellers MSG D Troop 1967: His son Shaun has notified us that Al died on 10 July 2010 of Kidney Disease. We are seeking photos and more information.
War Stories/Slide Shows
Do a Video: Many Centaurs have done a video interview for the website. Remember this video from Oct 2019?
We have had many more since. We hope you are watching them and considering doing one of yourself. Go to Help/Answers item #19 for some tips. Get your face and voice in to our history files.
If doing a video is not in the cards then at least send in a text version of your stories.
Battle for Tay Ninh,19 Aug 1968: a page in Bruce Powell's notebook sites that date. The page has been linked to from the Battle Discussion page. What was Mission Tanker Tango?
Panache - 1972: War Story Essay by Kenneth R. "Ken" Mick . It is linked to from his MyPage and from the War Stories Essay page. Ken mentions his room mate "Mike" in the story. Who is that? Ken also mentions a CPT Graph as Operations Officer. We have no listing for him. Do you remember a MAJ Graph?
Eric Brethen War Story Interview: ( This is an hour and a half interview of Eric telling of his year and a half of combat as an Centaur LOH Scout and Cobra pilot. It is not a visual and audio quality video, but if you can put up with the YouTube ads, the somewhat self aggrandizing narrator, and stuttering audio, it is worth the watch. Eric speaks for many of our LOH and Cobra pilots. Eric's MyPage has been updated with his two Centaur Call Signs 13 & 52.
Slide Show: SP4 LOH Scout Crew Chief Glenn "Randy" Nicholas 1971 provides a Slide Show of 35 photos from his Centaur Tour. Includes photos of SP5 Fenn (first name?), John Whysong and White (first name and rank?)
Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion in November of 2022 will be in Phoenix Arizona and hosted by Jim Walt with support from his wife Sandy and good friends Marty and Charlotte Jenkins. He will be getting some details out in the near future, but in the meantime, mark your calendar for that reunion. It should be the biggest Centaur event ever.
3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion - Washington, DC - 20-24 April 2022.
The VHPA 39th ANNUAL REUNION ~ TAMPA, FL - 26 May, 2022 - 29 May, 2022
CIVO Website Newsletter - December 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Reunions
Website Tip: How to search the Centaur Website for anything. Go to our Help/Answers page, item #1. You are going to love this. Please try it out!
Big Veterans day in Tampa: Twenty Two Centaurs plus their wives and friends attended this, the biggest Centaur Reunion ever. Blane and Shirley Kirby, and Bob Jones really did an amazing job putting this all together.
The first ever Centaur Veteran's Reunion (it was called a MiniReunion back then) was organized by KC Allcock, Fred Reese and friends some 18 years ago. KC has hosted several since then and has been the speaker or MC of many including this one in Tampa. He even hosted a big 3/4 Cav Reunion in Kansas City (2006). The guys in Tampa gave him a real big thank you for his years of service to this great event, and hope that he may continue to be our mainstay.
Left to Right - 1st Row Sitting: Randy Woodley, Don Borey, Jim Hutchins, Jim Walt, Rick Adams, Jan White
2nd Row: Steve Borden, Gil Foote, Randy Baisden, Pete Villarante, Marty Jenkins, Bob Jones (Squatting), Allen Tesini, Harlan Sparrow, David Hopper, Pete Holmburg
3rd Row: KC Allcock, Joe Hoover, Blane Kirby
Bob Brady, was also there; David Townsend fell sick at the last moment and could not make it.
Reunion After Action Report by Blane Kirby. 2021's Annual Centaur Veteran's Reunion was held in Tampa, FL at the Hampton Inn, Airport Avion Park Westshore. The hotel is virtually across the street from Tampa International Airport. The hotel is about 7 years old and the management and staff were very veteran friendly. They went out of their way to block off rooms, give a room discount and to donate a private hospitality room for two days free for the reunion. We want them to know how much we appreciate their hospitality.
Friday was meet and greet day, Saturday was the Veterans Day Parade, women's craft luncheon and main event dinner. Sunday was a free day (go, explore and visit) and then Monday was go back home day (sad time).
The reunion was a great time for everyone, there was something for everyone to do if you wanted to get involved.
The women's craft luncheon was a fun time for the wives to get to know the other women and to have a good time trying their hand at making Christmas cards.Sandy Basiden headed that up and supplied the materials all the way from Washington State. Thanks Sandy!
The Town & Country Veterans Day Parade was a first for the Centaurs, since this was the first time that our reunion was held here in Tampa. The parade was started back in 1993 by two Vietnam Veterans and has been growing ever since. It now boasts that it is the largest Veterans Day Parade in Florida. It was a good time for everyone whether they were in the parade or watching.
Saturday night was the main event dinner for the reunion weekend. We were picked up by a private bus at the hotel and driven across town to Ybor city and to the Columbia Restaurant. We had a private room for our group of approximately 50 people and had a delicious dinner. Here we thanked Allen KC Allcock (DTroop 69-70) who was one of the founders of the Centaur Reunion and who has hosted the reunion several times. We appreciate you KC.
We had 2 beautiful quilts donated for our raffle. A patriotic lap quilt provided by Joan Anderson (Bruce Anderson’s wife) and a quilt donated by a friend of Cheryl and David Hopper.
We also asked for a volunteer to host next years reunion and Jim and Sandy Walt stepped forward and said they would host it in Phoenix, Arizona. Jim's partner hosts will be Marty Jenkins and his wife Charlotte. Jim was an LOH Door Gunner/Observer and Marty was an LOH pilot in Nam in 69-70. You will be hearing from them both in the coming 2022 year. So be watching your email and the monthly Centaur Newsletter.
I want to say a special thanks to my wife, Shirley who was a huge help in hosting the reunion. I really could not have completed it without her. She did so many things I couldn't begin to list them. It was her idea for the women to do something other than just sit around and listen to us guys. Thank you Shirley.
I also want to thank Bob Jones who helped us host the reunion, Bob was a Cobra pilot in Nam from 71-72. Bob did all of the computer stuff and has become a good friend to our family. Bob squeezed all his part of the reunion in while he was selling his existing home and having a new one built and then moving twice during the year. Thank you Bob.
I also want to thank my daughter Jody who was a great help to Shirley in getting everything ready for the ladies luncheon and Saturday night dinner. Thanks Jody.
My son Jed and son in law Adam who drove in the parade with us guys and made friends with all the Centaurs Vets who came for the reunion.. Thanks guys.
Hosting this reunion was a lot of work, but it was a great time to get to know old friends again, meet new ones and to give back to the same guys that I proudly served with so many years ago. Please, if you get the chance, come to a reunion, you'll always be glad you did.
Blane Kirby and Bob Jones
Allen "KC" Allcock reports: "This reunion was a great one. I say that because in the 17 plus years that I have been involved in starting this reunion, the guys at Tampa really honored me for the work of the past years. Fred Reese and I had a lot of work in the beginning, then came along Dale Dow with his information he was collecting to find troopers and like I say it was great. Then comes Frank Dillon who made a change for this reunion as well. His efforts to finding "F" Troop men really shed a new light to those who are now attending. I will say that 85% were total "F" Troop, but some "D" Troop guys that served in my time era of Vietnam. Jim Walt was one of those "D" Troopers and next year will put together and host that in Phoenix. With my body getting all defunk the way it is, I don't know if I will make it. I also had another "F" Trooper tell me he plans to host it in year 2023 at St. Louis. So, things are still progressing."
Georgia Military Hall of Fame Induction for Myron E. "Mike" Squires MAJ Centaur 35, 1966- 67 - 6 Nov 2021.
Mike is a larger than life hero to all our Centaur LRRPs. Mike was the Commander of the Aerorifle Platoon and also took it upon himself to take charge of and fly most all of the LRRP inserts and extractions during his tour.
Mike flew Slick 661, and when he left it had 83 holes in it.
We hope you will honor Mike by taking another look at the video he did in 2012 at the Nashville Reunion. You might also be able to help us put some captions on the photos of his Slideshow.
Thanks to Marshall Huckaby for his work in getting our Georgia based Centaurs into the Georgia Military Hall of Fame
Call Signs: Our Historian Michael Peake and CIVO Director Tom "Sam" Dooling have added numerous new names and Call Signs to the Call Sign Discussion page. Take a look and see if yours is there and correct. Contact Mike at:
Tail Numbers: Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers UH-1H page updated for 67-19494. (Peake/Dooling/Schwab)
Can you add any information? Please take another look at the Jim Kreil video (7:13 min). It is hard to believe that it has been over five years since Jim did his video at the reunion in Harrisburg with stories of his experiences as an LOH Scout Crew Chief. He did a great video by the way.
We are hoping that others who watch it will chime in with more details of some of his stories. contact
Do you wear a Veteran's Hat, shirt or other Veteran identification? Bruce Karn often does; and he mentions something that you may not have thought about:
"I often wear a Vietnam Veteran hat or something that shows that I am a Vietnam Veteran but not for the reason that probably many people think. I don't need their thanks fifty years after the fact. I am comfortable with what we all tried to do and what we did.
No, I wear Vietnam Veteran identification because I am looking for those who weren't thanked and those that might benefit from talking with a "brother" who understands. I know someone very well that has struggled with his Vietnam experiences. He will talk to me because he feels that I understand. He doesn't talk with his family because he feels that there are things that they will not understand.
I have had many occasions where a Vietnam Veteran has come up and talked with me because I was wearing a Vietnam Veteran hat but I don't always wear a hat! (And I have talked with some folks that I thought were frauds!) I hope all those that I have had conversations with felt good about talking about what they did."
AAHF Army Aviation Heritage Foundation. Those of you interested in the ongoing mission to restore and preserve U.S. Army Helicopters of the Vietnam era will be interested in checking out this website and viewing this movie.
Scholarship Applications begin in January 2022: There is only one Scholarship Program and it includes the families of all Centaurs who have been members of the 25th Div Association and the 3/4 Cav Chapter for a full year. It belongs to the 25th Inf Div Association. Beginning in Jan of each year, they will begin receiving Scholarship Applications. Click here. or go to Help/Answers #60
First Cobra With Sharks Teeth "540": The original first Cobra with Sharks Teeth, AH-1G 67-15540, has been found and is on display in Indiana. (Can you identify the unnamed crewmen?)
John Brennan's Vietnam War Army Helicopter Nose Art, Volume 2, shows AH-1G 67-15540, "Crazy Bruce," D Troop, 3/4 Cavalry, on static display at Indiana World War Memorial Military Museum, Indianapolis. It was modified to F-Model, and served with 2nd Battalion, 238th Aviation Regiment, Indiana Army National Guard at Shelbyville, Indiana.
Our Historian Mike Peake is in contact with Jennifer Watson Collections Mgr at the Museum. Maybe we can get them to place some Centaur history along with the static display.
Help Finding Centaurs
Help us find more Centaurs!! Help us build the Centaur Legacy by sending in information, photos, articles, anything related to our Centaur tours.
Check the Roster. If your name is not linked to information (blue and underlined text) then we don't have a MyPage for you. We hope you would take the time to contact us. Email the Webmaster at
Do you know a Centaur that does not have a Centaur MyPage? Please send us his contact information so we can send him a Centaur Welcome email and possibly build a MyPage for him on our great Legacy Website.
Robert W. Simmons CPT "Centaur 5", 1970, died 13 July 1995. We have no photos of him. He has been listed in our "Wanted" Memory Jogger section since 25 Jul 2019 (MJ056) - The only info we have on him up until now is "CPT 1970 Died after tour 95/06/13 VHPA". John Moore has located an old newspaper article and photo of Bob's gravestone that we have used to create a Deceased MyPage for him. Eric Brethen remembers him as the Troop XO. Terry Branham remembers him and makes comments on the Deceased Obit page. Mike Holder mentions in his reunion video that Simmons checked him out in an LOH in one flight. Surely someone will spot a photo of Bob so we can properly honor him.
Can you identify these Centaurs? The photo on the left of three guys came from the Dale Dow archive.
Michael B. Wilson CW2 LOH Scout Pilot 1969-70 has a page update with Infosheet added.
Richard K. "Rick" Adams SP4 LOH Door Gunner 1970 to 1971 has an upgraded MyPage with current photo.
Myron E. "Mike" Squires MAJ Centaur 35, 1966- 67 is now in contact through his daughter and grandson. If you would like to send him a message or contact him please send the webmaster an email for forwarding.
Samuel B. "Sam" Wright LRRP 1966-67 has contacted us and now has a draft MyPage. Thanks to Marshall Huckaby and Rick Ellison for finding him.
William "Bill" Boyd LRRP MyPage: a corrected error now properly shows links from his MyPage to his Photo Album of seven photos and the news article Operation Gladstone.
Danny D. Rabon SP4 Slick Crew Chief 1971 died 24 November 2021. Frank Dillon found some photos of Danny and his Obituary that were used to create a Centaur Deceased MyPage and Info/Obit page. Tell us more about him if you can.
War Stories
The Ferrying of F-Troop Aircraft from Sandford Field to the Da Nang area.
Carl Betsill would like to create a Discussion Page for this event. Please send him your notes:
This would have been a flight of over 450 miles. Perhaps you can ask in the next newsletter for pilots that made this flight to describe the mission. How many stops were made? Where did they stop? How did they navigate? Was ADF used? What route did they take? Did they follow QL-1 highway? How long did it take? Were there mechanical problems? Weather issues?
This just seems to me, to be a major event that I have heard nothing about. Not being a pilot myself, perhaps it was not a big deal to those participating, but it seems to me ferrying that many aircraft for that distance would be a major undertaking, yet I’ve heard no one mention it. I’ve gone through all of the videos and most of the war stories from that period and have seen nothing but brief mentions that “we moved to Phu Bai in April 72”. Carl
Frank Dillon remembers: Me and 20? or so others flew up in a C130 loaded with Troop equipment a few days after the flyable birds left. Bob Schenck escorted Troop property aboard a Korean? ship to Da Nang. A trip that took several days. I’m guessing he wasn’t the only one aboard, but I don’t know. John Spencer and Dan Miller flew to Phu Bai the afternoon before the main departure the next morning. They got to Phu Bai after dark and had to search for a place to bunk, or something like that. I’ve forgotten exactly what Dan told me a few years ago.
When I derosed Oct 72 I rode in an F Troop Slick from Tan My to Tan Son Nhut. The best I remember is that we pretty much followed the coast line south. I find it interesting that just recently I thought about that flight and wondered if we landed to refuel or anything. I remember it to be non stop, but it happened awhile back.
The next Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion in November of 2022 will be in Phoenix Arizona and hosted by Jim Walt with support from his wife Sandy and cohosts Marty and Charlotte Jenkins. He will be getting some details out in the near future, but in the mean time, mark your calendar for that reunion. It should be the biggest Centaur event ever.
3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion - Washington, DC - 20-24 April 2022.
26 - 29 May 2022
CIVO Website Newsletter - November 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, Help Find, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Reunions, Glossary
Veterans Day (Armistice Day, Rememberance Day) is upon us again. Even though we Centaurs recognize and honor our fellow veterans every day, it is nice that the rest of the world does so at least once a year. We hope that you will find the time this month to contact old friends and let them know you remember them. If you can't attend the Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion in Tampa, maybe you could organize something simple in your area.
Don't be stuck when the grandkid or young friend starts asking you questions...What is this day exactly? Why do people wear poppys? and so on. Hear is a reminder: Veterans Day occurs on November 11 every year in the United States in honor of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918 that signaled the end of World War I, known as Armistice Day. ... In 1954 Eisenhower officially changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. The reason, said President Dwight Eisenhower at the time, was to honor veterans of all wars, not just WWI. An interesting site about Poppys
Website Tip: If you are not viewing our Movies, Photo Albums and Slide Shows in Full Screen, you are really missing out. If you don't know how to do it just ask any teenager; or figure it out for yourself. For example on a Mac you roll your mouse over your movie, like the one here to the right, and click on the boxy looking symbol in the lower right. Click a similar button on the full screen to go back to the small screen.
Remember to stop the movie or slideshow, just press the Space Bar. Press it again to resume watching.
Aircraft UH-1H 67-19494 was a Centaur Aircraft from Dec 1968 to Oct 1970. Crew Chief's were Robert M. Johnson (not yet located), then Calvin Williams and Donald Price
Jack Nemeyer took a photo of it in flight. (see Photo Album, Image #56, "494 over clouds on the way to Katum."). See Jack's War Story about 494.
The airframe has been found and is being restored by the San Diego Air & Space Museum at their facility Gillespie Field, El Cajon, CA.
Tony Beres, the Restoration Manager, is seeking any more information that we might have on the aircraft and any help we might offer. Needs lots of parts , including rotors, mast, swash plate, seats, instruments, to name a few. His team is also looking for Tech Manuals that might help in their restoration project. email is: Tony Beres <>
494 was recovered after service in the California Air National Guard. Tony sends us the current photos of 494 as it is now.
UH-1H 67-19494 Memories:
Jack Nemeyer SP5 Slick Line Chief Oct 69 to Oct 70: "Crew chief of 494 when I got in country was Johnson, Robert M., 67N20, Sp/5, died after tour in Germany (Ken Rucki may have more information). Tail boom was shot up by Rat Pack during a night extraction of LRRPs North of Tay Ninh . Replacement tail boom was painted with Flat OD paint , looked like hell !! Then someone tried to Wax it to make it shine, it really looked bad after that the wax dried in the sun before it was buffed."
Tom "Sam" Dooling CW2 Jan 69 to Aug 70: "Once again, it is a small world. Based on the photos, this aircraft was one of the V models flown by the 126th Med Co (AA) out of Mather AFB in Sacramento. I was in that unit from 1976 to 1984 and almost certainly flew this aircraft. I did not do a lot of Huey flying in D Troop, but it is possible that I also flew it in RVN when I was helping out due to the Huey pilot shortage. Rick Schwab from F Troop was also a member of the 126th for a short time - so there is another connection."
Our Historian Michael Peake noticed that Fred Reese mentions in his Night Hawk Twin 60's story that Donald Price was crewing 494 with twin M60 Door guns on the right side. So this photo to the right is probably of 67-19494. Maybe Fred will remember.
On January 22, 1971, a U.S. Army helicopter OH-6A (tail number 68-17337) from D Troop (Centaurs), 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, flown by pilot CW2 Rog Johnson was shot down near Bear Cat in III Corps. The crew members included SGT Michael H. Petty (Observer) and SP4 Frederick A. Vigil (Crew Chief). They were part of a Hunter-Killer team operating in Bien Hoa Province. Richard Toops, our Centaur Friend, tells the story on our website at "Hunter" Crew & Rescue Crew KIA - 22 Jan 1971.
Colin P. Cahoon, book author, has added the expanded story to his new book "Mended Wings" in Chapter 6.
Seeking Easter Offensive Information (Mar - Oct 1972):
Matt Jackson, Vietnam Book Author, is researching material to write his fourth book in the Undaunted Valor series. This will be Undaunted Valor, Easter Offensive. Although written as a novel, he will attempt to use actual events and present them in the order they occur with real people and dialogue being what was said or would have been said under the circumstances. Ken Mick has already provided detailed information from his experiences.
If you can provide information or wish to be interviewed, please contact Matt at Mailing address is Matt Jackson, P.O.Box 1653, Ruskin, Florida 33575. Matt will provide recognition for those who participate and will credit our Centaur Legacy Website.
Radio Call Signs: In reviewing the Squadron Logs, Mike Peake has run into the following Centaur Call Signs:
CENTAUR 3Y ................. CENTAUR 33..................CENTAUR 10 AP .............CENTAUR 34A
CENTAUR 19 ...................CENTAUR 34B..............CENTAUR 20 AP .............CENTAUR 37 AP
CENTAUR 31A AP ...........CENTAUR 37A...............CENTAUR 31B AP ...........CENTAUR 38 AP
CENTAUR 32 AP .............CENTAUR 38 SEARCHER..................CENTAUR 32 (Patrol) & Ambush Patrol CENTAUR 42
Can you provide information on any of these? Could these be just Squadron inhouse names?
The Centaur Call Signs page (in the War Stories Discussion section) has been upgraded with the new call signs added and some error corrections. Please take a look and see if you can provide any other information. "Peake, Michael" <>
Squadron Organization and Radio Call Signs page has been added as a War Story Discussion Page. Thanks to John Moore.
Squadron and Division Check Points - 1968 page has been added as a War Story Discussion Page. Thanks again to John Moore.
The Help/Answers Section now has item #67 How to find Maps, Areas of Operation, Check Points for Troop/Sqdn&Division.
25th Inf Div Book; 1 Oct 1941 to 10 Oct 1966:
This is an over 400 page book with the history of the 25th Infantry Division. If interested, you can download it and look at it in a presentation program like "Preview". Keep in mind that it will be a pain to download at 400 pages and 219 megs. It has been placed in our Google Share folder. It will remain for a couple weeks.
Click here if you want to download it. Page 381 has a listing of the Centaur soldiers of 1966.
Cobra Sharks Teeth Hats:
These hats are no longer in production. There are no current plans to have more made. If you wish to crank up this program and be responsible for getting more made and be the person to sell them, then please contact me directly at Bruce Powell
40mm Door Gun? Does anyone remember a Centaur Huey with a 40mm mounted as a door gun? If so, please contact our Historian Michael Peake at
Memory Jogger from Michael Peake: An online site attributed an aircraft to F Troop, 4th Cavalry that does not appear in the current Centaur Tail Number database. This Memory Jogger is a hope of verifying that AH-1G 68-15140 is indeed an F Troop aircraft, but information is scanty.
The Military Aircraft Serial Numbers—1908 to Present shows AH-1G 68-15140 transferred to USMC as 157220, it was preserved at Dobbins ARB as USMC 157795 and in 2009 it was on static display at Marine Reserve center Robins AFB, GA. That is the extent of information provided, but the online site places the aircraft at Phu Bai in 1971. Do any former Cobra pilots or crew chiefs recognize 15140 as an F Troop aircraft?
Finding Centaurs
Help us find more Centaurs!! Help us build the Centaur Legacy by sending in information, photos, articles, anything related to our Centaur tours.
Check the Roster. If your name is not linked to information (blue and underlined text) then we don't have a MyPage for you. We hope you would take the time to contact us. Email the Webmaster at
Thomas G. Sackett SGT Weapons Maintenance 1972 now has a placeholder MyPage using a Yearbook photo.
David B. Townsend (later changed his name to Siedschlag) SP4 Crew Chief (?) 1972 has contacted Frank Dillon and has been added to the newsletter distribution. Hope to get some photos and info from him soon. In the meantime he has a placeholder MyPage using his Yearbook photo.
John G. Mackey CPT Gun Platoon Leader Apr to Nov 1972 now has a MyPage and six MP's. He remembers one of the Crew Chiefs that he worked with was SP4 Kline. He does not remember SP4 Townsend, but recalls the weapons expert SGT Sackett.
Regino Cruz-Soto PFC 1965-66 Aerorifleman. Bob Tegelman and Bill Watkins have located a photo of him in Lew Bargers Slide Show (LB-83). That photo has been used to create a draft MyPage for him.
Robert M. Johnson SP5, 67N20 (1969) was the Slicks Line Chief before Jack Nemeyer took over. Jack remembers that Johnson later went to Germany and died after his return to the States. Is this a possible Obit? Do you remember him? Do you see a photo of him somewhere on the website? email:
James "Jim" Edwood McPeak is in contact with us and hope to have a MyPage up for him soon. He mentioned his close friend Davy Crockett (deceased). Jim and his wife Pamela live in Union, WV.
Anthony A. "Tony" Holm Cobra Crew Chief 70-71 has contacted us. He came in with Joe Hoover and Jimmy Goldsmith. Tony will send photos and information soon so that we can do a MyPage for him.
Gary L. Matuska SP4 1972 now has a placeholder MyPage using his Yearbook photo
Ray Aguirre SP4 Cobra Maintenance 1971-72 has been added to the Roster. 71-72. Cobra Maintenance. Blane Kirby, David Townsend , and Gary Matuska can attest to his service with F Troop as legit. We have no photos or other info on him yet.
John Petrilla's KIA MyPage InfoSheet has been upgraded with a High School Graduation photo (1967) provided by John Moore.
Eugene Joseph "Gene" "Shorts" Carolan CPT Oct 1968 to Dec 1969 died peacefully at home on July 22, 2021. He now has a Deceased MyPage with photo from his Obituary and an InfoSheet/Obit added. He had a rare brain condition caused by his exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam.
James F. "JC" Carnathan CW2 LOH Pilot Centaur 15 died 17 Oct 2021. His page has been converted to a Deceased MyPage and his Obituary added to his InfoSheet.
William R. Laird MAJ Troop Commander Feb to Aug 1969 died 12 July 2021. Photos from his son NIkki Profozich were used to create a Deceased MyPage. An InfoSheet/Obituary and Photo Album have been created and linked to from the MyPage. The Tropic Lightning article Flashlight Mission is linked to his page.
We need to find the names of the men in this photo below (Laird photo #20. Also looking for the names of the maintenance guys in his photo #5.
The photo above is of Centaur UH-1H #67-9661 (1969), assumed to be the upgraded version of Centaur UH-1D #67-09661 (1966-1967). Any ideas on how it lost the "0" in it's serial number?
Update 5 Jan 2022 Buxton ID's John Hohman and #1.
War Stories/Video
YouTube Videos of Centaur Flights created with Google Earth Flight Simulator:
Our Website Map Master and CIVO Director, Carl Betsill, has been creating videos using the Google Earth Flight Simulator. You may remember his first video published in the August 2021 Newsletter. He now has created a YouTube Channel that you can subscribe to (no fee) where you can see his new work with more to follow.
From Carl: "I have set up a YouTube channel with two simulated flight videos over our area of operations in the South. I hope they are somewhat improved over the test video I sent originally. In addition to the original flight from Tan Son Nhut to Tay Ninh West (Revised), there is a new Video starting at Ben Hoa, flying over the Long Binh area, by Phu Loi and ending at Lai Khe. Here is a link to that flight: https:/ . By clicking on the subscribe button you can see both videos and see additional videos when they are posted.
The reason I have taken so long to produce the second video is because of problems with my video editing software. I was attempting to use Corel Video Studio. That software kept hanging up and would not render the videos correctly. After many frustrating attempts and reading about similar problems other users were having, I decided to switch software to Adobe Premiere Elements. After going through another learning curve, I’m now able to produce the videos without software problems. After many years of using Corel products, I’ve given up on that company. They clearly are unable to produce bug free software and their customer support is virtually nonexistent.
I have had a few comments that lead me to believe that there is, at least, some interest in these videos, so I intend to do a couple of more. I enjoy doing them so at least they keep me entertained on days I can’t get out. It also beats watching TV in the evenings.
I have done some preliminary work on the I Corp areas. If there is anyone you know with pictures they would like to see used as overlays, especially aerial Photos of the bases, please send them to me. Michael Peake has also suggested another video involving flying to specific crash sites and describing the details of the incident. That is a definite possibility for future videos. I have also considered a flight from Tay Ninh over areas in Cambodia. Any suggestions for improvement in the videos would be appreciated.
The videos will be published to our F Troop Facebook page." email Carl at <>
USS New Jersey 16 inch Guns - 1969 War Story by Tom "Sam" Dooling has been posted, listed on the War Story Essays page and linked to from Tom's Index of Articles page. (Go to his MyPage and click on Index of Articles) Sam was probably the only Centaur to call in 16 inch Naval gunfire.
Sling Load - 1972 War Story by Ken Mick has been posted, listed on the War Story Essays page and linked to from Ken's MyPage. In his last story New Car Smell Ken tells how his Cobra was shot up; this is a follow up story telling about how the Cobra was later deep sixed. It is a fact based fictional story
Blane Kirby: Everything is on track for the Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion ( 5 to 8 Nov 2021). We have approximately 50 people coming some for the very first time. Weather looks like it will be ok, no hurricanes. Ha
Michael Peake and John Moore provide a bunch of terms that were used by the Centaurs in communications with the Squadron and Division. Mike found many of them while researching the Squadron Logs. Terms fairly exclusively used by Squadron in their logs, have "(SQDN)" listed after them.
CIVO Website Newsletter - October 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, Help Find, 3/17th, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Reunions, Glossary
Browsing Tips: If the "Back" button on a page doesn't work, or there is no "Back" button, use your Browsers Back button.
If a link takes you from the Newsletter to a new page, you may have to close that page to get back to the Newsletter.
Mike Peake Centaur Unit Historian updates entries in the War Discussion Page for OH6A aircraft. Go there and scroll down to OH6A 67-16515 Baisden and OH6A 68-17154 McIntyre
Richard Stegner is living in San Diego and would like to contact any Centaurs that might be in that area.
BlackHorse: In early 1967 Tom Fleming remembers that there were men from the 11 ACR (Air Cav Regiment-Blackhorse) who were cross training with D Troop 3/4 Cav. We have no other information. Hopefully one of you has association in some way with Blackhorse, and can do some research for us. We would like to find these men and hear their stories.
Troop Commanders list located in the War Story Discussions section is now linked to from the History Headquarters and Operations section.
F Troop not connected to 25th Inf Div by Linage. Lloyd Goldsmith has been helping our Historian Mike Peake in resolving some questions presented in our "F Troop Orphans" Discussion. His response from the U.S. Army Center of Military History CMH provides a few answers.
You may remember John Jones from the November 2020 Newsletter and again in the March 2021 Newsletter who puts together photo albums of shoulder patches from Vietnam. He has just published his third effort. Click Here to see it. You may want to click on "Manage Cookie Settings" then unclick "Marketing Cookies" before you start. Be sure to select Full Screen before you begin clicking through the pages.
Help Find a Centaur
Help us find our lost Centaurs and encourage them to contact the webmaster ( with info and photos so we can honor them in the Centaur Legacy. Scroll down the Roster on the website. Any name that is still in black, and not blue and underlined, we need info on.
Does anyone remember anything about SP4 Bracco UH-1 Gunship Crewmember 1967. He is mentioned in Powell Gun Notes slideshow at BP-18 and BP-20. The name is spelled wrong in the notes. He left Nam on 2 Sep 1967 with CPT Eschenwald and MAJ Stalker. Online search finds an Angelo T. Bracco age 76 of Little Ferry, NJ. Could be him.
Gary L. Bassett CW2 OH-23 Scout Pilot 1967 died 2 February 2021 and we listed him on the roster as deceased. However, we were never able to find a photo of him. Maybe you can help. An InfoSheet/Obit has been created from VHPA data provided by Mike Banks. He is mentioned in Powell Letter Feb 67.
We would like to find John J. Wall WO1 Heavy Weapons (Hogs) pilot 1967. His name is mentioned in Powell's Gun Notes at slide BP-22 as copilot for 1LT Steve Sanford flying wing on Powell and Halliday, on Road Runner standby at Go Da Hau 6 Sep 67. He is listed on General Orders GO 2552 for an Air Medal. Rick Arthur is on the same orders.
Heavy Scout Gunner. Do you remember this guy? Tom Fleming remembers that the Service Platoon inherited one of the Heavy Scout gunners who claimed he could learn how to maintain the Mini-Guns (he may have been on an extended tour). His original MOS was a truck driver. Tom assigned him to the Ammo Section of the supply section. He was a SP5 and very reliable. His name is not remembered, but apparently there were lots of stories about him. He did a great job of keeping the Go Da Hau FAARP resupplied with ammo and gas.
SP4 Reed Cobra Crew Chief 1971 - 1972. See his name on the Cobra in the background of Lloyd Goldsmith's MP1. Based on tour dates, he doesn't appear on our Centaur Roster. Anyone remember him?
3/17th Cav Cross Training
Note: The 3/17th Squadron arrived in Vietnam October 14 thru November 2, 1967, and was assigned to the 12th Aviation Group. The Squadron was responsible for air cavalry support in the western part of the III Corps Tactical Zone, consisting of attack, reconnaissance, air assault, and resupply missions. On July 20 1970, 3-17 Cavalry was assigned directly to II Field Force Vietnam, and later that year placed under the operational control of the 1st Cavalry Division. The 1st Cavalry Division combined 3-17 with 1-9 Cavalry to form US Army's first air cavalry brigade.
In November of 1967 sixteen men from HHT, A, B and C Troops of the 3/17th Cav came to Cu Chi to cross train with the Centaurs.They were never Centaurs per se, but they lived and fought with us and surely have stories that could add to the Centaur Legacy.
Below are their names taken from a D Troop Order assigning them to different sections of the Troop. Please help us to locate these men and see if they would share their stories with us. email
Light Scout Section: (B) CPT John R. Hanson (Plt Ldr), (C) 1LT Dennis Hayfield, (B) 1LT Michael C. Vecellio (Sec Ldr), (A) CPT George Hollweidel (Plt Ldr), 1LT Edward Busic.
Heavy Scout Section: (A) 1LT James Higgins (Sec Ldr), (C) WO1 Gary M. Kimarell, (C) WO1 John S. McCall (Hvy Wpns)
Heavy Weapons Section: (A) WO1 Edwin A. Richardson, (B) WO1 Robert S. Holbrook.
Aerorifles Section: (B) CPT Donald E. Jones (Sec Ldr), (C) WO1 Larry K. Waggoner, (B) Bobby D. Harrison (Supply), (A) WO1 Jeffery D. Anthony (Maint), (C) WO1 William T. Jacobus (KIA 2Jan68)
Opns - C & C: (HHT) 1LT Francisco C. Moreno
Dennis Anspach CW2 Slick pilot 1967-68 now has an MP1 using slide JH-044 from Jeff Halliday's slideshow. His first name is now spelled correctly with two "n's".
Ben C. Rogers SP4 Avionics Apr 1966 to Apr 1967 has an updated MyPage with a current photo added and an InfoSheet.
Aldofo "Poncho" Eshenwald Jr. CPT Heavy Scouts pilot 1966-67 Deceased. His date of death has been corrected by his son Jose and his deceased MyPage has been updated with stories about this Centaur Super Hero. For more on Pancho see B57 Bomber Crash, Conversion to XM21 Miniguns, "Fugging Meanie Guns", and Xenon Light First Test
Andrew "Andy" Gerrie 1LT Aerorifle Platoon Leader (Feb 67 tpo Jul 68): The War Story Quagmire has been added to his MyPage.
John Mackey CPT Gun Platoon Leader F Troop 1972-73 has joined us and has sent in some photos and information to do a MyPage. That should be up soon.
Send in your notes on these men and let us post them to their Infosheets.
Robert "Bob" Schenck II MSG Maintenance NCO Jan 72 to Jan 73. Jerry Shelton notifies us that Bob passed away 23 Sep 2021. His InfoSheet has been updated with his Obituary. Frank Dillon was able to locate and spend some time with Bob a few years ago. Bob was a member of our original Centaur Society and is well remembered as a top notch Maintenance Manager and friend.
Larry B "Pete" Harlamert WO1 Gun Pilot in the Heavy Weapons Section of the Gun Platoon (Hogs) 1967-68. He died on 23 June 2019. He now has a deceased MyPage and InfoSheet/Obit. Tom Fleming comments on what a great job Harlamert did with the Hogs.
His Obit says he was flying cover for the 1967 Bob Hope Show at Cu Chi. Must have been with Chuck Johnson. Powell and Eastes in other aircraft.
Powell Scout/Gun Notes BP-03 mentions Powell flying with CPT Billy Vinson as team lead and WO1 Rick Arthur with copilot Harlamert.
James C. Sapwell SP5 Crew Chief Slicks 1970 died 10 December 2010. An InfoSheet/Obit has been linked to his page.
Frank Price SFC Mess Sergeant for F Troop at Tan My 1972-73 died 19 March 2005. He now has a deceased MyPage and InfoSheet posted. see the Richard Parrish Video Mess Officer. Send in your stories about Frank and the Mess.
War Stories/Videos
Richard T. Parrish CPT Cobra Pilot 1972 did a video interview at the Bowling Green, KY reunion in 2019. It has finally been edited and posted to the website. The video is broken up into three different movies. Introduction, Reassigning himself and Mess Officer. He is the only man who personally reassigned himself to the Centaurs without any help from the Army. Clever story. These movies are listed on the War Stories Video page and linked to from his MyPage. The Mess Officer video is linked to from the SFC Frank Price Deceased MyPage.
The Mess Officer video is also posted as a link on the History Mess Section page under Mess Hall stories. Hope that we can find some photos, from someone, of the Tan My Mess Hall setup and maybe some of the cooks.
The photo of Russ Miller, where he is posing with his shot up Cobra and a 51 cal hole in his hat (his MP1), was used in the video. That may have been the mission mentioned by Parrish (Rescue of Air Force Pilots - Miller - 2 May 1972).
The Cobra pic used in the opening of these videos is a composite using Tom Doolings great photo of Wretched Mildred (image 80 of 80) and the cockpit crew from the Joe Kline "Chariots of Fire" painting (used in the background of Doolings MyPage).
Richard's F Troop Yearbook photo was colorized for the movies and also used to upgrade his MyPage.
A rough draft War Story Essay by Richard Parrish has begun. Return to Tan My. Photos are in place and words to be written by Richard.
Air Force B57 Canberra Crash - 1967 story by Tom Fleming, Bill Mosenthal and Bain Cowell. T Vaughn lost an M16 on that mission
The B-57 Canberra was the first jet-powered American attack aircraft committed to the Vietnam War. Out of the 94 B-57s that were assigned to the Southeast Asia theater, 51 were lost in combat (including 15 destroyed on the ground). See interesting article on B57's.
We can account for two B57 Bomber stories in our AO in 1967. One a Bomb Damage Assessment mission with George Stenehjam Troop Commander overhead and Andy Gerrie/Bill Andenhofen Aerorifle Platoon on the ground (see "Quagmire" War Story in the War Stories Essay section).
The second mission was also in early 1967 with Tom Fleming, the Service Platoon Leader flying Stable Boy, Bill Mosenthal Aerorifle Platoon Leader on the ground and Adolfo Eschenwald as Gun Team Leader. That story is now told by those men in our newly posted "B57 Canberra Crash - 1967" found in the War Stories Discussion section and posted to the MyPages of those men.
War Story Essay List updated to include "Air Force B57 Canberra" in the title of Friendly Fire, an Airstrike and a Quagmire - Early 67. Title changed to "Friendly Fire, a B57 Airstrike and a Quagmire - Early 67". SP4 Richard Williams (retired CW3) contributed to the story. We are trying to get photos and info to do a MyPage for him. The story was edited by Bain Cowell and has been added to his MyPage.
Converting Heavy Scout Aircraft to XM21 Minigun System: In early 1967 the four flexible M60 machine guns (M16 Weapons System) of the UH-1C Heavy Scout gunships (not the door guns) were replaced with flexible Miniguns. One on each side (the XM21 Weapons System). One of the Heavy Weapons Gunships (Minnie Hog) was given miniguns. an unusual arrangement. Do you have a story about it?
Xenon Light - First Test - 1967 First time we tried out using a tank Xenon light mounted in a Huey for night recon. Bruce Powell, Tom Fleming, Adolfo Eschenwald, Garrett Marcinkowski
The Grenade War Story has been linked to from Jeffery "Doc" Halliday's MyPage. Would like to hear from Doc.
Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion - Tampa, FL - 5 -8 Nov 2021
"Hey everyone this is Blane Kirby, one of the hosts for this years Centaur reunion. This is the last time I will be able to remind you to please send in your Saturday night dinner check if you haven’t sent them in yet. We have to have all the money in by October 10th so please get them in.
You can make the checks out to me, Blane Kirby and send them to Blane Kirby 3208 W Rogers Ave, Tampa, FL 33611. Thanks for helping us with that.
3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion - Washington, DC - 20-24 April 2022
Added to Glossary: The terms "Ford", Buick" and "Skylark" which were used on the radio to mean M113, M48 and M551Sheridan Tank. Road Runner, Minnie Hog and Oasis. Anyone remember the coordinates of the Oasis?
CIVO Website Newsletter - September 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Reunions
Update 2 Sep2021: Removed from Newsletter Distribution- CW2 David A. Scheina, James R. "Jimmy" Mouser, CW2 Robert A. Brooks (email addresses not valid)
Hayden "Pappy" Jones CW2 Cobra Pilot Aug 71 to Feb 73 (Deceased): We are in contact with his wife Susan Jones Gassman, who still often attends VHPA and Centaur events. A photo of her and Pappy has been added to his InfoObit page.
Eddie Coopage checks in and adds info on Whiteheads Bombing exercise story. Cecil Gage was also involved. The Moose Marcinkowski UH-1 Bombing Video is now linked to John Whitehead's page and to the Homemade Bombs Discussion page. Do you have photos of the device?
Johnny Dixon remembers his flight school classmate John Petrilla and places comments on John's deceased InfoSheet.
Dan Spaulding & Marty Jenkins meet in Macon, GA:
After many long years Marty Jenkins has linked up with one of his favorite heroes Dan Spaulding. Dan (Richard) Spaulding was the Cobra aircraft copilot with PIC Tom (Sam) Dooling that rescued Marty and Jim Walt after their LOH was shot down. See the story They plan to have another luncheon soon. Dan wrote the book "Centaur Flights".
Ray Kenneth Clark - Appreciation:
Please forward this to Mr Clark,
"Mr Clark, so appreciative for your service and sacrifice in Vietnam! These words fall far short for thanking those who fought and risk their lives for our and others freedom. But it is truly appreciated by a huge number of Americans.
I grew up in Nashville and graduated just after the draft ended. But my older brother served during that time as did so many friends I know now. I am a dentist and right now in my office is a former military helicopter pilot who flew in the late 1980s. I also have another close friend, Tom Aldridge, who flew in Vietnam (he flew for both the Army and AF). I see a bunch of veterans here every week and it is clear that you all are a great group of people!
Last year you gave my daughter Sofi (an ER nurse in Nashville) 2 copies of your book - one was for me. I believe it is the best book I ever read on Vietnam (and I have read quite a few). The story was extremely well told and I marveled at your numerous close calls. I enjoyed the discussions of flying in general as well as the less dangerous aspects - such things as the house you all constructed in your camp, the visit from Billy Graham, or the holiday dinner that was all fouled up- you delivered it to the troops in the field except some got all dressing, some all meat, ect. I know this was not your fault but I loved that fact you went back out there and got the courses spread out properly.
My brother had cancer and the end of his life he had three lifelong friends who served in different branches during the Vietnam era. These fine men helped me take care of him when I could not be there. This allowed him to pass away at home - something he really wanted. These men did the work of icu nurses. And that is how you veterans are. When times are tough you can rise high above average people and function on a different level.
So thank you for serving your country and leading so well there during that dangerous time. I am so glad I was able to read your book. And as a working guy and family man who loves freedom your service is the reason and it is much appreciated!!
J Dan Startup, Norris TN
Jerry Shelton found a YouTube movie of the Jesus Nut song that reminds us that we have that audio on our website in a story by Bob Graham. You may also remember that KC Allcock tells a Jesus Nut story.
The dedicated website users may have also found the song hidden on the Home Page.
Joe K. Owen 1LT Scout and Aerorifle Platoon Commander Feb 68 to Feb 69, reports the death of Joseph Lee Galloway, every Vietnam Helicopter Crew Members' friend. He was 79 (18 Aug 2021). Few have done more for the legacy of helicopter crewmen in Vietnam. His Video
Galloway, a native of Refugio, Texas, spent 22 years as a foreign war correspondent and bureau chief for United Press International and 20 years as a senior editor and senior writer for U.S. News & World Report magazine. He joined Knight Ridder in the fall of 2002.
During the course of 15 years of foreign postings—including assignments in Japan, Indonesia, India, Singapore and three years as UPI bureau chief in Moscow in the former Soviet Union–Galloway served four tours as a war correspondent in Vietnam and also covered the 1971 India-Pakistan War and half a dozen other combat operations.
The late Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who first met Galloway in South Vietnam when he was a brand new Army major, called the Texan “the finest combat correspondent of our generation—a soldier’s reporter and a soldier’s friend.”
He is co-author, with Lt. Gen. (ret) Hal Moore, of the national bestseller “We Were Soldiers Once-And Young,” which has been made into a critically acclaimed movie, “We Were Soldiers,” starring Mel Gibson. “We Were Soldiers Once-And Young” is presently in print in six different languages, and more than 1.2 million copies have been sold.
Galloway also co-authored “Triumph Without Victory: The History of the Persian Gulf War” for Times Books— and he and Gen. Moore in 2008 published their sequel to We Were Soldiers, a work titled: “We Are Soldiers Still: A Journey Back to the Battlefields of Vietnam.”
Last year Military History magazine polled 50 leading historians to choose the Ten Greatest Books Ever Written on War. We Were Soldiers Once…and Young was among those ten books.
Joe was scheduled to return to Ia Drang Valley this November with members of 1/7 and 2/7 Cavalry Regiment.
“Every Day is Memorial Day” - The Greatest GENERATIONS Foundation
USS Gordon has been added to the Glossary section. Note that the first 13 slides of Reggie Slater's slideshow are of the USS Gordon. If you have information, photos, or stories about the Gordon please send them in.
Denis E. Anspach CW2 Slick Pilot 1967-68 now has a rough draft MyPage. If you have any photos or info on Denis please email them to me.
Terry J. Walker SP4 Aerorifles and Door Gunner 1966-67 now has a draft MyPage and MP1. Thanks to Bob Tegelman for locating this photo in the Tegelman/Beasley slideshow (#345). Terry's MyPage is linked to from the Roster page.
Roosevelt Tyre PFC Aerorifles photo found by Bob Tegelman in the Al Nixon Photo Album. Leroy Factora identified it as PFC Tyre. Image 34 of 84 in Nixon album now has Tyre's name.
William White PFC Aerorifleman now has a draft MyPage and three MP's thanks to Bob Tegelman. Bob remembers the great cover that White consistently provided for the platoon.
Richard E. "Frenchie" Bernier LOH Scout Crew Chief 1970-71 now has a draft MyPage.
Michael "Rocky" Cimbrec SP5 Avionics Mechanic Apr 70 - Apr 71 has checked in with us. He plans to get photos and more info to us soon. Until then we have created and InfoSheet as a place holder.
David Cox SP4 Armored Personnel Carrier Driver for A Troop, 3/4 Cav 1968-69 now has a Centaur Friends MyPage. Dave is the Secretary of the 3/4 Cav Chapter, 25th Inf Div Association. Over the last several decades he and his wife Diana have dedicated themselves to 3/4 Cav Chapter and provided valuable assistance to the Centaurs In Vietnam Organization.
When a Centaur dies, many friends and relatives go to his InfoSheet/Obit on our website to see if any of his fellow warriors thought enough of him to make a public comment. We could do a better job at that. He doesn't have to have been your best buddy for you to make a comment or tell a story about him that might bring joy to his family. Give it some thought. Take another look through the deceased list and see if you might want to say something about one of our men. Talk to me -
Leon "Buddy" Ring LOH Crew Chief 1971-72 deceased 7:30am 25 Aug 2021. A true Air Cavalry Scout Warrior. His Centaur MyPage has been converted to a Deceased page with a linked InfoSheet/Obit and his name listed on our Deceased Roster. Comments from some of his many friends are included on his InfoSheet/Obit page.
Stephen A. Van Rie SP4 Crew Chief on Stable Boy Feb to Aug 1969 died 23 January 2021. We received a note from his daughter Ginny. We sent her and the Van Rie family our condolences. As he mentions in his video from the Nashville Reunion in 2012, he was well known for his ability to fix and improve the firing of our M60 machine guns. Note that in Steve's video he has three segments with fade to black inbetween. We have added an InfoSheet/Obit page to his deceased MyPage and placed his name on our Deceased Roster. Comments from John Moore and Jim Filiatreault
James C. Sapwell SP5 Crew Chief Slicks 1970 died 10 December 2010. John Moore found the obituary on Facebook. His page has been updated to a deceased MyPage. Not sure of his exact tour dates.
War Stories/Videos
Robert N. "Bob" Tegelman SP4 Aerorifleman Apr 1965 - Nov 1966 did two video interviews for us at the Bowling Green Centaur Vets Day Reunion in 2019. The first is about Aerorifle Ambushes. The second is about Blowing up VC tunnels. Both movies are listed on the War Stories Video page and linked to from Bob's MyPage.
Video Notes: Our video interviews are so much better when we can find appropriate photos or video to go behind the speaker to better explain his story. If you are cruising the internet and find a photo, a movie, or part of a movie that would be great behind one of our interview videos, please send me the link. Some are public domain and others I need to get permission to use.
UPDATE on the 16mm film that was mentioned in the May 2021 Newsletter. It has been compressed and added to the website. It is linked to from the War Stories Video page (near the bottom). Note that we have not had the time to do the audio background yet. It will take quite a while.
Centaur Veterans Day Reunion - UPDATE - 1 Sep 2021
The 2021 Centaur Veteram's Day Reunion will be held November 5-8, 2021 at the Hampton Inn & Suites Tampa Airport Avion Park Westshore, Tampa, FL. This location is very close to the Tampa Airport which will make it very easy to access for those flying to the reunion. If you need shuttle information from the airport, please email Blane and we will get it to you.
The reservation link to the hotel is https:/ or click here
Rooms can be reserved by either calling the number on the page or by clicking on the "Book a Room” tab. If calling, be sure to mention the code “DFR” to receive the reunion rate. The cut–off date for our special room rate and guaranteed availability is October 6, 2021.
We will also be participating in a Veterans Day Parade Saturday November 6th. If anyone is driving a truck and would like to drive in the parade please contact Blane by October 1st.
Our group dinner will be at the Columbia Restaurant, which is a wonderful old Spanish restaurant in the heart of historic Ybor City. The cost for the evening dinner is $46 per person. Please make the check out and mail to Blane Kirby (3208 W Rogers Ave. Tampa, FL 33611) no later than October 1st.
If you plan on joining us for the reunion, please let us know by October 1st so that we may plan accordingly. You may send your reply to Blane Kirby at or Bob Jones at
Updates to the reunion will be posted on the Website and in the monthly newsletter.
Please give some thoughtful consideration to attending this year’s reunion. ALSO, if you know of someone you would like to see at the reunion, give them a call and encourage them to attend. As always, the more, the merrier!
3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div Reunion - 20 - 24 April 2022 - Click here for info
VHPA Reunion 2022 - Marriott Tampa Waterside, Tampa, FL ($129/night) Thursday, 26 May - Sunday, 29 May 2022
Centaurs Attending the last VHPA Reunion Aug 2021
The next VHPA Reunion 2022 - Thursday, 26 May - Sunday, 29 May 2022 at the Marriott Tampa Waterside, Tampa, FL ($129/night)
Frank Walker Reunion Party (8 August 2021)
During the week of the annual VHPA Reunion in Charlotte, NC, Frank Walker invited all Centaurs and Friends to his house in Rock Hill, SC for a fun afternoon/evening. The Centaur freebies were flowing: Gary Jones kindly gave away D3/4 and F/4 unit patches (Note: D and F Troop patches were made by Bruce Karn and ordered by Gary) and Brian “Stretch" Harrison donated F/4 bumpers stickers.
Those in attendance: Steve & Marty Borden, Cliff Brunsting, Wayne Cooper, Susan Gassaway, Lloyd Goldsmith, Ron & JoAnne Holmes, Marty & Charlotte Jenkins, Jana & Jack “Beetle” Bailey, Gary Jones, Bob Jones, Ken Mick, Wayne Moose, Chuck O'Connell, Stephen Pullen, Gaylen Randall, Michael Syverson, Harlan Sparrow, Frank & Kathie Walker and Alan & Gina Zygowicz. Note that some of the faces in the photo are linked to MyPages
Photos by Brian "Stretch" Harrison
CIVO Website Newsletter - August 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Other Viewers, Your Memories
ALERT: Added at 3:30pm Mountain Time 1 Aug 2021: In some cases hackers are now stealing our email addresses and sending personal notes to those listed in our individual contacts lists, usually requesting money. If you respond, your email will go to the scammer and not to your friend.
Marty Jenkins had our famous painter and friend Joe Kline add the Centaur Logo to his "Almost Home" painting. You may remember back in October 2017 I talked with Joe Kline and got his permission for us to use photo copies of his amazing artwork on our website.
Joe's painting of "Paper Tiger" is in Marty's VHPA Article. His painting "Chariots of Fire" is used in the background of Tom Dooling's MyPage. Pat Eastes purchased Kline's "Have Gun Will Travel" painting modified with Centaur insignias and is included in the last photo of Pat's MP's.
If you would like to order a personalized print from Joe check out his website and send him a note.
Lauren Berkson, the daughter of CPT Joseph Berkson (see "Rescue Air Force Pilots" War Story), sends us this message in support of the "Sons and Daughters In Touch" organization (maybe you can help):
"There may be Vietnam Veterans that know of men that died that had children. We are searching for our Wall brothers and sisters. Thank you for your support. Lauren"
John Whitehead sends a note to see if anyone remembers who was in the front seat during the photo shoot of the Cobra for the calendar picture.
He would also like to know if any Aeroriflemen remember dropping bombs from a Huey? Anyone have photos? And it seems that someone at Div or Div Avn Bn wanted to attach bombs to the Cobra wing stores.
Garrett "Moose" Marcinkowski responds to John Whitehead's comments: "As I can best recall there was no bombs from Cobra's action. I did do a video that is in the Centaur War Story Video section about how John actually came up with a system to slide bombs off a homemade ramp from a Huey. John and I flew the mission to use up the last of the bombs to show some big cheese from Saigon how it worked. John did a great job but no further action came of it.
Letter of Appreciation to 2/27th Wolfhounds (31Jan1968): Tom Fleming came upon this LOA to the Wolfhounds from LTC Glenn Otis, 3/4 Cav Squadron Commander. Not sure who the handwriting in the upper right corner is from. It was a spectacular rescue effort by a truly great infantry unit.
Daily Staff Journal 29Jan68 (Squadron) as transcribed by our Unit Historian Michael Peake. This was from the devistating Battle of the Hobo Woods 29Jan68.
The Gordonaire Newspaper: When the USS Gordon set sail for Vietnam with the first Centaurs (1966) they established a ship's newsletter. CIVO Director Carl Burns was the editor. Do you remember? Do you have any photos/stories you could send us?
John Joseph Petrilla Jr (KIA 2 May 1972): John's relatives are seeking more information about him. They were provided with our website information including the articles by Miller and Shelton. Dan Miller mentions in his comments in the SA7 Missle War Story that he and Petrilla were best friends. You may have other information. If so, send to webmaster
Here is the note from Tom and Margo: "11Jul2021: Tom and Margo
Hello, I’m hoping to find the author of this discussion. John Petrilla was my brother-in-law and I’m building a memorial frame and book about him for our children and grandchildren. I think it’s important for them to know about the sacrifices made during that war. If you can help I’d be grateful. Margaret Locken-Petrilla"
B Troop Website: 3/4 Cav Webmaster John Moore announces that our fellow 3/4 calvarymen now have an active website. Jesse Doyle and his daughter Tiffany Hendrick have volunteered to host/maintain the new B Trp website. It has a nice clean look and is easy to navigate. A good start. This link has been updated on our Centaur Links Page.
Jim Hoag, our Centaur Links Manager has dropped the VHFCN from our Links page. Their website seems to be fading away and does not have proper links backs to our website. (Not to be confused with the VHCMA).
Vietnam War Statistics and Facts: Jim Hoag reminds us of the informative page on the website that provides probably the best facts and analysis of the Vietnam War ever assembled. I couldn't stop reading the whole thing. Included in it is this statement from a speech by the US Army’s 25th Infantry Division’s Command Sergeant Major on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Republic of Vietnam:
“The 25th Infantry Division (Tropic Lighting) fought in Vietnam from early 1966 to late 1971.
The Division had a little less than 17,000 men assigned. 5 During its tour, the Division never lost a position to the enemy, never had a unit overrun, and never had a soldier surrender under fire.”
Also included on that page is this amazing research article Vietnam: Looking Back - At The Facts
Updated – 9 May 04 © By: K. G. Sears, Ph.D. Arm yourself with complete in depth knowledge of the real Vietnam War. Also see Vietnam War Resources for deeper research.
We have added that article to our Help Answers section of the Centaur Website (Item 66).
3/4 Cavalry Summer Newsletter is out. Be sure to review it for latest information on changes for the April 20 - 24, 2022 Reunion in Northern Virginia.
The VHPA 2021 Reunion is happening in Charlotte NC in a couple days (3 Aug to 6 Aug 2021)
My Pages
Karl Gerald Kaufman SGT Aerial Observer 1967 - 68 now has a MyPage and InfoSheet.
Richard H. "Rick" Kline SP4 1972 now has a Photo Album linked to his MyPage and listed on the PhotoAudioFilm section.
Jack Craig's deceased MyPage has been upgraded with a link to his InfoObituary. John Moore provides Jack's obit and personal comments about Jack's work with the Military Order of the Purple Heart in Arizona.
War Stories/Video
Marty Jenkins 1LT LOH Scout Pilot 1969 told his story of being shot down and rescued by a Cobra in a VHPA Aviator Magazine story (Paper Tiger). That story is now posted to the Centaur Website in the War Stories Essay section as Centaur AH-1G Cobra Medivac - 25 Apr 1969 and linked to from his MyPage and that of Jim Walt, Tom Dooling, Dan Spaulding, Terry Tally, & John Dobash.
Robert "Bob" Brady SP4 Light Scout Crew Chief and Gunner now has his video interviews from the 2019 Bowling Green Centaur Veterian's Day Reunion posted to the website. Both videos, "Introduction" and "Shot Between the Eyes", are linked to from Bob's MyPage and from the War Stories Video page.
Brady mentions the incident of the LOH flying under the Go Da Hau Bridge and crashing in the water in his introduction video. If you go 8 minutes into Bruce Karn's video, he gives the details of that incident, including where he and Bill Blair were recovering the LOH from the river.
YouTube Video of Google Earth Flight Simulator of Saigon/CuChi area:
Our Website Map Master and CIVO Director, Carl Betsill, has created a video using the Google Earth Flight Simulator. It shows takeoff from Tan Son Nhut Airbase, flying up Route 1 MSR, showing markers of Centaur crash sites/battles and landing at Tay Ninh East near Nui Ba Den. The screen dump below has white text to point out features that you might remember.
You also should take a look at our other detailed map information spearheaded by Carl Betsill, Brian Harrison and Michael Peake. - Specific Map Locations, - Google Earth Centaur Interactive Map, - Centaur Areas of Operation, -Map Accuracy,
Comments: Carl, what you and Brian have accomplished with Google Earth Pro is absolutely remarkable and stands alone compared to any Vietnam site I've encountered. Hell, this is unique to ANY site. Your test run demonstrated an enormous field of possibilities that could be an expansion of what you showed by matching images/stories to the various sites in the flight path.
I jumped on this late last night and only intended to watch a few minutes of the simulator to get an idea of what you produced but I was captivated the second we lifted off the runway and watched it to the very end. I smacked it up to full screen and I'm not exaggerating that I literally found myself leaning into the turns and reacting to the attitude of the aircraft as though I was crewing a Huey again. Along the way, I was reminded of images and stories from the Centaur collections. This is beyond impressive, and I'm sure when the rest of the Centaurs see the work you guys have done, they will be equally blown away. Mike Peake
Others Who Enjoy our Website
Howard "Bruce" Meyers, OH-23 Crew Chief (1968/69) with 12th AvnGroup (Long Binh) & 74th Avn Co Phu Loi) sends us a nice note praising our webite and requesting that we add him to our Newsletter distibution. We welcome him.
Steve Larrabee, a retired Navy airdale (P3 and many other aircraft, pilot) sends a note to Brian "Stretch" Harrison: "All right -- I just spent 90 minutes with the Centaurs in Vietnam, their extremely well done website, and your conex tear-jerking story. I easily understand how you still think about those conexes...........what a waste!"
Don't Let Your Memories Be Lost Forever!
No cost to you! Take a few minutes and dig through your old boxes to find audio (reel to reel & cassette) and video (8 & Super 8) tapes that you created in Vietnam. Send them to Scott Reda at Lou Reda Productions
He will convert them to digital, mail them back and email you a digital version that you can play on your computer. Copy the digital files to the Webmaster for any necessary editing and posting on the Centaur Website. More Info. .
CIVO Website Newsletter - July 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories/Video
We need help with the Centaur Legacy Mission. Please do this for us, when you have some time:
1. Go to the Centaur Website and click on the Roster button.
2. Scroll down the roster looking at the names that are in black text. Black Text means we have little or no information or photos. So these men are not properly recognized in the Centaur Legacy.
3. Find any names you recognize or might be able to provide some information on. Maybe you remember seeing a photo of him that is already on the website but not named.
4. Email that information to the webmaster at
You might review ...Blessing of Combat Camaraderie
Those of you who are computer savvy can type Command F (Mac) or Control F (PC) to bring up the search window. Then type in the year or years you served. As you click forward in the Roster, only men from that year or years will be shown.
Centaur Shirts & Hats: Christine M. Smith is still selling the F Troop and D Troop shirts and hats to support the Centaur scholarship fund. Hats and shirts are $20 each, plus $7.00 shipping. The hats are limited. There are still some D Troop OH-6 and F Troop AH-1G hats left and one F Troop UH-1. If you would like to purchase a shirt or hat, please contact her at
Southwest Chapter of the VHPA meeting: Saturday, 10 July meeting at the Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson, AZ at 0900. Gather and meet at 0930 in Hangar 1 by the UH-1C/M gunship. Currently have 26 members who are planning to attend! Contact Dave Sale for more information -
The 2021 Ranger Hall of Fame Ceremony is scheduled for July 21 at 1:30 p.m., at McGinnis-Wickham Hall, Fort Benning, Georgia. Centaur LRRP Mark Ponzillo will be inducted.
The VHPA 38th Annual National 2021 Reunion will be in Charlotte, NC Tuesday, August 3, 2021 - Friday, August 6, 2021.
The Very First Cobra Hall Reunion will be held 5-8 October 2021 in Savannah, GA: Many Centaur pilots and crewman went through Cobra Transition, Instructor Pilot and other training at this Base in beautiful Savannah GA (Hunter Army Airfield).
Things are looking good for the Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion in Tampa (5 to 8 Nov 2021). Hope you can make it. More Info.
3/4 Cav Reunion has been moved to 20-24 April 2022. Latest Update from 3/4 Cav Webmaster John Moore:
We had a major rewrite on the back end of the association website. Some links changed as a result. Here are the new links for the Agenda and the Attendee list: Agenda and Attendee List.
My Pages
Lin Riniker SP5 Armament Repairman (our Website Consulting Armament Guru) has retired and moved from PA to Monticello, FL. His MyPage has been updated and his new email address added to the Newsletter distribution.
Karl G. "Gary" Kaufman SGT Scout Observer 1967-68 now has an InfoSheet linked to his name on the roster. Gary will be sending some photos to create a MyPage.
James E. "Jim" Rodgers SP5 Armament. His Deceased MyPage and Obituary have been updated. Also comments from KC Allcock have been added.
Williard R. "Bobby" Ethridge, SGT LRRPs 1967-68 died 13 July 2012. We now have a deceased MyPage and linked InfoSheet/Obituary for him. Bobby was the LRRP Team leader in the War Story "Cobra 23 LRRP Team Rescue - 2 Jul 68" and also recounted in the TLN article "Pilot Risks Life To Rescue LRP"
War Stories/Video
"We’ve lost you..." story (Apr-May 1970) by Tom "Sam" Dooling has been posted to the War Stories Essay section and linked to from Tom's Index of Articles page. Keeping track of a low fast Scout aircraft is a challenge.
Reunion Video: LOH Crew Chiefs (71-72) Bruce Anderson and Harry Rogers team up in a Centaur Reunion Video (Bowling Green,KY 2019) to tell of their tour and tell the story of the NVA Flag taken from an enemy tank (by Crank LaBore). The video is listed on the War Stories Video page under both names, and is linked to from their MyPages; and also linked to LaBores MyPage.
Reunion Video: Centaur XO and Commanding Officer Ray Clark (1969) did a video at the Centaur Reunion Video (Bowling Green,KY 2019) to tell of his tour. The video is listed on the War Stories Video page under his name and is linked to from his MyPage.
CIVO Website Newsletter - June 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, MyPages, Deceased
John Brennan (Nose Art Books Author)
...sends us an index of his over 1000 photos, listed by unit and in which which book the photos appear. Click Here.
Mark Ponzillo (Deceased) to the Ranger Hall of Fame
Rick Ellison, LRRP 1966, reports that Mark Ponzillo is to be inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame this July. Rick shared our video of Mark on Facebook. Marshall Huckaby confirms that the 2021 Ranger Hall of Fame Ceremony is scheduled for July 21 at 1:30 p.m., at McGinnis-Wickham Hall, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Was F Troop assigned to 1st Avn Bde or did it officially remain as a 25th Inf Div unit?
Lloyd Goldsmith contacted the Institute of Herald and was referred to Force Structure and Unit History Branch within the US Army Center of Military History. They were closed due to COVID and the link is no longer working - don't know for how long. He will keep trying. The 1st Avn Bde website shows F Troop 3/4 Cav - so still different but the 3/4 may point to a closer tie to the division.
Here is his note to them and their response:
From Lloyd: “The following is a Vietnam unit question/issue that has been discussed at unit reunions and on our website without being resolved.
Were we part of the 1st Aviation Brigade or 25th Infantry Division when we flew for F Troop, 4th Calvary in Vietnam? As I learned at a reunion a few years ago, F Troop deployed to Vietnam as D Troop,¾ Calvary, 25 Infantry Division. We have been unable to locate any orders to resolve this question.
Unofficial unit history has the following:
F Troop, 4th Cavalry was activated on February 10, 1971 in Vietnam and assigned to the 25th Division as a separate air cavalry troop in support of the 2nd Brigade, 25th Division.
After the 2nd Brigade left Vietnam on April 30, 1971, F Troop remained assigned to the 25th Division while serving with the 11th and 12th Aviation Groups. It was one of the last Army units to leave Vietnam on February 26, 1973. The call sign for both units was Centaur.
Do you have any information on the official status of F Troop after the 2nd Brigade, 25 Infantry Division left Vietnam?
Thanks in advance for any information you provide.”
From: USARMY Ft Belvoir HQDA Mailbox TIOH Webmaster <>
Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 2:14 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: The Institute of Heraldry | Request for Information (UNCLASSIFIED)
Hello and thank you for contacting The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH):
TIOH is responsible for executing the statuary (10 USC § 4594) requirement for the Secretary of the Army to furnish heraldic services to the Office of the President of the United States and all Federal Government Agencies. Our work encompasses all elements of National symbolism associated with research, design, development, standardization, quality control, and other services which are fundamental to the creation and custody of official heraldic items. Products include coats of arms, decorations, medals, flags, streamers, agency seals, badges, and other types of official insignia. TIOH also provides the general public with limited research and information services.
Your inquiry should be directed to the Force Structure and Unit History Branch within the US Army Center of Military History.
They are responsible for unit designations, unit lineage and honors, awards and campaign streamer entitlements, etc.
16mm Film: Featured last newsletter (1968 era) from Scott Reda and our friends at Lou Reda Productions in New Jersey has been edited a bit for better quailty. You can download the new version CLICK HERE. It is now a little shorter than 10 mins long. It was taken by a US Army Photographer probably around the third week in May of 1968 at Cu Chi in the Corral. It was found and sent to us from Hugh Mills, 1/4 Cav Pilot (Darkhorse 16 x2 and Charliehorse 38). We will eventually edit it more by adding text and sound.
My Pages
Corrall "Wayne" Yetman WO1 Gunpilot 1968 has an updated MyPage. Two additional photos are added to his MP's (click the little white buttons in lower left of his page). Can you provide the name of the others in these photos?
Richard "Rick" Ellison SP4 LRRP 1966-67 now has a MyPage.
Glenn "Randy" Nicholas is now in touch with us and is receiving the monthly Newsletter.
Irvin K. Herrman SP4 LRRP stays in contact with fellow LRRP Rick Ellison but does not have an email address. We don't have a MyPage but did put up an InfoSheet linked to his name on the roster.
Leo B. Miller SP4 LRRP 1966-67 died 1 January 2019. A deceased MyPage has been created for him using photos and data from Rick Ellison.
James E. "Jim" Rodgers SP5 Armament NCOIC May 68 to May 69 died Saturday 20 June 2020 of MS at age 73. His InfoSheet obit has been linked to from his Deceased MyPage.
Ben C. Rogers Avionics Apr 66 to Apr 67 has contacted us and is now receiving the Newsletter. A draft MyPage has been posted using a Nam photo of him from Woody Gardners Slideshow pic #9.
Michael Douglas (deceased 20 Nov 2020): His son Michael Douglas Jr. checks in with us and attaches a picture of his dad's head stone in the Veteran's cemetery. The local church group put the flags out for Memorial Day - He is very pleased with the stone.
This article was published in the March 2021 Newsletter but few responses received yet:
...Patrick "Pat" Bilyk CW2 LOH Scout Pilot died of heart and service related issues in 4 Aug 2020. His page has been converted to a Deceased MyPage and his name listed in the In Memoriam Deceased section. His Nephew Joe Basher sends us this information and says that Pat has been approved for a plot at Arlington National Cemetary. There is about an eight month wait....
We have added and InfoSheet and an MP (photo of his medals). Do you have stories or anything you would like to say about Pat for his InfoSheet? Please email me at
CIVO Website Newsletter - May 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, MyPages, Deceased, War Stories
16mm Film: We were very excited to receive the restored 16mm film (1968 era) from Scott Reda and our friends at Lou Reda Productions in New Jersey. It is 10 mins long and was taken by a US Army Photographer probably around the third week in May of 1968 at Cu Chi in the Corral. It was found and sent to us from Hugh Mills, 1/4 Cav Pilot (Darkhorse 16 x2 and Charliehorse 38). Thanks again Hugh!
It shows Tom Meeks preflighting our first Cobra (540), then John Whitehead entering the back seat of a Cobra with Tom in the front.
Bruce Powell and Charlie Johnson looking on.
Chuck Weseman and Doug Olsen running to their Hog Gunship on a scramble mission. Doug unties the blades while Chuck the copilot cranks the UH-1C gunship number 172.
Gunteam Leader Pat Eastes arrives for the right seat. Normally the PIC flys left seat, but 172 only has rockets; and Pat likes to shoot rockets. Pat and Jerry Jarvis, the Door Gunner, don their chicken plates. Gunship team takes off from Corral.
The movie is not yet programmed for the website but you can download and view the original from our Google Share Folder. Click Here.
Please send me any information you can provide about the film and the people in it.
Hog Gunship 172 mentioned above is aircraft #66-15172. It had a weak engine and could only be equipped with two XM-159 19 tube rocket pods. It was also easily identified by the STP red sticker on the copilots window. That photo has also been linked to from the UH-1C Gunship Aircraft Tail Number list.
Hard Drive Crash: A recent major hard drive crash with over 6 terabytes of Centaur data has put a pause in our updating of the website and production of the Newsletter. Many of the Final Cut Pro reunion videos have to be recovered or reconstructed. It will take some time. Thanks for your patience.
Glenn Herpst was with the Hornets at Cu Chi during 1968 and 1969. His Call Sign was Hornet 24. He is writing a book and has requested to use some of our Centaur Website maps, which we will provide in return for recognition of our website. If you have any experiences with the Hornets please send Glenn a note. <>
Tom Dooling makes comments in history AH-1G of rocket vs fuel load. Click here
From Christine, Dale Dow’s daughter: I am still selling the F Troop and D Troop shirts and hats to support the Centaur scholarship fund. Hats and shirts are $20 each, plus $7.00 shipping. If you would like to purchase a shirt or hat, please contact me at
I just sold the last F Troop UH1 hat. I only have: D Troop OH-6, D Troop AH-1 & F Troop AH-1 hats.
New Webmaster Address: For those of you sending me things: Within the next month our new home of record address will become 1031 E Highline Dr, Payson, AZ 85541. We will be there in the Summer. Our current residence at 11875 S Ironwood Dr, Yuma, AZ 85367 is our Winter home. The Florence, OR address is no longer valid.
My Pages
Gary Schmidt adds some information on Don Vaughn to Don's InfoSheet.
John Lawrence Schilinski sends pic of himself and his wife Becky for his InfoSheet. A photo of his 101st Recon team is added also. John's DFC award, which includes SP4 Steven M. Powell has been added to his InfoSheet. The Stars and Stripes article Five Get DFC has been linked to from John's MyPage.
Steven M. Powell SP4 Crew Chief UH-1H "Creeping Jesus" #69-15108 - 1972 now has a placeholder MyPage using his photo from the Yearbook and Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross. His name was added to the aircraft tail number section under 69-15108. The Stars and Stripes article Five Get DFC has been linked to from Steven's MyPage.
Corrall "Wayne" Yetman WO1 Gunpilot has some upgrades to his MyPage: an InfoSheet with some of his comments about his tour and the War Story "The Wounding of Wayne Yetman" by Pat Eastes (18 Feb 1968) has been linked to from his MyPage.
Richard David Crockett CW2 UH-1H Slick pilot Dec 71 to Apr 72 died 5 April 2021. A deceased MyPage and InfoSheet/Obituary has been created for him using notes from Dale Dow's files and a FaceBook photo provided by Frank Dillon. His name is linked on the Roster and Deceased Roster. We are hoping you might remember him and have a photo from his time in F Troop.
War Stories
Mike Vaughn SP5 UH-1D Crew Chief 1966-67 adds his "Dog Story". It has been added to the War Stories Essay section and linked to from Mike's MyPage.
CIVO Website Newsletter - Apr 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: News, MyPages, Deceased, Corrections,Videos, War Stories, Events, Help?, Glossary, Book
The LRRP Story Video: Time to remember one of the most historically significant and seemingly impossible events that occurred within the Centaur unit. It began in early 1966. CPT Mark Ponzillo tells the whole story in his 23 minute video interview at the 2012 3/4 Cav Reunion Nashville, TN. Mark, singlehandedly created the Centaur LRRP unit from nothing. John Wayne himself would have followed this great leader. Peterson and Petty realized that and helped where they could.
This is a parallel story in that as the Centaurs were evolving and defining what a Divisional Air Cav unit is, Ponzillo and his group were doing the same with the LRRPs. Independent Divisions like the 25th desperately needed an enhanced reconnaissance capability; but many, at that time, didn't even know what a LRRP was.
My favorite quote from Mark came when I asked why LRRP (Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol) was changed to LRP (Long Range Patrol): He said "Because no one could ever remember how to spell reconnaissance, including me".
The Centaur LRRP Story video page now has links directly to people and related storys. The Story has also been added as a link on the pages of Squires, Huckaby, Peterson, Brantley, and Tucker.
(Help me to find more needed links. You find - I fix.-
AH-1G Cobra Calendar July 1968:
John Whitehead finds the Cobra calander picture taken for the July 1968 25th Inf Div Calendar. John was the pilot and tells the story of that day. The story is posted in our War Stories Essay section and linked to from John's MyPage.
Sara E.Bowen Museum Specialist of the National Museum of the United States Army (opened Nov 2020) has accepted this photo and is using it to make some minor corrections on one of their great displays. It is a real honor for the Centaurs that the Museum decided to use one of our aircraft photos for their display.
If you were there in May through August of 1968, can you provide more information about those days of excitement when we received and made battle ready the new AH-1G Cobras? Who was the S4 that scrounged the red, white and black paint for us to paint the teeth with? Powell and Meeks flew the first two of five Cobras in from Vung Tau. Who flew the others in? The other four we were suppose to get were syphoned off to the Diamond Heads (B Co, 25th Avn Bn). It was said they wrecked one in a revetment and didn't have the others combat ready for weeks. Listen to the audio tape made in July 1968 and see if it jogs your memory for more details.
Scott L. Reda has received the 16mm Film (D Trp 1968-69) and should have it processed for us before the next newsletter. see March Article. If you can locate your original 8mm/Super 8 film or audio tapes, consider sending them to Scott for transfer to HD (2K). There is no cost to you.
A Military video that provides some interesting info about what what we left behind in Vietnam, is provided by Brian "Stretch" Harrison. It makes shocking note of what the communists around the world gained from our politically driven exit. Our departing units took their munitions and equipment and much more was destroyed or dumped in the ocean; so why was so much left? It was all left for the South Vietnamese Army, who without our support, were quickly overcome.
Richard Toops CPT Slick Pilot 240th AHC 1971 (Centaur Friend) has written a great article in the April 2021 issue of the VHPA Aviator Magazine. This provides more details of the story "Hunter" Crew & Rescue Crew KIA - 22 Jan 1971 (on our website) concerning the deaths of our CW2 Rog Johnson, SP4 Fredrick Vigil & SGT Michael Petty in LOH "Proud Mary" (#68-17337). Thanks to Richard for mentioning our website and link to Ed Wolfe's 8mm film of Proud Mary.
Brian "Stretch" Harrison SP4 Slick Door Gunner 1972-73 stays in touch with our friends at American Legion Post 65 where they are restoring one of our Cobras "Kentucky Woman". See page 11 of their March newletter (below).
My Pages
Michael Hanks SP4 Avionics Mechanic 1971-72 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Carl Betsill. A welcome email was sent to his last address.
Felix Marcano SP5 KY28 Specialist in Avionics now has a MyPage. He was from Puerto Rico. His name on the uniform was “Marcano” and that is how he is listed on Army documents and our roster. He always introduced him self as Felix Gradalupe Marcano - Garcia. Of course the Garcia was his maternal name as designated in Puerto Rican culture. He always ask why people from the US don’t honor their mothers by including their last names with the fathers. We included -Garcia. (Thanks to Carl Betsill for pics and information)
John B. Andrews SSG Avionics NCOIC 1971-72 has a new color pic for his MyPage (thanks to Carl Betsill). Also an MP of he and SP4 Webster on the flight line has been added.
Webster SP4 Avionics Mechanic 1971-72 has an upgraded MyPage using some photos located by Carl Betsill . We still don't know Websters first name but now have some nice photos of him. Click on his MP's
Hugh M. Stovall SP4 11B Aerorifleman and Door Gunner 1972-73 now has a draft MyPage and InfoSheet. Hugh remembers Doc Alvin Maynard and provides us with his obituary below.
Alvin Earl Maynard SSG Medic/Doctor 13 Mar 1972 to 15 Feb 1973 died on 11 November 2009. For some reason we did not have Alvin on our F Troop Roster. That has been corrected and a draft deceased MyPage with obituary has been created. Thanks to Hugh M. Stovall for all this information and Mike Peake for the only photo we have.
Thanks to Tom "Sam" Dooling for discovering the broken link of Terry Branham's tribute to Rudy Parris and their harrowing missions together. The link from Terry's MyPage has been corrected. Unfortunately I'm not yet smart enough to know what caused it. Hope the rest of you will tell me right away when you find broken or incorrect links. Thanks,
History Channel Hobo Woods "Shoot Out" movie now properly listed in the War Stories Movie section and cross referenced to the War Story Discussion page.
New Videos
Frank Westley Walker 1LT LOH Scout Pilot 1972 now has three 2019 reunion videos posted.
....Video 1 "My Tour"....Video 2 "Tactics"....Video 3 "Scout Leaders"
Each is linked to from Frank's MyPage, listed in the War Stories Video section, and posted to the MyPages of those men he mentions.
War Stories
Practical Jokes? "The Old Grenade Trick" - Tom "Sam" Dooling CW2 1969-70 tells this story that reminds us that war can present a whole different set of opportunities for mischief for the young and restless. The story is linked to from Tom's MyPage "Index of Articles" and listed in the War Stories Essay section.
Start your planning for the Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion in Tampa 5 to 8 November 2021. More info
Can you help with this?
About 3 years ago we received this email and tried to find the Centaur pilot of the story. No luck. So let us try again. Subject Lost SOI, Hot LZ
My name is Rich Fleming. I was one of the radio operators in HHT at Cu Chi in summer of 1966…Saber 65. I was assigned to Track #30 that was the Mobile Operations Command Center for the ¾ Cav.
One day I received a call from a pilot who was returning from a hot LZ Dust Off situation…in the process he had lost his SOI. He asked me if I could give him the radio frequency for one of the MASH units so he could identify the color of smoke prior to landing. He had a load of WIA’s and KIA’s and was in a tough position as I could not broadcast a radio frequency in the clear. I explained the situation, he responded “Roger”.
He called back a second time. My Freq. was the only one he had committed to memory. I said I couldn’t help him.
I knew every officer in Division and Squadron was listening in and suggesting nothing.
On his third call, which was pretty panicky, I told him to “Push 12.2”, didn’t know if he knew what that meant; he did. I caught hell for stretching the rules but Major Russel went to bat for me and I dodged a possible nasty outcome.
I don’t remember his call sign. Always wished I knew who that pilot was and if he would remember the incident.
Any suggestions on how I can make that happen would be appreciated. I’ve been pondering that incident for over 50 years. send input to
New terms added frequently. What did we forget? What did we get wrong?
Frag, Incoming, REMF, First Light, Shaming, Shithook, Shit Bird, Tarmac, Thunder Road: Highway 1, Zap, Joe shit the ragman, Lock and Load, Short Round, Zero-dark-thirty, Daisy Cutter, Danger Close, Fire-for-Effect, FOD, Charlie, Ash & Trash, Easter Offensive, MASH, Pineapple Grenade, Bac Si, Rusty Tube, PR, Zoomie,
John Brennan Aviation Book Author: His 8th Vietnam War helicopter book, Vietnam War Army Helicopter Nose Art, Vol. 2 will be released on APRIL 15, 2021, from Fonthill Media. The cover price is set at $32.00 but a limited, pre-sale price will be $27.00 if received before April 15. Signed by the author, tax free, and free postage if mailed in the USA. Checks, money orders and PayPal are accepted. Send payment to: John Brennan, 864 Wisconsin St., Chico, CA 95928
PayPal orders incur a $1.00 processing fee per BOOK that is ordered so please include an additional dollar(s) PER BOOK to cover that expense. My email address is:
Thank you for your previous support in helping to document Army aviation history. Always, John Brennan, former SP5, 114 AHC, 1970-71, Vinh Long AAF, Mekong Delta.
PS The approximate photo count will be 135 color, 11 b/w and 18 computer art images.
Note that Centaur aircraft 68-15135 "Kansas Killer" is shown on the cover.
CIVO Website Newsletter - Mar 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: MyPages, Deceased, War Stories, Your Film & Audio, Other, Events, Glossary
My Pages
Steve Tolle SP5 Crew Chief of UH-1B gunship 468 Mar 66 to Mar 67 has an improved MyPage. His gunship was later upgraded to a "C" model with XM-21 miniguns. This was the ship that was shot down in Dec 67 killing Mark Schmidt and his crew.
Robin Haywood SP4 Cobra Mechanic 1972-73 now has his Slideshow of 29 photos posted. It is listed in the PhotoAudioFilm section on the Photo/Slides page and linked to from his MyPage
Joe "Mike" Beck SGT, Scout Platoon SGT 1972: His deceased MyPage has been updated with an Obituary (thanks to Frank Dillon and Tina Cook). His name was incorrectly listed in photo number one of Terry Young's Photo Album. That has been corrected.
Russell T. "Rusty" Ray 1LT Slick Pilot 1972 to Mar 73 has his MyPage upgraded with a Bruce Hinds photo album pic as an MP1 and an MP2 of him flying from Wayne Moose. Rusty stayed after F Troop stood down to fly with the JMC along with Dennis Hogan.
Mark Jackson KIA Page has been updated. It showed incorrect names of the two crewmen that were wounded in his fatal LOH crash. The crew chief was shot in the elbow. The Gunner had his leg broken in two places. We should eventually be able to find their names. SP4 James L. Patton may have been the crew chief. See two stories of the event from Jack Craig (video) and Tom "Sam" Dooling (War Story).
David Perry SP4 Avionics 1969-70: The link to his MyPage from the roster has been repaired.
Mike Hagger CPT deceased 22 Jun 2000 was erroneously listed as the Cobra Gun Platoon leader. Terry Branham caught the error and we corrected Mike's page to show he was the Aerorifle Platoon Leader (Slicks).
George Camille LeBarge SP4 Cobra Maintenance died 31 Jan 2007 of cancer. We did not have him listed on our roster until Robin Haywood brought him to our attention and provided some Nam photos of him. Frank Dillon and Tina Cook found his obituary and some photos that were used to create a Deceased MyPage. Let us know if you remember him.
Guy Charles Jr SFC Maintenance Supervisor 1966 to 1967 died 16 November 1994. Dean Smith located his obituary. His name has been added to the In Memoriam Deceased page.
Patrick "Pat" Bilyk CW2 LOH Scout Pilot died of heart and service related issues in 4 Aug 2020. His page has been converted to a Deceased MyPage and his name listed in the In Memoriam Deceased section. His Nephew Joe Basher sends us this information and says that Pat has been approved for a plot at Arlington National Cemetary. There is about an eight month wait. A Deceased InfoSheet is being prepared by Centaur Director Pat Eastes, Bilyk's Flight School classmate. A photo of Pat and his LOH crew members has been added to his page as an MP. Can you identify the two crewmen? Do you have stories or anything you would like to say about Pat for his InfoSheet?
Lewis R. Efird SSG died 18 April 2006. His page has been converted to a Deceased page with photo of his gravestone and a summary of his life (InfoSheet) added. His name has been added to the In Memoriam Deceased page. He served in Korea and Vietnam. (thanks to Bob Tegelman)
War Story Videos, Essays & Discussion
Wayne Burns KIA discussion page: CW2 Tom Broadbent LOH pilot adds his comments to this story. He and Buddy Ring landed their LOH to pick up Jackie White. Rick Benner responds to Tom Broadbent's comments confirming that there were 3 crewmembers in the crashed LOH. The crewman in the left seat of the LOH has not been identified. The UH-1H crew that made the confined area landing to pick up Burns and the third crewman of the LOH have not been identified. The two UH-1H pilots wounded in extracting the Browns have not been identified. Status of the crashed aircraft is not known (probably blown in place). There may be no record of the aircraft crash since it was in Cambodia. OH-6A (tail number 68-17229). 12 Dec 1968. Any input?
NVA Surrender - 1969 is a War Story Essay with a twist by Tom "Sam" Dooling. It is listed in the War Story Essay page and linked to from Tom's and Eric Brethen's MyPages. Also note that Tom has written so many articles that there was not enough room on his MyPage for more buttons; so an Index of Articles was created for him.
Video: My Pilots - 69-70 by Allen "KC" Allcock. Talks about Tom Shirley and other great pilots that he worked with. The movie is listed on the War Stories Video page and linked to from KC's MyPage Index of Articles and Video. Also linked to from MyPages of Shirley, Craig and Zorger.
Video: The Orphans - 69-70 by Allen "KC" Allcock. Tells about having the local Orphanage children and nuns over for a fun day at the Centaur Corral. The movie is listed on the War Stories Video page and linked to from KC's MyPage Index of Articles and Video
Loss of the Iron Butterfly - 1969: Tom "Sam" Dooling tells the story when 1LT Mark Jackson, LOH pilot was shot down and KIA. We are still trying to find the names of the surviving crewmembers. The story is listed in the War Stories Essay section and linked to from his MyPage and those of Jack Craig & Mark Jackson
Getting your personal Vietnam films and audio tapes
professionally transferred to HD (2K)
Reda Films is a very credible television film production company with offices located in Easton, PA and New York City. Scott Reda has contacted us and offered to take any of our original vietnam 8mm/16mm films or audio tapes and professionally transfer them to HD (2K). The original and the converted copies will be returned to the owner at no cost.
The company has been a longtime collaborator with networks including the History Channel and National Geographic, producing high-quality, non-fiction programming. They also maintain the Reda Archives, one of the largest privately owned film archives in the country, with a mission to accumulate, transfer, preserve, and restore footage of the nation’s history.
They are looking for 8mm and 16mm film of the Vietnam War, particularly footage shot by soldiers or individuals in-theater. They are also interested in collecting Vietnam War-era audio letters, as well as period footage from the 1950s-1970s highlighting the home front and the average “day in the life of an American,” such as holiday celebrations, sporting events, and general Americana.
If you are interested in contributing footage for preservation, they will clean and digitize the material into high-definition video before returning your original footage along with a DVD copy for easy viewing. You will be asked to sign a release form to allow for use of the footage in the future.
Many of you have sent me film and audio that I have edited and converted for our website. If you have the original film or tape and can send it to them, they will be able to do a much better job for you.
To learn more about Lou Reda Productions, please visit You can contact Lou Reda Productions directly at
Please copy me with your notes to Scott so we can keep track of our Centaur assets being converted.
Note: 2K resolution is 2560 pixels horizontally and 1440 pixels vertically, compared to the 1920 x 1080 pixels from Full-HD Resolution. ... These added pixels allow for a wider image and more detailed recording. When you zoom in on a 2K video, it will retain more clarity compared to a 1080p video.
Hugh Mills, 1/4 Cav Pilot (Darkhorse 16 x2 and Charliehorse 38) is sending us a 16mm film of D 3/4 Cav (1969) shot by an Army Combat Photographer. Sent to him by mistake. We will be sending it to Reda Films for transfer to HD (2k) digital video that we can edit and place on our website. No idea yet what is on it. Thanks Hugh!
Amy Wilheim-Cook (Kentucky Woman Project) checks in with us to let us know that even with serious health set backs in the group they are still actively moving forward with getting the Cobra display completed with Sharks Teeth and all. Please stop by if you are in the area.
Paul R. Stalker MAJ was Weapons Platoon Leader, call sign Centaur 40 in Feb 1967. That has been added to his deceased MyPage and to the Centaur Call Signs Discussion page. (thanks to Tom Fleming ).
A Troop, 3/4 Cav Website address: John Moore reports that due to security issues on the host's server they could no longer use a numeric IP address for the site and now have the domain name It has been corrected on the Centaur Links page.
Identifying Scam emails: Ed Wolfe notes that if you "hover" your cursor over the email name that the full name of the sender with the actual email address underneath should appear. If it is not exactly the known email of your friend then it is for sure a scam email. Also if the word "favor" is used it is surely a scam email.
You may remember John Jones from the November 2020 Newsletter who put together a photo album of shoulder patches from Vietnam. He has just published his second effort. Click Here to see it. Be sure to select Full Screen before you begin clicking through the pages.
Don Borey has added comments to the F Troop Orphans Discussion page. That discussion page is linked to from Don's page and Carl Betsill's.
Battle of the Hobo Woods - 29 Jan 1968: Tom Fleming has provided a Letter of Appreciaton from LTC Glen Otis (3/4 Cav Sqdn Cdr) to the 2/27th Wolfhounds for their amazingly quick reaction to insert troops to help save the Centaur Aerorifle Platoon in this most critical battle. Centaur Troop Commander Tom Fleming's close relationship with the 2/27th Commander had a lot to do with their quick reaction. The letter has been posted to the War Story page.
Centaur Veterans Day Reunion 5 - 8 Nov 2021 is on!: Blane Kirby is back to work on this project with confidence that those attending will be vaccinated by then and attendence looks like it will be large.
Arriving November 5, Friday
Parade and dinner Saturday November 6
On your own Sunday November 7
Leaving on Monday November 8
Here is Blane's note to us:
Hope you all are doing well and staying covid free.
I have made most of the arrangements for the 2021 Centaur Vet Day reunion here in Tampa, FL. I have talked with Bob Jones, who is helping me with the reunion and we both think that by November it should be safe enough to have the reunion. We’ll see. We figure that everybody that might come is over the age of 65, unless they are the Veterans kids or grandkids, and that they will have had the opportunity to get the covid vaccine (if they want it). We’re thinking that most people will be ready to get out and travel and maybe get somewhat back to normal. That’s what we are hoping for anyway. Who knows.
I’ve made the same arrangements at the same locations again this year as last year. We’ll be staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites Tampa Airport Avion Park Westshore, 5329 Avion Park Drive Tampa, FL 33607 phone # 813-287-8500 Fax: 813-287-8501. We have 30 rooms on hold, 15 with a king size bed and 15 with 2 queen size beds. The room rate is $114.00 per night and the cut off deadline for reserving the room is 10/6/2021.
Saturday (6 Nov) we are registered for being in the Town & County Veterans Day Parade. We have space for 4 pickup trucks and I’ll have more details for the parade later in the year.
Saturday evening we have the main reunion dinner and it’s going to be at the Columbia Spanish Restaurant in Ybor City Tampa. The price will be about $40.00 per person. And again later I’ll be sending out some information about food choices and trying to get a feel for what most people will be wanting to eat.
We are hoping and praying that we will be able to meet up again this year. Last year was disappointing and we are anxious to see everybody again. I’ll be in touch during the year with more complete information.
If you are planning to come to the reunion please drop me or Bob Jones an email to let us know so that we can have some idea of a head count. We would certainly appreciate it.
If you have any questions please email me or call. Stay safe and we’re looking forward to seeing you again. ...Blane
Blane Kirby 813-495-6481
Bob Jones 901-626-3028
The Very First Cobra Hall Reunion will be held 5-8 October 2021 in Savannah, GA: Many Centaur pilots and crewman went through Cobra Transition, Instructor Pilot and other training at this Base in beautiful Savannah GA (Hunter Army Airfield). Lots of tales to tell. Dave Sale puts out this message:
Hope this finds you well and looking forward to our big gathering in Savannah, 5-8 Oct 2021.
We have now signed the Contract with the DeSoto Hotel and have registration information in the linked COBRA HALL REUNION REGISTRATION FORM
Please contact the hotel directly to make your reservation. Also, please fill out the registration form and mail it to the address provided with the registration fee of $50.
Please share this information with friends and if they have not done so, have them send their contact info to Ken Donahue at
We have well over 200 folks that plan to attend.
The Army Aviation Heritage Foundation (AAHF) will support this event with a UH-1 and AH-1 and will be selling 10 minute rides. We will provide a link as we get closer so you can schedule a ride, if you so desire. The AAHF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public education foundation that tells the U.S Army Aviation story through events like this. I would encourage those aviation enthusiasts review their Website (https:/ and consider joining this most valuable asset to our Aviation History.
We look forward to seeing you in Savannah, 5-8 Oct 2021....Dave
New terms: Fire Team, Fire Team Leader, conscript, Search and Destroy
CIVO Website Newsletter - Feb 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: Corrections, Deceased, MyPages, War Stories, Other, Glossary
A new SCAM:
You may receive a legitimate looking email from a recognized email address that is asking you for a small favor. The key word being "favor". Even though the email address of where it was sent from is exactly your friends email address, it is really not. Do not open it. It is a clever scam. If you respond to it, it is not really going to your friend's address. Do not hit "Reply". If you do it will go to the scammers hidden address. If you want to double check you can telephone or send a new email to your friend for verification. Easiest thing is to just trash it.
An InfoSheet/Obit was published in the November Newsletter for Daniel "Dan" Lott CPT. The link from his deceased MyPage was broken and unfortunately not reported until now. It has been fixed.
Please help us to find errors like this as you are reading the Newsletter or viewing the website. Then send an email to
Reunion for 3/4 Cav has been rescheduled for April of 2022 due to Covid concerns. Location, Agenda and other plans remain the same. see Cav Reunion Info
John Alto 1LT, our first Aerorifle Platoon Leader, died on 25 January 2021. His long battle with pancreatic cancer ended with a stroke and placement in Hospice. His was a peaceful death surrounded by friends and family. John was a mainstay in the development of both the Centaurs In Vietnam Book and that of our legacy website. See his Info/Obituary page. Comments by Tom Fleming.
Hollie Tripplett Jr SSG Aerorifle Platoon Sergeant in 1968 passed away from a heart attack 16 Jan 2020. A deceased MyPage and Info/Obit has been created from his obituary data. He was the Aerorifle Platoon SGT in the first half of 1968 but his actual Centaur tour months are not recorded.
Triplett attended the Cav reunions of 2006/ 2008 & 2012, according to Dale Dow's notes.
Permer R. "Soupy" Sales SP5 UH-1C Door Gunner 1966 died 17 April 2018. Bob Tegelman found his Obit which was used to do an InfoSheet/Obit. Also added a MP1 of Sales from Steve Tolle, his Crew Chief. Permer's MyPage has been changed to a Deceased MyPage and listed on the In Memoriam Deceased page.
Jeffery T. "Jeff" Griffin CW2 Cobra pilot Centaur 50, 1971-72: Bob Jones reports that Jeff passed away 13 January 2021 of a nonCovid related illness. His MyPage has been changed to Deceased and an Info/Obit page added. He is now also listed on the InMemoriam/Deceased page.
John M. Hohman CW2 Slick and Scout pilot 1966-67 and 1969 (Deceased): Mike Vaughn provides a photo of John from his first tour as a Centaur flying a UH-1D. His MyPage has been upgraded with that.
Curtis Michael "Mike" Young SP4 UH-1D Door Gunner 1967 now has a deceased MyPage and two MP's using photos from Mike Vaughn. The MP photo of Young and Stegner has been added as MP1 to the Young and Stegner MyPages.
Robert B. Bob" Long CW2 LOH pilot 1971-72 is not dead. There was a mixup; we had him shown as deceased. He phoned in on 4 Jan 2021 to say he is fine and will send photos and information. Might there be a second Bob Long?
My Pages
John Kelly 1LT Forward Observer 1967-68 posts his InfoSheet. Also note his War Story The Vinatexco Cotton Mill - TET 1968 listed below.
William "Bill" Gausman SP4 LOH Scout Observer and Crew Chief 1971-72: His MyPage has been updated with a better photo and three MP's added.
Bill also has his Photo Album of six photos published. It is listed on the Photo/Slides page of the PhotoAudioFilm section and linked to from his MyPage.
William "Bill" Gausman also has his Bowling Green, KY Reunion Interview movie published. It is listed on the War Stories Video page and linked to from his MyPage.
Chuck O'Connell CW2 Cobra Pilot Centaur 51 1971-72 provides a photo of his Cobra 6815197 showing the name "Viva Santana" painted on it by his crew chief (not yet identified). It has been added to his MyPage as an MP and to the HIstory/AH-1G page. it is also noted on the AH-1G Tail Number page and linked back.
David Whitley SP4 Aerorifleman 1970 - 71 noted that we had the wrong name and rank for SP4 Kenneth L. Cavender. It should be SGT John E. Cavender. We went back to the original Tropic Lightning Newsletter (22 Mar 71) which referenced Cavender, and found that the author named him SGT John E. Cavender not Kenneth. Our 3/4 Cav Roster shows a SP4 Kenneth L. Cavender as per Special Orders 58 Feb 1971. We haven't been able to find those orders in our history files (yet); but will assume that they are either incorrect, or else we have a second Cavender. Ken's name has been left on the roster just in case.
John E. Cavender's MyPage SGT, has been upgraded with a photo from Whitley's Photo Album (photo 4 of 9). The TLN article is added as a link and the article photo has been added as an MP1.
Jon E. "Festus" Hagen SP4 Aerorifleman 1971 now has a rough draft MyPage using his Yearbook photo and an InfoSheet. His page is linked to the Tropic Lightning Newsletter (22 Mar 71) which references he and SGT John Cavender.
Richard Stegner SSG UH-1D Door Gunner and Aerorifles 1965-67 now has a Photo Album of 20 pictures posted. An MP of Stegner and Young has been added by Mike Vaughn.
Dennis Hogan CW2 UH-1H PIC 1972-73 now has a slide show of 56 photos taken during his time with JMC at the end of the war Jan 1973 to March 1973. Also see the story by Brian Harrison.
Brian "Stretch Harrison SP4 UH-1H Door Gunner 1972-73 has contributed so many stories and articles of information that there was no more room for buttons on his MyPage. His stores have been transferred to a seperate Index of Articles page. Go to his MyPage and click on Index of Other Articles.
Frank M. Hock CPT Operations Officer Jan to Jun 1972 draft MyPage is corrected. Frank is assembling some photos and info to send to us.
Melvin "Gene" Vasser SP5 Light Scout Crew Chief for D Troop 1969-70 now has a MyPage and Photo Album
Johnny L. Dixon WO1 Slick Pilot Feb to Apr 1972 sent in some new photos. His MyPage has been updated with a color pic of him in Nam and a Photo Album of six photos has been added. His album has been added to the Photos/Slides page of the PhotoAudioFim Section.
Richard "Rick" Benner SSG Aerorifle Platoon NCOIC and LRRP 1971 has contacted us and provided notes from the 21 December 1971 LOH crew rescue in Cambodia. A War Story Discussion page, "Wayne Burns KIA - 12 Dec 1971", has been started with Rick's notes about the mission. He was in charge of training the Browns (ARVN Troops) to replace the Blues (F Troop Aeroriflemen). He also now has an InfoSheet.
War Story Videos, Essays & Discussion
VIDEO: William "Bill" Gausman's video interview at the 2019 Vets Reunion in Bowling Green Ky, is now posted. it is linked to from the War Stories Video page and from his MyPage.
The Vinatexco Cotton Mill - TET 1968 - John Kelly 1LT Forward Observer 1967-68 has tells of that day in Jan 1968 when C Troop was devastated and artillery was called in to destroy the enemy in the Textile Mills near Ton San Nhut. The story is linked to from the War Story Discussions page, the Pat Eastes War Story Year of the Rat, The Battle for Saigon page and his MyPage.
The Joint Military Commission - 1973 War Story is posted to the War Stories Discussion page and linked to from the MyPages of Brian Harrision, Dennis Hogan and Wayne Moose. Some F Troopers stayed to fly for the Joint Military Commission during the withdrawal of American Troops from Vetnam. This is their story. We would like to locate WO1 Gene Scarborough and CPT William Barry Penzel (Minden, NV).
Accidental Death of Ernest Dow Ford: Allen KC Allcock and Tom Dooling remember the day that Ernest Ford was killed by a 40mm Grenade Launcher detonation in the Corral working in a revetment. The story is added to the War Storys Essay section and linked to from the KIA MyPage of Ernest Ford, plus Allcock and Doolings MyPages.
Mrs Parratt Adopts Aerorifles - 1966: Newspaper article from New Mexico (located by John Moore) where a local family decides to adopt a combat infantry platoon. 1LT John Alto, the first Aerorifle Platoon leader of the Centaurs, corresponds with Mrs Parrott and family. The story is listed in the War Stories Essay section and linked to from John Alto's deceased MyPage. The newspaper may have spelled the Parratt name wrong. It might be "Parrott". Do you remember these letters? Let us know -
Rick Chesson 1/9th Cav, (Sabre 14) remembers where the 6lb MK-4 Mighty Mouse rockets came from. See his note at History/Ordnance/Rockets. Rick also asked the question as to how one might go about creating a multimedia website like ours. That response has been added to our Help/Answers section item #65.
David Bossary Photo Album needs names (Jan 67 - Feb 68). Please look through it and see if you can help to identify some of the men.
Last months article on F Troop Patches has been added to the F Troop Orphans War Story Discussion page.
Mike Vaughn found three more good photos that have been added to his Photo Album (#24, 25, 26).
Jerry Toomey is hoping that one of you will remember this Hootch and Hootch Maid in a effort to find the guys that he lived with for a short time in D Troop (Jan to Jun 1968)
The Cobra Aircraft Decal mentioned in the January Newsletter is now available for direct order from the following link: https:/
Glossary: Thumper, MACV, Yards
CIVO Website Newsletter - Jan 2021
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: Search Website, MyPageUpdates, WarStories, Glossary, Cobra Decals
Were F Troop Centaurs wearing the wrong patch? Don Borey has been doing some research and found that according to the "History of the 4th Cavalry Regiment" by John C. Keliher, which is on the 25th Inf Div Association website, F Troop was activated on 10 Feb 1971 and assigned to the 2d Brigade of the 25th Inf Div. After the 25th moved back to Hawaii 30 Apr 1971, the Troop remained assigned to the 25th Inf Div while serving with the 11th and 12th Combat Aviation Groups until it left Vietnam on 26 Feb 1973. Note: 11th and 12th Combat Avn Groups (CAG) became Combat Avn Brigades (CAB) sometime after Nam.
Don Borey arrived incountry 15 Mar 71 and has hard copy orders assigning him to the 2d Bde, 25th Inf Div. The next day someone from F Troop picked him up at 90th replacement. That was a month after F Troop had been assigned/attached elements of the 1st Avn Brigade
Most everyone thought they were no longer in the 25th Inf Div after March. Everyone changed the shoulder patches to the 1st Avn Bde patch.
Army Regulation 670–1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia21–16. Shoulder sleeve insignia-current organization (1) ACOM, ASCC, and/or DRU commanders are authorized to permit, on a case-by-case basis, the wear of corps orseparate brigade SSI by members of units attached to specific corps or separate brigades on a permanent basis. Theterm “permanent” applies to those units that are, have been, or expect to be attached for an extended period of time.
The 1st Avn Brigade Commander may have used the Regulation above to authorize our F Troop guys to wear their patch as they did missions for subunits the 11th and 12th CAG. But that still doesn't answer the question of whether they were still technically members of the 25th Inf Div. We may never know.
Searching our Website
The Centaur website has grown to a nearly unmanagable size. Finding things can be tough. But here is a good solution for you when you want to search just our website and not the entire internet.
Google Search ( will search the entire internet including items from popular websites like ours. But it will also search our website directly. We have added Item 64 to the Help/Answers section to show you how to do it. It works extermely well. Give it a try!
MyPage Updates
Walter D. Cooke Jr. CW2 OH-23 Scout Pilot 1967-68 died at his home in Beaver, Utah on 7 December 2020. He was a true hero and gifted scout pilot who received the Silver Star for his actions at the Battle of the Hobo Woods. He was also a local hero to his Town of Beaver, UT as a fireman. We will be creating an InfoSheet for him soon, so please send in any comments and stories that you may have.
Michael J. "Mike" Douglas SP4 Aerorifleman Jan 1966 - Mar 67 died 8 Nov 2020. His MyPage has been changed to a Deceased page and listed in the Memorial section. His son Mike provided the obituary to Bob Tegelman for posting on our website. His InfoSheet/Obituary is posted. You can go directly to his obit to see 43 personal photos of Mike and his family and friends; Click Here. Be sure to add a condolence note.
From Mike Jr. (son) Thank you all for updating the website – I remember how happy he was when he told me about connecting with everyone and the web page etc – he wore the unit hat everywhere he went Those pictures are what I had in the family photo album when he was in the service – I will be sending the stone picture when I have it for you to post. He was buried in the local veteran’s cemetery with full military service by the VFW Honor (Color) Guard – they also performed the ritual at the wake- he was very proud of his service to the VFW where he was a past commander. Happy Holidays to everyone, Mike Jr
Jerry D. Cunningham CW2 Sep 70 to Sep71 Gunship and Aerorifle Pilot Deceased (unk date). He has a draft Deceased MyPage using his photo from the 1970 Centaur Yearbook. Any info or photos?
John Wesley Whysong CW2 Scout Pilot has upgrades to his Deceased MyPage and an InfoSheet has been attached. No luck finding an obituary.
Ernest Dow Ford SP4 MOS 47J Missile Mechanic KIA 16 Nov 1969 now has a draft MyPage. His page is based on the TWS page which is also linked to from his MyPage. Apparently he was on the ground working on an aircraft and it exploded. We would like to find out more about this accident/incident. Need a Nam photo of him also.
Jewel Ford Slick Door Gunner: We are seeking information on him. Photos?
Stan Allen remembers: "I had Jewell Ford for a Door Gunner for a time. As has been said, he was a big man. If I remember correctly, I could almost lay both of my hands in one of his. Also he struck me as being a very educated man. He did not talk or act like any of the other Black Troopers that we had in the Troop. I think that he came over to us from one of the Morter Platoons of the Armored Cav. Troops. I seem to remember that he had hurt his back trying to lift a Morter Plate, by himself. He refused to go back to the states and requested to come over to D Troop as a Door Gunner, instead of going back to the states."
Randy Meade remembers: "I believe I made AC in late April early May 69... Gene Eisele came over to be my Crew Chief and Jewel Ford came with him as my Gunner. We stayed together until they departed for home in the late fall of 69'."
Russel T. "Rusty" Ray 1LT Slick pilot early 1972 to Feb 1973 now has a draft MyPage. Rusty stayed on in Nam to fly for the Peace Commission. His MyPage is created with photo from Dennis Hogan.
Steve R Snoddy SP5 LOH Scout Crew Chief on "King Rat": His MyPage has been updated. He lives in Coatsville IN and wife's name is Jayne. Gary Jones is in contact with him.
Robert "Butch" Glenn Aerorifle Platoon Sep to Nov 1969 now has an InfoSheet and will send photos when he can so we can do a MyPage. He, Al Nixon and others were wounded on Thanksgiving Nov 1969 when a booby trap went off.
Frank M. Hock CPT Operations Officer 1972 now has a draft MyPage using his Centaur Yearbook photo. If you are in contact with him please send him my email address
Robin Haywood sends a Christmas 1972 Beetle Bailey cartoon signed in Nam by many of his fellow crewmen. It has been added to his MyPage as an MP2. If your name is on there, let me know and we will add the photo to your MyPage.
Bruce Hinds W01 Slick Pilot 1972-73 would like to know if you remember the "Razorback" graphic that was painted on a couple of F Troop aircraft.
War Stories
Baby Scouts Net 2 a Tropic Lightning News Article 27 Nov 1967, Vol 2 Number 47 has been posted to the War Stories Essay section and linked to from Mackie Webb and Daryl Gunn MyPages. Thanks to Charlie Johnson
The VC Dog by Mike Vaughn has been posted to the War Story Discussion page and linked to from his MyPage. This story is about Curtis Michael "Mike" Young (deceased) , a slick door gunner at the time. We haven't been able to find a photo of him to do a MyPage.
VIDEO: David W.C. Hopper SP4 UH-1H Slick Crew Chief now has his video interview from the 2019 Centaur Bowling Green Reunion posted. It is listed on the War Stories Video page and linked to from his MyPage. David is battling some serious medical issues right now.
VIDEO: Barney Mike Wood SGT Aerorifles 1967-68 has his video interview from the 2019 Centaur Reunion posted. Talks about Checkmate missions and mentions Chieu hoi, Witt, Gage and Larson. It is listed on the War Stories Video page and linked to from his MyPage.
VIDEOS: Herman "Bill" Witt SP4 Aerorifles 1967-68 has four video interviews posted from the 2019 Centaur Reunion.
...Video One: Accidentally getting to the 25th Inf Div
...Video Two: The Checkmate Mission
...Video Three: Battle of the Hobo Woods and the aftermath
...Video Four: Being Point Man in the jungle
They are all linked to from the War Stories Video section, his MyPage and the deceased MyPages of Dale Dow, Lenny Bowen, Morrison Pickett, Tuioalele Suiaunoa, Ralph Mabry, Robert Warner and Todd Jackson.
VIDEOS: My appologies to the Bowling Green 2019 Reunion guys who's videos I have not yet completed. I have not forgotten you. Many excuses, but probably the main one was the software technologies that changed in mass after that reunion. Kind of like going back to school for me to relearn everything. Also the daily maintenance of the website has become quite consuming. I will make every effort to get all of them done before our next Centaur Reunion. Names of those videos pending:
Frank Walker: Frank is reviewing his final drafts
Bill Gausman: in process
Allen Allcock: in process; two videos remaining
Blaine Kirby, Bob Tegleman, Richard Parish, Bruce Anderson & Harry Rogers, Bob Brady, Ray Clark, and Steve Borden. on deck
Do a Video Interview: You do not have to wait to do a video. You can do one anytime. All you need is a teenager (They all have smartphones) and a plan. Record it with a plain background (green is best but not required). Figure out what you want to say. Make notes, rehearse but don't look down at the notes while talking. Make it a head/upperbody shot. Do the same movie at least twice. Gives me footage to edit with. Don't run your sentences together. Don't say "AAH. Tell several stories if you want. Keep them seperate. Use our Google Share folder to send the unedited files to me (item 35 in Help/Answers).
Bob Schneider A Troop, 3/4 Cav shares this article about Cav Reunions from his friend Mike Mahler Reunion Letter 1987 Black Knights 3/5th Cav: It might help those who haven't taken the time, or made the effort to go to a reunion, to better understand how important they can be to your life. The Black Knights have a nice website.
Centaur Call Signs War Story Discussion Page has been updated with more links. Please review and see if you and your Call Sign is present and correct. contact "Peake, Michael" <>
Tom Dooling remembers firing some of the small Mighty Mouse 6 pound warhead 2.75 inch rockets. They found them at Tay Ninh and used them against the caves and tunnels of Nui Ba Dinh. This has been added to the History Rockets page.
Centaur Call Signs: Michael Peake has encountered two more Centaur callsigns that had been unidentified.
CENTAUR 65 and CENTAUR 66. Centaur 65 was the call sign for the Operations Shack and has been added to the Call Sign page. Does anyone remember what the 66 call sign represented?
Ann Margret Gate: a TLN article, including a seperate news article. The back gate to Cu Chi was named after the actress after her inspiring visit to Vietnam in 1966. She didn't make it to Cu Chi in person, but her visit to Nam with her band was felt throughout the war zone. It is linked to from the War Stories Essay & Discussions pages. It includes a touching article about her.
Checkmate Mission: Sometime in 1966 or 67 this term was coined or picked up by the Centaurs to describe a type of mission where troops would be airlifted to land and check out people and things on the ground. Mostly an Aerorifle Platoon mission, but also done by our maintenance aircraft Stable Boy and unauthorized but done by the unarmed OH-23 Scouts. It is now listed as War Stories Discussion Page and also linked to from the Glossary.
We would like to find out exactly when the term came into use by the Centaurs and when it was discarded. Any ideas?
Barney Wood and Herman Witt talk about Checkmate missions in their reunion videos.
Glossary Additions
Glossary: Last Light Patrol, Tom Fleming Kit Carson video is linked to that term in the Glossary, Clacker, Chu Hoi corrected to Chieu Hoi, Checkmate, Roundup,
Vehicle Decals
Cobra Vehicle Decals: Tom Dooling took the photo of Wretched Mildred Cobra and had it made into a decal for his pickup. The one in the photo is 18” across. The company that makes them charges $30 for each copy. They can also make a small or larger version, with appropriate decrease/increase to the price e.g., a 12” version would be about $12.50.
Tom would be happy to work with anyone who would like to have one for their truck (or whatever). You can contact Tom at (
LOH Vehicle Decal: We would like to do a similiar decal for the OH-6A LOH. The photo below is our current best candidate. If you have something that might be better or higher resolution for our cut out, please send it in.
CIVO Website Newsletter - Dec 2020
index: Wanted, Museum, 3/4 Cav Chapter, History Help , Comments, Updates, War Stories, Glossary, Broken Links, Who?, BS Cards, Shirts&Hats,Technobabble ☺
Can you identify or give us more info on these men (Perry, unknown & Hale) from the Service Platoon 1969?
Hale SP4 Maintenance (first name unknown) Aug 69 to Aug 70 now has a rough draft MyPage and MP1. Photo is from Allen "KC" Allcock Slide Show #64. Do you remember anything about Hale?
David Perry SP4 Avionics Mechanic Sep 1969 to Sep 1970. Photo is from Allen "KC" Allcock Slide Show #64. Do you remember anything about Perry?
John Alfred Ray Olson SP4 LRRP with D Troop, tour dates unknown, died 17 April 2017 at the age of 79. We have a draft deceased MyPage for him with InfoSheet/Obit. His son Donald Olson provided the photo of his dad's Centaur Plaque. He hopes that we can find more information about him.
Note the two stars on the plaques CIB indicating he served in three wars.
His MyPage has been linked to from the Main and Deceased Rosters.
Contact webmaster at with information or photos.
Need some help writting? Stretch also offers his assistance to any Centaur in writing up their memories for posterity and also by scanning in any pictures or documents. Contact Stretch directly at:
"Harrison, Brian" <> or cell phone is 704 657-8910
National US Army Museum
do you have a copy of this photo calendar 1968?
The new National US Army Museum opened to the public on Veteran's Day 11 Nov 2020. Tom Fleming and Jerry Headley attended the gala affair.
The Centaurs were represented (sort of) with a photo of one of our Cobras firing rockets. You may remember this photo since it was used in the 25th Inf Div Calendar for 1968 (possibly June or July).
The museum listed the date as 1966 but was really 1968. They also showed AH-1C not AH-1G. A request to correct the error was sent to the Customer Support section. They were quick to respond and would like to find the original photo calendar and possibly any people that were involved with it.
send me an email:
The quarterly (Winter) edition of the 3/4 Cav Newsletter, by David Cox is out, and it has a terrific writeup with photos of the new US Army Museum. Check it out.
Late update: CPT John Whitehead is flying the Cobra in the photo taken by SP4 Walker
3/4 Cav Chapter
3/4 Cavalry Chapter: Just in case you didn't know it, the 3/4 Cav Chapter of the 25th Inf Division Association was, and still is, instrumental in the development of the Centaur Legacy. The 3/4 CAV Chapter received its charter from the 25th Infantry Division Association on August 3, 1990 in Chicago, IL. To date more than 1617 former "Mackenzie Raiders" have been located. 652 paid members are on the mailing list.
Decades ago when our hero historian Dale Dow began his quest to find and recognize all Centaurs (D & F Troops), the 3/4 Cav Chapter guys provided money and support. They continue to do that to this day.
Many of you have expressed your appreciation for this great group of hard working volunteers by joining the Chapter for a mere $10 a year ($75 for lifetime member) and providing donations to the scholarship program. If you haven't done so, we are asking you to give it some thought.
You should at least check out their online store of great 3/4 Cav things like this new beautiful coin.
History Section Help Requested
Other Weapons: We have started adding enemy and other non-issued weapons to our website page under History/Equipment/Other Weapons. If you spot some good photos on our website that should also go here please let us know.
Same goes for photos that should go to the other Ordnance sections.
Your Personal Comments Requested
We receive grateful emails from friends and families of Centaurs thanking us for any small pieces of information or personal comments from fellow Centaurs about their loved one posted on the website.
It is an easy and simple gesture for each of us to consider doing. Look up the people you remember that we have MyPages for. Then send the webmaster ( an email with any words of remembrance you may have for that person. Your comments will be posted so that anyone looking that man up onliine will read what you have to say, and appreciate your kindness for doing so.
Keep in mind the guy doesn't have to be dead for you to post some memories. We all like being remembered by our fellow combat vets :)
Garnet O. Holcomb SP4 Maintenance 1969-70 (deceased 24 Mar 2003): His obituary has been located and added as an InfoSheet/Obit to his deceased MyPage.
Bruce Hinds makes positive comments on the new Google Interactive Map. It answered a 47 year old question for him.
Michael Peake provides remembrances of arriving in country. See his InfoSheet
OT Failen provides another photo of the last crash of LOH 378. See it on his War Story page.
Johnny L. Breshears SP4 crewmember of Stable Boy 1966-67 (Centaur Maintenance Aircraft) has checked in. We hope to hear more from him.
John Moore provides comments on Robert Kruse InfoSheet.
Rex Gooch shares this video to UH-1 pilots.
Terry Talley may have been flying LOH 378 when it crashed. We need more info.
William B. Miller CPT Slick Pilot 1972 has a revised MyPage with photo from Frank Dillion.
Richard P. Timmermeyer CPT Aerorilfles and Flight Operations Officer 1968 died 11 Dec 2013. A Deceased draft MyPage with Info/Obit has been created for him. His name is now linked from the Main and Deceased Rosters.
Dennis Hogan CPT Slick pilot Centaur 28: The man in the right seat of his aircraft in the pictures at MP1 and MP 2 is Lambert.Wayne Moose recognized him but no one can remember his first name. More info. Help? The MP's have also been added to Lambert's draft MyPage.
Centaur War Stories
Centaur Call Signs: This War Stories Discussion page has been significantly upgraded by our Historian Michael Peake. Please review and provide us with your additional input.
Navy Bombs DaNang - 3 Jan 1973: by Brian "Stretch" Harrison with Dennis Hogan, Wayne Moose and Joe McCourt publish this story about the accidental bombing of the DaNang Tank Farm. It is listed on the War Story Discussion list, and linked to from their respective MyPages. Joe mentions Camp Swampy. Do you have info on that?
SAR for "Royal Coachman" Mickey Wilson - 8 Jan 73 by Brian "Stretch" Harrison with Bruce Hinds, Dan Keirsey, Dennis Hogan, Wayne Moose and Peter Barber. Same day as the accidental Naval Bombing of Da Nang. The Search and Rescue order for a missing Huey was given to F Troop. It is listed on the War Story Discussion list, and linked to from their respective MyPages.
Loach Ordnance: Tom "Sam" Dooling has a new war story about all the things that were thrown at the enemy from our LOH Crews. It is linked to from his MyPage, Dobry's, Strand's, Homemade Bomb discussion and listed in the War Stories Essay list. To add your comments email the webmaster
Nighthawk Sniper - 1969 by Paul Plante. The Centaur Nighthawk mission, at one time, did have a sniper door gunner with starlight scope on board. Paul began this mission with the Little Bears and then later on to the Centaurs where he received a Silver Star for one nights action. This story has been added to the War Stories Essay section and linked to from Paul's MyPage. Terminology from his story has been added to the Glossary with links back to the story. Also note the many links at the top of the story concerning Nighthawk articles. Each of those articles is also linked back to this article. Paul would like to hear from you if you have any remembrances. Please contact him through the webmaster at
Charlie Takes Notice - 1969 by Paul Plante. During an Nighthawk mission Paul finds out that the VC have created a trap for him that almost succeeds. The story is listed in the War Stories Essay section and linked to from Paul's MyPage.
Paul also mentions that if you go to the 19 May 1969 edition of Tropic Lightning News and scroll down to the Wolfhounds Secure Area Surrounding Diamond III article you'll see a photo of an engineer destroying the center portion of a circular .51 cal pit used to support the anti-aircraft weapon. It also shows them spreading CS Riot Control Powder around the rest of the pit so that it cannot be used again. If you remember more details of your experiences with 51's, send them in. We hope to do a Discussion page to assemble all our knowledge of the 51 cal antiaircraft weapon, its deployment and our countermeasures.
Glossary Additions
Added: Glossary: Junkies, pickled, LORAN, Tank Farm, AP, VNAF, Shrapnel, Camp Swampy, Gunline, No Joy, White Team, Red Team, Pink Team, AAA, ICCS, JMC, IR, Starlight Scope, Fade Out Factor, Scout Ship, Baby Scout, Reconnaissance, Heavy Weapons Gunship, Chunker, CS Riot Powder.
Fixing Broken LInks & Corrections:
Gene Yonke MyPage links: "Remembering 19 Aug 1969" and "Battle for Tay Ninh Discussions" have been corrected.
Battle for Tay Ninh War Story Discussion page links: "A Troop Website Timeline" and "Combat After Action Report" have been corrected.
Several Bad Links have been repaired on Bob Schnider friends MyPage
Timothy J Gordon SP4 Stable Boy Door Gunner 1968 (deceased Apr 2020): His MP1 (a Nick LaRich photo) showing him, LaRich and Hall, has been corrected by adding Tim's name and correcting the spelling of Dau Tiang to Dau Tieng.
Who sent that email?
A few of you could save us a bit of time if you would clearly identify your emails as being from you. Do it either in the email address line like:
"Deak Smirdlap" <> instead of
or sign out at the end of the email: "Deak Smirdlap"
Thanks for helping.
Centaur Society - B S Cards
Brain Supplement Cards
You can read about the Centaur Society, what it is and how it started, by clicking on the Centaur Society button on the left side of the Centaur website. It was meant to be exclusive and only include those Centaurs who would commit to being a part of a team to help build the Centaur Legacy. It has now been expanded to include any Centaur that has taken the time to help build his own MyPage. What that means, is that you are elegible to receive the graphics needed to create your own BS Cards, as explained below, and to have the Centaur Society Logo placed in the lower left corner of your MyPage. I can also show you how to change the graphic of your folder of Centaur stuff to look like the one above.
Let me know
The BS Card is built from a Centaurs' page ("MyPage") on the website.
The BS Card: Some of you Centaurs may not be aware of our personal inhouse gimmick that helps us better communicate at reunions and also helps in our normal day to day encounters to spread word to the world of our great legacy website. One of the theories is that the more people that are aware of the website the better the chances to find more lost Centaurs. Passing out the cards, to any and all, might just help that.
It started at the Nashville Reunion in 2012. Many Centaur Society members had BS Cards made and brought them to the reunion. They passed them out to all they met and talked with. It was a great ice breaker. With most of us having our brains slowly slipping away, these cards, or Brain Supplement Cards as we decided to call them, helped all to remember faces, wives names, hometowns, tour years, phone number and such.
Bob Taylor recently sent in a good example. While golfing he had a nice chat with a new friend John. He gave John his BS Card. The next day he got this note:
Bob, After getting home yesterday I took the time to visit the Centaurs in Vietnam website. I really enjoyed looking through the content, particular the video stories shared by several of your fellow soldiers, including yourself. As I watched the videos and looked through pictures it was a good reminder of how incredibly fortunate we all are, as Americans, to have men like you willing to lay their life on the line in service of our country.
I mentioned my Father-in-Law, served in Vietnam. He was a Forward Observer in the Marines and was there from 1968 - 69, so it looks like maybe you were there at the same time for a short period. I attached a couple of photos. It is of a map he carried with him and I had framed along with several of his medals and combat ribbons. The map even has some of his notes and markings.
It was a pleasure meeting you and getting to play a round of golf. I want to thank you again for your service. John.
Go to the Help/Answers section of the website and click on item 52 for information on how to get your BS Cards
Centaur Shirts & Hats for Christmas?
Christine, Dale Dow's daughter, is still supporting the Centaurs by continuing to sell the shirts and hats like Dale used to do. See item 59 in the Help/Answers section of our website for more information.
She is out of D Troop Huey hats and F Troop LOH hats.
Technobabble Notes: for those curious about the technical side of our website. This last month had some dramatic changes that may have created uncorrected errors. Help me find them.
Major upgrade work on the website computer system (iMac), applications, and main iPower Server (the ISP) has been done (at the cost of the webmaster's pain, grief, time and a host of foul words (and minor room damage). Please help to find the pockets of problems that might have been generated in this process and missed (things that don't work). Click on places you don't normally bother with. Send me problems that you find (thanks).
We are now operating on the new Mac 64bit operating system (used to be 32bit). Many applications were effected. OS Catalina will remain for now. OS Big Sur has too many bugs. Both are 64 bit.
My Main Operating System is on an external Western Digital 12tb HD. Timemachine backup is to an external OWC 12tb HD. The old 32 bit OS (High Sierra) is on my iMac internal 3tb HD with original Dreamweaver CS5.5 (it is still available as a backup untill all new 64 bit version bugs are fixed).
The new Dreamweaver CC (2021) (main website building and managing software) has been cluttered up with new procedures, terms, code and dependent on the ever offensive Creative Cloud. All new major software from Adobe is controlled through their Creative Cloud system and is rented not purchased. Did I mention pain in the ass?
All graphics/photos are now being done in the new Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021 64bit (not connected to the Cloud). I am trying out several off beat photo managing applications to find something that can help me find and manage our many thousands of photos. The iPhotos (32bit) mac application worked well. It was replaced by Apple Photos and is a genuine piece of shit that has me speaking many foul words daily.
All video remains in the updated Final Cut Pro v10.5 (an amazing program) with initial compression being done in Apple's Compressor application v4.4.8 ; then further compressed for the web using the still working Miro Video Converter v3.0 with SD420p compression (mp4 format).
Text Wrangler code editing software has been discontinued and folded into BBEdit v13.5.2. The parts of that used for the website are still free.
The new Mac OS screen capturing software "Grab" has been changed to "ScreenShot"; same functions but a different way of doing things.
Safari v14 remains primary browser with Firefox v82.0.3 as number two and Opera v72.0.3815.148 number three. Google Chrome caused too many problems and was very invasive. Firefox drives me nuts with updates.
Apple Text Edit 1.15 remains the primary text program. All text coming in from other text programs is filtered through Text Edit to take all the coding crap out of it before going into Dreamweaver. Microsoft Word is the worst offender. Text directly from Word to the website (server) can dramatically clog things up.
CIVO Website Newsletter - Nov 2020 remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: My Page Updates, Nighthawk Sniper, Who was with Mark Jackson?, War Story, Google Interactive Map, Patch Photos,VHPA Article.
Orville "OT" Failen CW3 Cobra pilot Jan to Nov 1969 now has a MyPage and two MP's. Notice the XM-18 inboard pod type miniguns in MP2. See his War Story "LOH 378's Last Engine Failure"
Johnny Dixon WO1 Slick Pilot Feb until Apr 1972. Johnny was transferred from the 334th Attack Helicopter Company when they stood down in February 1972 to F Troop. He was with F Troop until he got an early drop to go home. He doesn't remember his Call Sign and thought that one of you might remember. contact
Andy Gerrie 1LT Aerorifle Platoon Commander Feb to Jul 1967 has moved to Tucson, AZ and spends summers in Show Low, AZ.
Dan Miller WO1 Slick Pilot Centaur 28 provides more information on the F Troop Area of Operations in I Corps area. It has been added as an Info Sheet on Dan's MyPage and the map is also copied to the History Units Map page.
David Whitley SP4 Aerorifle M60 Gunner 1970-71 has added captions to his Photo Album and provided photos allowing us to create a draft MyPage for SP4 Rea Simoneaux (Aerorifles) and to upgrade the deceased MyPage for SP4 Billy Mackey.
Kenneth P. "Ken" Avery SP4 Aerorifleman Nov 1967 to Nov 1968 now has a MyPage, InfoSheet and has added his story from the Battle of the Hobo Woods Jan 1968. He also has published a 20 picture Photo Album. He provided several photos of other Aeroriflemen that we used to create draft MyPages for.
Barry L. McFarland SP4 Aerorifleman 1967-68 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Ken Avery. Barry was at the Hobo Woods Battle Jan 1968 and his name has been added to that War Story. Anyone have contact with him?
Terry Pucek SP4(?) Aerofiles 1967 to 1968 now has a rough draft MyPage based on a Ken Avery photo. We have no other records of Terry. His name has been added to the Centaur Roster.
John Hines SP4(?) Aerorifleman 1967 - 68 has a draft MyPage based on a Ken Avery photo of Dennis Pfoor and Hines. We have no photos or records of John Hines other than this. Do you remember him? Was he in the Battle of the Hobo Woods Jan 1968?
Robert L. Lane SSG Aerorifles 1965 to 67 died 3 December 2019. He now has a deceased MyPage and an Infosheet with Obituary. His name has been added to the deceased roster. We have no Nam photos of him. Maybe you can help. Thanks to Bob Tegelman; always at work finding our Aeroriflemen.
Christopher "Chris" Clark WO1 Cobra Pilot Centaur 56 has a new MyPage photo of him alongside the 20mm Cobra. Hope to get more from him.
Robert B. Long CW2 LOH Pilot 1972 died 7 January 2020 (age 74). A deceased MyPage and InfoSheet/Obit has been created. Any other info on him?
Daniel L. Lott CPT LOH Scout Section Leader 1972 to 1973 died 1 April 2012. Now has an updated deceased MyPage and InfoSheet with linked Memorial movie.
Robert "Bob" Kruse 1LT Forward Observer 1968 died 8 February 2020. Now has a deceased MyPage and InfoSheet. He came in as a 2LT Forward Observer for A Troop and was wounded. Became 1LT with D Troop as their Forward Observer. Thanks to Glen Gouge for staying in contact with him through his hospice time.
David Whitley SP4 Aerorifles 1970-71 remembers that the Centaur infantryman we list as Kenneth Cavenders is really John Cavenders. The newspaper article lists him as Kenneth. Do you remember him or the other Centaur in the article Jon E. Hagen (1971)?
Paul Plante PFC Infantryman with Company A, 2/12 "Warriors", and attached to D Troop, 3/4Cav for Nighthawk missions. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions on the night of June 13, 1969.
His name has been added to the Centaur Roster and a MyPage with MP created. We hope to create a War Story called "Nighthawk Sniper" for the 13 June 1969 action and any other Nighthawk stories that might result from this posting.
Please review these notes and see what you might add. contact
...Plante (1969) infantryman, Co A, 2/22nd Infantry, volunteered to carry an M-14 with Sniper Scope and go on night missions with the Nighthawks of the Little Bear and Centaur units.
...Co A, 2/22nd Infantry "Warriors" website has this entry: Plante, PFC Paul, 2/69-1/70 - Asst Gunner, 2nd, Plt, from New York; later transferred to "Little Bears" as door gunner
...Stan Allen Nighthawk Crew Chief (1969) remembers several missions with an attached infantryman as a sniper.
...Plante was flying as a Nighthawk crew member on a D Trp, 3/4 Cav helicopter which was scrambled to rescue a slick from A Co. (Little Bears), 25th Avn Bn. It had been shot down by and RPG and was burning.
...The 3/4 Cav Nighthawk bird came into a hot landing during the fight, and the evac was to be for the 1/5 Bobcat's wounded, who the Little Bear was shot down trying to get. They also rescued the Little Bear crew.
...Company C, 1/5th "Bobcats" website has an entry of the Friday the 13th incident (13 June 1969). RPG's took out an APC and a helicopter.
...The action was near Phuoc My between Cu Chi and Trang Bang.
...Nighthawk bird landed for wounded. It may have had 11 people on board at takeoff. Plante remained behind. Was wounded and evacuated by Little Bear LOH (Brigade Cdr C&C bird).
...Plante received a personal letter of commendation from MAJ Addicott, the CO of the Little Bears afterwards and met the crew of the Little Bears ship, who were later killed when their ship was shot down on 08/14/1969.
...Plante's Silver Star citation says "Private first class distinguished himself by heroic actions on 13 June 1969, while attached to D Troop, 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry in the Republic of Vietnam.
...He believes the Centaur Nighthawk AC and Pilot were awarded DFC's, and the CE a Silver Star.
...Plante seeks to contact the pilots and crew chief of the Centaur Nighthawk aircraft.
...Did you fly Nighthawk? How did it go? Stories? Problems? contact
Note these existing War Stories: Nighthawk 1969, Nighthawk Video Story, Nighthawk Aug 1971, Nighthawk Miniguns, Nighthawk Twin 60's
Who was with Mark Jackson when he was killed?
Mike Peake, our Historian, asks "Who was with Mark Jackson when he was killed?" In Memoriam shows 1LT Mark Jackson, age 21.4 years old, resident of Vero Beach, Florida, was killed in action piloting OH-6A 68-17149 "Iron Butterfly" near Tay Ninh 28 October 1969 after taking hits from small arms/automatic weapons and crashing, resulting in serious injuries to Crew Chief SP4 S. Snoddy and Door Gunner PFC R. Rhodes. It turns out that SP5 Stephen R. Snoddy and SP4 Rockley J. "Rocky" Rhodes were likely not the crew that was with LT Mark Jackson when he was KIA since neither one of these guys were ever wounded.
Jack E. Craig, a good friend of LT Jackson, who landed his Cobra to give assistance states that in the crash of Loach 149, the unnamed crew chief was pinned under the minigun with his leg broken in two places and the unnamed observer had received a gunshot wound in right elbow.
Crew Chief Jerry Don Matthew's 2008 obituary said he was a recipient of two Purple Hearts and he did crew Iron Butterfly at one time. So it is possible that Matthews and his unknown gunner were the ones with Jackson, and both were injured. Do you remember who his Gunner was?
Tom Dooling, CW2 Cobra Pilot Centaur 52 adds comments to the Iron Butterfly crash that killed Mark Jackson "I was the Cobra AC (Jack Craig was my Peter Pilot) when Mark Jackson was shot down - and my recollection of the crew was that the CE was named Patton - could be James Patton on the roster?? I remember him as I had to lay in a puddle of JP4/water under the aircraft to dig his leg out from under the mini gun mount and then carry him about 100 meters to the dust-off - I had a fuel rash on the right side of my body for about a week. I do not remember the observer's name, but I’m pretty sure that is was not Snoddy, Rhodes nor Matthews. I knew those guys pretty well — plus I believe that the observer was sent home due to his wound - his left elbow was pretty well messed up and he was medevac’d out with the CE. I know there was an after action report written on the entire incident — but no clue where it went to."
We are still seeking more information. contact "Peake, Michael" <>
LOH 378's Last Engine Failure - 26 Feb 1969 by Orville "OT" Failen has been posted to the War Stories Essay section and linked to from OT's MyPage.
Google Earth Pro Centaur Interactive Map
Carl Betsill (Centaur Map Master), along with Mike Peake (Centaur Historian) and Stretch Harrison, put together a fun and informative, Google Earth interactive map for Centaur events. You need to check it out.
1. If you don’t have Google Earth Pro then download it first. It is totally free. There are versions for Mac, PC and Linux. If you have trouble finding and downloading it, just grab any teenager and have them do it.
2. With Google Earth Pro already loaded onto your computer (not opened) then click on this special file that will open Google Earth Pro and display the Centaur map data.... CentaurPlaces.kmz
3. The next alert box will say something like "Open in Google Earth Pro". Click OK.
4. Google Earth will frequently ask you to "Allow" them to save. Just click "Deny" until you are more familiar with the program.
5. Once Google Earth opens and shows you the planet, use your mouse scrolling button to zoom in on the little orange balloon looking markers. You can also press and hold your mouse to move the map around. There are many other controls and features that you can play with later.
6. Click on little orange balloon looking markers for information. In some cases, within that information block, is a link to more info on the Centaur website. Click on the Centaur 5 balloon as an example. It will take you to that page on the Centaur Website but will remain in the Google Earth program. Click the return to Google Earth button usually in the upper left corner of the screen.
You can help us by providing specific information that you have on crash or incident sites.
contact "Betsill, Carl" <>
John Jones is a researcher and collector based in UK that is compiling a hardcopy work on U.S. Army helicoptor unit patches in Vietnam. He has done work for the VHPA concerning patches.
He is requesting to find people that might have original unit patches or photos of those patches that were worn in combat. If so he would like to obtain high resolution photos (patch on white background) of them. If you would like to help please contact him at JOHN Jones <>
Can you identify the patch on the right? What does the 303 stand for?
See a VHPA Article about John Jones
John Jones also sends us this Rattler/Firebird website that gives a good explaination of how units made up their call signs.
VHPA Article on John Jones and his shoulder patch collection
CIVO Website Newsletter - Oct 2020 remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: New Interface, MyPages, News, War Stories, Glossary, Centaur Friends
Walter Cooke's grandson found the perfect T Shirt for his warrior grandpa.
We continue to be impressed with the number of grandchildren who are really interested in our generation and have so many questions. This is only one of the great factors that makes the building of our Legacy Website so important. Hope that you see it that way and will continue to help us with your information while you are still kicking.
Do you have a question concerning your Centaur tour? This newsletter is a great place to ask it. There are over 400 Centaurs who receive the newsletter. Send me an email
The website Homepage has some serious changes designed to make it easier to find all our Map information. Notice that there are two red circles on the South Vietnam map instead of one. This second circle indicates the location of the F Troop Area of Operation after they moved North to I Corps.
At the bottom center of the Homepage notice that the linked word "Maps" has been added. Click on that to go directly to the Centaur Maps Index page. On that page we used three graphics to represent links (buttons) to their respective Maps. Under the title of each map are more links to several more pages with map information.
Some of you may note that the 25th Div AO map has been cleaned up. Easier to read.
Kenneth "Ken" Hundt , CW2 Cobra Pilot, Centaur 53, 1972 adds comments on CPT Paul Martindale (KIA) and to Cobra 439 (20mm bird). CPT Martindale's Info Sheet has been cleaned up and Ken Hundt's comments added. Ken's note might explain why Paul was not killed in his assigned aircraft 438 (the 20mm bird) as some originally thought.
...Ken's comments on flying the 20mm Cobra 439 have been added to the History page 20mm Automatic Cannon.
...Links to the 20mm page have been added to Hundt, Richard Parrish, Mike Peake and Lin Riniker MyPages.
Tom Dooling, CW2 Cobra Pilot Centaur 52 adds comments to the Iron Butterfly crash that killed Mark Jackson "I was the Cobra AC (Jack Craig was my Peter Pilot) when Mark Jackson was shot down - and my recollection of the crew was that the CE was named Patton - could be James Patton on the roster?? I remember him as I had to lay in a puddle of JP4/water under the aircraft to dig his leg out from under the mini gun mount and then carry him about 100 meters to the dust-off - I had a fuel rash on the right side of my body for about a week. I do not remember the observer's name, but I’m pretty sure that is was not Snoddy, Rhodes nor Matthews. I knew those guys pretty well — plus I believe that the observer was sent home due to his wound - his left elbow was pretty well messed up and he was medevac’d out with the CE. I know there was an after action report written on the entire incident — but no clue where it went to."
...We are still seeking more information.
Jerome Dean Todd SP5 Cobra Crew Chief 1971 was killed 24 Sep 1971 after accidently walking into a Cobra Tail Rotor at night. An InfoSheet has been added to his MyPage with more information about what happened that night. Jerome's sister sent a photo of him sitting in the door gunner position of a slick. It has been added as an MP1. Can you identify the soldier on left?
James E. Whitman CPT LOH Pilot Centaur 10 1970 to 1971 has an updated draft MyPage. He would like to know if you remember an LOH Crew Chief nicknameed "Abbie".
Mackie Webb CW2 OH-23 Scout Pilot, Jun 67 to Jun 68 now has a MyPage with four photos as MP's. His name is linked back to from the "Shoot Down" War story. His MP2 photo is linked to from the Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers OH-23 page. Mike Peake confirms Mackie's OH-23 number 3828 is correct but was not listed. A hangar photo of 3828 has been added to the Centaur Aircraft Photos page.
David L. Christiansen SP4 (SP5?) Gunship (Hogs) Crew Chief 1967-68 now has a draft MyPage. Doug Olsen recognized him in our 1 May 2020 Newsletter award ceremony photo (on the far left). (might be Dennis T. Pfoor on the far right). We have been searching for David for years, hoping to get his memories from the "Shootdown" story of 21 Feb 1968 where he was one of the crewmembers of the down Hog gunship. We did find, but have not confirmed an obituary that could belong to David. Click Here. It says David L. Christensen, 51, of Grand Island died Friday, Jan. 23, 1998, at the Nebraska Veterans Home in Grand Island. He entered the U.S. Army on Jan. 11, 1966, serving during the Vietnam War. He was honorably discharged on Dec. 15, 1968.
Can you help with any information about David L. Christiansen?
Carl Betsill SP4 Avionics Mechanic 1971 to 72 now has a nine picture photo album.
Bruce K. Carroll SP4 Slick Crew Chief died 15 Aug 2002. No record of an obituary so far.
Donald C. Moore SP4 Crew Chief Slicks 1965 to 1967 now has a draft MyPage and two MP's. Thanks to Bob Tegelman.
Jerry A. Collamore MAJ OH-23G Scout Pilot 1966 died 11 Sep 2019. The photo from his obituary was used to create Memorandum MyPage for him. Jim Wells and he were good friends. Carl Burns confirms the photo is him. He has been added to the Memoriam Deceased page.
Lawrence B. "Larry" Wilkerson 1LT LOH Scout Pilot and Flight Operations Officer 1969-1970 now has a MyPage and InfoSheet. Larry retired as a COL and became an advisor to General Colin Powell. He has added some notes to the deceased MyPage of his LOH Scout Observer and friend Bill Busygin. See Larry's War Story "They Shot My Gun" mentioned below.
Lell James Scott SSG Mess Sergeant 1966 died 17 June 2017. A Memorial MyPage has been created for him from his Obituary pic and one from Bob Tegelman. The 3/4 Cav Roster had him listed as "Leeland". Bob Tegelman remembers him as a tough Mess Sergeant. It was thought that he went by the nickname of "John".
Andy Gerrie 1LT Aerorifle Platoon Leader: His MyPage has been upgraded with a Nam photo and a second photo has been added as an MP1. Andy was seriously wounded in a battle in the Iron Triangle in July of 1967. Bruce Powell writes of this in his letter home. That has been linked to from Andy's MyPage.
Mike Flaherty SP4 Aug 72 to Feb 73: His MyPage has been updated with his first name. Thanks to Charles Traylor. The main roster has been corrected and also his MP1.
Richard S. "Dick" Welch SP4 Cobra Crew Chief 1972 has a draft MyPage using a photo from the 1972 Yearbook. We are hoping that he will have comments about the Centaur aircraft downed by an SA7 missile 5/2/72. see story. It was reported that Dick may have been scheduled to fly on that Huey that was shot down, and was replaced by SP4 Charles Morgan (KIA).
"Red" Patterson SP5 Service Platoon (night Maintenance) 1970-71 has a rough draft MyPage based on photos and information from Joe Hoover. Red was not on any of our rosters but is remembered well by Joe and Danny Rabon. Red moved to Lai Khe and derosed shortly after the move, per Danny. Dan McIntyre also remembers Red.
Richard Boucher SP5 1968-69 67N20 Aircraft Mechanic: Here are notes from Jim Rogers (Armament NCO) about him: "He worked in the armament shop but was a 67N20, because after Manual Gallor left, I was by myself. When I got some more 45J20s (armament) guys in, he transferred to the hanger crew. He really wanted to work on helicopters. I believe he was flying door gunner when the five ships went down in November 1968 (The An Duc Extraction). He caught a piece of shrapnel in one ankle. He didn’t know he was hit until he was back in the hooch and pulled a blood filled boot off. I left before he did so his time in D Troop would have been June or July 1968 to 1969. I believe he was from Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, that area say that when Manual Gallor (Armement NCO) left Boucher transfered to the Hanger crew".
We are hoping that someone involved in the An Duc Extraction will remember him and provide us with more information.
Lin Riniker adds additional information to the History Rockets Section including Anti-Tank Rocket information.
OH-23G History page upgraded with more info. It is linked to OH-23G and Skid Guns Discussions in the War Story Discussions section.
Mike Sloniker VHPA Historian, president of the Oklahoma chapter of VHPA and major contributor to the history of the Vietnam War has checked in with us and will be monitoring our monthly CIVO Newsletters.
Pat Eastes CW2 Gun Pilot Centaur 43 1967-68: Pat visited the new National Museum of Military Vehicles in Dubois, Wyoming, and noticed they have a restored B Troop 3/4 Cav APC on display. Dave Cox posted two of Pat's photos in the latest 3/4 Cav Association Newsletter. This new museum hopes to have a full Vietnam section in place by next summer.
John Moore 1LT A Troop Platoon Leader 1968-69, the 3/4 Cav Association Webmaster and a heavy contributor to the Centaur website, has been awarded the honor of Patriot of the Year by the Military Order of the Purple Heart. See his plaques in the latest 3/4 Cav Association Newsletter.
"I Fought For You" movie: Mike Olsen found this moving video and shares it with us. It was made 10 years ago.
New Car Smell - 1972 is a War Story by Kenneth Mick 1LT Cobra Pilot Oct 1971 to Sep 1972. It is a fact based composite story telling about flying Cobras in the I Corps area and a realistic view of being part of a Hunter-Killer team mission. The story is linked to from Ken's MyPage and from the War Stories Essay page.
They Shot My Gun is a War Story by Lawrence B. "Larry" Wilkerson. A Lloyd Goldsmith photo was used to show how the Bungee Cord is used on an LOH. It was severed by a single enemy round.
Words and terms added to our Glossary: 100 mph tape - Hai Van Pass - China Beach - Covey FAC - Issue FAC - Secondary explosion - Wing Stores - Perfume River - Red X - IFR - FSB
Helping Living Friends & Relatives
There are two reasons why we are sharing this personal information with you all: One is to let you know that CIVO does a lot of work to help family and relatives of Centaurs; and Two, so that you might be able to help with more information.
Lauren the daughter of CPT Joseph M. Berkson KIA in a Centaur aircraft crash, requested more info on her fathers death. Frank Dillon contacted those Centaurs who might have more info for input to help her. Here are the combat notes: Website Info: Item one, item 2, item 3:
Frank Dillon: SP4 Charles Morgan (KIA) flew in place of SP4 Dick Welch who went on sick call that day. WO1 Dan Miller was among those who recovered the bodies . We can put you in contact with Dan, but I don’t think he has any info other than he helped recover the bodies.
A sad, bad day. I/we will help you any way we can.
Richard Parrish: I was in a Cobra gunship with Russ Miller the day your father was lost. I saw the shoulder fired missile launched from brush and watched it target the UH1 that picked up your father, as it was climbing on takeoff from the road where it had landed. Of course I didn’t know who was picked up, so I’m not sure what more I can add to any knowledge you already have. I’m available for questions though.
CIVO Website Newsletter - Sep 2020 remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
index: Aircraft, Maps, MyPages, War Stories, Photos, Articles, Timeline, Discussion
The Homepage has been updated with a couple of new buttons to make it easier for folks to get to our Centaur Aircraft information directly. In the past you had to go through the History or War Story Discussions Sections to get to the Aircraft photos and tail numbers. Try out the new buttons at the bottom center of the Hompage.
The Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers and Photos pages have been updated and rearranged. Take a look. Mike Peake is constantly working to upgrade this detailed aircraft information and would like to hear from you if you have corrections or other information. "Peake, Michael" <
Centaur Aircraft Pages Updates
The Centaur Aircraft Tail Number pages each have a silohuette of their aircraft which is also a button to go to the History Section page for that aircraft,
Don Borey CPT Cobra Pilot 1971-72 sends this update:"I saw my assigned Cobra in the last newsletter. It was the very first cobra pictured: Tail #110. I went to the listing of aircraft and read where it is now a static display at the New Hartford New York American Legion Post. It is pictured on their webpage. I left a voice mail for the Commander asking to get some pictures... I can't believe I never took a color photo of the ship during my tour. We got the aircraft from the Blue Max ( I think they were the 334th ARA), When F Troop got alerted to move north in Jun or Jul 1971, we turned in our high time ships and were given some helicopters that had more time on them before major inspections. 110 was one of the cobras we received. My crew chief and I painted the shark teeth on the nose, We ended up not going North and stayed in Lai Khe until Jan 1972 when we moved back to Long Binh". see Cobra 110 photo
LOH 66-07931 vs ??-67931: We have had the Charlie Rice and Charlie Meyer LOH "Hard Core" aircraft LOH 66-07931 up for sometime. Now Mike Peake discovered that there is another 931 (66-67931) not listed. Looks like the original number 66-07931 was incorrect. It has been corrected. Photo with Joe Owen and Bruce Powell (931) has been added to the Aircraft Photos page and linked to from the Tail Numbers page.
Take a look: Many smaller updates, not listed here, have taken place since the last time you looked, including extensive additions and corrections of linking. Add your input.
Finding Centaurs 16 & 48 (Apr 69): DAILY STAFF JOURNAL 5 April 1969 shows: Item 18, 1126 hours From D Trp LOH Received fire both pilots wounded, ship flew back to Cu Chi, 1 (BC). Item 25, 1437 hours Centaur 16, and 48 shot down XT648315, T slick and gunships scrambling at this time (no further Journal mention remainder of day or the following day). Contact Mike Peake with information - "Peake, Michael" <>
What is "BC" and "T" in the text?
Kentucky Woman Found: See AH-1G Cobra Kentucky Woman discussion below.
The Map Locations page listed in the War Story Discussions section has been updated with text and two revised maps by Carl Betsill. These are maps created with Google Earth specifically to present enough detail to show our key map locations like Fire Support Bases, Landing Zones and link up specific locations with dates where something happened there. Carl would like to have your notes/input. see I Corps Area and III Corps Area
Next month we plan to have another revision of the Homepage that will make it easier to get to the different map sections and information. Until then you can click on the Northern area of the Homepage map to go directly to our new Area of Operations page. Thanks to those of you who have been providing this kind of detailed information.
Gary E. Chesnut SP5 job unknown 1971-72. Photo by Richard Gorton. His name had been misspelled on the Roster. The name "Gerry Chestnut" has been removed from the roster.
Bruce Carol SP5 Crew Chief on Slick 69-16862. Reported by Gary E. Chesnut. "Bruce was CE on Slick 69-16862 for awhile at least in 72. He went home on emergency leave May? 72 and did not return as he was short anyway." (we don't currently show a listing for an H model 862 but will continue to look). Note: there is also a "Bruce Carroll" on the roster. Frank Dillon and Gary researched that and are sure that they are two different guys,
Mackie A. Webb CW2 OH-23 Scout Pilot is now in contact with us. He is going to send us some photos and more information. Mackie was a crewmember of the shot down Hog 21 Feb 1968.
John Whysong CW2 LOH Pilot 1971: Harlan Gray Sparrow III lets us know that he and Whysong went through Flight School together and both went to F Troop and flew LOH's.
Ronald S. Terry SP4 LOH Scout Crew Chief Nov 1971 to Mar 1072 now has a draft MyPage made from his photo in the 1972 Yearbook.
David P. "Sully" Sullivan SP4 LOH Scout Crew Chief Dec 70 to Dec 71 now has a rough draft MyPage using his photo from the 1971 Yearbook.
John Andrews SSG Avionics NCOIC 197? : Peter Vallarante provides a photo of John which has been added to John's MyPage as MP2. We still have not been able find him.
Keith E. Nicol SP5 Cobra Crew Chief of #68-15110 "Centaur Max" now has a draft MyPage created from his Yearbook photo. His page is linked to a photo of 110.
Richard "Rick" Gorton SP5 Maintenance (Power Train Repairer 68D) August to October 1972 now has a draft MyPage and InfoSheet. Here is a Centaur that has his own filght service and is still flying!
Curt Knapp CW2 Pilot with the 2d Bde, 101st Avn Div 1967-68, now has a Centaur Friends MyPage. He wrote the article "The History of Wargasm - LOH 795" with Carl Betsill. The story is posted on the War Stories Essay page under Carl's name and linked to from Carl's MyPage and Curt's Centaur Friends MyPage.
Julian C. Aranda SP4 Aircraft Maintenance 1972 has joined us and has been added to our Newsletter distribution.
Terry N. Mason SP5 1972. His MyPage has been upgraded to show him as Aircraft Technical Inspector.
Daniel Wilson SP4 Slick Crew Chief KIA 22 Jun 1970: Gary Schmidt has added a photo of the Plaque that he created in Dan's memory as an MP on Dan's KIA page.
Carl Betsill and Curt Knapp have written "The History of Wargasm - LOH 795". This is the first time we have treated one of our aircraft like you would treat a famous person in our history. In other words, not just what this aircraft did for the Centaurs, but what it did for the entire war and where it ended up. The story is posted on the War Stories Essay page under Carl's name and linked to from Carl's MyPage and Curt's Centaur Friends MyPage.
Letter Home - Martindale 1972: CPT Paul Martindale's brother Charles sent us portions of Paul's letter home describing a lot of the history of F Troop. It is listed on the War Stories Essay page and linked to from Paul's deceased MyPage. Taking a closer look at Paul's Cobra photo (MP2) it was determined to be Cobra #69-16439 with twin miniguns in the turret and a 20mm Cannon on the left wing store.
The Crescent-Sep 1970 War Story Essay where SGT Milan Lee was KIA has been upgraded. The story has been linked to the MyPages of SP4 John Adams, CPT Loren McCoy, CW2 Mike Haggar and CW2 Michael Mayer. We have no information on the Aerorifle Platoon Leader 1LT James Dunham.
Tom W. Olsson CW2 Cobra Pilot Centaur 50, Oct 69 - Oct 70: His great photo collection of 166 photos is now up as a slideshow. It is listed in the PhotoAudioFilm section under Photos/Slides and linked to from his MyPage. Scroll the text field to the right of his photos to read the accompaning captions. Be sure to let us know if you see a photo that you have some input on.
Lloyd Goldsmith 1LT Centaur 48, Cobra Pilot Jun 71 to Mar 72 has posted his Photo Album of 67 photos from his tour. The Photo Album is linked to from his MyPage and from the PhotoAudioFilm/Photo/Slides page. Lloyd has many photos of aircraft art. Those that are hard to read have been posted below for you to look at and maybe help us properly identify. Click here.
We found seven photos that were not included in the Jim Walt Photo Album. They have been added as #14 thru 21. One is of SP4 Lee Ewert and has been added to his MPs. If you notice that some of your photos are not up on the website, PLEASE let me know so I can fix that.
Pat Eastes sends a video of new attack helocopter ideas. Makes it seem like our gunships were from the Stone Age.
John Moore provides us with a 1969 Enemy War Propoganda document; 19 pages long. "A Spring of Victories" South Vietnamese National Front for Liberation Central Committee propaganda pamphlet. Courtesy Wayne Van Horn, A Trp 1969. And we thought our news corps was screwed up .If you would like to read it you can download it from our Google Shared Folder. Cick Here.
Carl Betsill has provided an upgrade for the 1971 to 73 sections of the Timeline. If you haven't taken the time to view the Timeline, please do so now, and let us know what you think. The intent is to provide a detailed summary of events for each tour year with links to full articles and videos. Every event that has a date and is shown somewhere on our website is to be listed here on this one page. This allows people to find things from their tour of which they have an interest. You can help by noting events that you have found on the website that have not yet been listed. Provide a date and summary and it will be placed into the Timeline with link to the full event. see Timeline Intro
That you might be able to help with.
Finding "Swampy Toes":
Can you provide information for finding this LOH pilot? The radio call sign (or possibly nickname) of a 25th Inf Division LOH pilot, was "Swampy Toes". He was thought to be a member of the 25th Inf Div Artillery (DIVARTY) or even D Troop 3/4 Cav during the month of May 1968.
The action in question was a fire fight during which this pilot may have been supporting fire missions for a 25th ID DIVARTY unit 3-13th FA.
During the mission, the pilot ended up landing in the fire support area and doing an on the ground ammo run for the supporting artillery unit. It is believed that this guy probably single handedly saved an entire battalion of ARVN Marines. The Marine US advisor to the South Vietnamese Marine 1 unit in contact that day is trying to put together a Medal of Honor recommendation for this pilot.
The chances of the pilot being a Centaur are slim because of the call sign and because our Artillery Observers were not pilots. However we wish to help them to find and honor this man.
Henchman II in FSB:
Brian "Stretch" Harrison says his neighbor served as 11B (M60 gunner) with the 25th in B 4th/23rd, the Tomahawks, during the Cambodian Incursion (their unit turned in their M-16s and M-60s for AK-47s). He said "I have a picture of a cobra that was supporting us during a fire fight and had to land by us to clear a jammed gun”. Who were those pilots? (photo added to Centaur Aircraft Photos page)
Iron Butterfly Crash and KIA:
Mike Peake, our Historian, asks "Who was with Mark Jackson when he was killed?" In Memoriam shows 1LT Mark Jackson, age 21.4 years old, resident of Vero Beach, Florida, was killed in action piloting OH-6A 68-17149 "Iron Butterfly" near Tay Ninh 28 October 1969 after taking hits from small arms/automatic weapons and crashing, resulting in serious injuries to Crew Chief SP4 S. Snoddy and Door Gunner PFC R. Rhodes.
It turns out that SP5 Stephen R. Snoddy and SP4 Rockley J. "Rocky" Rhodes were likely not the crew that was with LT Mark Jackson when he was KIA since neither one of these guys were ever wounded.
Jack E. Craig, a good friend of LT Jackson, who landed his Cobra to give assistance states that in the crash of Loach 149, the unnamed crew chief was pinned under the minigun with his leg broken in two places and the unnamed observer had received a gunshot wound in right elbow.
Crew Chief Jerry Don Matthew's 2008 obituary said he was a recipient of two Purple Hearts and he did crew Iron Butterfly at one time. So it is possible that Matthews and his unknown gunner were the ones with Jackson, and both were injured. Do you remember who his Gunner was?
AH-1G "Kentucky Woman" lives at American Legion Post 65 in Statesville, NC:
Mike Peake, our Historian, contacted American Legion Post #65 in Statesville, North Carolina about their display of our AH-1G #68-17040 Kentucky Woman. Amy, the daughter of the Post Commander Mike Morris (ex-82nd Airborne) expressed their enthusiasm of discovering some of the combat history of their aircraft by creating a YouTube movie. Click here.
Brian "Stretch" Harrison drove up to meet with them and see the display. He said they are super nice and friendly folks, and they love their Cobra!!! They painted their Cobra a few years ago but would really like the paint job to be as correct as possible - ie aircraft name, Centaur logo, Air Cav patch, and most importantly, sharks teeth - so they would really like to see vintage pictures - especially color pictures - of Kentucky Woman in her prime!
see Brian's photos - see slideshow with audio.
Unfortunately we only have the one head on photo from Jack Nemeyer right now. We are hoping more will turn up.
Amy would like to interview any Centaur pilots and crewmen that flew or worked on Kentucky Woman. Tom Dooling will be talking with her. You can contact her direct at
If these folks are able to follow through by painting and redesignating their Cobra as Kentucky Woman, we will create a Centaur Friends MyPage for this Post and add a link to their homepage on our Links page.
Goldsmith Photo Album Discussion
Lloyd Goldsmith 1LT Centaur 48, Cobra Pilot Jun 71 to Mar 72 has posted his Photo Album of 67 photos from his tour. The Photo Album is linked to from his MyPage and from the PhotoAudioFilm/Photo/Slides page.Below are comments about some of the photos that you might have some input on:
Photo 002: Added to his MyPage as an MP1. "SP4 Reed" on side of Cobra- ideas on first name or anything else about him? None of the Reed's on our roster fit.
Photo 005: Looks to me like Cobra "California Dreamin" #68-15135 and LOH "Borrowed Time" either #??-16197 or #69-16019.
Photo 009: who is on the right painting?
Photo 013: Can't quite make it out.
Photo 014: Can't quite make it out.
Photo 016: Looks like LOH "Borrowed Time" and Cobra "Kansas Killer"
Photo 017: Cobra "WarLord" #67-15825
Photo 019: LOH "For God Country and Body Count" #69-16003. Photo was added and linked to the Centaur Aircraft Photos and the Tail Number pages.
Photo 020: "Cold Duck". Can we confirm that this is a Centaur Aircraft?
Photo 021: LOH "Blind Faith" #68-17180. Photo was added and linked to the Centaur Aircraft Photos and the Tail Number pages.
Photo 022: LOH "For Love of Freedom" #67-16563. Photo was added and linked to the Centaur Aircraft Photos and the Tail Number pages.
Photos 034-35: Name of Naval Base?
Photo 040: LOH "Borrowed Time" in flight #69-16019. Is the second LOH to use that name.
Photo 047: We have two Durkins on the roster. I assume this to be CW2 John Durkin.
Photo 048: What is MTF?
Photo 049: Sling loaded LOH. Looks like the numbers 1720 can be seen on the cowling. Could be #68-17204 "Love Bug".
Photo 050: SFC Bob Maxey. Added to his MyPage as an MP.
Photo 056: 1LT Ken Mick. Added to his MyPage as an MP.
CIVO Website Newsletter - August 2020 index: Static Displays/MyPages/War Stories/Movies/Reunions/Glossary/Deep Research
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
Everything you ever wanted to know about our Centaur Helicopters but were afraid to ask:
(Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers and Centaur Aircraft Photos)
Is it possible to have some kind of close personal relationship with an inanimate object? Many of us think so. Our Centaur Helicopters served us well and the memories of those harrowing experiences with them remain in our hearts, not unlike the memories of our best combat buddies. Enjoy rehearing some crewmembers talk about their ships with reverence: examples: Bob Taylor 444 - TJ Lange 462.
So in addition to properly honoring all our fellow Centaur Warriors we choose to individually recognize and honor our aircraft. Michael Peake (Centaur Unit Historian) and others are doing that with our War Story Discussion page "Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers". The many photos that are referenced on this page are displayed on the "Centaur Aircraft Photos" page. You can go there directly if you just want to scroll through all the photos. At the top of that page are buttons that will go directly to photos of the type aircraft you are interested in.
note: The original Centaur Aircraft page has been replaced with pages Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers & Centaur Aircraft Photos.
Mike also discovered that there are a number of Centaur aircraft that do not appear on the VHPA Directory or in the Military Aircraft Serial Numbers—1908 to Present (MASN) references. Many not listed have been found in incident reports, photograph collections and My Page entries.
Through extensive research Mike complied this very detailed listing of all our helicopters by tail number and including stories and photos. Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers. This is a terrific example of how best to use multimedia interactivity to make a single webpage easy to use and fun for viewers. As you read or search through this page be sure to click on any blue underlined text for more information.
Try this as an example of interactivity:
Lets say that you remember a pilot named Tom crashed into some rubber trees, but cannot remember any more than that:
1. Go to Michael Peake's Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers page. (click Wars Stories, then Discussions, then scroll down and click on Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers)
2. Type Command F on your Mac, or Control F on your PC and type in "Tom". Click through to see all the entries for "Tom" until you find one that matches what you already know. That will take you to the section for Cobra Aircraft 552 that talks about Tom Meeks and Moose Marcinkowsky.
3. Move to the left under AH-1G and click on "pic 1" to see a photo of the crashed aircraft.
4. Scroll to below the aircraft photo and click to see Tom's video telling about the crash. Under that movie you can click on Moose Marcinkowski to go to his MyPage.
That is called "Interactivity".
Individual Helicopter Photos are linked to the Aircraft Tail Numbers on the page. But you can also go directly to the photos (Centaur Aircraft Photos) and scroll through them. Note the list of links at the top of the page after the word Photos. Click on one of them to go directly to the photos shown for that type aircraft. If you find that a great photo of your aircraft is not there then send us a note so we can add it.
Did any of our helicopters end up on Static Displays somewhere?
Michael Peake has tracked down the locations of Centaur Aircraft that have been made into Static Displays at different places in the US. If you will take the time to track down your bird and get us a good photo of the display, we will add it to the website with your name. Look for your aircraft on the Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers page.
Photo to the right shows where Bruce Sikkema's "Betty Boobs" Cobra 776 ended up.
Dan McIntyre sends corrections from the last news letter. The photo of Richard Robinson should be Richard Robertson and the guy standing next to him is Charlie King. Ref photo #81. Also photo #40 show a picture of Red, and photo #40 is photo of me, a want to be Cobra pilot
History Section - Cobras updated with Dan Keirsey photo of F Troop Cobras at Tan My 1972. scroll down the Cobra page
Ralph W. "Sandy" Sandmeyer CW2 Heavy Scout Pilot 1969 - 1970 died 13 May 2020 at home after a long battle with Parkinson's Disease. A Deceased page and InfoSheet/Obit have been created. His nickname at home was "Dusty". Went through flight school with Randy Meade and Gary Jones.
Edward W "Ed" Risner, Jr. SP4 Aerorifle Platoon 1965 to Mar 1967 (Deceased 6 Mar 2011). Bob Tegelman sends a couple photos of him that have been used to create his improved Deceased MyPage with an MP1 of Ed and Elza Tye in the field.
Our website is much more complete because of the continous efforts of Bob Tegelman to gather photos and information to honor his fellow Aeroriflemen. Thanks Bob!
Bud Wyatt SP4 (Deceased 26 Dec 2010) LRRP (Ranger) 1970. His MyPage updated to show that he also went on became a Slick Door Gunner. Joe Hoover adds stories to Bud's InfoSheet about him concerning his Ranger days.
Gary Schmidt SP4 Cobra Crew Chief and artist of several aircraft names, 1970: A photo of Gary's Cobra "Henchman II" has been added as the last photo in his Photo Album. Jack Neymeyer located a photo in the 1970 Yearbook of Gary and friends in the Mess Hall and added it as an MP on Gary's MyPage. Who are the other guys? We are now in contact with Gary.
Bruce Sikkema CW2 Cobra Pilot Dec 69 to Jun 71 has an MP photo of his aircraft "The Undertaker" added to his MyPage. His Crew Chief was Dan Coles. Artwork by Gary Schmidt .
Scott B. Moore WO1 is mentioned as being in the Cobra 67-15542 crash with Clay Maxwell. Can't seem to find him. Maybe you have a photo of him, or email address?
Tom Meeks CW2 Cobra Pilot Oct 67 to Oct 68, provides a photo of his Cobra crash, along with Garrett Marcinkowski on 18 August 1968. It has been added as an MP to his and Marcinkowski's MyPages. Also linked to from Michael Peake's Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Page in the War Stories Discussion section.
Don Vaughan SP5 Cobra Crew Chief 1970 now has a draft MyPage using his Yearbook photo. John Brennan mentions in one of his books that SP5 Don Vaughn was the Crew Chief of Cobra 68-15135 "Kansas Killer". Either the Yearbook or Brennan's book has it spelled wrong. We chose the Yearbook. Do you remember him? Can you confirm the spelling? Have any info on him?
Kenneth Strand CW2 Cobra and LOH Pilot (deceased) has a new entry on his MyPage linking him to his Cobra 858 "Affectionately Yours" on the Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Page. Wayne Hooper adds a story about Strand to the Discussion page of Strange Strand stories.
Tommy Lee Erby CPT (Deceased) UH-1 Pilot and Operations Officer 1971-72: His daughter Genea' Denkise Erby writes to us with some corrections for Tommy's MyPage and InfoSheet. Her note caused us to define Operations Officer in our Glossary. If you see other terms like this that we all take for granted, but should be defined for our civilian friends, please email me!
Roger M. "Ramjet" Olson CW2 1967 Scout Pilot: We published what we knew about him in the August 2018 Newsletter but have never receive any more info or photos. His draft InfoSheet is now linked directly from his name on the Main and the Deceased Rosters. We need photos of him.
Charles "Festus" Hagan CW2 OH-23 Pilot Jun to Dec 1967, Centaur 16: We used a 1967 Christmas Group photo to create a rough draft MyPage for him, until we can get a better photo. We have been sending him the Newsletter for some time with no response so far.
Gary H. Anttila SP4 Avionics Mechanic Sep 69 to Apr 71(deceased 4May2020): His son John has been added to the Centaur Newsletter distribution. Please remember to remind any of your friends that the Centaur Newsletter is open for distribution to any person; not just Centaurs or military. Just send their email address. No fees, no obligations, and email address is kept private.
Philip Tocco CPT Slick Plt Leader Centaur 29 and Cobra Pilot 1969-70 now has a MyPage and a draft InfoSheet. Phil was flying as copilot with Jim Tonelli during the Renegade Woods battle (LRRP Rescue).
Kenneth Wayne Shamblin SP4 LOH Crew Chief (#68-17175) KIA 21 April 1971 now has a KIA MyPage using photos provided by David Olsen from Shamblin's TWS page. Thanks to Mike Peake for locating the aircraft number. There is an MP2 of Shamblin and WO1 Anker Bow. Possibly Anker was flying that day. Anyone remember? Any one in contact with Anker Bow (last known CW4 with National Guard in New Jersey)?
Ed Marble SP4 LOH Crew Chief of "Super Egg" aircraft # 67-16035 according to Tim Fegette. A photo from the Glen Gouge Photo Album was used to create a draft MyPage for Ed. No contact with him yet.
Dennis Yenser CPT Slick Plt Leader Centaur 25 1970-71 has an updated MyPage and is in contact with us. A television interview in 2012 with Dennis at his Tree Farm in Pennsylvania has been linked to from his InfoSheet. He is going to send us some Nam pictures.
Lloyd Goldsmith 1LT Cobra Pilot Centaur has sent in a CD of his great Nam photos. It may take a while to get them up on the website. Be on the look out.
Holbrook SP5 1968 no first name or other info. He now has a rough draft MyPage using a photo from Charlie Rice and an MP from Glen Gouge. Remember him? Sorry about the poor photo, but it is all we have for now.
Tom Olsson CW2 Cobra Pilot Centaur 50, Oct 69 - Oct 70 has sent in a disk of 166 photos of his Nam tour. We will be getting that up on the website as a SlideShow soon.
Nighthawk - 1971 by SP5 Joe Hoover Slick Crew Chief 1970-71 is posted on the War Stories Essay page, linked to from his MyPage and those of Dennis Yenser and Bud Wyatt.
Those Two Crazy Bastards Up Front by Mike Vaughn SP5 Slick Crew Chief 1966-67 is posted on the War Stories Essay page, linked to from his MyPage. Mike speaks for the many crew chiefs and gunners who were often at the mercy of their pilots.
Renagade Woods battle (War Story Essay) has been updated with more information and a painting (picture). If you were involved, please review the detailed after action report and see if you can provide any other details.
Timeline New Entry: Has been added to the Timeline Section. Please review this log entry discovered by Mike Peake and see if you can identify the names of the Observer, the Crew Chief LOH Plt SGT and also the Crew of the Centaur 14 trail aircraft and any others that might have been involved:
June 2, 1968: Log: 1805 hours; location XT630293; Centaur 11, OH-6A, shot down, burned, and exploded; pilot, Lieutenant Charlie Rice and observer (and LOH Plt Sgt) rescued. Centaur 14, OH-6A, also took hits but flew back to Base Camp. Two WIA (broken ankle, shot in leg.). see video story. Gunteam (Powell) and Slick Rescue bird (Mike Siegel and Bill Blair); in the Mushroom.
Cambodia Crash and Rescue - 10 May70: by WO1 Wayne Hooper Cobra Pilot Centaur 43 1969-70 is now listed on the War Stories Essay page and linked to from his MyPage and that of Ramey, Poulos and Walters. Wayne also adds a personal comment to Joe Don Ramey's InfoSheet about his great prowess with the M60.
The "Mini-Cav" War Story Essay has an article from 25th ID magazine "Thunder" quoting CPT William H. Dawson Aerorifle Platoon Leader and SP4 John T. Speaks Aerorifle Gunner. Their names have been added to the top of the page for recognition. Do you remember these men? Can you provide more into or photos? Might CPT Dawson also have been a Cobra Pilot?
Test Flight Mast Bumping - 1969, is a War Story Essay by Tom (Sam) Dooling about the near disastrous Cobra Test flight by CPT William E. "Bill" Malinovsky Cobra Platoon Leader and Aerorifle Platoon Leader 1969.
Our Centaur Map Master Carl Betsill has upgraded his Map Locations webpage (War Stories Discussion page) with three Google map pics representing the three Centaur Areas of Operation; North, South and Cambodia. Input is requested.
Did you fly Cambodia missions? Help us to improve this map showing where the Centaurs operated. Send your info to "Betsill, Carl" <>
Allen "KC" Allcock SGT Maintenance NCO 1969-1970 presents a video from the 2019 Reunion where he explains how the Centaur Veteran's Day Reunions began and how they have grown. It is listed in the War Stories Movie section and linked to from his MyPage.
Al Nixon, SSG Aerorifle Platoon 1966-67 and 1969 shot several 8mm movies of his tour and placed it in a single movie. It has always been on his MyPage but never made it to the War Stories Video page listing. That has been corrected. Click Here.
Centaur Vets Day Reunion: Yes, we are still holding out hope to have the Centaur Veteran's Day 2020 reunion in Tampa, FL. 6 to 9 November. Click Here. A final Go-NoGo decision will be made on 15 August. Check back in to the Vet's Reunion page on 16 August or later to find out for sure.
The 3/4 Cav 2020 Reunion: With the continued uncertainty over COVID-19 our reunion dates will be moved to 21-25 April 2021. We will publish details which will be forthcoming after coordination is completed with the hotel, vendors, tours, etc. These are the only dates available. Be patient for now.
Note the 3/4 Cav 2020 Summer Newsletter.
LRRPs & Friends: John McGee, the Unit Director for Company F, 25th ID LRRP/50th INF. LRP/75th Rangers: " I know that you guys had to cancel your reunion in DC this year. The 3/4 CAV has been gracious every year to invite our organization to your annual reunion. We would like to extend to you and your members an invitation to attend our reunion this year in Las Vegas , Nevada, Sep 27 to Oct 1, 2020" click here for information
Added Autorotation, Operations Officer, Hot LZ, and LRRP Extraction to Glossary.
How are we doing on the Glossary? Have you scrolled through it to see if some terms can be explained better? or maybe you remember a link that should be added to clarify a term (photo, story, video). Remember, we want our definitions to be accurate, yet accurate from the point of view of a Centaur, not necessarily the rest of the world.
Years ago a dedicated 3/4 Cav Trooper from A Troop went to Washington DC to gain access to the Squadron Log Books. He found and copied hundreds of pages, at great expense, that we have been able to use to gain detailed information for the Centaur Legacy. We hope someday to get back there to get the info from other years not copied. If you are interested in doing that, let us know so we can pass the hat and provide you with money to cover the copying expenses.
John Moore 3/4 Cav Webmaster sends us this background info:
Here is a listing of the Vietnam era records related to 3/4 Cav in the National Archives at College Park, MD. One box can easily contain 1000 pages so this is a massive amount of material. There are 26 boxes of 3/4 Cav documents. In 2010 it was 75 cents a page to request copies. An A Trooper photographed most of the daily journals. We were interested in 68/69 and did not get all of 1967.
They have strict rules on equipment and handling. It took about 3 three day trips for him to get what we do have. One A Trooper purchased the Apr 66 to Apr 67 for himself at a cost of about $700. Problem is you have no idea if it is useful until you go look. They probably are shutdown for COVID. The National Archives in St. Louis is shutdown. St. Louis is where any rosters/morning reports are kept.
If you live near College Park, and are interested in taking on a project like this to retrieve the missing files, let us know. We will pass the hat to cover your expenses. Contact the Webmaster ( or the Unit Historian (
Box 112: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Organizational History: 1968 to 1968
Box 113: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel (S1) General Orders: 01/16/1965 to 12/28/1965
Box 114: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Adjutant Command Reports: 03/26/1966 to 12/30/1969
Box 115: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (S2) Intelligence Summaries: 12/1/1967 to 12/31/1968
Box 116: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 03/25/1966 to 10/24/1966
Box 117: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 10/25/1966 to 05/31/1967
Box 118: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 06/01/1967 to 09/22/1967
Box 119: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 09/23/1967 to 10/31/1967
Box 120: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 11/01/1967 to 02/17/1968
Box 121: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 02/18/1968 to 06/30/1968
Box 122: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 07/01/1968 to 09/14/1968
Box 123: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 09/15/1968 to 11/20/1968
Box 124: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 11/21/1968 to 04/29/1969
Box 125: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 05/01/1969 to 11/30/1969
Box 126: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 12/1/1969 to 05/31/1970
Box 127: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Daily Journal: 06/1/1970 to 11/15/1970
Box 128: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Operational Reports-Lessons Learned: 01/2/1967 to 12/19/1968
Box 129: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) After Action Reports: 10/5/1966 to 04/1970
Box 130: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Situation Reports: 05/1966 to 07/1967
Box 131: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Situation Reports: 08/1967 to 05/1/1970
Box 132: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Operations Planning Files: 03/1966 to 11/1966
Box 133: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Operations Planning Files: 12/1966 to 07/1967
Box 134: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Operations Planning Files: 08/1967 to 12/1967
Box 135: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Plans Summaries: 05/16/1967 to 12/31/1967
Box 136: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Plans Summaries: 01/1/1970 to 07/31/1970
Box 137: 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations (S3) Plans Summaries: 08/1/1970 to 11/16/1970
CIVO Website Newsletter - 1 Jul 2020...index: MyPages, Help Us, War Stories, Humor, Reunions
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
PLEASE, PLEASE do not send responses to the centaursinvietnamcivo@gmail address. It is a dummy address used for mass mailings. Instead use
This Fourth of July Clay Maxwell reminds us of a very touching and profound event that occured about seven years ago (May 2013) honoring our Vietnam POWs. Regardless of our political affiliation and beliefs, this tribute to the Vietnam War POW's at the Nixon Foundation Library was the 40th year reunion of that original celebration at the Nixon Whitehouse. It is heartwarming and a great testimony to the humanity and patriotism of us all. Click here.
Rick Arthur, Centaur and retired Police Officer, reminds us of that great presentation many years ago by Paul Harvey where he defines for us what it is to be a Policeman. Would it not be wonderful if Paul Harvey came back for a day to scold our confused and lost citizens. We thank all of you who came back from combat to continue hazardous duty as Policemen.
Link to 3/4 Cav website: The image button on our Links page was blurry and has been fixed.
Jim Hoag located this Vietnam reference website with an amazing collection of data. It has been added to our Links page.
DFC Society has been added to our Links page. Click here to see their video definition and history of this great award. Our thanks to Chuck Sweeney, president of the DFC Society, for his help in resolving some citation issues.
Help Answers Section: has 3 new links to all the recent Mapping events that we have posted. Item 61, 62 and 63.
Map Master: Carl Betsill, a CIVO Director, has taken on the role of Centaur Map Master. He has learned enough HTML code (the code used to build our website) that he is totally managing the Map Information and Map Locations pages now.
Please review the new Map Locations table listing for places that might have been missed.
NEW Centaur Map: To the right is our new Map of South Vietnam covering 1966 to 1973.
We have tried to include all significant places that relate to our Centaur War Stories. More detailed, or zoomed in maps, will be used to support specific War Stories Essays and Discussions.
In the History Section, a detail map similiar to the 25th Div Area of Operations map will be created covering the F Troop Area of Operations after they moved North. The detail maps will include special named areas, LZs and such.
If you have suggestions for map corrections or names of special areas that should be included on the detail maps, please email Carl at "
Michael Peake (a Director & our Unit Historian) asks: wondering if any of you who may have been "slick" mechanics can tell me about the conversion of D model Hueys to H model. Was this a depot level operation or could it have been accomplished "in country?" Reason I ask is I discovered they did not start listing new manufactured Bell UH-1H aircraft until 1967 and around 140 D models were converted to H models in 1966. Not a hot-button issue, just curious. "Peake, Michael" <>
Also note that Michael is just about done with a full update of the Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Page. Be sure to check it out sometime next week.
John B. Hendry Col, 3/4 Cav Squadron Commander 1965 to Nov 1966 now has a Centaur Friends MyPage. His obit comments about Jim Peterson have been add to Petersons deceased MyPage.
Ralph E. Posey SP4 UH-1 Mechanic 1970-17 died of wounds 22 May 1971. John Moore located a 1968 High School pic of Posey that has been added to his MP1.
Gregory W. Gruhala SP4 Service Platoon 1971 now has a draft MyPage using his Yearbook photo.
William A. Devlin SP4 Heavy Scout Door Gunner 1967 now has a draft MyPage and MP1 which is a group photo of 1967 Hog Gunship Crew Members Devlin, Pfoor, Olsen, Jarvis, & McMurtry. Photo is added to all pages as an MP.
Fredrick Lewis Rush, Jr. SP4 Aerorifles and Troop Headquarters Dec 70 to Dec 71 (D & F Troops) died on 19 June 2020. He now has a Deceased MyPage and Infosheet Obituary. Thanks to Greg Gruhala for letting us know.
Donald Lee Thomas PFC OH-23G Observer/Gunner 1967- 68 on temporary duty from A Troop. Donald volunteered to train and help out D Troop (Air) who was short on Helicopter gunners. Unfortunately his name was never added to the Centaur Roster since the TDY orders were verbal. That has been fixed. Donald flew nearly 300 combat hours and received many awards including the Distinguished Flying Cross. He now has a draft MyPage and InfoSheet
Harry B. Swiencki, SP4 OH-23G Crew Chief 1967-68. His InfoSheet has been upgraded to included the Distinguished Flying Cross award for his actions in the Hobo Woods 29 Jan 1968.
Tonny Bill Wolfe CW2 UH-1C (Hog) Gunship Pilot died on 8 February 2020. A deceased MyPage with three MP's has been created for him along with an Info/Obit page. A January 1969 news article about him is linked to from his page. The lost photo from Norm Clark (deceased) that shows he, Tonny and Doug Olsen at Katum (north of Tay Ninh) was recently found. It has also been added to the Norm and Doug MyPages.
Pat "Jauquin" Eastes has provided a group photo taken in early 1968 with the gang holding up a captured 122mm Rocket in the Operations Shack. It is posted as an MP to their pages (Eastes, Powell, Hansen, Meeks, Jones, Wolfe).
Jim Kriel has added a good photo of Jim Traw and friends as an MP1 on Traw's KIA MyPage. He also added some additional comments concerning the day Traw was killed by a 122mm rocket. (9 May 1968).
Hugh "Sandy" McLeod 1LT Cobra Pilot and Armament Officer (Centaur 46) is in contact with us and has a new MyPage.
Mike Mason SP4 LOH Crew Chief 1968-69 has a MyPage upgrade with photo from 2002 Cav Reunion
Richard Robinson SP4 Service Platoon 1970 now has a draft MyPage with four MP's. All photos are from the great Photo Album of Dan McIntyre.
Gary H. Anttila SP4 Avionics Mechanic Sep 69 to Apr 71 died 4 May 2020 in Pembine, WI. Mike Olson remembers Gary and points him out in a 1970 Yearbook photo of the Service Platoon guys. That photo is an MP at Gary's deceased MyPage.
Robert "Bob" Acker SP5 UH-1 Crew Chief has two photos added to his MyPage as MP's 9 and 10. This was a Hard Landing back at the Corral after being shot up on a mission. The pilot in command was wounded and lost his leg. Who was that? Need more info on the UH-1 with Sabre 6 painted on the front. see A Skilled Hard Landing.
Bruce C. Riddle CPT 1972-73 Operations Officer and Liaison Officer at Quang Tri was listed as CW2 on our roster. That has been corrected from CW2 to CPT by Ron Holmes. Bruce was assigned to the 334th until they stood down, then transferred to F Troop for the rest of his second tour. We are looking for a Nam photo of him.
Richard Moffatt is listed as a pilot of D Troop in 1967 on a Cav Roster. There is no other confirming information about him. If you have any information about him at all please contact the webmaster powellcentaur@gmailcom
Here are some things that you might take the time to do to help us continue to build the Centaur Legacy:
1. Take a look through Dan McIntyre's Great Photo Album (1970) and see if you can identify some of the guys without names; or maybe there is a photo that you can elaborate on. Send input to
2. Is your MyPage complete? Go to Rosters, on the right side, click on the first initial of your last name, then scroll down to your name. If it isn't blue and underlined then we do not have a MyPage for you! If it is blue and underlined then click that and look at your MyPage. Is everything correct and the way you want it to be? Do you have both a Nam and Current photo displayed? On the right side do you have linked buttons like "InfoSheet" or other titles? If not send in some words about yourself and your tour; and what has happened since. If married, send a photo of you and wife to put on that page.
3. Look at the roster for your friends. Try this: Go to the Roster page. Click Command F (for Macs) or Control F (for PC's) to bring up a Search box (small area at the top or bottom of your Browser that allows you to type in something to search on). Type in a year that you were there. Example "1970". Some browsers work differently, but generally there is a next button or left and right arrows for you to click to jump through the roster highlighting everyones name that served in that year (like 1970 in this example). Click on the names that have MyPages (blue underlined text) and look at the picture of that guy. If he has small white arrows in the bottom right of his MyPage, click on those to see more photos of him (those are MP's). If he has a Photo Album or Slideshow then there will be buttons on the right side of his MyPage to go to those. Take a look. Even if you don't remember him, you may remember some of the scenes or people in his photos. Send in your findings to
4. Find mistakes! As you are going through the website, and something happens which doesn't make any sense, then that is probably a coding error that needs to be corrected. Help us find those mistakes so we can make our website better. Describe it as accurately as you can in an email to
5. Video viewing. To watch some of our many great video interviews click on the "War Stories" button on the main page. The first section that shows up is all our videos listed by last name of the person involved. Notice up at the top of that video page there are two other buttons besides the Video button: Essays and Discussions. The idea is that we tell all our War Stories through "Video", Text "Essays" and Text "Discussions". Scroll down the list of names of people who have done videos an look at some of them.
The videos are programmed so that you can watch time in full screen. Item 58 in the Help/Answers section tells you how to do that.
If your video does not play well, or does not play at all, PLEASE email the webmaster so it can be addressed.
6. Check with all your Centaur Friends to make sure they are receiving the monthly Newsletter.
Harry Rogers SP4 Light Scout (LOH) Crew Chief, Observer & Gunner 1971-72 has a Video Interview posted from the 2019 Centaur Vets Day Reunion. This is the first of several videos taken at that reunion in Bowling Green Kentucky.
LZ Sally ARVN Slick Crash - 72 by Brian "Stretch" Harrison. Photos by Wayne Moose is listed on the War Stories Discussion list and linked to from their MyPages.
A Skilled Hard Landing - 1968 by Bob Acker. Shot up and leaking fuel a newbee pilot gets his Huey home.
Possibly out of place for this newsletter, but it was so refreshing to see a very old video of a comic that could make us laugh without a single swear word, porno reference or political statement, that it seemed like a good thing to share in our tough coronavirus days. Buddy Hackett with 3 jokes.
We are still hanging in there and planning to have both the 3/4 Cavalry and Centaur Vets Day reunions this year. You will know quickly if either or both get cancelled.
See the reunion invite from the 1972 Scout Crewman. You can also access it from the Vets Reunion 2020 page.
CIVO Website Newsletter ...index: War Stories, Maps, History, Articles/Books/Videos, Patches, Events.
1 Jun 2020
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos.
PLEASE do not send responses to the centaursinvietnamcivo@gmail address. It is a dummy address used for mass mailings.
Website Updates: Notice that in the upper right of the main website page we now show the latest update date (by month). Purpose is to let new viewers know that we are very active and stay up to date. Please visit the website often.
Roster Additions: Scores of Centaur names have been added to our Master Roster using the March 1972 F Troop roster sent in by John Spencer and sorted out by Frank Dillon. Please check out these new roster names below and see if you can provide any information/photos on any of them:
Alexander, Winfred SP4, Allen, Alfred PFC, Ashley, David L. SP5, Barrette, Gerarde E. SSG, Bickman, Mafus SP4, Bogart, Robert W. SP4, Bouton, Harold M. SP5, Brideweser, Michael A. SP4, Brock, Floyd R. PSG, Broughton, Jerry L. SP4, Burr, Roy G. SP4, Cagle, Billy G. SP5, Carrion, Jose F. SP4, Carroll, Bruce K. SP5, Chestnut, Gary E. SP5, Chestnut, Gerry E. SP4, Collins, Fred L. SP4, Crosby, John K. SP4, Denis, Roger T. SP4, Dimassimo, Melvin R. SSG, Donelson, Anthony PFC, Dukes, Marin J. PFC, Duran, Gene SP4, Dyer, John R. SP5, Edwards, Michael C. SP5, Evans, Jerry L. SP4, Geisler, Gendron, Morris A. SP4, Goodwin, Larry C. SP4, Greaux, Gerald F. SP4, Green, Carl H. SP4, Hall, Robert D. SP4, Hall, Samuel H. SP4, Henderson, Richard L. PV2, Hewlett, Samuel C. SP5, Houston, William B. SP5, Hurd, Thomas E. SP4, Jefferson, Harold G. SP4, Johnson, John F. SFC, Jones, William H. CW2, Kinkel, John G. PFC, Lawson, Donald E. SP4, Lewis, Donald D. SSG, Lewis, Patrick R. SP4, Lord, James C. SP4, Lucero, Armando S. SP4,Mason, Terry N. SSG, Matijasic, Joe J. SP5, Mazza, Lawrence L. SP4, McDaniels, Allen W. SGT, Mikes, Frank SGT, Miller, Glenn SP4, Minnis, James PFC, Moran, Richard L. SP4, Myers, Jimmie C. SGT, Nichus, Wayne SP4, Persinger, William H. SP4, Pidde, James E. SP4, Powers, Harold J. SSG, Radley, Timothy SP4, Remigo, Miguel SP4, Renner, Robert J. SP5, Richardson, Joe L. SP4, Richardson, Michael PFC, Richardson, Robert L. SP6, Riddle, Bruce C. CPT, Sampson, Edward PFC, Slay, Samuel R. SGT, Smith, Michael R. PFC, Smith, Mickel D. SP4, Tanner, Lawrence R. PFC, Vorwald, James A. SP4, Walker, Dernardo O. SP4, Werner, Donalow SP4, Widur, Michael A. SP4, Wienski, Jesse SP4, Williams, John A. SP4, Willis, Victor SGT, Willson, Robert L. SGT, Wilson, John M. 1LT, Yarbrough, Robert K. SP4, Yusko, James A. SP4.
The roster is also being updated with additional information from David Cox, Roster Keeper of the 3/4 Cav Association. Let us know if you see anything that should be corrected or updated.
Russell L. Woodrum SP4 LRRP has an article in the TLN that we used to hold a place for his MyPage.
Jimmy B. Goldsmith PFC 67N20 Oct 1970 to 1971 has a draft MyPage with an MP1. Photos are from Joe Hoover. Joe says they were in the same class in AIT at Ft. Eustis. Jimmy went directly to D Troop ¾ Cav in October 1970 and Joe went to B Company 25th Aviation BN (Diamondheads) before being reassigned to D Troop at Frenzell-Jones when the 25th went back to Hawaii. Believes he was from Ohio.
Joe Hoover SP5 Crew Chief 1970-71 has updated his InfoSheet with comments and a photo.
Marcus A. Kempson CW2 Slick AC and Nighthawk pilot 1969-1970 has an updated MyPage
Larry Parrish Slick Crew Chief has been identified by Ron Welsh from the 1971 Yearbook. A draft MyPage was made with that photo. Larry is not listed on any other rosters or databases. His name has been added to the Centaur Roster. Hope we can find more info on him.
Kim "Jake" Jacobsen CW2 Slick Pilot has a draft MyPage, and MP1 from Joe Hoover and an MP2 Group photo (officers Aug 71).
John Wesley Whysong CW2 Pilot 1971: His friend Mickey Craus notifies us that John died 2 Nov 2017. His gravestone pic was added to his draft deceased MyPage. What did he fly? Exact tour dates?
Timothy J. Gordon SP4 Door Gunner on the maintenance Slick "Stable Boy" died in April 2020. Notice was from a Facebook friend that we do not have contact with. We created a draft Deceased MyPage for him with a photo from Nick LaRich.
Bill Watkins SP5 Aerorifle Platoon 1966-67 comments on deceased PFC Alan T. Legg and SGT Ed W. Risner.
Larry C. Carroll SP4 Door Gunner 1965 to Mar 1967 died 25 March 2011. We have created a Deceased MyPage and InfoSheet/Obit on information and photos from Herb Beasley and Bob Tegelman.
Raymond L. Holloway SP4 Door Gunner 1965 to Mar 1967 now has a draft MyPage with several MP's based on information and photos from Herb Beasley and Bob Tegelman.
Ray E. Stanton CW2 Pilot 1970-71 has an improved MyPage.
Roger D. "Pete" Criner SP5 Aerorifle Platoon Medic 1970 - 71 now has a MyPage and MP1. Pete returned to the Army as a Chaplain and retired as an LTC.
Wayne Hooper WO1 Cobra Pilot Dec 1969 to May 1970 sent in three photos for his MP's; two photos for JL Walters MP's, including one with Mike Holder; and one for Ken Strand MP's.
Jose M. Casanova SP4 Flight Operations Dec 71 to Mar 72 now has a draft MyPage using a Yearbook photo.
Daniel M. Coles SP4 Cobra Crew Chief (#776) has an upgraded MyPage. May send more pics.
Joseph Hackett SP4 Door Gunner Slicks 1972 had the nickname "Babysan" for his young looking face. He is in the 1972 Yearbook with his name spelled wrong (not Hacrett). Thanks to Peter Villarante
Hampton SP4 Slick Crew Chief 1972 now has a rough draft MyPage using a Yearbook photo. The MP1 is a photo from Steve Lentz of Hampton blowing fire. Blaine Kirby recognized him. Do you remember him? His first name?
Ronald D. Dunn, LRRP 1966-67 died 15 May 2015. A rough draft deceased MyPage has been posted. Need a Nam photo, his rank, and position.
Nicholas E. "Nick" McCollum SP4 Slick Door Gunner came to the Aerorifles in January or February of 1966. His draft MyPage has been updated.
Joe E. Collins SSG Headquarters and Supply Mar 68 to Sep 68 now has a MyPage, MP1 and an InfoSheet. Joe worked directly with the First Sergeant on special duties like preparing for the IG.
Roger Davis SP4 Cobra Maintenance and Armament at Tan My 1972-73 now has a draft MyPage, and MP1 and InfoSheet, using Yearbook photos. His name has been added to the Centaur Main Roster. Thanks to Wayne Moose
Joe Hoover remembers "Red" and has these photos below for review to see if anyone remembers his last name.
"Red and I worked on the night maintenance crew while we were at Frenzell-Jones, November/December 70 and January 71. I think he had been in D Troop at Cu Chi. I cannot remember how many Cobra rotor heads we swapped around at Frenzell Jones. It seemed like that was an every night occurrence. We were having trouble with the Teflon bearings in those 540 rotor heads, so we ended up playing musical aircraft and moved rotor heads around every night depending on which aircraft were available other than rotor heads. Don “Goose” Gerwe was our test pilot on the night crew.
One night, it was raining and we were removing a Cobra rotor head with the blades installed using the motor pool wrecker. Red was stepping from the stub wing to the wrecker which, of course, had hydraulic fluid spilled everywhere. Red’s foot slipped off the wrecker and he did a face first fall onto the steel plate ledge of the wrecker. Knocked out one of his front teeth. He got up, spit out the tooth, said he was going to the dispensary and told me I was in charge. The next night he was back on the flight line, minus the front tooth. Tough son of a bitch. Still makes me cringe when I remember!" ...Joe
James D. Knoles SP4 Cobra Crew Chief 1971 now has a draft MyPage and MP1. Joe Hoover remembers him as a Cobra Crew Chief.
Shit Burning story by Herbert Beasley has been added to the Shit Burning Discussion page and linked to from his MyPage and from James Spencer's page.
The Untold Truth War Story by Herbert Beasley tells of a strong lesson learned initiated by James Spencer. It is listed in the War Stories Essay section and linked to from the MyPages of the men involved.
Another Scout Killed in the Mushroom War Story (Ed Louie Mortimer KIA 5 Jul 71) ) by Don Borey now has additional comments added by Joe Hoover and Kim Jacobsen.
The Last Mission - 28 Jan 1973 by Brian "Stretch" Harrison - tells about F Troop's very last mission on the day of the cease fire. The story has been listed in the War Stories Essay section and linked to those involved: Moose, Keirsey, Broadnax, Totten.
The Ancient Cannons of Tan My - 1972 is a War Story Discussion page with input from Mike Woods, Michael Peake, John Spencer, Brian "Stretch" Harrison & Wayne Moose - tells about finding two old ancient ship Cannons and recovering them to the beach at Tan My. The story is linked to from the War Stories Discussion page and from the MyPages of everyone mentioned. Add your comments?
We are currently redoing our Master Vietnam Map and associated expanded maps with emphasis on bringing in the missing F Troop map features/locations. ...your comments/corrections? A printable copy of this map can be downloaded here. (8.5 x 11 in - 300dpi)
If you are interested in being in on the email map development discussions during the month of June, send an email to Carl Betsill , who is hosting this effort.."Betsill, Carl" <>... He will add you to the discussions list. No obligations.
Map Locations page (a table of locations and events) is being developed. Check out the current rough draft we are currently experimenting with Click here. Send your comments/information to Carl.
Google Version of Where We Were: Carl Betsill and crew have put together an interesting way to view where we were in Vietnam. We have always had item 33 of the Answers list of the Help Section to allow us to get free copies of all 1:50,000 Topographical maps. This a way to see how our basecamps and other areas look now by pasting map coordinates into Google Earth or Google Earth Pro (free programs). The work of finding the necessary coordinates to use has been done for you in our table on the Map Locations page.
First download Google Earth (phones or tablets) or Google Earth Pro (computers). Then select the coordinates you want to see from our table and paste into the Google program. Detailed instructions found at item 61 in the Help/Answers section of the website.
Camp Frenzell-Jones: Carl has located a great website telling about Camp Frenzell-Jones. He and Jim Hoag will try to create a War Story Essay page for our website that will link back to that website. If you were at Frenzel-Jones please review the website mentioned and send us photos, stories or anything you remember about it.
Michael Peake (our Unit Historian) has created a table in the War Stories Discussion section of all Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers and some information about each. You can click on the type aircraft you are interested in at the top and go directly to that listing. In addition, if you are in the History section looking at Aircraft, you will find a direct link to the tail numbers for that aircraft on each aircraft page. Please send in your notes about any of these aircraft. Thanks to John Brennan (book author) for his input to this page.
Rick Arthur CW2 Gun Pilot 1967-68: The Last Fighter Pilot. Every individual that’s worn the uniform under fire, carries those memories in a different fashion. This video on the Last Fighter Pilot, is probably NOT what you’re expecting, but it’s only four minutes long, so, give it a try, you may be surprised.
Jerry Yellen is 93 years old. Watch until the end, it's not what you expect!
Joe Owen1LT Scouts and Aerorifles 1968-69 found this article you might relate to about Flight Attendants during the war.
Rex Gooch book The Aviators: Stories of U.S. Army Helicopter Combat in the Vietnam War, 1971-72 was a winning entry in the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards. This year’s competition drew 4,750 entries from the United States and 16 countries overseas.
Phillip Marshall Book Helicopter Rescues Vietnam volume XI. Centaur related stories, maps and photos in this volume 11 include: MOH Recommendation Radcliffe, pg 93-99 (Spencer); Honoring Bill Seaborn, pg 100-157 (Toops); Craig Peterson, pg 179-212 (Chicione); Cobra LRRP Rescue, pg 213-221 (Dooling); Paper Tiger, pg 223-233 (Jenkins); photos/artwork/maps, pg 159-159, 185, 190, 203, 214-216. 226, 229 & 233 (Powell)
Phil was a 21 year old Warrant Officer Huey Dustoff pilot in Vietnam. In November of 1969, he was wounded on an insecure night rescue of 3 seriously wounded soldiers. Due to the nature of his wounds, he was returned to the States where he served out the rest of his enlistment and was Honorably Discharged.
His ever-growing series of Vietnam Helicopter Rescues documents the helicopter rescue missions that were flown by very youthful crews. The stories are all told by the men who flew the missions and are not embellished. They are as true as they can be remembered; a truly amazing series of missions flown by very humble men doing uncommon things.
Ray Clark shares this great song/video written by Toby Keith for Clint Eastwood "Don't Let The Old Man In". There are several other presentations of this on Google. Some of us might make that our theme song.
The D and F Troop Guidon shoulder patches pictured to the right are available for order from Frank Dillon.
They are $1.50 each. Contact Frank at
They measure 2" by 3".
Centaurs Veteran's Day Reunion Nov 2020, Tampa, FL: We are still planning on having the reunion pending the virus situation. We have a lot of optimistic and enthusiastic Centaurs planning to go. Let us add your name. We all are just too old to let another year slip by without one. Hope to see you there!
3/4 Cav Reunion Sep 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a few of our members to question on social media whether our 2020 reunion in September will be cancelled. The short answer is no. Please continue with your reunion plans. If anything changes, hotel reservations may be canceled, your registration fees can be returned.We hope to see all of you in Northern Virginia in September!
VHPA and VHCMA Reunions 2020: are cancelling their reunions for this year.
CIVO Website Newsletter ...index: War Stories - Articles - Glossary
1 May 2020
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
CIVO Organizational News:
.....Michael Peake who has been doing a great job as our Guns & Rockets Guru, has agreed to become our Centaur Unit Historian. We have been a bit adrift since Dale Dow, our original Historian, passed. Mike is an accomplished Civil War Historian and brings some skills and talent that we very much need. He is now a CIVO Director.
.....CIVO Director Bain Cowell, one of the founding members of CIVO, is retiring from the active Board. Bain and Karen have been mainstays of our organization. They are not gone, just giving some others the chance to step forward. Bain is now shown on the Former Directors page. Our heartfelt thanks to them both for all the work they have done.
.....Spam: Several Centaurs have been receiving bogus "Forwarded" email messages with familiar Centaur names; mostly my name "Bruce Powell".
1. Note that I will NEVER send any of you a Forwarded email. If you get one, delete it. Do not open.
2. My email address will always be "". If anything else shows, delete it.
Help out:
.....Getting the message out to Centaurs who have not been involved with the website can be difficult. Finding them is one thing, then getting them to respond is another. Can't really blame people for not responding to us. We all get so much email crap and requests for money and other bogus stuff. Best method is for them to hear about what we are doing from a friend. Friends listen to friends. Help us out here and send an email to your Centaur friends who may not be participating and let them know what we are doing. Especially let them know that it is free, without obligation, emails addresses are protected and everyone, regardless of rank or position, is equal. We are all just PFC's (Private Friggin Civilians) who have a common bond; the Centaur Brotherhood.
.....If you need help trying to contact other Centaurs, not just your buddies but possibly others who may live near you, you may contact myself ( or Frank Dillon ( and we will try to help.
David Whitley SP4 Aerorifles 1970-71 has a new MyPage with better photos, with three MP's, a draft InfoSheet and a Photo Album of 9 photos. The Photo Album is linked to from his MyPage and from the PhotoAudioFilm section. - an MP2 added of his Nam pets. wife Candy Newport News VA
Ron Welsh SSG Slick Flt Platoon SGT & Aerorifles 1970-71 has a draft MyPage (using a Yearbook photo) and an InfoSheet. Ron has provided us with a lot of information.
Guy J. Boudreau SP4 Door Gunner (from Aerorifles) 1971 has a draft MyPage placeholder using a Yearbook photo. Identified by Ron Welsh. He was one of the Rangers who in 1970, came over with SSG Benner to F Troop Aero Rifles. He may have applied for Flight School after returning to the States. Guy's email address proved invalid.
Rick Benner SSG Aerorifle Platoon Sergeant 1971 (ex Ranger) now has a draft MyPage with an InfoSheet and a link to a story involving him with the Browns. After Nam, Rick went on to Officer Candidate School. (Thanks to David Whitley and Ron Welsh for the info).
Danny Alexander SP4 Slick Door Gunner 1971-72 has a draft MyPage using photo from 1971 Yearbook. He is mentioned by Ron Welsh as a Ranger that came over to the Slick Platoon with Rick Benner.
Marquis Dwight Howell LT D&F Troop 1966-67 and ??? died 20 October 2007 of cancer. He now has a Deceased MyPage and InfoSheet/Obit thanks to John Moore. Dale Dow has him listed as being in D Troop 1966 to 1967. Obit says he served with D Troop and F Troop 4th Cav. 3/4Cav Roster shows him as MOS 1981 Rotary Wing Aviation Unit Commander and in D Troop from 1966 to Mar 1967. He didn't have enough rank to be Commander so it is assumed that he must have been a pilot. The obit says he served two Nam tours, so second could have been F Troop. No other records. I went by his Obit and changed the roster to read "D/F" with no date and added him to the "In Memoriam" section of our website.
John Moore sent us this D Troop 1969 award ceremony pic from Jerry Headley's album. Recognize anyone?
Jim Silas Traw KIA: Bob Acker provides some information for an InfoSheet.
Donnie D "Barney" Barnhardt SP4 UH-1 Crewman has a draft MyPage using photo from Bob Acker.
Salvadore "Sal" Torenello SP4 Slick Door Gunner (with twin 60's) Nov 67 to Nov 68 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Bob Acker. He also is in the MP3 photo of the Pat Eastes MyPage. That photo was copied to Sal's MyPage also.
Larry "Iggy" Kellum's nickname was "Iggy" not "Izzy" as we had it on the website. That has been corrected thanks to Jim Walt.
Tim Fegette provided many update notes for our new Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Page Discussion page. That page and the PhotoStory Fair Haired Ones have been added as links from Tim's MyPage.
Note that Tim was the one that named "Paper Tiger". He says that Pooch Johnson intended to name Loach #216 after Don Quixote"s exhausted horse "Rocinante," but was misspelled as "Rosinante."
David Jake Reinhardt LRRP 1967-68 now has a draft MyPage with InfoSheet.
John H. Wolters, 1967-68 rank and postion unknown: His obituary was located and made into an InfoSheet/Obit page in the In Memoriam section. He died 7 July 2005.
Cris Favata SP5 LOH Crew Chief one of the Fair Haired Ones: His MyPage has been updated with his tour dates and hometown. No contact with him yet.
Bruce Karn adds some LOH memories to his InfoSheet and to the 40mm section. It is also linked to from his MyPage.
Terry R. Bleed CPT Scout Pilot 1971 has a draft MyPage using photo 8 from Harlan Sparrow's SlideShow.
Ron Simon SP4 RTO (Radio Telephone Operator) was an Aerorifleman, not a Ranger. According to David Whitley he was from Elizabeth, N.J. After Vietnam, he went back to Elizabeth to be a Policeman where his brother was Chief of Police. We have no contact or other information. His name is upgraded on the roster and a draft MyPage created using a photo from Whitley. A MyPage has been created for him.
Ernest Paul Bartnick PFC OH-23 Door Gunner 1967-68 died at the early age of 22 (27 Mar1970). John Moore located a High School photo of Paul that we have used to make a deceased MyPage for him. A photo of his gravestone is linked as an MP1. He was a real hero in the Centaur 40 Shootdown story.
Demos Davis Johnson SP4 job unknown 1967-68 died 7 Nov 2009. We have no photos so a gravestone pic has been used to create a draft deceased MyPage for him. He was at some time a Ranger and referred to in a note show on his InfoSheet/Obit.
Hubert Rucker SP4 Aerorifleman has his MyPage upgraded with his first name and home state added.
Gayle Dean Kimberling SP45 Crew Chief UH-1 Gunships died 17 Sep 1996 from a brain tumor. He now has a deceased MyPage created from photo DB-12 in Dwight Byrd's Slideshow and from his Obituary. Gravestone pic is at his MP1.
Ray E. Stanton CW2 Pilot 1970-71 has a draft MyPage using a photo from the Yearbook. His MyPage is linked to from the main Centaur Roster.
Lloyd Goldsmith 1LT Cobra Pilot 1971-72 has an InfoSheet. Also see his War Stories below.
James F. Carlson CPT 1971 has a draft MyPage using a photo from the Yearbook. His MyPage is linked to from the main Centaur Roster.
Rea Simoneaux has been identified as being an Aerorifleman in 1971 by David Whitley. We have no photos or other information. His picture is not in any of the F Troop Yearbooks. Maybe you can find him in one of the random photos in the Yearbooks 1971 Lai Khe or 71-72
John Moore, Webmaster of the 3/4 Cav Website maintains the Fiddler's Green section for all deceased Cavalry members. He has recently linked every Centaur on the list to that man's deceased MyPage on our Centaur Website. John is a staunch supporter and constant contributer to CIVO.
Thomas M. Brennan SP5 Door Gunner 1966-67 passed away 15 April 2002. John Moore found his obituary that we have posted. Do you remember him or have any photos?
Daryl "Pete" Gunn WO1 OH-23 Pilot (deceased) has a new MP added (thanks Jerry Headley). It appears he is standing by an LOH not an OH-23. Did he transition to LOH's? Charlie Johnson comments about the 30 cal enemy round Pete took in the chest plate (late 1967). Anyone have more details/photos? I thought someone said he had a Parker T Ball Jotter pen in his pocket that left a permanent impression on his body.
Edward W. Risner SP4 Infantryman with the Aerorifles 1965 to 1967: Bob Tegelman located Ed's obituary and it is now posted as an InfoSheet/Obit. He died 9 March 2011. John Alto talks about him in the War Story "Return to the Devil's Playground". His name has been added to the Deceased Roster.
Alan T. Legg PFC Infantryman with the Aerorifles 1965 to 1967: Bob Tegelman located Al's obituary and it is now posted as an InfoSheet/Obit. He died 8 March 2015.
John Brennan nose art book author is planning to use Centaur photos from Harlan Sparrow, John Taylor and Lin Riniker
War Stories - Video - Slideshows
An Duc Extraction War Story has been revised. Glenn Gouge CW2 Pilot Aerorifles has added his comments. There were a lot of people involved and much data. Please read it over and see if you can provide more info/corrections and maybe have suggestions to format it better.
Harlan Gray Sparrow III does a War Story video about being in F Troop 4th Cav (from the 2018 Reunion). Note that Harlan's InfoSheet has also been updated.
Joe Hoover SP5 Slick Crew Chief 1971 adds his memories of the "Browns" to that War Story Discussion page. Comments are linked to from Joe's MyPage.
Joe also adds his comments to the War Story Another LOH Scout Killed in the Mushroom. Don Phillips and Skip Petrie (deceased) are now linked to that story. Joe said that Mortimer's last words were "Wait, I think I see something".
Lloyd Goldsmith 1LT Cobra Pilot 1971-72 has 4 war stories;
......Main Rotor Defect - 1969
......Kill When I Say Kill
......Sapper Attack note that Joe Hoover was there that night and wrote the original story.
......Bright Shining Lie?
Eric Brethen CW2 Scout & Cobra Pilot 1969-70 now has a 40 picture SlideShow that is linked to from his MyPage and from the Photos/Slides page of the PhotoAudioFilm Section.
The Sawed off M2 Carbine War Story by Tim Fegette is now posted (listed in the War Stories Essay section) and linked to from his, Glen Gouge and Squadron Commander McGowan's MyPages. Do we have any good Centaur photos of LTC McGowan besides the one on his Centaur Friends MyPage?
Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Page War Story Discussion page has been totally revised by Michael Peake. This is a great piece of work that we hope you will review and add comment/corrections to. Mike is continually upgrading, so get your info into him:
Gene Peters Infantryman Track 30, A Troop, wanted to be sure that you saw this YouTube video from a Little Bear door gunner: Click Here. Robin Lauer was with A Company 25th Inf Div as a door gunner; mostly with their Slicks the "Little Bears"; and with their gun platoon B Co "Diamond Heads". Some of his pics show the logo of their gun platoon "Diamond Heads" on their aircraft, like on their new Cobra. His presentation is simple and to the point; His slides are not enhanced or cleaned up; his words short but meaningful; his choice of music non offensive with quiet peace; He presents no sense of bravado or bragging; He represents many vets who have chosen not to speak. To gauge the response of people to his video, pause the video and scroll down through the almost endless notes of approval and appreciation.
The lesson we might take from this is that people are hungry for more information and stories about our combat experiences. We need to increase our efforts to contact more Centaurs and dig for more information to continue to build the great Centaur Legacy.... Please help.
Short timers letter home: Joe Hoover reminds us of this humorus letter that had some truth to it.
Added: GreenHouse, Rappelling, Carabiner, Shake & Bake, Dike, Sapper
How to Input to the Newsletter
If you would like to add comments or other information to the next Newsletter, please get it in to me at least a few days prior to the first of the month. Maybe you would just like to make a request to the group to help you find someone or get some answers to questions about your tour. Any help with the Centaur Legacy is greatly appreciated.
CIVO Website Newsletter ...index: War Stories - Articles - Glossary - Events - How to Input
1 April 2020
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
Allen J. Tesini CW2 Scout & Slick Pilot 1971-72 now has a draft MyPage using a Nam photo from Bob Jones. Allen will be attending the reunion in Tampa.
Ted Pitcher WO1 Cobra Pilot Centaur 46 1968-69 has been located and his MyPage updated.
Lawrence J. Mirick SP4 Cook 1965- 67 died 16 March 2019. We have a draft deceased page using a Nam photo from Bob Tegelman and a photo from his obituary. An InfoSheet with his obit is also linked to his page. The Nam photo was used long ago in the History/MessHall section, but we did not have a name at that time. His name has been added to the Deceased roster.
Lelland "John" Scott SSG Mess SGT 1965 to 1967 now has a draft MyPage using a Nam photo from Bob Tegelman. He also has MP's from Bob and Herman Witt. The MP with Frank Delvy in it, is posted to his MP section and to Delvy's.
Anker Stephan Bow WO1 LOH Scout Pilot 1971 was recognized by Ed Wolfe. Ed's note has been linked to Steve's MyPage as an InfoSheet.
Wayne E. Hooper WO1 Cobra Pilot (Centaur 43) Dec 69 to May 70 has joined us and began updating his MyPage by providing a current photo. He and Susie plan to attend the reunion in Tampa.
Michael A. Olson SP4 May 1970- Apr71 D/F has been located. He was a close friend of Terry Vaughn. A placeholder MyPage has been created for him using a Yearbook photo.
William E. Malinovsky CPT Cobra Platoon Leader 1969 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Jim Kreil's Photo Album. Notes about him have been placed in an InfoSheet and linked to his page.
Pete Holmberg has an MP3 added to his page - A close up pic of him with the scar on his chin from an AK-47 round Pic from Frank Walker
Robert "Bob" Acker sends in an 8gig thumbdrive with pics including Vierra, Tornello , Czeipel (see Acker MP7), Ewert, Whitehead, Jones, Davidson, Albers and Clark.
Bob has a MyPage now with eight MP's. One of Bob's MP's is an Award Ceremony with he Paul Davidson and John Albers receiving awards from the Sqdn Cdr LTC Riley. That has been posted to Paul and John's MyPages.
Michael J. Reed SP5 Gunner or CE? 1968 has a draft MyPage and MP1 using photos from Bob Acker.
John T. Albers SP5 Slick Crew Chief 1968 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Bob Acker. John has an MP1 which is a TLN Article about him and John Paul Eisele (deceased) and an MP3 with he and Acker by the tail boom of their destroyed aircraft.
Roger D. Clark SP5 Motor Pool Sergeant 1968-69? was not on our roster. Bob Acker remembers him and has a photo of him (unfortunately from the back side). That has been used as a placeholder until we can contact him.
Paul "PJ" Jones has an MP added from Bob Acker.
Vierra from Maintenance was not on our roster (he is not Charles Vierra). His name is added to the roster and a placeholder MyPage created using the pic of Reed, PJ and himself. Need more info.
Salvatore "Sal" Tornello SP4 Slick Door Gunner (67-68) now has a draft MyPage using a Bob Acker photo.
Lee R. Ewert SP4 LOH Crew Chief 1968 has an updated MyPage. He flew with Joe Owen. Lee may have some Nam photos he could send us. His ship number may have been 378. He mentioned "Black Bart". Do you remember someone with that nickname?
William "Billy" Blackmon SP5 165th CAG Air Traffic Controller (CuChi) 1969-70 now has a Centaur Friend's MyPage and InfoSheet. His name is listed on the Centaur Friends page. Also two War Stories from his experiences with flying as a Centaur LOH Crewman on his days off are linked to from his MyPage.
Thomas Griggs SP5 Cook 1965 to 1967 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Bob Tegelman. The photo was taken in Hawaii before they shipped out to Nam.
Nixon SP4 Medic F Troop 1971 has a draft MyPage using photos from the 1971 Lai Khe Yearbook.
Charlie Rice LOH pilot extraordinaire 1967-68 (deceased 28 Mar 2018): Mike Peake located a photo of Charlie standing next to one of his many shot down LOH's, posted in the book "Winged Sabres". It has been added to Charile's deceased page as an MP. note that this book is one of the best books written to explain "Air Cavalry".
James Anderson "Andy" Birdsong SP5 Medic F Troop 1971 died on 11 November 2011. Randy Love provided the information. A deceased MyPage has been completed with linked InfoSheet.
David Whitley Aerorifleman M60 Gunner 1970-71 checks in and provided info for the website (we hope to find a better photo of him). His name has been added to the Centaur Roster and linked to his MyPage. His fellow M60 gunner with the platoon was William "Billy" Mackey who died 1 February 2013. A Deceased MyPage and Infosheet has been posted for Billy using info from his obituary..
The Bob Maxey photo below shows David and three other guys. Rucker (a draft MyPage created using his pic from the 1971 Yearbook), Simon (not on the roster) and Salley (a draft MyPage created using his pic from the 1972 Yearbook). Do you remember any of them?
Rockley "Rocky" Rhodes, SP4 LOH Observer then Crew Chief 1969 (Deceased Dec 2016). When Rocky got his own LOH as a Crew Chief he installed a modified Mini Gun as his door gun. See the photo at his MP1. Bruce Karn remembers that there were two aircraft with a minigun as a door gun. We are still looking for photos.
Gary Jones provides a photo of Rockley "Rocky" Rhodes with his OH6 door gun Minigun. It has been touched up a bit and placed on Rocky's Deceased MyPage as MP1. If a better photo turns up we can replace it. Mike Peake will work it into the History/Ord section.
Lambert (no first name or rank) Slick Crew Chief 1972- 73? Wayne Moose found a photo of him that has now been used to create a rough draft MyPage. Wayne tells a bit about Lambert in an InfoSheet that is attached to Lambert's page. Can you provide fruther info?
Walter Cooke CW2 OH-23 Light Scout Pilot 1967- 68 is fighting a tough battle with Congestive Heart Failure but still maintaining his spirited warrior personality. Walter, Smokey Burgess (deceased) and Harry Swiencki were three of the four OH-23 Scout Crewmembers whose bravery at the Battle of the Hobo Woods (Jan 1968) was more than exemplary. We are still seeking the name of the fourth man (Crew Chief). It was a true miracle that they were able to give tree top level gun coverage to the pinned down Aerorifles for 5 or 6 hours without being shot down by the NVA Battalion below them. M60 skid guns, single door gun each and hand grenades, plus some real piss and vinegar was all they had. This battle was so historic that the History Channel did a piece on it. Click Here. Unfortunately the OH-23 Light Scouts didn't get the mention in that piece that they deserved.
This was one of the most significant battles of the war for the D Troopers. Maybe you have more information for us. Walter would like to hear from any of you if you have the time. "Cooke, Walter" <> or 435-531-0066
Allen Brinckehoff CPT or 1LT - VHPA identified him as a Heavy Scout Pilot Sep 70 to May 71. His listed email of does not work. He lives in Windermere, FL. Maybe you could contact him?
Tail Numbers: Researching Aircraft Tail Numbers: Mike Peake found this:" ...going back over my Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Page notes (being revised) and bumping it up against the VHPA Chart from Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers. Haven't got to the Hueys yet. So far, I've found two Cobras, one OH-23 and seven Loaches not on the chart. BUT, I've come across something strange...Loaches with the same tail numbers, but slightly different. For example, there is Loach #67-16217 "Cheap Thrills" and another Loach #68-17217. Would this be the same aircraft that has undergone depot overhaul? There is another combination with 67-16045 and 69-16045? Any ideas?
"Peake, Michael" <>
LOH 045: In the last newsletter info on LOH 045 was requested by Rick Chesson 1/9 pilot (Sabre 14) . Brian Harrison picked up on that and got Rick in touch with Wayne Moose who was the last Crew Chief of that aircraft. Wayne found it back in the states. He has tracked down 045 here in the U.S. and when last seen it was in rough condition in Pensacola FL at a small field there. Rick Chesson <>
SGT Jerry Dean Jones 1st Cav KIA - 9 Feb 1969
From Karen Southworth <> Reaching out to anyone that served with Jerry in 1969. I am his niece. All of us have gone many years with questions of his time there . His chopper went down Feb 9 1969.... By enemy fire. I often visit the wall of faces and notice a post for Jerry this month from a Rick Chesson. If anyone or several someones served with this wonderful human being please email. He was very proud to serve his country . I want to say thank you to all of our veterans. As you are what keeps America Great. For those that have gone to be with the Lord may you soar like eagles until we one day meet. God Bless each of you
To Karen from Bruce Powell:
As more and more information becomes available about the Vietnam war, we are often able to find out more details and answers concerning our fellow warriors. SGT Jerry Dean Jones is not listed as a member of our Cavalry unit, but he may have served with B Troop, 1/9 Cav, 1st Cav Division. Check out this online entry we found and see if it is your Uncle.
You might contact B Trp, 1/9th at websites like this Facebook page. Tell them as much as you can, like what Jerry's job was and people he knew so they might better locate his friends.
The Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) has a memorial page for B Troop.
We will put your note out to our Centaur Unit members in our monthly newsletter to see if by chance someone remembers him. You will receive an email copy.
LOH Shoots the Cu Chi Tower War Story Discussion Page by Tom "Sam" Dooling, Eric "Goat" Brethen. and Billy Blackmon. A Mini Gun used as a door gun on an LOH is dangerous. Just ask Billy Blackmon (Centaur Friend) the ATC who was in the tower. The story is listed on the War Stories Discussion page and linked to from Dooling, Brethen and Blackmon MyPages.
Backpack and the Tire Tread Sandals is a War Story Essay by Billy Blackmon (Centaur Friend)
Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers Page is a Discussion Page created by Michael Peake. Mike researched every photo on the website to gather information about our helicopters; tail numbers, names (nose art) and the associated people. Take a look and see what other information you can add. The page is listed on the War Story Discussion Page and linked to from Mike's MyPage. Be sure to look over the list of aircraft "Names" that he has accumulated, that have no tail number associated with them. You may be able to help. Mike is working on an upgrade, so get your info into him soon:
The Lost Weapons of Tan My is a War Story by Brian "Stretch" Harrison. He saw first hand what happened to a lot of extra weapons when the US left Vietnam. Story is listed on the War Stories Essay page and linked to from Brian's MyPage.
LOH Door Mounted Mini Gun: War Story Discussion page by Michael Peake with two stories from Tom Dooling of shooting with this homemade and unauthorized mounted weapon. Story is listed on the War Stories Discussion page and linked to from Mike and Tom's MyPages.
The An Duc Extraction war story page has been upgraded. Crew Chief John Albers and Door Gunner Bob Acker of the trail ship have been added. Other names have been properly linked.
Bruce Karn WO1 LOH Pilot/IP 1968-69 adds his comments to the Broomstick Flying Discussion page. It is also linked to from his MyPage. He also mentions SP4 Tyrone T. Thornsberry, LOH Observer who we need more information on and a photo. Bruce has also added comments on the LOH 40mm system, the LOH door gunner minigun (see Rocky Rhodes photo MP1 from Gary Jones) and some homemade bomb comments.
The F Troop Orphans Discussion Page has been upgraded. Do you have other informaton?
Who can help you with your VA Claim?, by CIVO Director Pat Eastes, has been entered as a War Story Essay in that section and linked to from Pat's MyPage. This article was initiated by Walter Cooke when he discovered that there is help outside the Veteran's Administration Bureaucracy. Take the time to read this article and see if you can't help yourself or a friend get some deserved compensation from the VA.
Marty Jenkins wants to be sure that we all see this great Vietnam Vet Tribute narrated by Sam Elliott
Michael Peake wants to share this video of the Navy's latest version of the Cobra. Imagine what we could have done with this; and just imagine what it would be like to fly with two engines instead of one!
Scholarships from the 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Division are alive and well. Click here to read the article on the 3/4 Cav Website that explains how it all works. If you would like to make a donation to the Scholarship Fund, just send a check to Bobby Bingham, Treasurer, 3/4 Cav Chapter, PO Box in Lexington, KY. Your cancelled check should be your receipt. If you need more Bobby can generate a letter as the 3/4 Cav is a 501 (c) 19 organization and all contributions are tax deductible. If you have additional questions call Bobby at 859-338-2677.
Added: 50 cal, 38, Cosmoline, Chicom, RPK, M2 Carbine, M3 Grease Gun, Sabot round and Stand down
3/4 Cav Reunion 23-27 September 2020 Washington DC, Has NOT been cancelled. Continue your plans to go and be with us. see planned attendence roster
Centaur Veterans Day Reunion 6-9 November 202 Tampa, FL.Has NOT been cancelled. Continue your plans to go and be with us. Blane and Bob have updated the Reunion webpage with a list of potential attendees. Just click on the More Information Button on that page.
If you are considering going, please email one of them with you and your wife's name (if appropriate) and number of guests (if any) and get your name added. This will help them a lot in their planning.
("Kirby, Blane K" <> or "Jones, Robert" <>)
CIVO Website Newsletter ...index: War Stories - Video Interviews - Articles - Glossary - Events - How to Input
1 March 2020
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
James M. Peterson "COL Pete" LTC, the greatly loved and respected, D Troop Commander 1966-67, died 3 February 2020. His MyPage has been converted to a Deceased page and an InfoSheet/Obit added. Please send in your comments for posting on his page.
John Alto 1LT the first Centaur Aerorifle Platoon leader 1966-1967 checked in to let us know how his cancer battle is going. The short of it is that even though originally diagnosed with metastasized pancreatic cancer, he now has a shot at beating it. He has went through a lot but in four weeks he will be done with his chemo treatments and ready for surgery. He has been greatly moved by so many of you that have called him with encouragement and wanted to let the rest of you know how truly special it is to be a member of our strong brotherhood. He looks forward to sharing memories at the Cav reunion in September
The An Duc Extraction War Story Continues: Did you take some enemy hits in your aircraft? Maybe several hits in the panic of live combat. Very scarry, and a test of how well you and your crew held up with max adrenaline pumping. Amazing how much it takes to knock a Huey down or to defeat the warrior spirit of the crew.
How about 200 hits into one Slick on one mission? The crew of Chalk 3 during the An Duc Extraction did just that. Crew Chief SP4 Gregory Phillips was killed, PIC Keith Rice was wounded but managed to get out of the LZ with a load of troops and safely crash land a burning Huey in a wet rice paddy a few hundred yards away. WO1 Roger Martin was the co-pilot and tells us what he remembers of that mission on 4 November 1968. His photo has been added as an MP to his and Keith Rice's MyPages and to the An Duc Extraction War Story page.
Roger G. Martin CW2 Slick Pilot Jun 68 to Jun 69 has an upgraded MyPage with current photo and MP1.
Mike Douglas Aerorifle Platoon 1966-67 would like to know if anyone remembers this:
7 Jan 1967 I remember a fire fight but I believe it was with our own guys. I think the Wolfhounds were on our flank and wasn't suppose to be where they were. I remember the sound of the rounds zinging over our heads. Thats a sound you'll never forget. The 7th was my mothers birthday. I was thinking "Oh great" I'm going to get killed on my mom's birthday. I also remember SGT Horner yelling cease fire over the radio (check Sqdn Logs).
Tommy Lee Ebry CPT 1971-72 Flight Operations Officer died on 13 March 2018. A deceased MyPage has been created with an InfoSheet/Obit page. His name is now listed on the Centaur Deceased page. It appears that Tommy had an earlier tour as a 2LT with the 11th ACR. He also was noted for being the first African American to be commissioned an Armor Officer at Fort Knox, KY. Can you provide other information, stories, photos, etc?
Wayne L. White CPT Cobra Pilot 1968-69, died 15 April 1997. He was affectionately known as "Snidley L. Whiplash" as referred to in Ray Clark's Book "Just Let Me Walk Away". There is an InfoSheet and a Tropic Lightning story linked to from his page.
Lowell W. Kennedy 2LT has been contacted by Bob Jones. He was sent a Centaur Welcome letter. No photos or verification yet.
Christopher Clark WO1 Pilot 1971 (Centaur 56) was recentely contacted by Bob Jones. Chris was not even on our roster, but is now and also on our Newsletter distribution list. He lives in Amity, Oregon and will be sending us more info soon. Chris remembers Jackie White.
William Allen Thorpe, SGT Aerorifles1968-6 died over four decades ago, 9 September 1992. He was not on any of our rosters; no info or photos were available. Cecil Gage provided us with Thorpe's proper spelling, first and middle name and it was confirmed by Eddie Coopage. Thanks to Frank Dillon for coordinating this. We created a draft MyPage for Thorpe using a photo of his headstone. It is hoped that one of you will remember him and provide photos or more information so we can properly honor him.
Anker S. Bow WO1 pilot (probably Cobras) 1971 now has a rough draft MyPage using a photo from Don Borey's Photo Album. That photo (img 2 of 23) has been made into an MP and placed on the MyPages of Bow, Jesini, Petrie and Taylor.
Jesini (no first name) WO1 pilot (probably Cobras) 1971 now has a rough draft MyPage using a photo from Don Borey's Photo Album.
James Patrick Delaney CW2 UH-1H pilot was KIA on 10 November 1971 while assigned to the 334th AHC. He was previously with F Troop, 4th Cav. Up until now his name has been linked directly to the TWS (Together We Served) site, but now we have a Centaur KIA page for him. We would like to have photos and more info.
Lawrence "Larry" Welch CPT Service Platoon Leader 1970-71 checks in. His rank was wrong on roster (showed CW2 - corrected). He now has a draft MyPage with InfoSheet. He will send photos.
Hoagland, Ronald "Ron" D. 2LT F Troop 1971. Last known email (no good). Last known address 3822 West 11th St, Greely, CO 80634 (VHPA). No photo found in the 1971 yearbook.
Dwain Adkins Gunship Crew Chief 1966-67 remembers there were three cooks that came over with them on the USS Gordon that are not on our current roster. Possible names Zunicka, Griggs, Mirus. Anyone remember?
Requesting information on LOH-6A, tail number 67-16045. Rick Chesson (Saber 14) flew Scouts for B Troop 1/9th Cav in 1968-69 and this aircraft served him well. He saw that we listed that aircraft in our inventory for F Troop and wanted to know if anyone remembers anything about it, or what happened to it. Please contact him if you have some information:
Help us find these missing Aeroriflemen of 1968 (Dale Dow photo). Maybe you have a better copy?
Back: Dale Dow, Tru (Kit Carson Scout), Thang, Clifford Gay, Kenneth P. Avery, Ray Gadola, SGT Bolger, Mike Wood, Robert E. Van Cleve
Middle: Paul Chanilingok, White, Warren Larson, Sanchez Reyes, Dickson, Sylvester Dabney
Front: Scott, Holmes, Mose E. Wiley, Joseph Arrendondo, Eddie Coppage, Robert Amstutz, Troy Kilgo, Jay A. Fegley, Michael Stielling
.....Chanilingok might be "Paul" from Alaska (deceased 15 Sep 1945 to 5 Apr 1974 ). Click here.
Danny Langston Hog Crew Chief 1966-67 (from Michigan?). We are not in contact with him yet. Norm Clark (deceased) did a video about him that has been linked to Danny's MyPage or click here.
Reminder on how to order Centaur Hats, Shirts and Patches. Go to "Help" page, item 59.
Can you identify who owns this photo and tell us about the device below the rocket pod on this early model Heavy Scout Gunship. Probably 1966 or 1967.
Shit Burning: A War Stories Discussion page has been started for this enduring war time event. Chris Woelk, Field Artillery, 25th Inf Div starts us off with a very detailed description of Shit Burning. Add your stories/comments.
Thomas H, Kennedy CW2 Asst Maintenance Officer 1971-72 presents his 2018 Cav Reunion video interview. The video is linked to from his new MyPage and from the War Stories Video page.
Glen Gouge CW2 Gunship and LOH Pilot 1968-69 presents his 2018 Cav Reunion video interview. The video is linked to from his MyPage and from the War Stories Video page.
Tom Fleming MAJ Service Platoon Leader & Troop Commander 1967-68 presents his 2018 Cav Reunion video interview. The video is linked to from his MyPage (Index of Articles section) and from the War Stories Video page.
Dwain Adkins Heavy Scout Gunship Crew Chief (444) 1966-67 does a 2018 Reunion video telling about how he got to Vietnam on the USS Gordon and some words about the first Centaur Troop Commander MAJ Lynn Askins (deceased). The video is linked to from his MyPage and from the War Stories Video page; also linked to from the Askins and Delvy MyPages.
Dave Bossary Crew Chief Hog Gunships 1966-67 does several 2018 Reunion videos. All videos are linked to from his MyPage and from the War Stories Video page: 1. My Tour - 2. The People Sniffer mission - 3. The Claymore Mine incident - 4. My friend Joe Dalcour (also linked to from Joe's page)
The article "Paper Tiger" by Marty Jenkins, after months of waiting and coordinating, finally made the centerfold of the Jan/Feb issue of the VHPA Aviator. Those of you who are VHPA members should have your copy by now. To celebrate, Marty and Charlotte flew out to Phoenix, AZ to spend some time with Jim and Sandy Walt at their beautiful home in Rio Verde. Tom ("Sam") and Linda Dooling met with them along with Bruce and Sharon Powell for dinner on 23 Feb 2020. It was a great time.
Phil Marshall will be featuring the Paper Tiger story in his next book.
Bob Taylor and several others want you to see this great tribute to the anthem and the flag. "Stand for the Flag"
Gene Peters wanted you to see this presentation of "50 Insane Facts about the Vietnam War You Didn't Know"
Harlan Gray Sparrow III reminds us of the article by the great John Steinbeck when he came to Vietnam and flew with the Cavalry. click here
Interesting websites: https:/
Added: Recoiless Rifle, Shit Burning
Dave Bossary remembers referring to 12th Evac Hospital at Cu Chi as "Golden Empire". Anyone else remember that?
Check out our Glossary; it has gotten very big and popular. Can you add anything? Can you improve on any of the definitions? Remember that this is not necessarily a glossary for the world; these are definitions as understood by Centaurs.
Sometimes a word or acronym is better explained in a linked War Story like Broomstick Flying is defined but also linked to the Broomstick Flying War Story Discussion page. Let us know if you spot a story that should be linked to the Glossary.
Army Aviation Association of America Yearly Summit 22-24 Apri l2020 Nashville,TN
VHPA Reunion 21-24 May 2020 Denver, CO
3/4 Cav Reunion 23-27 September 2020 Washington DC see planned attendence roster
Centaur Veterans Day Reunion 6-9 November 202 Tampa, FL. Blane and Bob have updated the Reunion webpage with a list of potential attendees. Just click on the More Information button on that page. If you are considering going, please email one of them ("Kirby, Blane K" <> or "Jones, Robert" <>) and get your name added. This will help them a lot in their planning.
AAHF provides Helicopter rides all over the country at different times. See their 2020 Calendar (UH-1H Rides: $100 pp
AH-1F Rides: $595 pp)
How to Input to the Newsletter
If you would like to add comments or other information to the next Newsletter, please get it in to me at least a few days prior to the first of the month. Maybe you would just like to make a request to the group to help you find someone or get some answers to questions about your tour.
CIVO Website Newsletter
1 February 2020
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
Centaur Veterans Day Reunion November 2020 plan is coming together. This will be a big event in Tampa Florida (as in warm and sunshine). Need to start making your plans! Blane and Shirley Kirby along with Bob Jones will be your hosts.
Go to the Centaur website home page and click on the red splash button in the lower left corner and it will take you directly to Blane's Reunion page. Note that the red button on the home page used to say "Memory Jogger" and has been changed to "Centaur Reunion". The Memory Jogger is still around, you just need to click on Centaur Society (left side Navigation Button) then the word "Wanted" on the right side of that page.
You can also get to the Centaur Vets Reunion page by clicking on the "Reunions" navigation button on the Homepage, then clicking on "Next Vets Reunion" or on "Centaurs".
If you think that you will probably go to this reunion please send an email to Blane ( or Bob ( so they can start to get a good count on number of folks attending. The "Probably Going" attendee list on Blane's 2020 Reunion page will be updated frequently so you too will know who is planning to go.
The 3/4 Cav Reunion is coming up 23 to 27 September 2020 in Washington, DC. Check it out.
Memory Jogger: Did you see this one?
MJ063 - (23 Jan 2020) What were the requirements for a Crew Chief to earn his crewmember wings? Was a Door gunner awarded crewmember wings? If so, what were the requirements.
A reminder that the Memory Jogger is now in the Centaur Society section under the "Wanted" button. more info
Richard Parrish, 1LT Cobra Pilot 1971-72, Flight School photo added to his InfoSheet
Richard G "Rick" Waite SP4 Maintenance now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Allen Allcock's Slideshow (AA-75).
Bruce Karn WO1, LOH Scout Pilot 1968-69 has a new MyPage and InfoSheet with photo of him and wife Pam.
Tom Fleming audio tapes have been consolidated into a single audio page. Linked to from his MyPage and from the Audio page of the PhotoAudioFilm sectionl
Glenn Otis LTC Squadron Commander Nov 67 to May 68 (deceased 21 Feb 2013): Tom Fleming located a personal note that General Otis sent praising the Centaurs for our innovation of the DVD promoting the 2012 Nashville Reunion. It has been added to Glenn's InfoSheet.
The Centaur Brothers DVD was an amazingly complex project with the sole purpose of inspiring other Centaurs to come to the Nashville Reunion. It was one of the most successful reunions from the standpoint of getting more legacy data and large number of personal video interviews. The note from Glenn has been posted to his InfoSheet.
Thomas Broadbent CW2 LOH Scout Pilot, 1971, has a new MyPage with current photo and a draft InfoSheet with photo of him and wife Mary.
William "Bill" Gregory SGT Maintenance NCOIC 1968-69 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Allen Allcock's Slideshow (AA-54).
Roger Martin CW2 Slick Pilot and Assistant Operations Officer 1969, has checked in. He was Keith Rice's copilot during the An Duc Extraction (4 Nov 68) and has provided some comments.
Howard "Keith" Rice CW2 Slick Pilot 1968-69 now has a rough draft MyPage using a poor quality photo from Glen Gouge's Photo Album (#10). It is all we have right now. Maybe you can find a better photo for us.
Jack "Beetle" Bailey, CPT Slick Pilot 1972-73 has an upgraded MyPage and InfoSheet. His name and comments have been added to the Rescue of Lady Ace War Story page. Jack was the pilot that rescued USMC CH-46 Pilot - HMM 165 Alan Zygowicz.
Marty Jenkins 1LT Scout Pilot 1969 wrote an article about the amazing rescue of he and his Crew Chief Jim Walt, by Tom Dooling and Dan Spaulding (in a Cobra). The article has been published in the Jan/Feb 2020 issue of the VHPA Aviator Magazine (pages 24 to 26). You can CLICK HERE to download a PDF version of the magazine. Once it is open, right click on the page that is showing and select "Actual Size".
Kenneth Hundt CW2 Pilot 1972 has joined us and now has a MyPage. Ken posted a response to Lloyd Goldsmiths MJ062.
Ken Mick 1LT Cobra Pilot 1971-72 provides a War Story Essay about his experience as a Cobra Copilot/Gunner during his first days in Vietnam...... "Chup Rubber Plantation - 1971". Ken's MyPage has been upgraded with a better Nam photo and a link to that new story. The story is also listed on the War Story Essays page.
...Ken's Slide Show is linked to from his MyPage and from the Photo/Slides page of the Photo/Audio/Film Section
...Kens photo of CPT Wiley "Lee" Cranney and others on standby at Tay Ninh has been made into an MP1 for Cranney's MyPage. His photo of Ron Radcliffe has been added to Radcliffe's MyPage as an MP1. The photo with Tyner and Haynie (both deceased) has been added to their Deceased MyPages as an MP. His photo of Russ Miller in Long Binh has been added as an MP to Miller's deceased MyPage.
Proud Mary the film from Ed Wolfe (1971): the linked names of Rog Johnson, Fred Vigil and Michael Petty (all KIA) have been added to the left side of the video.
Richard Toops, pilot of the 240th AHC trying to rescue the D Troop downed LOH crew now has a Friends MyPage. Richard also provides an article below about the New Memorial Wall in Perryville, MO.
Terrence M. "Terry" O'Connell 1LT Aerorifle Platoon Leader 1969-70 died 19 August 2019. A deceased MyPage has been created for him including a link to his Obituary and his award of the Distinguished Service Cross. Terry lost an eye and his right arm in battle.
Robert Yaap CPT Cobra Pilot 1972-73 checks in. A draft MyPage has been created for him using his photo of he and Farrell Swindell (deceased). His comments about his close friend Swindell have been posted to Swindells deceased InfoSheet/Obit. The photo of he and Ferrell has been added as an MP to both MyPages. Bob was the Unit Property Officer for F Troop when they were shutting down in 1973. He was a West Point Grad with Terry Young and Greg Jones.
Greg Jones CPT Cobra Pilot Jun 1972- Jan 1973 has checked in. He has photos and stories that he will be sending in. Greg has been added to the CIVO Newsletter distribution list.
Pete Holmberg 1LT LOH Pilot 1972 sends in a high resolution scan of a photo of the LOH Scout Crewmen (his MP2) and also an MP on the MyPages of those pictured. The older lower res photo has been replaced. The graphic below was created to show the difference between hi and low resolution photos:
An 8 x 10 inch, 300 dpi (42 megabytes) version of the original photo can be downloaded HERE for printing and framing.
Tom Fleming MAJ D Troop Commander 1967 sent 8 audio tapes home telling abut the war. They are posted in the Audio section of the PhotoAudioFilm section of the website. We hope to get them transcribed into text eventually. The Audio section is still under construction.
Gene Yonke A Troop, provides a note from fellow 3/4 Cavalryman Carroll Hawley (deceased) about The Battle of Tay Ninh. It has been added to the War Story Discussion page Battle for Tay Ninh.
Added to Glossary:Cold, pip, CE, AC, FAARP, Going Hot, Weapons Hot, SwashPlate, CQ, PE, AIT, ADF, AFVN, Avionics, FM, Guard, HF, IFF, KY-28, Prick 25, Prick 77, SAS, SLAE, UHF, VHF, Victor. Thanks to Carl Betsill for getting all the Avionics terminology into the Glossary.
On the History Section for OH-23G page, a link has been added to go to the OH-23G War Story Discussions page. Maybe you OH-23 guys can add some stuff here like stories, maintenance problems, configuration, usage, etc. Get it in to me! (Note: According to VHPA, 231 OH-23G's served during the war; 97 were lost; 12 pilots & 14 crewmembers were KIA)
War Stories
"Keep'Em Flying" is a War Story Essay by Allen "KC" Allcock. A great explanation of what went on in the Maintenance Hangar 1968-69. Story is linked to from KC's MyPage and listed in the War Story Essays section.
"Foggy Test Flight" by Allen "KC" Allcock. The weather didn't always stay nice for Maintenance Test Flights as KC and Tom Shirley found out in 1969. Story is linked to from their MyPages and listed on the War Stories Essay page.
"Tracking Main Rotor Blades" by Allen "KC" Allcock. Explanation of this necessary maintenance procedure. Story is linked to from KC's MyPage and listed on the War Stories Discussion page.
"Jesus Nut Nightmare" by Allen "KC" Allcock. Using a Torque Wrench incorrectly on the most popular nut on the aircraft created a real nightmare. Story is linked to from KC's MyPage and listed on the War Stories Discussion page.
Woody Gardner SP5 Crew Chief Hogs 1967-68; tells us about discovering peanuts on the flightline at Cu Chi and doing something about it. Those of you who went to the 2018 Reunion in Colorado Springs may have gotten to taste some. Woody and Leci Gardner brought a truck load of their famous "Boiled Peanuts" in iced containers, all the way from Florida, to share with their fellow Cavalrymen. No small task!
Woody's video is linked to from his MyPage and the War Stories Video page. Also see the War Story Discussion page Cu Chi The Peanut Patch and please send me your comments.
Anyone remember James D. Brock, mentioned in Woody's story? We would like to get in contact with him.
Dean Smith SP5 Crew Chief OH-23G Scouts 1966 tells about moving D Troop from Hawaii to Vietnam. Dean's video is linked to from his MyPage and the War Stories Video page.
Richard Toops Centaur Friend from the 240th AHC tells about the new Vietnam Memorial Wall in Perryville, MO:
Missouri’s National Veterans Memorial in Perryville, Mo. is an exact full scale sister wall to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC. This is not a traveler but a full scale recreation of the one in DC. The Dedication Ceremony was held May 18-19, 2019.
This Memorial was started by a third generation farmer, James Eddleman, who donated this land and $2.5 million dollars to get it started. We had the pleasure and honor of meeting with Mr. Eddleman, a humble man whose heart was stirred by his friends who were killed in Vietnam and their names etched on the black granite wall in Washington DC. He wanted something close by for his reflections and others who may never be able to travel to Washington DC. He stated that this land had been his families for three generations and now the last generation he wanted it to be a place for the Vietnam Veterans, families and those who honor them. He pointed to his red brick house overlooking this site and said that he can look down from his window, or walk down to the wall and feel a sense of peace, a feeling of calm in his remembrances of the friends he lost. The volunteer workers there shared with me the master plan for the site, with gardens, cemetery, military honor walls etc. A flag that flew at the wall in DC now waves over the sister wall. When fully completed in the next five years this will be a place of serenity and beauty to perfectly compliment the Black Granite wall with 58,000 plus names of those who gave their all for our country, which is now completed. Richard Toops. The Fund - Trip Advisor
Joe Owen recommends this article and video about the A1E Skyraiders. Article - Video. We have A1E Skyraiders (call sign Sandy) mentioned in our Glossary because of the Rescue of Lady Ace story. Please let me know if you had any experiences with the A1E "Spad" during your tour.
Roman Millett CPT Gun Plt Ldr and XO found this really interesting YouTube video that he would like to share. A Deck of Cards as a soldiers bible.
Helicopter Losses During the Vietnam War (updated 31 Dec 2018) great article by Gary Roush of VHPA. Some of his collected data has been placed in our History Section as notes at OH-23G, OH-6A, and AH-1G.
For the CIVO Board of Directors,
Bruce Powell, Moderator of the Centaur Society and Webmaster of
cell 619-823-0992
1601 Rhododendron Dr, Spc 571, Florence, OR 97439 (Summer)
11875 S Ironwood Drive, Yuma, AZ 85367 (Winter)
CIVO Website Newsletter
1 January 2020
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
Happy New Year! We made it 20 years into the new Century! Who would have thought it!
Personal Request to all: CLICK HERE or click on the flag, to view a 10 sec test movie. We expect it to play fine on your system (flag waving and helicopter sound in background).
IF NOT: If, after you click on it, the Flag doesn't wave with the helicopter sound in the background, please send me an email
Here is why we need this input: Currently every video posted on the website must be compressed into three different formats. That is so everyone with different computers and browsers can all play it.
If this 10 second Flag Test Video (using a single compression) plays well for everyone, then the physical size of the website can be reduced significantly. This will also reduce the costs of the website.
Terry Vaughn SP5 UH-1D Crew Chief Jan 67 to Jan 68. Terry's close friend Jim Weber (Little Bears) notified us that he died on 21 December 2019 from Pancreatic Cancer. Terry was a long time member of the original Centaur Society and attender of reunions. Comments from Terry's Centaur brothers and friends are being posted to his InfoSheet. Please reread Terry's great essay on his 1967 tour and view the Terry and Willi Williams movie & Terry's Slide Show; His name has been added to the Deceased roster.
Services will be Thursday January 9th, 11:00 am at Colorado Community Church, 14000 E Jewel Ave, Aurora 80012.
No flowers please. Donations can be made to Aurora Police Charitable Foundation 1010 S Joliet St, Aurora, Co 80012
Geroge "Randy" Murie F Troop Oct 71 to Sep 72 died December 2019. Memorial service
Date: January 8, 2020 Time: 1:30 pm Location: Riverside National Cemetery Address: 22495 Van Buren Boulevard, Riverside, CA 92518.
Bud Wayne Wyatt SP4 LRRP deceased 26 December 2010 has a new Deceased MyPage. His Nam photo from the Yearbook was added. Did you know him? Do you have any more information on him?
Jerry Toomey PFC LOH Scout Observer Jan to Jun 2968. Jerry started with C Troop and was severely wounded 14 March 1968 by an RPG near Hoc Mon Bridge. He recovered and moved to D Troop as an LOH Observer where he was again wounded 3 Jun 68 and sent home. He has no photos of his tour or flight records. Please review Jerry's Video and see if you might remember him and provide him with some of your memories.
Thomas Sam Dooling 1LT Cobra Pilot Jan 69 to Aug 70, tells the war story "A Bit Too Close" where he accidentally nearly shoots down the LOH Scout he is supporting (flown by Terry Talley). The story is listed in the War Stories Essay section and linked to from Dooling and Talley's MyPages.
Pat "Juaquin" Eastes CW2 Gun Pilot 1967-68: Some how Juaquin's slideshow of photos didn't make it to the website. That has been corrected. Click Here The Slideshow is now linked to from his MyPage and from the Photos/Slides page of the PhotoAudioFilm section. Pat and Clare just had their 50th Wedding Anniversary and are on their way to Hawaii for a couple weeks!
Richard Stegner "Super Sarge" SGT Aerorifles and Slick Door Gunner Apr 1965 to Mar 1968 sends in some photos and has like 200 more slides he has yet to scan in. He is living in San Diego, CA now and invites you to drop in or contact him with email. "Stegner, Richard" <>
Bruce Draganjac, SP4 Maintenance 1972-73 provides a Photo Album of 43 pictures of his tour at Da Nang. The album is linked to from his MyPage and from the Photos & Slides page of the PhotoAudioFilm section.
Peter Holmberg provides an LOH Scout group photo summer 72 at Tan My by the Flagpole, with names. Mike Flynn, (no MyPage or Info), Nick Sylvester (No contact yet), Joe Beck (deceased), Chip Blackwell (deceased), Randy Murie (deceased), Charles Foster, Pete Villarante, Harry Rogers, Denny Rojas (or is it "Benny"? No contact), Crank LaBore, Buddy Ring, and Randy Baisden. The photo has been added as an MP to each man's MyPage.
Bruce Karn WO1 LOH Scout Pilot Jun68 to Jun 69 has an added MP1 and an InfoSheet/Bio (with a photo of he and Pam). Bruce has spent a great deal of time coordinating the design, and getting made, generic (not aircraft specific) Centaur patches for D and F Troops. See Centaur patches for sale below. The great part about these patches is that any man who did any job for the Centaurs can wear this patch to identify himself as a proud member of a great combat unit.
John M. Pasternak SGT 1972 has been added to the Newsletter distribution. A photo of him raising flag (by Rick Kline) is added to his draft MyPage as an MP1. Hope to hear more from him soon.
Can you help me get in contact with CW2 Robert T. Bobo, pilot 1970?
Wayne Grindstaff, B Company, 1/5th Mech "Bobcats" writes in thanking us for our website. Wayne was wounded on 19 August 1968 during the Battle for Tay Ninh. Elements of the 3/4 Cav helped the Bobcats out of an ambush. The Bobcat report of the battle that day has been added to the Battle For Tay Ninh Discussion page.
Group photo of pilots 1968-69 added as MP's to the MyPages of Bill Cirincione, Joe Owen, Jerry Odom, Steve Hanson, and Charlie Rice. Do you recognize the unnamed pilot?
Another lost Centaur Pilot: "Alexander, James" <>, mail returned 2 Dec 2019. Do you have a good email address for him?
Added to the Glossary: C Rations - Transition - Cowboys - The Attack of the Red Ants movie by Tegelman and Beasley has been linked to the Glossary term Red Ants.
The Centaur Patches: The new Centaur patches have arrived. Here is what the final product looks like. Note the actual patch background is more white than with this graphic.
All patches are one dollar each plus shipping.
Cost of shipping in the US is:
1 - 3 patches $1.00
4 - 10 patches $2.50
11 - 20 patches $5.00
21 - 50 patches $7.50
(Payment can be made by check or Paypal)
To order contact Bruce Karn through email, phone, text, or regular mail.
email: "Karn, Bruce" <>
phone (or Text): 801-668-7003
Mail: Bruce Karn, 383 E 1250 N,Brigham City, Utah 84302
note: I have some D Troop patches that were the "test" that DO NOT have the "AIR" and Sabres on them if anyone wants any I will include them in their order and they are free. Bruce K.
Marty Jenkins sends in this important article: Veterans need VHIC for in-person Commissary, Military Exchange, MWR access. Expansion started Jan. 1, 2020 - CLICK HERE
NOTE: The article by Marty Jenkins about the AH-1G rescue of he and Jim Walt, is going to be the centerfold article in the Jan/Feb issue of the VHPA Aviator Magazine. The Article is titled Paper Tiger with the subtitle of Centaur AH-1G Cobra Medevac – 25 April 1969).Thanks to Tom Hirschler, Editor of the VHPA Magazine for his help and information.
You might want to review Marty and Jim's video from the 2012 Nashville reunion. Their story was also mentioned on pages 105 to 112 of Dan Spauldings book "Centaur Flights".
CIVO Website Newsletter
1 December 2019
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
index: Vet Reunion After Action - Not getting Newsletter - Updates - New Patches - Videos - Articles
Tech Notes: Skip quickly around the Newsletter using the blue underlined text above. John Moore discovered the website That'sThem at https:/
It is free to search for web addresses of our missing Centaurs. Give it a try and see if you can bring some more guys in.
Merry Christmas to all from your CIVO Board of Directors
Many Centaurs would have loved to be home, but ended up spending Christmas in Vietnam. They tried to make the best of it. Carl Burns remembers with his 1966 article. John Alto published a video. Rick Williams remembers with the 1968 card above.
If you have some memories of your Vietnam Christmas, send them to me and we will start a Vietnam Christmas Discussion page. It is part of our Legacy.
2019 Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion After Action Report:
Approximately 70 people were in attendance at this the largest Vets Day Reunion so far.
"It was my pleasure to Host this year's D/F Troop Centaur Cav Reunion. Bowling Green is a great location with more restaurants than you can shake a stick at. The manager of the Hampton Inn was a Army Veteran himself and was very positive toward us and gave us the best price in town. The staff at the Hampton were great and made our stay most pleasurable. Ms Maroni who worked for the BG parks and recreation department was wonderful in helping get our entry in the Veterans Day Parade. The people of BG received the Veterans in such a gracious manor, what a great experience it was to fly the unit colors of D and F Trp in the parade. Thanks to KC Allcock for being the Master of Ceremonies at the dinner and to all the Troopers, family members and others who came from all points across the U.S.A to attend. I would not forget Richard Parish who brought the presentation sabre that we presented to Ray Clark (Thank you Richard); and my wife Kathy who supported me unconditionally and helped me as much as she could. I for one enjoyed the time we had together and the chance to share a small portion of the events as I remember them in the summer of 72. We are all fortunate to have been here together as we could just as well not made it to this point in time." Harry Rogers
Harry chose KC Allcock to MC the Saturday Night Banquet - his report:
"I presented a wooden plaque to our host, Harry Rogers. This plaque was painted red over white, and on the white portion is a OH-6a "Loach", the type that Harry was a Crew Chief on. Another plaque was given to Bob Brady, also red over white, to look like a D Troop Flag, with the word Scout lettered on it. Bob, who served during 68/69 was a CE on a Loach, was wounded with many bullets being lodged in his flight helmet. He overlapped time with me, but I have especially gotten acquainted with Bob and his wife, Rose while attending the Squadron Reunions since 1992. Bob was a source of inspiration to me as a green trooper in Vietnam, and has become a very close friend and has helped me through some of the things that tormented me. Another Plaque was presented to Frank Dillon. I contacted Frank several years ago, and I have seen how much Frank has had an input in the growth of our Centaur Veterans Day Reunions. Especially, for about the past 3-4 years he has really brought about reuniting our "F" Troop soldiers.Then, also I do not wish to forget CPT Ray Clark. He was the XO when I first arrived with D Troop, then became my CO. A great pilot and commander.... and a good author of the book he wrote. While I could not really put together something outstanding, I did present him with a U.S. Cavalry cap, and also to recognize him, a Cavalry Sword was presented, which was donated by Richard Parish." Allen "KC" Allcock
Multiple video Interviews were done with Frank Walker, Joe Hoover, Bruce Anderson, Harry Rogers, Blane Kirby, Ray Clark, Richard Parrish, Bob Brady, Bob Tegelman, KC Allcock, Steve Borden, David Hopper, Herman Witt, Barney Wood, Bill Gausman and the original Phu Bai group (left).
We will keep you informed as these great video war stories are edited and posted to the website.
Sharon and I wish to give special thanks to Sherry and Allen Allcock for purchasing the materials and building the large frame needed for doing our video shoot.
If you attended the renion and have some good photos, consider sending in a few that we might post to the website reunion section.
The next Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion (Nov 2020)
Blane and Shirley Kirby will be hosting the 2020 Centaur Vets Day Reunion in sunny and warm Tampa, Florida. Check into the website Reunion section once in a while for more information as the planning develops.
Many of you have seen the Bob Tegelman Centaur Memorial Trailer that he has been hauling his Harley around in for years (see trailer movie). Well, he needs a bigger trailer so he can haul his Harley and his 55 Chevy. Thought we should mention that he is selling it in case one of you Centaur Bikers might want to continue the tradition of telling about the Centaurs as you drive around the country with your bike in this beautiful trailer. Top conditon $3500. Call Bob in Tomahawk Wisconsin at (715) 453-4427.
The Centaurs listed below are not receiving our Monthly Newsletters because of faulty email addresses. If you are in contact with any of them, please try to find out their correct email address so they be added to the distribution:
"Anderson, Ronald"...... SP5 LOH Mechanic 1968 Logan, Utah
"Bowen, Joseph" ..........CPT Ozark, AL 1972-73 Opns off
"Brinckerhoff, Allen"...... 1LT Heavy Scouts D& F Trp Sep70-May71
"Butteris, Greg" info
"Craft, Billy" ..................Aerorifles/Company Clerk 1965-67
"Cunningham, Jerry" ....CW2 70-71 D/F Trp Guns/Slicks Bakersfield, CA
"Dardeau, Norman" ......Maintenance Section 65-67
"Dehart, Phillip H" .........Aerorifles 68-70 Jackson, OH
"Doetschman, Edwin" ...Armament 45m Jul 70-Jul71 Reno, NV
"FluhartyTom" ...............LOH Crew Chief 69-70
"Hart, John K" ...............Water Valley, MS 67-68
"Hogan, John S" ...........1LT 71-72 Middle Haddam, CT VHPA
"Jackson, Michael W" ...1LT Enterprise, AL 70-71
"Jones, Gregory" ..........CPT 1973 Tallahassee, FL VHPA
"Lara, Armando" ...........PFC Slick Crew Chief 1965 to 67
"Laurent, Arnold D" .......SGT Aerorifles McKinney, TX 64-66 Also B Trp
"Mack, Robert" .............CPT Centaur 4 Jul68 to Dec68
"Miller, Stanley H" .........CPT D&F 1970-71
"Olsen, Michael A" ........SP4 May70-Apr71 Wichita, KS D&F
"Penzel, William Berry". CPT F Trp Minden, NV
"Pforr, Dennis"...............SP5 Aerorifles and Door Gunner Hogs Nov67-Nov68
"Pray, Brian W"............. CW2 VHPA Oxford, MS
"Ray, Russel T" .............1LT 1972-Feb73 Stayed in Nam w/Peace Com
"Sales, Permer".............SP5 UH1D Door Gunner 1965 to 66
"Sanford, Steven" .........1LT Hog Pilot Feb67-Nov67 went DiamondHead
"Schmalhofer, George"..1LT 69-70
"Schmidgall, Kim" .........SP5 DoorGunner Slicks-From 75th Rangers
"Schmidt, Gary" ............SP4 70-71 Modeler Has website
"Simpson, Larry D" .......CPT Trp XO, Flt Opns, Guns Jul70-Jul71
"Smith, Thomas E." ......CW2 LOH Pilot 68-69
"Wall, Timothy S" ..........F Trp 72-73 GO663, Jan73
"Wright, Gerald L"........ 1LT VHPA Mesa, AZ
"Wright, Samuel" ..........LRRP Jul66-67 wife Lynne? Darien, GA
James P. Alexander III CW2 .Jacksonville, IL. Emails to him started being returned. If you have contact with him please let us know if he is okay and receiving our newsletters.
Scholarships - Every year the 25th Infantry Division gives out thousands of dollars worth of Scholarships. The month of January is when applications are accepted. Answers to questions involving scholarships are now posted in our Help/Answers section of the website, item #60.
This is a great cause that anyone can donate to anytime. Send a check (include a note as to what it is for) payable to "3/4 Cav Chapter" to:
Bobby Bingham, Treasurer 3/4 Cav
P.O. Box 24414, Lexington, KY 40524-4414
2019 Scholarship Awards: Two scholarships were funded by the 3/4 Cavalry Chapter and one by the 25th IDA. The 25th ID's $1,000 William Schumacher Award was awarded to Hollyn Achens, granddaughter of Allen Allcock (D Trp 69/70). The 3/4 Cavalry Association's $1,000 Oliver Jones Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Alexis Cunningham, the granddaughter of Bill Gausman (F Trp 7/72). The 3/4 Cavalry Association's $1,000 Scholarship was awarded to Ellie Clark, granddaughter of Doug Hanna (B Trp 68/69).
Marvin K. Runyon CPT AH-1G Cobra Pilot Jan to Dec1970 Renoldsburg, OH has died (11 August 2019). His wife Barbara sent us a nice note which is published on his Info/Obit Sheet. He will be honored at Arlington Cemetary in the Spring. We will keep you informed. His MyPage has been converted to a Deceased MyPage and listed on the In Memoriam Roster. If you have other Nam photos of Marvin or comments/stories, please send them in to be posted on our website.
Richard Parrish 1LT Cobra Pilot 1971-72 has an improved MyPage with a new current photo from the reunion and an MP1 of him and his flight helmet from Nam. He and other Cobra pilots were at Long Binh and sent their flight helmets to Vung Tau to have them specially painted with the Cobra Snake and hand polished lacquer. Richard donated the sword that was presented to Ray Clark at the Bowling Green Reunion.
David W.C. Hopper SP4 LOH Scout Crew Chief 1972-73 has an improved MyPage using a current photo from the Bowling Green Reunion, where he also did a video.
Bill Gausman SP4 LOH Gunner Aug 71 to Aug 72 has an upgraded MyPage with photo from the Bowling Green Reunion. Bill and Bonnie have volunteered to host the 2021 Centaur Vets Reunion.
Robert "Bob" Brady SP4 Scout Crewchief OH-23 and LOH May68 - May69 has a new MyPage using a current photo from the Bowling Green Reunion. Bob also did several videos.
Joe Don Ramey KIA page had the wrong tour dates. Changed to Nov 69 to May 70 (when he was KIA). Correction by Brent Christenson.
Brent Christenson Motor Pool SGT has a MyPage, MP's and an InfoSheet with a photo of he and his wife Jill. Brent provided a current pic for Jim Mouser and an MP2 with Johnny Rhymes and Bill Barker. That was added to Bill Barkers page
Juan Zappata Motor Pool Mechanic 1970 has a draft MyPage. Photo from Motor Pool SGT Brent Christensen.
Jim Mouser SP5 Aerorifles and Slick Door Gunner Dec 69 to Dec 70 has his MyPage upgraded with tour dates and current photo from Brent Christenson. (Jim: Are you getting the newsletter?)
Steve Borden CW2 Slick & Nighthawk pilot Jun to Sep 71. Years ago Steve wrote a letter concerning CW2 Ed "Louie" Mortimer KIA. It was in response to Ed's younger brother Dennis's girlfriend Ginnie. She wanted to know more about what happened to Louie. That letter is now posted on Mortimers KIA page InfoSheet and linked to from Steve's MyPage. David Olsen has also updated the letter on Mortimer's Together We Served page.
Frank Walker 1LT Scout Pilot Centaur 16 1972 has a new photo for his MyPage and Centuar Call Sign added. Frank helped us set up the video room and did several video stories at the Centaur Vets Day reunion in Bowling Green. Linked to a YouTube movie of Walker to his MyPage. It was made by a South Carolina TV station.
Peter Vallarante SP5 Scout Crewchief/Gunner 1972 now has a draft InfoSheet. (Peter: need more words for the InfoSheet)
Richard Stegner "Super Sarge" SGT Slick Door Gunner & Aerorifles Apr65 to Mar 68 has checked in and sent some of his Nam photos. He is close by in San Diego, so expect to be getting a current photo and more stuff from him soon.
Ron Brochu SP5 Scout Crew Chief and section NCOIC 1971-72 has his current picture and wife's name added to his MyPage. A draft Infosheet with a pic of him and Debbie is posted.
Blane K. Kirby SP5 LOH Door Gunner Aug71 to Aug 72 has an upgraded MyPage and a draft InfoSheet. His rank and tour dates are posted on the main roster. Blane and Shirley are hosting the next Vets Day reunion 2020 in Tampa, FL.
Roman Millett CPT Gun & Scout Plt Leader, and XO Jan 70 to Dec 70 has a new MyPage. InfoSheet will follow. Roman is a docent at the Seattle Museum of Flight and is preparing a formal presentation for visitors with the subject "Pink Teams in Vietnam". If you have suggestions/ideas that might make his presentation better please send him an email - One question he does have is how many troops did we typically carry on each aircraft during our Aerorifle assaults. I thought it was seven. His presentations are to begin in January.
Tom Boettcher's wife Barbara, presented a quilt of valor to Tom Dow at 2018 Vets Reunion in Ft. Leavenworth, KS. That photo is an MP on both of the Tom's MyPages.
Kenneth L. Strand (Deceased) CW2 Cobra and LOH Pilot was nicknamed "Strange Strand". We had several short stories about him on his InfoSheet; then Sam Dooling recently added a couple more. So a War Story Discussion page called "Strange Strand" has been created for him. It is listed in the War Story Discussion section and linked to from Strand and Dooling's pages.
Mike Vaughn SP5 UH-1D Crew Chief (661) Nov 66 to Nov67: Mike's great war story "Two Down" has been upgraded with some needed links and corrections:
1. Ervin Laird's MyPage had not been linked to your story.
2. SP4 Amadeo R. Lara Jr. was misspelled and therefore not linked to his MyPage Lara. We don't have an email for him. Lara may have attended the 2014 Reunion in San Antonio
3. WO FL Anderson was changed to WO Fred L. Anderson and linked to his MyPage. Also Andersons page is now linked to your Two Down Story.
4. Could the LRRP "Rose" that you mention in the story be PFC Charles Rose? We have been sending him newsletters for some time but no response. We have no pictures or other info on him.
Lynn Peterson Mobley (COL Pete's daughter) has checked in with us and reports:
"Our father is still living in his assisted living facility, and still able to get around. Though he cannot hear and has dementia, he still knows us, is happy and enjoys reading and watching people. Amazing. He has bladder cancer but the prognosis is pretty vague - it wears him out, but at 92, what would not? No pain, oddly. He is very uncomplaining, which is totally like him, I think. Anyway, a guy has moved there who claims that Dad, and I presume he includes a few other Centaurs in that, saved his life in Vietnam. A man named Tom Rash, who was with the 173rd Airborne. I could not follow all his terminology but I caught “flying dust off “ and mentioned Dad going “top speed all the time.” I believe you all flew in and got him out of something. Anyway, he says he remembers it all quite clearly. He lives in Heatherwood Retirement Community at 9642 Burke Lake Rd., Burke, VA 22015. I don’t know what your outreach is interested or active in these days. But there it is. Best wishes, Lynn Peterson Mobley."
Bruce Karn has finalized the design of the new D and F Troop Centaur Patches and has ordered the first batch. They should be available for shipping around Christmas.
Estimated cost is $1.00 each, plus a little bit for shipping depending on how many are ordered and what the postage will be.
You may contact Bruce at
His mailing address is:
Bruce Karn
383 E. 1250 N.
Brigham City, UT 84302.
CORRECTION: The John Alto/Andy Gerrie video announced in the last newsletter was not properly linked and did not play. That has been corrected.
MOVIE one - Terry Branham 1LT Cobra Pilot 1969-70, did a couple videos for us at the Colorado Springs Reunion 2018. This one is an introduction to his tour. Both are listed on the Video page of the War Stories section and linked to from his MyPage. Jackson, Chiaramonte, Holder and Craig mentioned.
MOVIE two - Terry Branham: A tribute to his good friend Rudy Parris (KIA after Nam in a terrorist aircraft bombing 12 Dec 1985). Movie is also linked to from Rudy's page. Terry's MyPage has been updated with an MP2 of his flight helmet, and a draft InfoSheet with a photo of him and Barb.
Aviation Badge - Terry Garlock - Reunions - Sihanouk Trail
1. Army Aviation Badge:did you get yours?
Tom Fleming points out an article about people being able to get Aviator Wings, who were not previously qualified to wear the wings. CLICK HERE to review this article by MSG Daniel Baeza at Aviation
Terry Garlock writes a great article and gave us permission to republish it. He was a Cobra pilot with 334th (Thanks to Larry Patterson for finding this.)
Sometimes the herd is wrong
by Terry Garlock
Published on Wed Jan 30, 2019 in The Citizen, a Fayette County GA newspaper.
Well into the autumn of my life, I am occasionally reminded the end is not too far over the horizon. Mortality puts thoughts in my head, like “What have I done to leave this world a better place?”
There actually are a few things that I think made my existence worthwhile. I will tell you just one of them, because so many of you need to hear it.
No matter how much this rubs the wrong way, I am quite proud to have served my country in the Vietnam War. Yes, I know, most of you were taught there is shame attached to any role in the war that America lost, an unfortunate mistake, an immoral war, an unwise intrusion into a civil war, a racist war, a war in which American troops committed widespread atrocities, where America had no strategic interest, and that our North Vietnamese enemy was innocently striving to re- unite Vietnam.
The problem is, none of those things are true. That didn’t stop America over the last 50 years lapping up this Kool-Aid concocted by the anti-war machine, a loose confederation of protesting activists, the mainstream news media and academia. They opposed the war with loud noise, half-truths and fabrications. They are the ones who still write their version in our schoolbooks, and their account of history conveniently excuses themselves for cowardly encouraging our enemy while we were at war. You see, having the right to protest does not necessarily make it the right or honorable thing to do.
So, yes, I am defiantly proud to have been among those who raised our right hand swearing to do our duty for our country while so many others yelled and screamed and marched, burned their draft cards, declared, ”Hell no! I won’t go!” and some fled to Canada. In that period of uncomfortable controversy, even patriots tended to look the other way when activists heartily insulted American troops as they returned
through California airports from doing the country’s hardest work in Vietnam. War correspondent Joe Galloway summed it up nicely in a column about Vietnam vets in the Chicago Tribune long ago; “They were the best you had, America, and you turned your back on them.”
To be sure, there were lots of warts and wrinkles in the war. We were fighting a tough Communist enemy, defending South Vietnam’s right to remain free. At the same time we were betrayed by our own leadership in the White House with their incompetent micromanagement and idiotic war-fighting limitations that got thousands of us killed while preventing victory. And we were betrayed by fellow citizens encouraging our enemy.
I was trained to be an Army Cobra helicopter pilot. I remember many times, with no regrets, shooting up the enemy to protect our ground troops, firing to cover fellow pilots, and firing to keep the brutal enemy away from South Vietnamese civilians. A high school student asked me last year how I deal with the guilt. I answered that I don’t have any guilt, that I was doing my duty and would proudly do it again.
When John Lennon turned the Beatles into a protest band, his song “Give Peace a Chance” was hailed as genius. Look up the inane lyrics and judge for yourself. At protest rallies, crowds of tens of thousands would raise their arms to wave in unison while chanting in ecstasy, “All we are asking, is give peace a chance!” over and over. Luminaries like Tom Smothers, presidential candidate George McGovern, writer and self- acclaimed intellectual Gore Vidal and a host of others lauded Lennon’s song and observed “Who wouldn’t prefer peace to war?”
What self-indulgent, naive stupidity!
My friend Anh Nguyen was 12 years old in 1968, living in the city of Hue, the cultural center of Vietnam. One morning when he opened the shutters to his bedroom window, a shot was fired over his head, the first he knew the enemy’s Tet
Offensive had begun. The Communists had negotiated a cease fire for their New Year holiday of Tet, then in treachery attacked on that holiday in about 100 locations all over South Vietnam.
The enemy was well prepared and they took the city of Hue. They had lists of names and addresses provided by spies, and they went from street to street, dragging from their homes political leaders, business owners, teachers, doctors, nurses and other “enemies of the people.” The battle raged four weeks before our Marines retook the city. In the aftermath, mass graves with nearly 5,000 bodies were found, executed by the Communists, many tied together and buried alive.
Anh and his family had evacuated to an American compound for protection. Anh says when the battle was over and they walked Highway 1 back to their home, the most beautiful sight his family had ever seen was US Marines lining the road, standing guard over South Vietnamese civilians. To follow John Lennon’s plea, Anh’s family and countrymen could “Give peace a chance” by surrendering to the Communist invaders, but even a mush-head like Lennon should know there are some things you don’t give up without a fight. I doubt Lennon would have understood the best way to ensure peace is to carry the biggest stick.
Want to know what causes me shame?
In 1973, when we basically had the war won, the US gave it away in a peace agreement when escape from Vietnam was the only politically acceptable option. In the peace agreement, the US pledged our ongoing financial support to South Vietnam’s defense, and pledged US direct military intervention if the North Vietnamese ever broke their pledge not to attack South Vietnam. In the 1974 elections, in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and President Nixon’s resignation, Democrats were swept into Congress and promptly cut off all funding to South Vietnam in violation of the US pledge.
Of course North Vietnam was watching.
In early 1975 when the North Vietnamese attacked South Vietnam, President Ford literally
begged Congress to fund the US pledge to intervene, and Congress refused.
The same news media, protesters and academia who had screamed against the war, firmly turned their back in 1975 and refused to notice the slaughter and inhumanity as the Communists overwhelmed the ally America had thrown under the bus. Even today, few on the anti-war side know or care there were roughly 75,000 executions, that a panicked million fled in over-packed rickety boats and died at sea by the tens of thousands, that a million were sent to brutal re-education camps for decades and also died by the tens of thousands, or that South Vietnamese who fought to remain free - and their descendants - are still persecuted to this day. Abandoning our ally to that fate is America’s everlasting shame.
We could have won that war if our military had been allowed to take off the soft gloves, but it went on far too long with no end in sight, mismanaged to a fare-thee-well by the White House and became America’s misery. Through it all, even the betrayals from home, we fought well and never lost one significant battle.
Leftists think they know all about the war and the Americans who fought it. They don’t know didley.
At the 334th Attack Helicopter Company in Bien Hoa, we Cobra pilots were 19 to 25 years old with very rough edges. We thought of ourselves as gunslingers and might have swaggered a bit. We drank too much at the end of a sweat-stained day, for fun or escape or both. We laughed off close calls with the bravado of gallows humor. We toasted our dead and hid the pain of personal loss deep inside. We swore a lot and told foul jokes. We pushed away the worry of how long our luck would hold, and the next day we would bet our life again to protect the South Vietnamese people and each other.
To properly characterize my fellow Vietnam vets, I need to borrow words from John Steinbeck as he wrote about the inhabitants of Cannery Row, and ask you to look from my angle, past their flaws, to see them as I often do, “. . . saints and angels, martyrs and holy men.” America’s best.
I am proud to be one of them because we faced evil together in a valiant effort to keep the South Vietnamese people free, doing God’s work for a little while, even though it failed by the hand of our own countrymen working against us from safety at home.
I served only half my 12 month tour in Vietnam since I was shot down in a firefight, badly injured and medevaced home. I had a broken back, legs paralyzed until after surgery then in a series of hospitals I learned to walk again. My flying days were over. Most of my brother and sister Vietnam vets spent far more time doing their duty than I did, completing one, two, three or even more tours. I learned by watching them the true meaning of loyalty, courage and trust, and I will tell their story to any who will listen.
More than any other class of people, I trust and admire the American men and women who served in Vietnam and met the test of their mettle, even the ones I don’t know. I wouldn’t trade a single one of them for a thousand leftist anti-war elites.
Everyone deserves a second chance. But for the naval-gazing flower children who remain unrepentant about encouraging the enemy we were fighting, who still smugly know all the wrong answers about us and the Vietnam War, who have never known mortal danger and didn’t give a fig when Saigon fell and the Commies made South Vietnamese streets run red with the blood of innocent people, I want to be sure to deliver this invitation before I get too old and feeble: kiss me where the sun don’t shine.
Terry Garlock lives in Peachtree City, GA.
3. Opinion Article - Reunions: by Bruce Karn
Well, fella's - Centaurs,
I have only attended two reunions for a variety of reasons (scheduling conflicts) so you can take my input for "what its worth" but I do have some thoughts on the subject. But first I would like to say that I really enjoyed the reunions I attended and the reasons I enjoyed them was because I had a chance to see some old friends and some people that I admire and owe a lot too. A to many I owe my very life! To some for their wisdom and advise and to others for their quick and sure shots!
There are some "guidelines" or thoughts I have come to appreciate at this time of my life.
1. There aren't many "command performances" I need to worry about. If I don't feel I would like to golf or attend a tour today I am fine to skip it. and if I want to golf or go on a tour it shouldn't bother anyone else. My actions and happiness don't depend on what others think or want. And their actions and happiness shouldn't depend on what I chose to do or not do.
2. It's okay to talk with who I want to talk to - well as long as they don't mind talking to me. And we should be able to talk as much or as little as we wish to. There are some folks I would like to talk to more and others that "their need to talk exceeds my interest to listen"! But I think that should be totally up to those involved. Most days I wear a Vietnam Veteran hat or something to help identify me as a veteran. I don't need anyone's approval or thanks - I wear them because I am looking for that other veteran that I can thank or bond with. I have had a lot of vets come up to me and I go up to anyone I can identify as a veteran to thank them and learn about their service. I have found folks from the grocery store to the cruise ship. Most of the time I have had great conversations. Only twice have I walked away thinking either that guy is a fraud or a basket case. And I like them all - tunnel rat to high flying jet jocks. I think the saying an old warrant officer (he seemed old at the time - maybe 30) shared with us when I was a WOC. He said "There is more virginity among prostitutes than there is rank among warrant officers. That's the way I feel about vets - I don't care what you did, what your rank was, who you served with - I respect all vets. I just have a special fondness for Centaurs!
3. One of the saddest of all stories is the story that was never told! Every once in a while I hear reported on the local news or some place that a family never knew their grandfather served in World War II or what he did. To me that is a terrible and costly mistake. And it is for three reasons
First, the veteran themselves! Keeping everything bottled up inside can be a risky thing to do! I have seen those that couldn't or wouldn't talk about dramatic things in their lives and often the results were not good. I saw that in the World War II generation in my family and with a brother that was a "snake driver" in Vietnam. The old saying of "share a joy it increases and share a burden it decreases" is true. Now my brother will talk with me because he says I understand but he won't talk with his family because he says they don't know and understand what it was like. Well, they never will if you won't share!! I have been fortunate to have a wife who wanted to know where I had been and what I had done. (She shared my burdens!) Over the years I have shared many stories / experiences with family and others. The telling may vary because the junior high girl who was assigned to interview a vet doesn't need or want the same telling that a fellow vet would understand.
Second, The family and others should be allowed to know and understand where you have been, what shaped you, what the sacrifices you and other veterans and families have made, and the debt they owe to all those that have served. For years my family begged me to write down those experiences so they would always have them so finally I wrote a book for my children and grandchildren. Perhaps it will be of value to some of them. (Some names had to be changed to protect the identity of those that didn't have a good light shining on them in my eyes).
And thirdly and perhaps most importantly, those of us that made it home (mostly in one piece) owe it to those who didn't make it back (or at least mostly in one piece) and their families to tell the story - it's their story too! (My uncle was killed in World War II and never met his little baby girl. Her entire life my cousin has has always wanted to know more about her dad and what happened to him. A couple of years ago I came into possession of some information that helped answer some questions. It has made a tremendous difference to her and her children who never knew a grandfather. It was priceless to them.
I like the reunions with any "flaws" or "imperfections" they may have. (Sure working to perfect is good but at least something is happening!) And I think telling and recording the stories / experiences must continue. It's good for the vets and it's priceless to those who will want to know what happened to their loved ones!
I salute those who work so hard to make both happen! You do have a higher cause than most of us realize. Bruce added to his MyPage
Brian "Stretch" Harrison recently found out about the Sihanouk Trail. Like many of us, you may never have even heard of it. The Sihanouk Trail was a logistical supply system in Cambodia used by the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and its Viet Cong (VC) guerillas during the Vietnam War (1960–1975). Between 1966 and 1970, this system operated in the same manner and served the same purposes as the much better known Ho Chi Minh Trail (the Truong Son Road to the North Vietnamese) which ran through the southeastern portion of the Kingdom of Laos. see the Wikepedia article
CIVO Website Newsletter
1 November 2019
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
The Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion in Bowling Green, KY begins in a few days! Hope to see you there! We all want to thank Harry Rogers and his friends for setting this up and Hosting the event.
Ray Clark CPT D Troop Commander 1969, will be attending the Reunion. He will bring some copies of his great book "Just Let Me Walk Away". (Signed copies are $26).
Ray has agreed to be our Video Director, as needed, at the Video Shoots on Sunday and Monday. The job of the Director, if the person speaking requests it, is to monitor the video as it is being taken and stop it at anytime there might be glitches, mistakes, so on. That way the issue can be discussed and the speaker can start again at that point, with any corrections that he wants to make. This makes the video story more clear and also saves me from extensive editing at a later date.
You can use a friend, your wife or nobody to be your Director, as you choose.
If you haven't scheduled your reunion video, PLEASE, email me.
Frank Dillon now has the Centaur Sharks Teeth hats and will be selling them at the Bowling Green Reunion 9 - 12 Nov 2019.
Larry D. McIntosh LRRP 1966-67 has been located in Georgetown, TN. His MyPage is updated with that and his Centaur tour dates. His email is added to the Monthly Newsletter distribution.
William L. "Bill" Gausman LOH Crewmember 1971-72 now has a draft MyPage using his current photo. If you have a Nam photo of Bill, please send it to me.
"Flashlight Mission" a TLN news article (9 Jun 1969) was located by David Olsen and is now posted in the War Stories Essay section. The Glossary has been upgraded to include "Flashlight" as a type of NightHawk mission.
Talley, Izzy and the Tree" - War Story by Jim Walt has been added to the War Stories Essay section and linked to from Jim's MyPage, also to Terry Talley and Larry "Izzy" Kellum's MyPages.
Farrell Duane Swindell CW2 Cobra Pilot 1972 now has a Deceased MyPage and three MyPagePhotos using photos provided by Ken Mick. Take a look at MP1 & see if you can identify the Captain on the far right of the photo with the 101st right shoulder patch. The photo of Ken and Farrell was added to Ken's MyPage as his MP2.
Lonnie E. Weck 1LT Pilot 1972 now has a draft MyPage made from his yearbook photo. Ken Mick provided a photo of Lonnie in a group with Mike Woods, Dan Tyner, Ferrill Swindell and an unknown CPT. That was added as his MP1. Lonnie was incorrectly listed on our roster as "Veck" not Weck". That has been corrected. That group pic has been added to Tyner's Deceased MyPage as his MP1.
Cecil Gage SP4 Aerorifle Platoon RTO 1968-69 has an upgraded MyPage with a Nam photo from Pat Carrigan's Album.
Barney "Mike" Wood SGT AeroRifle Squad Leader Mar 1967 to Dec 1968 has an updated MyPage. He was listed as Barney on all our stuff, but he goes by "Mike".
Kenneth A. Breedlove SP4 Aerorifle Platoon Medic 1968 has a draft MyPage and MP1 from a Pat Carrigan photo.
Donald "Don" Borey CPT Cobra Pilot Mar 71 - Jan 72 tells what he remembers about the action where CW2 Ed Mortimer was KIA. His comments are added to the War Story "Another Scout Killed in the Mushroom" by Steve Borden.
Randy Baisden Light Scout Platoon SGT Dec 71 - Dec 72: a photo of Randy holding his F Troop Yearbook showing signatures of his fellow troopers, has been added to his MyPage as an MP. (Signatures: Gausman, LaBore, Anderson, Rogers, Beck, Villarante)
James "Mike" Richey 1LT 1972: His MyPage and the Roster was changed to show that he goes by his middle name "Mike".
John R. McWaters 1970 - 72 thought to be in the Service and Weapons Platoon. He wrote a comment in 1SG Johnny Martin's obit. Can't find any photos of him. Last known to be from Copperas Cove, TX. If you find him please request that he contact me so we can do a Mypage for him.
New 8mm Films posted!
FILM - Gordon Eatley CW2 Cobra Pilot 1971 sends in an early 1971 8mm film taken during his tour at Lai Khe. It is posted to the "Flim" section of the "PhotoAudioFilm" section of our website. It is linked to from Gordon's MyPage and listed on the Film page of the PhotoAudioFilm section.
FILM - Bruce Powell CPT Cobra Pilot 1967-68 - 8mm film going out on air assault with Dale Dow and the Aerorifles. Early 1968. Linked to from Dale's MyPage (Deceased) and listed on the Film page of the PhotoAudioFilm section.
FILM - Ed Wolfe CW2 LOH Pilot 1970-71- 8mm film of Ed flying LOH "Proud Mary" with Crew Chief Fred Vigil, formation flying wing on their AH-1G Cobra Hunter Killer Team member. Next day was crash of "Proud Mary". see also Hunter Crew and Rescue Crew KIA. It is listed on the Film page of the PhotoAudioFilm section.
Memory Jogger: Have you looked at our Memory Jogger lately? Haven't been getting enough responses to continue maintaining it. It will be removed from the main page of the website and placed back under "Wanted" in the "Centaur Society" section. Here was the Jogger last entry:
MJ062 - (19 Oct 2019) From Bill Witt: In early to mid 1968, we had a Duce or Five Ton Truck that broke down with JP-4 on it at Go Dau Ha ARVN/Fire Support Base; I volunteered along with a Mechanic from HQ Motor Pool to go get it. We flew in an OH-23 to Go Dau Ha, THREE of us in a 23, The Pilot, The Vehicle Mechanic, and I the Rifleman. We spent that day and the next two at the compound, after three days we were ready to drive the truck and much needed JP-4 back to Cu Chi. As we waited at the main gate to join the convoy to Cu Chi the MP at the gate said the Convoy to Cu Chi is Cancelled. However, the Mechanic and I Decided to go anyway, didn't want to spend another night receiving sniper fire, dodging rockets and those Big Guns Blasting. We made it back without incident on the road that is, until we got back to the Troop area. We were proud of our accomplishments however, the command wasn't pleased with our decision to drive back without a Convoy and Air Cover. Question is does anyone remember this incident Pilot, Mechanic, or Command?
Bruce Karn WO1 LOH Scout Jun 68 - Jun 69 has taken on the project of producing some patches for D and F Troop that identify you as a Centaur, without being specific of your job. Here are the current drafts. He expects to see some samples in mid November. If you have input please contact him "Karn, Bruce" <>. Also let him know if you might want to purchase any.
How to order Centaur Hats and Shirts, in case you missed it. However, all the remaining Sharks Teeth Hats are in Frank Dillon's possession. He will be selling them at the Bowling Green Reunion.
3/4 Cav Reunion 2020 in Washington, DC - John Moore has posted the Proposed Attendance Roster for the Sep 23 to Sep 27, 2020 Reunion in Northern Virginia/Wash. D. C. Send an email to John if you are currently planning to attend.
Rex Gooch 1LT Huey Pilot 1971-72, Centaur Friend and author of the "Rescue of Lady Ace" War Story, has written a new book called The Aviator. Stories of U.S. Army Helicopter Combat in the Vietnam War, 1971-72.
This book tells the stories of pilots and crew members flying combat missions in the latter years of the Vietnam War. What makes this book unique is the after telling the story of combat action highlighting a particular person, the book tells what happened to the pilot or crew member after Vietnam—all were successful in their careers and family life.
The Aviators book is available at the following:
1. On Amazon in paperback or eBook at this link: The Aviators Book (Note: The Kindle eBook looks great with color photos)
2. Author-signed copies at the book’s website: Use coupon code AV20 for a 20% discount.
3. If you need multiple copies, send me an email. He can provide the books at a discount.
CIVO Website Newsletter
1 October 2019
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
Bowling Green, Kentucky Reunion (NEXT MONTH!!!)
Here are some of the folks who hope to attend the Vet's Day Centaur Reunion (9-12 Nov 2019):
Allen Allcock,
Bruce Anderson,
Randy Baisden,
Tom Boettcher,
Ron Brochu,
Jerry Brownfield,
Ray Clark,
Eddie Coopage,
Frank Dillon,
Cecil Gage,
Bill Gausman,
Lloyd Goldsmith,
Charles Hall,
Pete Holmberg,
David Hopper,
Joe Hoover,
Bob Jones,
Blane Kirby,
Colleen Maddox,
Steve Moss,
David Navarro,
Al Nixon,
Tom Noss,
Bruce Powell,
Buddy Ring,
Harry Rogers,
Richard Schwab,
Ron Smith,
Bob Tegelman,
Mike Vaughn,
Pete Villarante,
Frank Walker,
Bill Witt,
Barney "Mike" Wood,
Randy Woodley.
I invite each of you to contact me and commit to doing a Video at the reunion. Sharon and I will be on the top floor of the Hotel, midway (don't know the room number yet), both Sunday the 10th and Monday the 11th to do Video Sessions. Ray Clark will be there as our Director, helping us all to do better videos.
email or phone 619-823-0992. email preferred.
Your video does not have to be a big production. Just introduce yourself to the world and say a few words about your tour. Also would be nice to hear your favorite War Story.
New Video Interviews added to the website:
.....John Alto and Andy Gerrie, 1LT's Aerorifle Platoon Leaders 1966-67, team upin a video to tell us what it was like for them as very young, inexperienced Armor Officers tossed into an Infantry unit of an Air Cavalry Troop. Can't find Nam photo of Gerrie. Send me one if you can.
....."Wounded and Shot Down" - Mike Holder CW2 Scout Pilot, Centaur 18, does a second video interview at the Colorado Springs 2018 Reunion. Mike mentions CPT Richard Simmons (Deceased 13 Jun 1995). We have very little information on him and no photos. Can you help?
Index of Articles for John Alto 1LT Aerorifle Platoon Leader. John has so many videos and articles of information that there is not enough room on his MyPage to display them. So he now has a linked "Index of Articles" page. Eastes, Graham, Fleming and Marcinkowski also have Index of Articles pages.
Andrew R. "Andy" Gerrie 1LT Aerorifle Platoon Leader Feb 67 to Jul 67, now has a draft MyPage. Need Nam pic.
Timeline: The Timeline section has a total revision. We have been messing with it for years. To see it click the Timeline Navigation button on the left side of the website. If you want to read a little background on it then click the Intro button at the top of that page. Many thanks to Carl Betsill and Brian Harrison for their work on this. We have a long way to go. It is still a mess since many full articles are still in there. Each full article needs to be moved to the War Stories section and a summarized version left in the Timeline and linked. We have quite a few left to do.
Items moved from the old Timeline to the War Stories Essay section & linked to from the new Timeline using story summaries:
....."Join LRRP" - Tropic Lightning News article 22 March 1967
....."Countersigns Harass V.C." - Tropic Lightning News article 6 May 1966
....."Rifle Team Destroys V.C. Med Supplies" - Tropic Lightning News article 28 Oct 1966
....."Night Attack on Dau Tieng Airfield" - Army Reporter March or April 1967
....."Teamwork Pays off for Army Air Force" -Tropic Lightning News article 9 Oct 67
....."New Mexico Family Adopts Aerorifles" -Tropic Lightning News article 2 Dec 1966
....."Young Pham's Gift Explodes" - Tropic Lightning News article 9 Dec 1966
....."LRRP Action Ends in 4 VC KIA, One Distinguished Flying Cross" Tropic Lightning News 23 Dec 1966
....."How LRRP Scored Big in Op. 'Gadsden" Tropic Lightning News. This article is now linked to from, CPT Gary L. Hatfield, CPT Joseph Lacy, SSgt. Patrick L. Lacy, CPL Albert G. Pruden Jr., SP4 Larry D. McIntosh and PFC William J. Boyd III MyPages
Letter Home 6 July 1967: Bruce Powell's letter home concerning Iron Triangle Battles in May 67 has been posted to the War Stories Essay section and linked to from his page and from the Timeline. In it a LRRP KIA was mentioned. We will try to find out who that was and post it. Any ideas?
Gregory L. Wilson, 1LT Deceased 23 June 2013. We have VHPA confirmation of his death but very litte other info. There is a Gregory L. Wilson Obituary at, but we can't confirm that this is him. Can you help?
.....Ron Radcliffe said that it was a "Wilson" who was flying the slick that came in to help LaBore get Martindale's body on the 28 April 1972 battle. That's the day Radcliffe and LaBore did in a tank with a White Phosphorous Grenade.
.....Pete Holmberg knew Greg Wilson well. They both graduated in 1969 from the college of forestry at Colorado State University where they first met. He may have been in Pete's flight school class since they went to RVN on the same plane. He may have went to the 101st like Pete but eventually both ended up in F-4 after 101 went back to Ft Campbell in Feb ‘72. Greg DROSed in the June timeframe due to some early out opportunity. Lost contact after that.
Peter Holmberg 1LT LOH Pilot 1972, sent in better photos for his MyPage. They have been posted and he has also been linked to the Rescue of Lady Ace story.
Fix Your MyPage: Please take another look at your MyPage and see if you have some better photos you would like used instead of what is there. Just email me the photos and any other changes you would like to see. It is your page and it should look the way you want it to.
Robert B. Long CW2 Pilot 1971-72 has a draft MyPage using his F Troop Yearbook photo. He has been sent a Welcome Letter and we hope to hear from him soon.
Adrian Sipple CW2 Pilot 1965 - 1966 now has a MyPage with two MP's and a draft InfoSheet.
Michael L. Iler CW2 pilot March 1966 to Mar 1967 (Deceased). Nine long lost photos were located and turned into a Photo Album linked to his deceased MyPage, and listed in the Photo/Slides section of PhotoAudioFilm. One of his photos was used to create a rough draft MyPage for William V. Carroll.
William V. Carroll CW2 pilot 1965 to Mar 1967 (is that right?) now has a rough draft MyPage using a photo from the Mike Iler photo album.
James Clyde Spears CW2 Pilot D Troop, 1966 from Riverview, AL died 23 September 2018. In Aug 2018 we mistakenly had him listed on our Deceased roster and the Cav had him in their Fiddlers Cove section. Turned out to be a mistake and had to be corrected. We were never able to get in touch with him. Then recently his Obituary was found and his now listed in our Deceased section with a link to his Obit. An MP3 was added to his page from the Mike Iler Album.
Gary Portas SP4 Aerorifles and Heavy Scouts Door Gunner Mar 67 to Mar 68. Bob Taylor is working on that..
Bob Taylor provided two Heavy Weapons Platoon group photos that were added to his MP's. They were also linked to the MyPages of all the men in the photos. Can you identify the people marked unknown? Also what is Johnson's first name? And Stiles first name? We had an email address forJohn K. Hart <> but it doesn't work. Please get him intouch with me.
John K. Hart, Heavy Scout Crewman 1967-68 has a rough draft MyPage using Bob Tayor's Group Photo.
Richard A. Honyoust SP5 Heavy Weapons Platoon 1968 has a rough draft MyPage using a photo from Bob Taylor
Arived Hardenbrook SP4 Heavy Weapons Platoon 1967 has a rough draft MyPage using a photo from Bob Taylor.
Richard A. Bell CPT(Promotable) F Troop Commander Jun to Jul 1971. No photo available but his name is now linked to his Info Sheet. Randy Jones remembers him and makes comments. Do you remember him or the incident at the Iron Triangle where CW2 Mortimer was killed? Says Joel Andres (Flt Surgeon involved) may give us more details (copied Andres)
Farrell "Funnell" D. Swindell CW2 Cobra Pilot 1972 Centaur 55 (deceased 25 Aug 2014). We cannot find any photos of him. Look thru the 1972 Yearbook and see if you can spot a photo of him. We have an InfoSheet in place of a MyPage until we get a photo.
John D. Dismer CW2 Heavy Scout Gun Pilot Mar 1966 to March 1967 - John Moore sends photo (purple heart society) and bio. A MyPage has been created for him with an InfoSheet. A Welcome email was sent to him. Hope to hear from him soon.
Richard Kline SP4 1972 - Found a note from Rick in 1SG Martin's obit. Sent him a Centaur Welcome email and hope to hear more from him. A draft MyPage has been made using his Yearbook photo.
Stephen C. Moss CPT Cobra Pilot 1972 to Mar 1973 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from the Yearbook. He has a link to the Rescue of Lady Ace Story. Steve may attend the Centaur Vet's Reunion this year.
Donald L. Jameson 1LT Aerorifles 1970-71 recently retired and his company requested to be unsubscribed from our newsletter. I ask them to contact him for us. They did and he contacted me!! and we sent him a Centaur Welcome email. No word back yet.
Jerry Wright 1LT Aerorifles, not on our Roster. He was listed in our old files as the Aerorifle Platoon Leader 1965, therefore not considered a Centaur unless he went to Vietnam in some other capacity. Dwain Adkins remembers him. We know that John Alto was the Aerorifle Platoon leader that took the unit to Nam. So what happened to Jerry Wright?
We do have a 1LT Gerald L. Wright, pilot 1967, listed, but our email address for him is not valid. Shows him from Mesa, AZ. Get his email for us if you can.
Randy Meade's photo album was not linked to from the Photo/Slides page. Now fixed.
Troop Commanders list from War Stories Discussion has been updated with information found on 25th Inf Div website (that info is noted at the bottom of the Discussion Page).
Centaur History of the M60 Machine Gun - You remember the great research article Michael Peake did on the 40mm Grenade Launchers in our History section. Well Mike has begun gathering detailed info and experiences with the M60 Machine Gun to do a similar article on it. How did you use/modify it? Successes and failures?
......He has the data from the War Story Discussion "Door Gunners and Their Weapons".
......Please send your stories, comments, ideas to Mike and copy me. "Peake, Michael" <> Thanks
Centaur Shirts and Hats are available for order from Christine Dow Smith. Item #59 in the Help/Answers section of the website has the details.
Marshall Huckaby's article "ICE" presents some serious information for all us old veterans.
You need to have an In Case of Emergency (ICE) Folder to asset your survivors for when you answer the final roll call.
At a recent Ranger Rendezvous I was enjoying the company of my LRRP Commander from Vietnam, 1966 (Mark Ponzillo). At the Friday Night Banquet we laughed and talked of old times and about things we still wanted to do. Little did I know that two days later I’d be helping his family find his records, forms, and information necessary to arrange for his service and for the financial well-being of his wife.
I found his DD-214, VA File number, and DFAS (Defense Financing and Accounting Services) information, so we had enough information to arrange his service. The task now was how to notify the appropriate agencies for his SBP (Survivor Benefit Plan), her VA DIC (Dependency and Indemnity Compensation), and his Social Security.
Some things the funeral home can and does asset with, but some things are no so easy! For instance…how do I contact the VA for her DIC? I can find the forms, but how do I report his passing? DFAS DFAs has an on-line process, just Goggle..”How to report a Veteran’s Death”! I finally found a number to call and luckily I found a VA person who was understanding and willing to assist. After a few minutes, he had enough data to get her a packet in the mail. The same for DFAS.
There are a number of things I’ve learned in the past couple of years dealing with the passing of family members and this recent experience. For one thing, I learned that in Georgia that your joint bank account just may not be! There is (in the cases I was working with) a place on one of the bank forms for “Right of Survivorship”. Again, this was my experience, but the bank account could be locked if there is no right of survivorship which allows the surviving party to have full access to the account. I got with my banks and convinced them to “please check” as they were arguing that it was automatic. They came back, apologized and explain that in Georgia, the form must be checked for “Right of Survivorship”. Now I am not giving legal advice, only telling you of my experience.
So what should in your ICE folder?”
(1) You need a copy of your DD-214;
(2) A copy of your DFAS pay information;
(3) Social Security information;
(4) A document with your VA File Number if you are drawing disability;
(5) What you want your service to be...cremated, in-ground burial, etc…you can even indicate you want on your headstone;
(6) Have a listing of people you want to be notified;
(7) Bank and Credit Union information;
(8) Security and Gun safe combinations, and,
(9) An updated will.
Maybe even a picture you would want publicized. I’ve even know of guys who wrote their own obituaries.
I realize you may have told your wife all this stuff, but what if someone other than your wife is handling your affairs. In some States if you do not have a “good” will, the State can and might attach your assets!
So the next time you are thinking of showing your neighbor how to do a PLF (Parachute Landing Fall) off your garage…or before you say…”here hold my beer and watch this!”…get your ICE Chest properly stocked ( no…not the one with your beer in it”…the other one).
Be prepared!
If you want a copy of the checklist, do a "Screen Capture" with your keyboard and then Print. All computers can do this. If you have problems, search for "Screen Capture" in Google.
Techno Babble (AutoPlay Videos): When you go to any of our Centaur videos, they should automatically begin playing. If it doesn't automatically play with your browser (i.e. you have to click the play button to make it work), you can change that. For example, the Firefox browser has a default that does not allow movies and audio to play automatically, even if programmed to do so. It can be changed by going into the Preferences of Firefox (upper right corner), clicking on "Privacy and Security", finding the word "AutoPlay" and clicking the "Settings" button to the right of it; then click "Allow Audio and Video". Email me if you have problems.
Techno Babble (Play Videos Full Screen): The Centaur videos are coded to play Full Screen on your computer (HTML5 Video), but you have to request it by clicking a full screen button somewhere on the video screen within your Browser. It is much better to watch our videos in full screen. We have added more details on how to do this at item 58 in the Help/Answers section of the website. Email me if you have problems.
CIVO Website Newsletter
4 September 2019
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
"The more we learn about our Centaur Brothers, the prouder we get"
Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion 2019: Time to start getting excited about going to the reunion in Bowling Green, Kentucky on Vet's day 9 to 12 November 2019. It is only 2 months away. Need to get planning. At our ages just how many more opportunities will we have to meet, shake hands, and tell war stories with our amazing Centaur Brothers. Send Harry Rogers an email ( and click here to register for your room at the preferred rate that Harry has set up for us. Need to do it now!
When emailing Harry Rogers about the Centaur Vets Reunion, please copy Frank Dillon (, who is assisting him.
Video Interviews:The Centaur Videographer (me) plans to be there to video record a short session with each of you who might agree to do one. They are simple, short, with no cost or obligation to you. Your video is edited and presented to you for your approval before being published on our Centaur Legacy website. Your face, your voice, your stories will become part of the living legacy of our unique combat unit. It will be archived for future generations to see. Please don't miss out this great opportunity.
(take a look at some of the 200 videos we already have on the website)
Will you do a video? For the Video Interviews to work I need to hear from you in advance of the reunion. Depending on the response that you provide me, a schedule will be prepared that will have the day and time that you agree to be there for the shoot. Location of the Video room in the hotel will be announced later. The schedule will be designed to not interfer with the other reunion activities. Please email me soon!
Volunteer helpers? Let me know if you would like to help out in some way with this project.
Here is a list of people who have either committed or are at least planning to attend the reunion:
Allen Allcock
Bruce Anderson
Randy Baisden
Tom Boettcher
Ron Brochu
Jerry Brownfield
Frank Dillon
Bill Gausman
David Hopper
Joe Hoover
Bob Jones
Blane Kirby
Colleen Maddox
Steve Moss
David Navarro
Al Nixon
Bruce Powell
Buddy Ring
Harry Rogers
Rick Roll
Ron Smith
Bill Steinbeck
Bob Tegelman
Mike Vaughn
Pete Villarante
Frank Walker
Randy Woodley
Possible Centaur Website confusion: The Newsletter, with its hyperlinks directly into the pages of the website (blue underlined text), has made it so easy to find things that some folks don't know how to get into the website on their own. Here is how:
.....1. Open your browser on your phone, iPad or computer.
.....2. Type in and click
.....3. Add this site to your bookmarks.
.....4. If you wish to help us grow the influence of our site on the web, please log in frequently and view a few things. Websites with a lot of activity get more attention from search bots (like Google) and therefore are more likely to show more Centaur website pages in their search results. This increases the chances, of someone searching for Vietnam information (like a lost Centaur), to discover our site.
Website Updates and Corrections
Roy T. Walker MSG, Troop 1SG 1972, died 28 September 2013. He now has a Deceased MyPage and updated InfoSheet with Obituary.
Don Hamuel Ware SP4 LOH Crewchief 1971-72, (KIA 20 Feb 1972) has an MP2 provided by Richard Schwab
Marshall Huckaby SSG, Centaur LRRP now lives in Perry, GA. Please read more about your fellow Centaur and be grateful that we have such a great man as our brother. He works tirelessly to find and bring in our lost LRRP Centaurs; he helps with the 3/4 Cav Reunions and the Centaur Website. He has a vey distinguished military career with three tours in Nam; Valor awards and Four Purple hearts (was bayoneted in hand to hand combat); Marshall, a retired 1SG, was inducted into the Georgia Military Veterans Hall of Fame in November 2018. Photo added to his InfoSheet.
James M. "Jim" Richey, 1LT Slick pilot 1972 has checked in. We hope to get more info from him soon.
Aubrey D. Dismukes, CPT Maintenance and LOH Scout Pilot has checked in and now has a draft MyPage. Aubrey flew with Blue Max his first tour then went to Maintenance school and on to F Troop. He was the Maintenance Officer a few months. Did OH-6A qualification at net team in Vung Tau, then was a Scout Pilot (LOH) in the Scout Platoon (call sign Centaur 10). More info on him at the Purple Heart website. We will continue to build his MyPage as he sends us more photos and information.
Oscar Thoreson, MAJ Troop Commander 1967, died 31 August 1996 (age 63), now has a draft MyPage based on a photo from Frank Delvy. Also has an InfoSheet based on info from VHPA.
Charles F. O'Connell III, CPT Cobra Pilot 1971-72 has an upgraded MyPage with current photo and InfoSheet with photo of he and his wife. Chuck is now linked to the Rescue of Lady Ace story. Hope to hear more from him.
Fred "Andy" Anderson (Fritz?) Check out this obituary and let us know if you think this is our Fred Anderson: CLICK HERE. (or
Paul Fegal Service Platoon has a rough draft MyPage from an Allen Allcock photo. Can you tell us anything about him? Is Fegal correct, or might it be Fegel?
John E. Dobash SP5 LOH Scout Observer Gunner, KIA 25 April 1969, now has a group photo with him & Jim Walt added to his MP's. Photo also added to Jim Walt's MP's. John's InfoSheet has been cleaned up and a photo added.
Bill Steinbeck SP5 Motor Pool 1971-72 has an upgraded MyPage with current photo. Bill and his wife Jaunita have their photo on his draft MyPage.
Peter "Pete" Holmberg 1LT LOH Scout Pilot 1972 checked in and provided a current photo for his MyPage. Pete had a great military career ending with him retiring as a full Colonel and starting (and still running) a Dive shop in South Puget Sound, WA (South Puget Sound Scuba). See a photo of he and his wife Mary, and more information on his new InfoSheet
James E. Tatko 1LT Pilot 1966-67 now has a draft MyPage using a High School Graduation photo provided by John Moore. Do any of you 1966 guys remember him? Have a photo? Check out more information at his new InfoSheet.
Randolph W. "Randy" Jones CW2 Cobra Pilot 1970-71, has provided a current photo for his new MyPage. Randy stayed in the Army and retired from his great military career as a CW5. You may remember, from his InfoSheet, his Silver Star citation for courageous actions in 1993 at Mogadishu, Somalia.
Hugh Sandy McLeod 1LT Cobra Pilot has an improved MyPage showing that he was the Armament Officer and a Cobra Aircraft Commander. The photo of he and Randy Jones has been added as an MP1.
Steve Moss CPT Cobra Pilot 1972-73 has checked in and is planning to join us at the Bowling Green Reunion. Steve lost all his Nam photos. Might you know of a Nam photo of him? We do have the yearbook photo.
Troop Commanders List: This is a new War Stories Discussion page. The men who served as Troop Commanders for both D and F Troops are listed as best we know. Please review this page and provide any info that you can. For example: who was the Signal Corps MAJ who took the Centaurs to Vietnam?
Combat Radio Usage is a new War Story Discussion page. Imagine the trouble we would have been in if we had not had such a tremendous array of radios to communicate with and the men to keep them working. I'm afraid that many of us took them for granted. Time to learn more about them all, including many things we didn't even know then.
Dropbox (large file transfer service) has been dropped from favor by CIVO:
Brian "Stretch" Harrison, a CIVO Director, has provided a solution for all of us to handle the transfer of large documents, photos, or folders of data to the Webmaster. It is an easier and more secure method.
Dropbox was an early tool for sharing files quickly but unfortunately it takes a techie at both ends to set up and use safely and correctly…
Dropbox usage instructions have been deleted from the Centaur website Help/Answers section and replaced with what Stretch has set up for us.
Here is how it works:
1. CLICK HERE to go to the special Google Share Folder. The sole purpose of the folder is to allow the transfer of large files between Centaurs/CentaurFriends and the Webmaster. note actual HTML address is: https:/
2. Drag and drop a picture, or a folder of pictures, into the web browser window and Google uploads it to their cloud. The original(s) files stay on your computer.
3. Send an email to the Webmaster (or recipient) to let them know the file is ready for download.
The recipient can then go to this same folder and right-click on a picture, or a folder of pictures and choose where to download them on their computer (downloads folder, desktop folder, etc.). The folder can be deleted then to save space in the Google folder.
Note that anyone, with the link above, can add or delete anything, so the contents are not permanent by design (only used for transport). The original(s) files stay on your computer
Stretch has dropped a folder of his pictures into the shared folder above. Feel free to delete one of the pictures as a test, and upload a picture or a folder of pictures of yours as a test. Depending on internet speeds it may take a minute or so to finish an upload or download. Give this a try and let Stretch know if you have any questions.
Side Note: If anyone wants some permanent view-only folders (no delete allowed) just let me know and I’ll be glad to set up: Here’s an example (different link) - CLICK HERE or
You should only be able to view - and not delete - these :-)
To contact Stretch, send email to: "Harrison, Brian" <>
Mark Ponzillo Military Interment: by Marshall Huckaby
My 25th Infantry Division LRRP Commander (RVN 1966) and good friend, LTC (Ret) Mark Ponzillo Jr., was interred on July 31st, 2019 in the Georgia National Cemetery, Canton, Georgia. The service was well attended and was worthy for a departing warrior.
There were many SF and LRRP Veterans in attendance, but the most moving event was the honor presented by the 75th Ranger Regiment, followed by a Huey fly over.
The Huey Flyover arranged for Mark's Internment was coordinated by Donnie Brown. His moving comments of the event are shown below. Marshall
I would like to share a recent event of an Honor Flight for LTC Mark Ponzillo at the Georgia National cemetery in Canton Ga.LTC Ponzillo was a member of Special Forces, LRRPs, MSOG and served 3 combat tours in Vietnam Nam.He received Silver Star, Purple Heart, Legion of Merit with cluster and many other medals, he also had a Master Parachutist badge. Quite a Soldier. He was a native of New York but lived his final days in Thomasville Ga. Our flight crew for this mission was Jack McCormick Pilot,Dave Rayburn co-pilot and Warren Taylor crew chief. I was the ground control guy .This particular day our ground radio was broken so we had to use cell phone text as our communication .I arrived to the site ahead of time and did a quick recon and spoke with Jack about our plans. We did a text test for timing and it was instantaneous so we were ready to go. As the everyone was preparing for the interment I positioned my self for a clear view of the aircraft and nothing to do but wait I watched as the Army color guard and bugler practiced for the up coming event. Patriot Guard Riders were also there and I watched as they too prepared for LTC Ponzillo, then there was a film crew as well. Jack had told me he would fly in North to South turn right and come back over West to East with a blade tilt and salute on the way out. I confirmed this with the film guys. My next thing to do was to coordinate the actual fly in time. Jack had sent me a text that he was orbiting two and a half minutes out. David Dunlap was the service Director and a personal friend of the Ponzillo family. He would be the final speaker and would give the surprise announcement that a Huey would be flying over. At that time the crowd would come out from the pavilion and face north to see the approaching Helicopter. I sent the Text calling the flight crew in and it failed. I sent it again and by now the folks are coming out to see the Huey. I'm thinking seconds seem like minutes. Come on guys please say you got my text. Then Dave sends me a confirmation their two miles out. I look down at the crowd looking North. You could have heard a pin drop and then I hear THAT SOUND ,you know that faint whop of the blades as it gets closer it gets louder ,their coming to take us out sound.I could see the faces of the family and friends and knew they understood .It was as if we were taking the LTC out. Couldn't help it tears ran down my face. Jack, Dave and Warrens flight in was perfect I felt honored to be there and a strong since of pride for the flight crew. These honor flights touch the families and friends and are a privilege for all of us. I've had the good fortune to be part of the flight crew in the air and to give a perspective as ground support is a heart felt moment I'll always remember . No the timing wasn't as I planned it but that minute and half pause and anticipation was magical. I wish LTC Ponzillo's family and friends the very best and thank him for his service to our country. Sincerely Donny Brown
Is the VA the end of the road for my medical problems?
Maybe not. The VA is not the end of the road for veterans! There is an alternative.
(A possible lifesaving article by Tom Meeks)
.....Did you know that you are eligible to go to the best hospital in the world? It is the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota).
.....What is the Mayo Clinic?
The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing.
Anyone can request an appointment at Mayo Clinic. If a physician referral is required, the appointment staff will advise you. Some insurers require referrals, or may have additional requirements for certain medical care. All appointments are prioritized on the basis of medical need.
Compassion is at the heart of this very amazing organization. At Mayo Clinic, unhurried, comprehensive evaluations offer the best chance of healing and getting back to your life. Over 1 million patients from 140 countries every year will attest to that.
When you seek care at Mayo Clinic, a multidisciplinary team of experts works together to ensure all your needs are met and all your cancer treatment options are considered
.....How can you become a patient of the Mayo?
1. Call them at Central Appointment Office: 507-538-3270. ...
2. Submit an Online Request for an appointment at Mayo Clinic's campus in Minnesota using their online form.
3. Ask your Doctor to help you.
.....More Information: The Mayo Clinic is 129 years old. William Worrall Mayo, M.D., a frontier doctor, settled his young family in Rochester, MN, when he was appointed as an examining surgeon for the Union Army during the Civil War. In the 1880s, his sons, William and Charles, finished medical school and joined his medical practice.
It has grown into a nonprofit hospital system with campuses in Rochester, Minnesota; Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona; and Jacksonville, Florida. It also has multiple smaller clinics thru out MN, WI, IO, IL, SD & NC. It employs at its main campuses 63,000 people, including more than 4,500 physicians and scientists and 58,400 administrative and allied health staff, as of 2018. Mayo Clinic receives about $634 million in research funding from the government, foundations, industry groups and benefactor gifts. As of 2012, Mayo Clinic's research personnel included more than 3,000 students, allied health personnel, physicians and medical scientists. Two years running, 2018 & 2019 it was named the best hospital in the United States.
Yes, your insurance is probably accepted at the Mayo; and if it isn't, they do a lot of Pro Bono (free) work. Here are some: Contracted insurance plans, Medicare, Medicaid. Tricare/Champus, HMOs. Other insurance types such as disability insurance, motor vehicle insurance, prescription card plans and workers' compensation.
Get on it right away; get yourself the care you need.
CIVO Website Newsletter
6 August 2019
remember to click on the blue underlined text for more information and photos
The Blessing of Combat Camaraderie: Why do we spend so much time, effort and money to continue to build the Centaur Legacy Website? It is hard for some to understand how feelings from a half century ago can still be so strong. I wish I had the capability to fully express my thoughts in the elegant manner of former Marine Michael Norman:
"I now know why men who have been to war yearn to reunite. Not to tell stories or look at old pictures. Not to laugh or weep. Comrades gather because they long to be with the men who once acted their best, men who suffered and sacrificed, who were stripped raw, right down to their humanity.
I did not pick these men. They were delivered by fate. But I know them in a way I know no other men. I have never given anyone such trust. They were willing to guard something more precious than my life. They would have carried my reputation, the memory of me. It was part of the bargain we all made, the reason we were so willing to die for one another.
I cannot say where we are headed. Ours are not perfect friendships; those are the province of legend and myth. A few of my comrades drift far from me now, sending back only occasional word. I know that one day even these could fall to silence. Some of the men will stay close, a couple, perhaps, always at hand.
As long as I have memory, I will think of them all, every day. I am sure that when I leave this world, my last thought will be of my family and my comrades...such good men."
Mark Ponzillo CPT LRRP Commander 1966-67 has died (14 July 2019).
.....His name has been added to the In Memoriam/Deceased page. His Obituary has been linked to his MyPage.
.....Our great friends and comrades in the initial LRRP unit (1966-67) and the following units of F Troop, 50th and 75th Rangers have lost their greatest hero and founder.
.....Those of you who worked with Mark in combat can send me your memories to be posted on his InfoSheet. Please do this.
.....Let us show our respect for this great warrior by taking the time to reread his amazing story about how he single handedly built the LRRP Unit for the 3/4 Cav and the 25th Inf Div; and did it all within our Centaur unit. See Chapter 10 page 133- 145 of Carl Burn's book "Centaurs In Vietnam". Also watch the 23 minute video that he did for us at the Nashville Reunion in 2012. What a story! What a man.
Marshall Huckaby, LRRP, Centaur & Mark's close friend sends us this report: Mark Ponzillo was laid to rest with full military honors at the Georgia National Cemetery. A detachment from the 75th Ranger Regiment served as poll bearers and escort. They also honored Mark with the playing of taps and a rifle salute. The service was conducted by a Young Ranger Chaplain Captain. He was tremendous. It was truly dignified and respectful. David Dunlap, son of LRRP James Dunlap, arranged for a UH-1 Fly-by and salute by the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation. It was a fitting conclusion to the ceremony that a Huey should be present at Mark's internment. The wop-wop of the Huey's blades are definitely the soundtrack of our lives !!!!! (please take the time to review Marshalls MyPage and links. He is a LRRP extraordinaire)
New CIVO Director: Thomas "Sam" Dooling CW2, LOH and Cobra Pilot 1969-70, was nominated to become a member of the Centaurs In Vietnam Organization (CIVO) Board. He has accepted (19Jul2019). A new group photo of all 13 Directors has been posted to the website in the Contact Us section.
Understanding our Board of Directors Concept:
.....We are not a federally registered formal organization (someday maybe). We operate as a committee with no designated leader, equal authority, consensus decisions, and level of mutual respect formed by our combat brotherhood.
.....Our Directors are not figureheads, or selected for their rank or social status. They are all workhorses. They have the job because they believe in the Centaur Legacy Mission (the recorded history of the Centaur units as told by the men) and are willing to spend the time, money and effort to make it happen.
.....If you take a look at all the Centaur tour dates of the Directors, you will notice that nearly every tour of all Centaurs (1966-1973) is represented:
Hand Salute: The CIVO Directors would like to thank Mike Holder for his selfless work in helping fellow Centaur Chester Stanley through some real tough times. Mike doesn't just talk about Brotherhood, he lives it.
George F. Schmalhofer 1LT 1969-70. The email address we have for him doesn't work <>. Anyone in contact or remember anything about him?
Couples Photos to InfoSheet: Lin Riniker and Marty Jenkins sent in photos of themselves with their wives which are now posted on their InfoSheets. You should do this too if you haven't already.
William M. McConnell 1SG F Troop 1972, deceased 3 January 2008, has been added to the Centaur Roster. He had served in the Korean War and did three tours in Nam. When 1SG Johnny Martin was killed, MSG William M. McConnell became the First Sergeant of F Troop. He had been in that position only days, when on a mission where he was coordinating a Search and Rescue, he was seriously wounded. He now has a Deceased MyPage and InfoSheet. Some thought the Slick that he was in was in that new UH-1H that we don't even have a record of (Serial Number starts with 71-xxxxx). Dan Miller might send some photos and info. Maybe it was MAJ Kermit Larson's C&C bird flown by Pappy Jones.
Memory Jogger 051 - (9 Jul 2019): From Frank Dillon: the 71-xxxxx (tail number not known) Slick was a replacement for MAJ John Spencer’s 881 Slick that had an engine failure and was slung back to Tan My minus the tail boom. Could this be the one that Dennis Hogan is flying in his MP2 photo? Someone said that John Spencer said it was Pappy Jones who took the 1971 Slick out and brought it back with 80+ bullet holes in it. We assume that was when 1SG McConnell was wounded. (We need info/photos on this and on McConnell)
Joseph S. Bowen CPT Operations Officer 1973 now has a draft MyPage using a photo from Dennis Hogan. We have a bad email address for him: "Bowen, Joseph" <>. Maybe you can help? Last known address was: Ozark, AL 1972-73
Paul F. Hutson PFC Aircraft Armament Repairman 1967 was the unknown in Memory Jogger MJ011 (photo by Terry Vaughn). He has been identified by Doug Olsen and Harold Deist and a MyPage created with two MP's from Doug Olsen's Photo Album.
Herman W. "Bill" Witt SP4 Aerorifleman and Door Gunner 1967-68 has his Cobra photos posted to a Photo Album linked to from his MyPage and from the PhotoAudioFilm section. Can you identify any of the Maintenance guys in the photos of his Photo Album?
Bruce E. Anderson SP4 Door Gunner & Crew Chief for LOH Scouts March to September 1972 has an improved MyPage with Nam photo and an InfoSheet with a picture of he and his wife Joan. Bruce was Gunner for Ron Radcliffe when he wounded on 23 May 1972. He was with Fred Ledfors when he was shot down on 20 Jun 1972. We need more information on those two incidents.
Robert "Butch" Glenn PFC Aerorifleman 1969 contacted us and now has an InfoSheet. We hope to hear more from him and maybe get some photos.
Hal Hebert SP5 Crew Chief Heavy Scouts 1967 has an InfoSheet that you should read. Maybe you can add some details to his list of memory snippets. A photo of Hal and his wife Patricia has been added. (do you have your wife up on your InfoSheet Yet?)
John B. Scott PV3 Aerorifleman 1967 has a very rough draft MyPage made from Herman Witt's MP6. Need info and a better photo.
Dennis Mike Hogan CW2 Slick pilot 1972-73 now has an InfoSheet and a couple photos of destroyed enemy tanks from near Wunder Beach which were sand dunes South of the Twin Steeples (Location/Photos?). He also mentioned the term "Tennessee Valley", South of the A Shau Valley. Do you remember any of these names/locations?
Dennis also provided a VHPA Reunion pic (from 90's) of he and Hayden "Pappy" Jones. It has been added as an MP to each of their pages.
Gary M. Portas SP4 Heavy Scout Door Gunner 1967-68. Hal Hebert contacted Gary and Sally by phone. We sent them a Welcome email and hope to hear back from them. Gary's name is mentioned several times in Powell's Gun Platoon Notes (1967).
Richard E. Bernier, LOH Scout Crew Chief, Centaur 12a, 1970-71 has checked in looking to contact his pilots Sparrow and Broadbent. No MyPage or photos yet. Hope to hear more from him soon.
Richard Parrish has moved to Kentucky. His MyPage is updated.
James F. "JC" Carnathan CW2 LOH Scout Pilot has a newspaper article from August 19, 1970 (The Tampa Tribune) added to his InfoSheet. Article was found by John Moore. Eric Brethen is in contact with JC and hopes to help him get more info and photos to us.
Henry H. "Rick' Roll 1LT D Troop (Air), 3rd Sqdn, 5th Cav, Heavy Scout Gunpilot 1967 has been added to the Centaur Friends Roster. He has a MyPage and InfoSheet. He trained with the Centaurs in 1967 for a couple months. Rick is a lifetime member of the VHPA and reunion organizer for his unit the Crusaders. He added his email address ("Roll, Rick" <>) in case any Centaurs would like to talk to him.
Jan C. White SP4 LOH Crew Chief 1970-71 has an upgraded MyPage. Jan and his wife Trudy own “Dat Cajun Place” restaurant in Panama City Beach, FL. Jan crewed LOH's Proud Mary and Sweet Cream Lady.
Michael A. Norris LRRP 1966-67 has a rough draft MyPage and MP1 using a photo from Bill Boyd's album
Charles Loher LRRP and C model Gunship Doorgunner has a rough draft MyPage and MP1 using a photo from Bill Boyd's album. He is also now linked to Powell's Unfinished Letter War Story where he is mentioned as a Door Gunner.
Robert "Wayne" Ayres CW2 Assistant Operations Officer 1970, now has a draft MyPage. We will continue to search for more info on him to do an InfoSheet.
Update to the "Rescue of Lady Ace" July 1972 article by Rex Gooch:
.....USMC CPT Alan Zygowicz CH-46 pilot has been added to the story. Alan also has a Centaur Friends page that includes a VHPA reunion photo of him with Centaurs. His InfoSheet tells of his part in the battle and his text has also been added to the Rescue of Lady Ace War Story.
.....Terrance W. Hawkinson CW2 Cobra Pilot, deceased 1 January 1996. No photos but we have created a draft MyPage using his grave stone. Some one must remember him? Photos?
.....Ferrell Duane Swindell CW2 deceased 25 August 2014. His name is now linked to an InfoSheet/Obit. Need photos.
.....Many names that were not linked to their MyPages have now been properly linked.
.....If your name is shown on this War Story page, would you please send in any comments or other information that you might remember.
Can you help us find photos and information on these men mentioned in the Lady Ace story:
.....Centaur names mentioned in the story that are not on our roster;
..........CPT Stephen C. Moss Cobra Copilot - Bensalem, PA
..........1LT James Hogg - Aerorifle Platoon Leader
..........SP4 Jerry Evans - Slick Gunner
..........SP4 Mathew Mano - Slick Crew Chief
..........SP4 Paul Sofia - Aerorifleman
.....Centaur names that are on our roster but no information or photos:
..........1SG Gilbert Carrasco - Platoon SGT on that mission
..........SGT Richard L. Dyer - Squad Leader
..........SP4 Johnny M. McReynolds - Slick Gunner
..........SP4 Edward Sodja - Rifleman
Centaur Personal Weapons:
.....Lin Riniker Armament Repairman 1972, has taken on the task of writing the personal weapons section of the Website (History/Equipment/Ordnance/Personal). We have many photos and stories that could be worked in to the new article. Our published war stories could be linked where appropriate.
.....There is much already on our website, but the site has gotten so big that it would be hard for one person to find all the photos and stories that could be used. Hope you can help by sending your ideas and information directly to Lin.
.....A few things that come to my mind besides the history of the officially assigned weapons:
..............I carried a Winchester 12 Gauge pump shotgun and a frag grenade flying OH-23's in 67. Found it to be useless in flight but gave me comfort in case I went down.
..............John Gough Heavy Scout CE insisted on carrying a Swedish K as his backup. During an engagement over the Cholon area of Saigon, when it became necessary to use, it immediately jammed. See Gough MyPage, MP2
..............When TJ Lange Heavy Scout Crew Chief needed a backup weapon on a hot mission, he grabbed Jeff Halliday's M16 from the back of the pilots seat. TJ never realized that many of the pilots never spent any time at all cleaning their personal weapons. It jammed on him in a life and death situation. see story.
..............As Cobra Pilots we initially carried the Colt 45 or the 38 in a shoulder holster; or some had it attached to their Chicken Plate. The M16 just didn't have a place in that small cockpit. When the CAR 15 came out it was a prized weapon; small, deadly and accurate.
..............Our Huey Door Gunners prided themselves in their care, maintenance and innovative ideas for their M60 Door Guns. It might be better to have a different article that just covers our Door Gunners and their M60s.
..............Since our Aviation unit had organic infantry and LRRPs we can include their weapon stories and photos.
40mm Grenade Launcher Variations: A discussion of possible different variations of the 40mm has been posted to the bottom of the 40mm Grenade Launcher History page.
20mm Cannon page of the History section has some comments added by Lin Riniker and Richard Parrish.
Added to Glossary: ECB, Mini-Cav, Eagle Flight, Scramble, Anti-Torque, Anti-Torque Failure, RPM's, Break-Break, Will Comply, Copy That, Going Hot, Deadman Trigger, Fox Mike, Counter Mortar Standby, Gunship, Gun Team, Door Gun, SOI, XM-21, XM-16
Boonie Hats War Story Discussion page is updated with comment from Powell's Gun Platoon Notes.
......This is now a new Discussion Page in our War Stories section. We have a great Avionics page in our History Section, showing photos and describing the radios that the Centaurs used in combat. But there is much more to this story. How and where the radios and various components were used is the additional story.
......Look over the discussion so far and add your remembrances to this page (email me).
Scramble the Guns:
.....In 1966-68 the Troop Operations used a siren to alert and launch (scramble) the standby Gunship support team. As I recall the Oogha Horn was used to scramble one of our on standby Slicks for a Medevac operation.
.....What are your memories? What was used in later years?
Memory Jogger: Don't forget to review the Jogger frequently since things are entered in there long before the newsletter comes out.
.....We have three yearbooks posted on our website (go to the PhotoAudioFilm section and scroll to the bottom). They have been extrememly useful. 1970, 1971 & 1971-72
.....A big project that has yet to be started is going through and Identifying all the photos and replacing the BS captions with actual names. Editing the names into the online version of the Yearbook to replace the BS ones will be a challenge, but would be well worth it.
.....It would save me a lot of work if one or two men from that era took on the task, exchanging emails, starting a text file of names vs BS captions. I would then take the final product and update the YearBooks. Any takers?
Reunion Video Interviews Colorado Springs 2018:
.....Harlan Gray Sparrow III tells of the VC Monkey
.....Mike Holder tells of his tour and the men he flew with
.....The movies are linked to from each man's MyPage and from the War Stories Video page. More to come.
The concept of Hyperlinking words, phrases and acronmyns to make our stories more understandable for our many non military viewers.
......Hyperlinking means to add computer code to a word, phrase or image. This allows a user to click on that item and be taken to another location, like a glossary or something presenting more information. Text items are identified as having that code by being colored blue and underlined.
......More and more folks are viewing and enjoying our website. The most common problem however is that our military language, even our specific Centaur terminology, often confuses them and causes them to loose interest in the article.
......Adding parenthetical phrases of explanation within the text and adding descriptive photos helps a lot. It is very time consuming to do that.
......Our main solution has been to use Hyperlinking where a reader can click on any blue underlined text to get a Glossary definition, get more information on a person mentioned or go to a War Story. A lot of work, yes, but well worth the effort to keep our viewers coming back.
......It was pointed out to me that I was a terrible offender of not explaining things in my letters home. My friends and folks at home seemed to enjoy them, but I have to wonder if they really had any idea what I was talking about most of the time. So I decided to work on just one letter that has been up on the site forever called "Unfinished Letter-1967", just to see how much work it would be to make it better with Hyperlinks. It took several days to do the thirty plus links and to write definitions for the Glossary.
......Those of you who want to make your stuff on the website better, email me with specifics, photos, definitions and corrections. I will make time to work with you on those additions.
Centaur Cobra Shark Teeth Hats:
.....They are in production. Price per hat is $28 plus shipping. All profits will go to the Dale Dow Scholarship program.
.....To order email Christine Dow Smith at Give her your address and number of hats and she will figure out the shipping costs.
.....Many thanks to Don Phillips for designing and getting the hats produced; Frank Dillion for loaning the funds to get the operation going; and Christine Dow Smith (Dale's daughter) for donating her time to take the orders and do the shipping.
Your MyPage, InfoSheet and Photos: Take a look at what we have up on the website for you. Let's make it better. Send me corrections, upgrades, photos, war stories and write about your Centaur Tour if you haven't already. I promise we will get it up quickly.