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Adkins, Dwain
Crew Chief 444 (64-66)
Gunship Crew Chief of Heavy Scout 444. Came over with unit from Hawaii
Adkins, Dwain
Crew Chief 444 (64-66)
Tells of Door Gunner Permer Sales and the Boa Constrictor
Adkins, Dwain
Crew Chief 444 (64-66)
A tribute to CPT Frank Delvy, Troop Commander and Gunship Platoon leader
Adkins, Dwain
Crew Chief 444 (64-66)
Explains the use of Chicken Rods on the M60 Door Guns of Gunships.
Adkins, Dwain
Crew Chief 444 (64-66)
Dwain Adkins Gunship Crewchief (1964-66) talks about getting to Nam and some memories of MAJ Lynn Askins
Allcock, Allan B. "KC"
Maintenance (69-70)
Maint Plt SGT; Jim Rodgers giving nickname; Scary Hootch Maid; Downed LOH rescue, left alone; Mounting gun systems - Twin 60'; Monkey Strap; Falling out
Allcock, Allan B. "KC"
Maintenance (69-70)
Maint Plt SGT; Tells the story of how the Centaurs Veteran's Day Reunion started and has grown.
Allcock, Allan B. "KC"
Maintenance (69-70)
Maint Plt SGT; tells of a great day with the Orphanage at Cu Chi.
Allcock, Allan B. "KC"
Maintenance (69-70)
Maint Plt SGT; talks about Tom Shirley and other great pilots he worked with
Allen, Stanley E.
Crew Chief (69-70)
NightHawk CE; Mounting Xeon light on Huey; First mission - Unusual crew; FSB at night - KC was gunner - First time shot at; Bad Ammo; Hot brass down the neck, Wade, PIC Steven J. Zorger
Allred, Lloyd B.
AeroRifles (66-67)
This is a 10 min version of the video interview Lloyd did with the National Veterans History Project (54 Min).
Alto, John F.
AeroRifles (66-67)
A friend of John's, Tyson Richards, helped him put together this movie/slide show of Christmas at Cu Chi 1966
Alto, John F.
AeroRifles (66-67)
Background; Ft Knox; Delvy CDR/Pilot; Diversity of Platoon; Gen Weyand; LRRP; Blowing up 105 rds; Peterson; Dunbar firing while calling for permission
Alto, John F.
AeroRifles (66-67)
Tells of the crash of a Little Bear Slick in the Centaur Corral and talks about the uniqueness of the Air Cavalry Troop.
Alto, John F. & Andy Gerrie
AeroRifles (66-67)
John and Andy talk about their experiences as the first two Aerorifle Platoon Leaders

Altenhofen, William G.
AeroRifles (67-68)

DVD - Joining the platoon. Alto; Nixon; 1st mortar attack; 7 truck drivers to platoon.
Altenhofen, William G.
AeroRifles (67-68)
DVD - Silver Star action west Trung Lap; 29 July 67; Fleming introduces

Altenhofen, William G.
AeroRifles (67-68)

30 Jan 68 Recovering bodies from Hobo Woods Battle; Fleming;Stone; Inexperienced CPT; Pickett;Suialinoa;Mabry;Jackson; Warner;Collins; NVA LT Prisoner; CPT pulls rank

Anderson, Bruce
LOH Crew Chief (71-72)
Teams with Harry Rogers to tell of their tour and the NVA Flag incident
Andres, Joel
Flight Surgeon (71)
Teams with Harlan Sparrow to tell of their tour and the Cav Medical Detachment. SSG Vickers and Randy Love. Xray machine?
Arthur, Rick
Hog Pilot (67-68)
DVD - info will go here
Arthur, Rick
Hog Pilot (67-68)
DVD - info will go here
Arthur, Rick
Hog Pilot (67-68)
DVD - info will go here
Arthur, Rick
Hog Pilot (67-68)
Info will go here
Bacon, Cary
Cobra Pilot (70-71)
Cobra Pilot 1970-71 who transitioned from D Troop to F Troop
Baisden, Randy
LOH Scout Crew Chief (72-73)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 Lady Ace Mission 11 July 1972 - with Pete Holmberg
Baisden, Randy
LOH Scout Crew Chief (72-73)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 Quack Quack at Tan My Airfield 1972
Banks, Michael
Scout & Slick Pilot (66-67)
Introduction (OH-23/Cau Dai Temple/Col Pete)
Banks, Michael
Scout & Slick Pilot (66-67)
Flying Slicks (LRRP/Squires/Hatfield/Prosser/Fisher/Bridges)
Banks, Michael
Scout & Slick Pilot (66-67)
Crewmembers (Beasley/M. Vaughn)
Barger, Lewis & Burns, Carl W.
Gun Pilots (66-67)
San Antonio Reunion - The Demise of Pancho Villa
Beasley, Herbert "The Rev"
Door Gunner Slicks (65-67)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Aerorifleman and Slick Door Gunner
Beasley, Herbert "The Rev"
Aerorifleman (65-67)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Attack of the Red Ants
Betsill, Carl
Avionic Mechanic (71-72)

San Antonio - AH-1G Cobra Avionics problems

Borey, Donald "Don"
Cobra Pilot (71-72)

Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 Sapper Attack at Lai Khe July 1971

Borey, Donald "Don"
Cobra Pilot (71-72)

Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 Sapper Attack Revenge 1971

Borey, Donald "Don"
Cobra Pilot (71-72)

Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 "Centaur Max" Cobra - 1971

Borey, Donald "Don"
Cobra Pilot (71-72)

Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 "Oops, almost a bad landing" - 1971

Borey, Donald "Don"
Cobra Pilot (71-72)

Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 "The Unit Move that never happened" - 71

Borey, Donald "Don"
Cobra Pilot (71-72)

Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 "Cobra IFR at night. Weather Incidents" - 71

Bossory, David
Crew Chief Hog Gunships (1966-67)

Colorado Springs Reunion (2018) telling of his tour 2:03 Min

Bossory, David
Crew Chief Hog Gunships (1966-67)

Colorado Springs Reunion (2018) telling of his Claymore Mine experience 2:34 Min

Bossory, David
Crew Chief Hog Gunships (1966-67)

Colorado Springs Reunion (2018) telling of damaging his ship on a People Sniffer mission 3:00 Min

Bossory, David
Crew Chief Hog Gunships (1966-67)

Colorado Springs Reunion (2018) talking about his close friend and crew chief Joe Dalcour 3:55 Min

Brady, Robert "Bob"
Crew Chief LOH Scouts (68-70)

Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 introduction 3:00 Min

Brady, Robert "Bob"
Crew Chief LOH Scouts (68-70)

Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 Shot Between The Eyes 13:08 Min

Branham, Terry W.
Cobra Pilot (69-70)

Colorado Springs Reunion (2018) telling of his tour 7:10 Min

Branham, Terry W.
Cobra Pilot (69-70)

Colorado Springs Reunion (2018) Tribute to Rudy Parris 12:20 Min

Buford, W & Williams, John
Crew Chiefs (66-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Buford, Walter
Crew Chief (66-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Burgess, Leland "Smokey"
Light Scout Pilot (67-68)
Info will go here
Burgess, Leland "Smokey"
Light Scout Pilot (67-68)
Info will go here
Burns, Carl W.
Gun Pilot (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Burns, Carl W. & Barger, Lewis
Gun Pilots (66-67)
San Antonio Reunion - The Demise of Pancho Villa
Buxton, Clarence "Buck"
Service Platoon Ldr (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Buxton, Clarence "Buck"
Service Platoon Ldr (67-68)
San Antonio Reunion - Early morning mission prior to Hobo Woods Battle
Byrd, Dwain & Dunbar, Bob
Crew Chief & Pilot (66-67)
Harrisburg Reunion - OH-23G Light Scout War Stories
Clark, Norman W. "Norm"
Door Gunner Hogs (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Clark, Norman W. "Norm"
Door Gunner Hogs (67-68)
Info will go here
Clark, Norman W. "Norm"
Door Gunner Hogs (67-68)
Info will go here
Clark, Norman W. "Norm"
Door Gunner Hogs (67-68)
Info will go here
Clark, Norman W. "Norm"
Door Gunner Hogs (67-68)
Info will go here
Clark, Raymond Kenneth
Troop Cdr & XO (1969)
Bowling Green Centaur Reunion 2019 - Tells of his tour
Collins, John
Aerorifles (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Cooke, Walter D.
Light Scout Pilot (67-68)
At home in Beaver,UT Oct 2013. Tells of the outstanding reputation that the Centaurs had with the men of the 25th Division.
Cooke, Walter D.
Light Scout Pilot (67-68)
At home in Beaver,UT Oct 2013. Talks about his hero LTC Otis, Squadron Cdr
Cooke, Walter D.
Light Scout Pilot (67-68)
At home in Beaver,UT Oct 2013. Tells how LTC Otis stood up for his pilots.
Cooper, Harlin T.
Maintenance Platoon SGT (63-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Cooper, Harlin T.
Maintenance Platoon SGT (63-67)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Tells of training days in Hawaii before deployment
Cowell, Bainbridge "Bain"
Fwd Artillery Observer (66-67)
DVD - Info will go here
Cowell, Bainbridge "Bain"
Fwd Artillery Observer (66-67)
DVD - Info will go here
Cowell, Bainbridge "Bain"
Fwd Artillery Observer (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Cowell, Bainbridge "Bain"
Fwd Artillery Observer (66-67)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Tells of the Village of Ben Suc (Opn Cedar Falls)
Craig, Jack
Cobra Pilot (68-69)
San Antonio 2014 - The Mark Jackson KIA Story
Crawford, Gerald T.
Crew Chief (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Dillon, Frank
Avionics Mechanic (1971-72)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 shows how the F Troopers were moved all over the country.
Dow, Dale
AeroRifle Cdr (1968)
DVD - Info will go here
Dow, Dale
AeroRifle Cdr (1968)
DVD - Info will go here
Dunbar, Bob & Byrd, Dwain
Pilot & Crew Chief (66-67)
Harrisburg Reunion - OH-23G Light Scout War Stories
Eastes, Charles "Pat" "Juaquin"
Gun Pilot (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Eastes, Charles "Pat" "Juaquin"
Gun Pilot (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Eastes, Charles "Pat" "Juaquin"
Gun Pilot (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Eately, Gordon
Cora Pilot (1971)
Video of airfield at Lai Khe
Eberhardt, Bill
LRRP (68-69)
San Antonio - His tour as a LRRP and a mission story
Fegette, Tim
LOH Crew Chief (1968-69)
San Antonio - His tour getting shot down and wounded.
Filiatreault, Jim
Slick Pilot (1968-69)
San Antonio - Tells of a hair raising night LRP extraction. Mike Galloway, and LRRP's Daniel Nate, Warren Nycum.
Filiatreault, Jim
Slick Pilot (1968-69)
Part four of the An Duc Extraction story (4 Nov 68)
Fisher, Harold R.
AeroRifle Cdr /Trp XO (1967)
Nashville - Info will go here
Fisher, Harold R.
AeroRifle Cdr /Trp XO (1967)
San Antonio - his part in the Battle of Soui Tre (LZ Gold) Mar 1967
Fleming, Thomas E. "Tom"
Troop Commander (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Fleming, Thomas E. "Tom"
Troop Commander (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Fleming, Thomas E. "Tom"
Troop Commander (67-68)
Nashville -Hobo-1 Description of events leading up to the TET 1968 Truce Recon Mission of 25th ID covering the plan of mission execution by D Troop.
Fleming, Thomas E. "Tom"
Troop Commander (67-68)
Nashville - Hobo-2 Discusses participation in the command and control of the rescue of the survivors of the Aero Rifle Platoon on 29-30 January 67 by 2nd 27th Infantry, their subsequent debriefing and departure.
Fleming, Thomas E. "Tom"
Troop Commander (67-68)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Tells about the big move from the old Centaur area to the new one in December 1968
Forringer, Bob
LOH Scout Pilot (69-70)
Harrisburg Reunion - 2016 - Introduction and first mission
Forringer, Bob
LOH Scout Pilot (69-70)
Harrisburg Reunion - 2016 - Tail rotor failure and capture of NVA equipment.
Forringer, Bob
LOH Scout Pilot (69-70)
Harrisburg Reunion- 2016 - Big Bird strike
Forringer, Bob
LOH Scout Pilot (69-70)
Harrisburg Reunion - 2016 - LOH with mounted 40mm Cannon
Gardner, William P. "Woody"
Crew Chief Hogs (66-67)
DVD - Info will go here
Gardner, William P. "Woody"
Crew Chief Hogs (66-67)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Tells Centaurs about the great value in doing a video interview for the Centaur Legacy Website.
Gardner, William P. "Woody"
Crew Chief Hogs (66-67)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Tells about the Peanut Patch that Cu Chi Base Camp was built on.
Gausman, William "Bill"
LOH Crew Chief (71-72)
Bowling Green, KY Vets Reunion 2019
Gerrie, Andy & John Alto
AeroRifles (66-67)
Andy and John talk about their experiences as the first two Aerorifle Platoon Leaders
Gouge, Glen
LOH Scout & Gunships (68-68)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018
Graham, Robert L. "Bob"
Operations Officer (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Gray, Johnny
RadioOperator/Observer (69)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018
Hatfield, Gary
UH-1D Pilot (65-67)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Introduction Video
Hatfield, Gary
UH-1D Pilot (65-67)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - LRRP Extraction 1 Feb 1967
Hatfield, Gary
UH-1D Pilot (65-67)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Tribute to MAJ Myron "Mike" Squires
Hatfield, Gary
UH-1D Pilot (65-67)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Trip to Nam on the USS Gordon
Headley, Jerry
B Troop Commander (68-69)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Cavalry Squadron Camraderie (w/Joe Owen)
Headley, Jerry
B Troop Commander (68-69)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Battle near Angel's Wing Jan 1969 (w/Joe Owen)
History Video
The Flechette Warhead
In the History/Equipment/Ammunition section - 2:58 min
History Video
Battle of the Hobo Woods
Video from the History Channel covering 29 Jan 1968 Battle
Hoag, Jim
Crew Chief LOH & Cobras (70-71)
San Antonio Reunion Movie.
Holmberg, Pete
LOH Scout Pilot 1972

Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Lady Ace Rescue Mission 11 July1972. Video w/Randy Baisden

Holder, Michael
Light Scout Pilot (69-70)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Tells of his tour & men he flew with
Hoover, Joe
Crew Chief Slicks (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Introduction - 26 sec
Hopper, David W.C.
Slick Crew Chief (72-73)
Bowling Green Centaur Reunion 2019 - Tells of his tour & men he flew with
Huff, Steve
Company Clerk (66-67)
San Antonio Reunion Movie.
Hurtt, Dennis
Light Scout Pilot (66-67)
San Antonio Reunion Movie. "Rescued by the 3/4 Cav".
Jarvis, Jerry
Crew Chief Hog Gunship (68-69)
San Antonio Reunion Movie. Arriving in Nam on the day TET 68 began
Jenkins, Marty
Light Scout Pilot (69)
Phoenix (Mesa) Arizona 2022 Centaur Vets Day Reunion - Marcinkowski
Jenkins, Marty & Walt, Jim
Light Scout Pilot & CE (69)
Nashville - Info will go here
Jerdon, John (A Troop)
Tank Commander (67-68)
San Antonio Reunion Movie.
Johnson, Charlie
Gun Pilot Hogs (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Jones, Gary
LOH Scout Pilot (1969)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Gary tells of his Centaur tour, getting wounded and finishing his career in the National Guard. 11:49 min
Jones, Robert "Bob"
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Mesa Arizona Centaur Reunion 2022 - Bob shows his 8mm Film shot from the front seat of his Cobra. 5:24min
Jones, Robert "Bob"
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Bob's Introuction
Jones, Robert "Bob"
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - It's a Small World
Jones, Robert "Bob"
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
News Report VHPA Reunion 2015 - Bob is interviewed.
Karn, Bruce R.
Light Scout Pilot (68-69)
Nashville - 2012 Reunion. Go Dau Ha Bridge Story
Karn, Bruce R.
Light Scout Pilot (68-69)
Nashville - 2012 Reunion. Tthe An Duc Extraction story (4 Nov 68)
Karn, Bruce R.
Light Scout Pilot (68-69)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022. My Mentor CPT John Whitehead
Karn, Bruce R.
Light Scout Pilot (68-69)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 Cobra saves LOH crew
Karn, Bruce R.
Light Scout Pilot (68-69)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 After An Duc IFR
Kennedy, Thomas H.
Asst Maintenance Officer (71-72)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - The many moves of F trp; The Blues; 20mm Cannon; Found on Post
Kloppel, Ken
Slick Pilot (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - His Introduction Video - 2:48 min
Kloppel, Ken
Slick Pilot (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - KIA's and Tough Decisions Video - 3:05 min
Kloppel, Ken
Slick Pilot (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022- How he got his "Bear" nickname Video - 55 sec
Kramarczyk, Mike
Door Gunner Slicks (65-66)
Did Shotgun program before D Troop. He talks about Pyburn and Squires. (1:37 min)
Kreil, James "Jim"
Light Scout Pilot (69)
Harrisburg Reunion Video
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
DVD - Initial stories told at Tucson Reunion/AC 462 "My Baby"/ Loosing cargo door in flight/ Tail Rotor repair mistake.
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
DVD - Bloody Stickem Up story from Tropic Lightning News/video of TJ & Pat Eastes telling the story.
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
Intro to D Troop/Sam the Monkey/Orientation Class/in Maint a month/KP duty/Hardworking Cooks/Shit burning detail/Pallet sidewalks.
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
Getting assigned to 462/Cleaning up Blood/Great door gunner Paul Davidson/Chicken Rods/Fixing M60's/Hell hole.
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
Bloody Stickem Up story retold/Jump into elephant grass & mud/Grenade tossed/all crew wounded/jammed M16 rifle/minigun results/spray bullet hole.
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
Tells of times he & 462 went down/got new engine
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
"The day I Screwed Up"/lost cargo door in flight/mistake installing new tailrotor
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
Short stories: AO Erp Training area/C-Rations 7 JP4 stove/Free Fire Area - shooting sampan/Nui Ba Den/Chicken rods/shot in landing light gear/TET 68/Award ceremony/Rearm explosions/xmas 68 cover/R&R/bleeding tooth/Pilot misoriented/Saigon scrounging/Jiffy Pop/Sniper night firing/My awards
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
The enemy rocket that killed LT Jim Moore.
Lange, Thomas Jay "TJ"
Crew Chief Guns (66-68)
Hobo Woods battle 28 Jan 1968
LaRich, Nick
Crew Chief Maint Recovery (67-68)
Info will go here
Larson, Warren
Aerorifle Platoon (68-69)
Part one of the An Duc Extraction story (4 Nov 68)
Lilly, Lee
Service Platoon (67-68)
Info will go here
Marcinkowski, Garrett "Moose"
Opns Off, XO, Cobra Pilot (68-69)
San Antonio Reunion Movie (2014). "Nighthawk"
Marcinkowski, Garrett "Moose"
Opns Off, XO, Cobra Pilot (68-69)
San Antonio Reunion Movie (2014). "Bombs"
Marcinkowski, Garrett "Moose"
Opns Off, XO, Cobra Pilot (68-69)
Part two of the An Duc Extraction story (4 Nov 68)
Martin, Roger
Slick Pilot & Opns (1968-69)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Introduction video
Martinez, David R.
LRRP-Aerorifles (1967)
Nashville - Info will go here
Messina, Jim
Maintenance (67-68)
8mm Film - Flight of Cobra 540 "Crazy Bruce"
Meeks, Thomas V. "Tom"
Gun Pilot (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Meeks, Thomas V. "Tom"
Gun Pilot (67-68)
KARE TV - Heart Transplant success - Thanksgiving Nov 27 2014 Meeks meets family whos' son gave him his heart.
Meeks & Williams, Rick
Gun Pilots (67-68)
Nashville - The Texas Flag incident - Early 1968
Miller, Dyke
Sqdn S2/3, A Troop Commander (1966)
Nashville - Info will go here
Monohan, Joe
Sqdn S4, A Troop Commander (63-66)
Nashville - Info will go here
Mosenthal, William "Bill"
Aerorifles Platoon Leader (67-68)
DVD - Iron Triangle incident. LTC Shea
Mosenthal, William "Bill"
Aerorifles Platoon Leader (67-68)
DVD - Audio only - Battle of Hobo Woods 29 Jan 68. Audio from History Channel interview with Bill
Moss, Mel
A Troop Commander (68-69)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 -
Moss, Mel
A Troop Commander (68-69)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Craig Peterson crash - Tim Verver - John Moore
Moss, Mel
A Troop Commander (68-69)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Flying with Craig Peterson
Nishimura, Rodney "Rod"
A Trp, 2nd Platoon Leader (67-68)
San Antonio - tells how Centaur Doc Halliday saves his life.
NIxon, Alvin "Al"
Aerorifles (66-67)
Movie created from his 8mm movie film of Nam.
Odom, Gerald A. "Jerry"
Light Scouts Plt Leader (68-69)
Nashville - Info will go here
Odom, G & Rogers, Dennis
Light Scouts Pilot & CE (68-69)
Nashville - Info will go here
O'Keeffe, James "Brian"
A Troop Medic, (68-69)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2008 - Introduction
O'Keeffe, James "Brian"
A Troop Medic, (68-69)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2008 - The PFC Flores KIA 25 Mar 1969
Olsen, Doug
Crew Chief Guns (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Olsen, Doug
Crew Chief Guns (67-68)
At home 1. Burning rocket motor caps and can of beans - 1967
Olsen, Doug
Crew Chief Guns (67-68)
At home 2. After the service Doug started his own business in Marquam, OR
Olsen, Joyce
Crew Chief Guns (67-68)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Doug's wife Joyce tells of their heart warming experience in the middle of the Vietnam protests at University of Oregon.
Otis, Glenn K.
Sqdn Commander (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Owen, Joseph K. "Joe"
Scout Platoon Ldr (68-69)
Nashville - Info will go here
Owen, Joseph K. "Joe"
Scout Platoon Ldr (68-69)
San Antonio - Remembering Chuck Weseman (40 sec)
Owen, Joseph K. "Joe"
Aerorifle Platoon Ldr (68-69)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Cavalry Squadron Camraderie (w/Jerry Headley)
Owen, Joseph K. "Joe"
Aerorifle Platoon Ldr (68-69)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Battle Angel's Wing Jan 1969 (w/Jerry Headley)
Owen, Joseph K. "Joe"
Aerorifle Platoon Ldr (68-69)
Part three of the An Duc Extraction story (4 Nov 68)
Parrish, Richard T.
Cobra Pilot (72)
Bowling Green (2019) - Introduction & Hand Painted Helment
Parrish, Richard T.
Cobra Pilot (72)
Bowling Green (2019) - Mess Officer and SFC Frank Price Mess Sergeant
Parrish, Richard T.
Cobra Pilot (72)
Bowling Green (2019) - Reassigns himself from 187th to F Troop 4th Cav
Peed, Charles R.
Avionic Mechanic (64-66)
San Antonio - tellsl of his tour as an interpreter and Avionics Mechanic
Peters, Eugene "Gene"
A Troop Gunner, Observer (1968)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - The Battle for Tay Ninh August 19 Aug 69
Peterson, James M. "Jim"
Troop Commander (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Phelan, John
A Troop Tank Driver (69-70)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Gets wild ride with Centaur
Phillips, Don
Cobra Platoon Leader (70-71)
San Antonio - Talks of Camp Freznil Jones and Lai Khe
Pixton, William "Bill"
Cobra/Slick Pilot (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Introduction video
LRRP Commander (1966)
Nashville - Info will go here
Powell, Bruce A.
Gun Pilot (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Powell, Bruce A.
Gun Pilot (67-68)
Shooting the Slide (Louge) off of Nui Ba Den (2016)
Powell, Bruce A.
Gun Pilot (67-68)
8mm of "White House" Hootch in Troop Area
Powell, Bruce A.
Gun Pilot (67-68)
8mm of Centaur Corral and Tay Ninh, McQuire Rig, 40mm Chunker
Powell, Bruce A.
Gun Pilot (67-68)
8mm of Combat Rules Volleyball in the Troop Area
Powell, Bruce A.
Gun Pilot (67-68)
8mm video with Dale Dow on Aerorifle Search and Destroy
Prosser, Eugene
Troop XO (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Rice, Charles M. "Charlie"
Light Scout Plt Leader (68-69)
DVD - Info will go here
Rice, Charles M. "Charlie"
Light Scout Plt Leader (68-69)
DVD - Info will go here
Richardson, Larry
Slick Crew Chief (67-68)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 -
Rogers, Dennis & Odom, Jerry
Light Scouts CE & Pilot (68-70)
Nashville - Info will go here
Rogers, Dennis
Light Scouts CE & Pilot (68-70)
San Antonio - Follow up on being shot down with Odom story
Rogers, Harry
Light Scouts CE & Gunner (71-72)
Bowling Green (2019) -
Rogers, Harry
Light Scouts CE & Gunner (71-72)
Teams with Bruce Anderson to tell of their tour and the NVA Flag incident
Rospert, John G. "Jack"
Service Platoon & CE (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Rospert, John G. "Jack"
Service Platoon & CE (66-67)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016
Rudick, Larry
Cobra & UH-1 CE (71-72)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018
Siegel, Michael D. "Mike"
Slick Pilot (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Shaffer, Bill
C Troop Cdr (68)
San Antonio - The heroics of Craig Peterson Centaur pilot
Shaffer, Bill
C Troop Cdr (68)
San Antonio - Centaur Gunship support. Rick Williams/Bob Taylor AudioTape
Siegel, Michael D. "Mike"
Slick Pilot (67-68)
2014 At Home - The aircraft FM Radio mystery
Slater, Reggie
Crew Chief Guns (66-67)
Harrisburg Reunion - His first experience with Gunships
Slater, Reggie
Crew Chief Guns (66-67)
Harrisburg Reunion - His first person story of the Centaur's first KIA
Smith, Dean
Crew Chief OH-23G (66)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - From Hawaii to Vietnam
Sparrow, Harlan Gray III
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - His introduction to Vietnam
Sparrow, Harlan Gray III
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Story "Wrong Turn in III Corps"
Sparrow, Harlan Gray III
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Story "The VC Monkey"
Sparrow, Harlan Gray III
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Colorado Springs Reunion 2018 - Story "F Troop 4th Cav"
Sparrow, Harlan Gray III
LOH Scout Pilot (71-72)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022. Teams with Joel Andres to tell of their tour & the Cav Medical Detachment. SSG Vickers & Randy Love. Xray machine?
Squires, Myron E. "Mike"
Aerorifles Commander (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Stanley, Chester F.
LOH Cre Chief (69-70)
San Antonio - About his tour and encouraging Centaurs to attend the reunions
Stanley, Chester F.
LOH Cre Chief (69-70)
San Antonio - tells of his friend and Pilot In Command Andy Elliott
Stegner, Richard
Aerorifles & Tunnel Rat (66-67)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Red Peppers, Water Bufffalo & Red Ants
Stegner, Richard
Aerorifles & Tunnel Rat (66-67)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 - Tunnel Rat & Aerorifles
Stenehjam, George
Troop & Sqdn Commander (66-67)
DVD - Info will go here
Stuckey, Fred B.
LRRP (68-70)
San Antonio - tells of the great Centaur air support he received
Taylor, Robert F. "Bob"
Crew Chief Guns (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Taylor, Robert F. "Bob"
Crew Chief Guns (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Taylor, Robert F. "Bob"
Crew Chief Guns (67-68)
DVD - Info will go here
Tegelman, Robert N "Bob"
Aerorifleman (65-66)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - Aerorifleman Tour
Tegelman, Robert N "Bob"
Aerorifleman (65-66)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - "The Listening Post"
Tegelman, Robert N "Bob"
Aerorifleman (65-66)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - "The Downed Chinook"
Tegelman, Robert N "Bob"
Aerorifleman (65-66)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - "The Centaur Memorial Trailer"
Tegelman, Robert N "Bob"
Aerorifleman (65-66)
Harrisburg Reunion 2016 - "Attack of the Red Ants"
Tegelman, Robert N "Bob"
Aerorifleman (65-66)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion - "Aerorifle Ambushes" 2:57 min
Tegelman, Robert N "Bob"
Aerorifleman (65-66)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion - "Blowing up VC Tunnels" 1:17 min
Thomas, Richard W. "Dick"
Service Platoon Leader (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Thomson, Marvin M. "Mark"
Track Driver A Troop (1967)
Info will go here
Toomey, Gerald "Jerry"
LOH Observer (1968)
Harrisburg Reunion - Light Scout Observer
Tucker, Gene
LRRP (1966)
San Antonio - One of the original 1966 LRRPs tells his story
VanRie, Stephan "Steve"
Crew Chief Stable Boy (1969)
Nashville - Info will go here
Vaughn, James "Mike"
Crew Chief Slicks (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Vaughn, Terry L.
Crew Chief Slicks (66-67)
Slide show (video) of photo's that Terry took during his tour
Vaughn, Terry & Williams, Willi
Crew Chief Slicks (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Vera, Jose F.
LRRP/Aerorifles (1967)
Nashville - Info will go here
Tank Crewman A Trp (1968-69)
Harrisburg Reunion - Craig Peterson crash
Walker, Westley "Frank"
Light Scout Pilot (1972)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 -
Walker, Westley "Frank"
Light Scout Pilot (1972)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 - Scout Tactics
Walker, Westley "Frank"
Light Scout Pilot (1972)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 - Scout Leaders
Walt, James R. "Jim"
Light Scout Observer (1969)
Nashville - Info will go here
Walt, Jim & Jenkins, Marty
Light Scout L.Observer & Pilot (1969)
Nashville - Info will go here
Ward, Richard "Dick"
Cobra Pilot (69-70)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 The Odom/Rogers/Lalli Rescue 6 July 1969
Ward, Richard "Dick"
Cobra Pilot (69-70)
Mesa, AZ Centaur Reunion 2022 Vertigo in the Monsoons - 1969
Watkins, William R. "Bill"
Aerorifle Platoon (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Watkins, William R. "Bill"
Aerorifle Platoon (66-67)
Harrisburg 2016 - My new 2LT (Alto)
Watkins, William R. "Bill"
Aerorifle Platoon (66-67)
Harrisburg 2016 - The Punji Pit
Whitehead,John & Williams, Rick
Gun Pilots (67-68)
Harrisburg 2016 - The Military Justice System in Vietnam
Williams, Willi & Vaughn, T
Crew Chiefs Slicks (66-67)
Nashville - Info will go here
Williams, Fredrick F. "Rick"
Gun Pilot (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Williams, Rick & Meeks, Tom
Gun Pilots (67-68)
Nashville - The Texas Flag incident - Early 1968
Williams, Rick & Whitehead,John
Gun Pilots (67-68)
Harrisburg 2016 - The Military Justice System in Vietnam
Witt, Herman "Bill"
Aerorifles (67-68)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 - Getting to the 25th Inf Div
Witt, Herman "Bill"
Aerorifles (67-68)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 - Checkmate Mission
Witt, Herman "Bill"
Aerorifles (67-68)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 - Battle Hobo Woods aftermath
Witt, Herman "Bill"
Aerorifles (67-68)
Bowling Green, KY Reunion 2019 - Pointman
Wolfe, Ed
Scout Pilot (70-71)
8mm video of his LOH "Proud Mary"
Wood, Barney
Aerorifles (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Wood, Barney
Aerorifles (67-68)
Part five of the An Duc Extraction story (4 Nov 68)
Wood, Barney
Aerorifles (67-68)
2019 Centaur Reunion video.Talks about Checkmate missions and mentions Chieu hoi, Witt, Gage and Larson.
Woods, Mike
Cobra Pilot (71-72)
Introduces himself from his home in Palm Desert, CA
Wright, Daniel "Dan"
XO C Troop (67-68)
Nashville - Info will go here
Cav Reunion 2014 Slideshow Movie
San Antonio, TX
Some movies and photos at the reunion
Cav Reunion 2016 Slideshow
Harrisburg, PA
Some photos at the reunion and other MyPage pictures of those attending
Vets Reunion 2019 LOH Crews
Bowling Green, KY
The Phu Bai Group from Sep 1972 gather to welcome everyone to the next Centaur Veteran's Day Reunion in Tampa, FL Nov 2020
Vets Reunion 2023 Movie 1
Panama City Beach, FL
Centaur Vets Day Reunion 9 to 11 November 2023. 40 Centaurs attended. Jan and Trudy White hosted in Panama City Beach
Vets Reunion 2023 Movie 2
Panama City Beach, FL
Centaur Vets Day Reunion 9 to 11 November 2023. Movie of just the backgroud pictures from Movie 1.
2024 Dakota Troop Conf Room
Schofield Barracks, HI
Conferece Room Dedication to Bruce Powell representing the Centaurs In Vietnam Organization - Raider Week Festivities
2024 SquadronAwardFormation
Schofield Barracks, HI
Awards Ceremony and Dedication of Birdwell Trainer- Question and Answers with the Squadron Troops. - Raider Week Festivities
2024 Squadron PT Event
Schofield Barracks, HI

A jungle run, log chop, buddy team carries, a low crawl pit with simulated grenades & smoke, and a connex climb after a mud pit then a Rolls Ceremony

2024 Q&A Why Army Avaition?
Schofield Barracks, HI
Powell answers questions at Raider Squadron Session.
Raider Week Festivities 27 March 2024
2024 Q&A Website?
Schofield Barracks, HI
Powell answers questions at Raider Squadron Session.
Raider Week Festivities 27 March 2024
2024 Q&A Why stay for 20?
Schofield Barracks, HI
Powell answers questions at Raider Squadron Session.
Raider Week Festivities 27 March 2024
2024 Q&A Your heros?
Schofield Barracks, HI
Powell answers questions at Raider Squadron Session.
Raider Week Festivities 27 March 2024
2024 Q&A Leadership issues?
Schofield Barracks, HI
Powell answers questions at Raider Squadron Session.
Raider Week Festivities 27 March 2024
2024 Q&A TripleCanopy Jungle?
Schofield Barracks, HI
Powell answers questions at Raider Squadron Session.
Raider Week Festivities 27 March 2024
16mm Army Film
Film on Centaur Flightline 1968
US Army 16mm Film on the Centaur Flightline (Corral) in May 1968. New Cobras Gunship Scramble Demo. Narrative added. Film sent to us by Hugh Mills (1/4 Cav). Restored by Lou Reda Productions 10 min
D Trp 1/12th, 1st Cav
A link to movies and photos of this Ground Cavalry Troop. 11.5 min (music follows)
History Channel Movie
Hobo Woods Battle 29 Jan 1968
also see Battle of the Hobo Woods War Story Discussion page.
Hunter-Killer Team
Air Cav in action - 1970-71
Hugh Mills from 1/4Cav, 1st Inf Div Air Cav Troop (Outlaws) Black Rifle Coffee video
Last Men Out
Movie by Alison Litton - 2010
Alison Litton produces video of the last Centaurs leaving Vietnam
War Stories