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Map Index Page

Centaur Area of Operations Maps
Click on the appropriate map to see it full size - also see Dan Miller's map - Get 1:50,000 Topo Maps
see also Areas of Operation, Google Interactive Map of Centaur Events -- Google Mapping, Accuracy and Specific Locations






Full Map
(South Vietnam)
Also see: F Trp Area in I Corps -- D&F Trp Area in III Corps -- Finding Specific Centaur Places --
- Using Google Maps - - Get free Topographical Maps -




F Trp (Air), 4th Cav Area of Operation
(Northern I Corps)
Also see: D&F Trp Area in III Corps -- Finding Specific Centaur Places --
- Using Google Maps - - Get free Topographical Maps -

MapI  corps.
























D Trp, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div Area of Operation
(D and F Troop - Southern III Corps)
Also see: F Trp Area in I Corps -- Finding Specific Centaur Places --
- Using Google Maps - - Get free Topographical Maps -












Dan Miller's map circling the F Troop (I Corps) Areas of Operation.see his notes




Mushroom, Top Hat & Loach Alley



