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Draft Newsletter Daily Worksheet for MARCH 2025Draft

Latest Update of Draft - 10 Feb 2025

Board Use Only. Not for publication
This is my worksheet during the month for the next Newsletter


Centaur Website Newsletter - March 2025

INDEX: News, Checking In, Corections , MyPages, War Stories & Photos , Deceased, Reunions/Events, Hats & Shirts

--- News ---

Sad News: The 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 25th Infantry Division will be Stood down and Case Colors. Here is the message: Email from LTC Lucas, SCO, on the 3/4 Cav inactivation: Although the Army has made the decision to get rid of 3/4 CAV as we currently stand, the exact timeline for the casing of our colors and subsequent reflagging as an Infantry Battalion is still up in the air. The current no later than date for us to be fully established as an Infantry Battalion is October 2026; however, I do anticipate something will happen before then. Right now, it looks like we will start referring to the Squadron as “Task Force Raider” starting in April of 2025 to mark the start of the transition process. We are planning on executing one final RAIDER Week from 7-11 April and a final Squadron Ball on Thursday, 17 April. We are still working through the coordinating instructions for the ball but will reach out to the 3/4 CAV Association to extend an invitation to attend to all former members of the unit.........
Sincerely, Jimmy Lucas, LTC

More Details: It is a sad time indeed for the US Army Cavalry Squadron and particularly the very unique units of the defunct US Army Air Cavalry Troop. The Air Cavalry Troops, about the size of a standard Infantry Company, were created specifically for the Vietnam War and then deactivated at the end of the war. There was a small number of them, each assigned to a major Army force like the 25th "Tropic Lightning" and the 1st "Big Red One" Army Divisions as the fifth platoon of a Cavalry Squadron. See the book "Winged Sabers" for a better description. The Cavalry Squadrons became the eyes and ears, and Strike Force for each Division. Many of us felt that the Divisions thought of the Cav Squadrons as their bastard child, and initially had no idea how to use them. It was a hard learning curve for all, but the Cav bore the brunt of it and made history with their mostly self taught tactics.

Towards the end of the war when major units began withdrawal to the States, the Cavalry Squadrons went with them. However the Air Cavalry Troop was too valuable to let go. So they took the remaining men of the Troop and renamed it to be passed around to other major units, kind of like a "Have Guns Will Travel unit". The D Troop (Air) 3/4 Cav "Centaurs", for example, went home with their parent 3rd Squadron, 4th Cav Regiment, 25th Infantry Division to Hawaii. They were stripped of their aircraft and became basically a ground recon and transportation support unit. But still a Cavalry Unit. The men left behind in Vietnam became F Troop (Air) "Centaurs" of the 4th Cavalry Regiment. No Squadron number was listed. They became legendary with their spectacular combat support of the units remaining in Vietnam. They were totally deactivated at the end of the war. The 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry of the 25th Division continued to accept the men of F Troop “Centaurs” as their own, providing a place for them in our history.

Now, in April 2025, the Army, in its infinite wisdom, is eliminating the Army Cavalry Squadron's from the inventory. Those units, many of which had maintained their heritage and the Guidon and Battle Streamers of their Vietnam brothers, are now to become mostly Infantry units. Each Trooper will now be stripped of their Cav Hat and spurs and their heritage. It is a sad time.

What is a Regiment? Many of us never totally understood what a Regiment was. Did it actually have a Commander, a unit, a location and any authority over the Cavalry Squadrons? Google says "An army regiment is a military unit that is made up of companies, battalions, or squadrons. Regiments are the largest permanent units in an army and are organized for tactical control". Yet it goes on to say “The levels of the U.S. Army are squads, platoon, companies, battalions, brigades, and corps.” Regiment is not now listed as a level in the US Army. This leaves many of us quite confused.

As best we know there has been a 4th Cavalry Regiment Association, at least up to 2022, where members of that Association gathered together and nominated/elected an Honorary Colonel and Honorary Sergeant Major from members of their group. Current status is unknown. Unfortunately only availabl on Facebook.

The good news is that our 3/4 Cav website hosted by John Moore is an independant organization and will not be effected by the 3/4 Cav no longer being a member of the 25th infantry Division.


Proposed Memorial Bench:
Photo is the draft bench plaque designed by Marshall Huckaby

In 2014, 25th ID LRRP, D Troop 3/4 Cav, Marshall Huckaby, 1SG (Ret) hosted a meeting for LRRPs, LRPs and LRS from all eras. The meeting resulted in the organization of the Long Range Reconnaissance (LRRA).

The LRRA now has over 800 active members who conducted missions in Germany, Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. They have an annual Rally in Branson MO.

The members of the LRRA decided that there should be a permanent marker to pay tribute to the many Aviators who supported their combat and peacetime missions.

The LRRA has commissioned the placement of a granite bench on Fort Novosel. It is expected to take 3-4 months for the manufacture and placement of the bench.

The date of the unveiling will be published and all Aviators are more than welcomed to attend.


Sharks Teeth Article:

The December Issue of the VHPA Magazine published the Bruce Powell story of how the Centaur Cobra Sharks Teeth came about.

Unfortunately no photos of the Teeth and no reference to our Website were provided.

Our Sharks Teeth Cobras continued with amazing combat support until the last day of the war when our F Troop, 4th Regiment "Centaurs" were disbanded in February 1973.



--- Checking In---

David Cox......Koleta Thompson.... Tom Fleming....Matt Jackson......Rex Gooch.......Clay Maxwell.......
Marshall Huckaby.....John Moore.....Pat Eastes.....Tom Dooling......Austin Derden.......Ray Clark.........
Karl Kaufman.........Steve Chicoine.......Bob Foringer.........Bruce Hinds.........Rick Williams.......
Michael Banks.....Bruce Wyrwitzke.......Robert Bobo.......Larry Simpson.....Megan Magoon......
Dennis Rogers.......


Some comments on deactivation of the 3/4 Cavalry Squadron:

,,,,Fleming: I was stunned by the news that the the Brigade Cavalry Squadrons of the Light Infantry Divisions were to be deactivated. The Heavy Divisions retain their Cavalry Squadrons; none the less their Cav Squadrons are not organized in any force structure that relates to the Armord Cavalry Squardon that we served with in the 1960s and earlier. The force planners don't place aviation assets beneath non aviation HQs.

....Eastes: There is no such thing as Military Intelligence


--- Website Corrections/Updates---

Ad Carl Burns Rutgers Interview:

Jim Hoag fixes bad links on Links Page - updates?

Update add links to Petty story KIA and Bob Bobo's OH6 rescue

Added the terms SCO and Cavalry Regiment and Deactivated to our Centaur Glossary

Bruce Hinds adds comments to his InfoSheet.

Ken Kloppel MyPage and InfoSheet updated.

Request: Are you getting the most out of our website? Connecting all the articles, MyPages, InfoSheets and Bios can take some time and diligence. It can start with a single story or Centaur Troopers name, and lead on to hours of reading all of the related information. The time you put in on our website like this contributes to our rating and give us higher priority with Search Engines like Google.

We ask that those of you who do spend time like this, to take notes where we have not provided all the necessary links on all the related pages. Send that info to the Webmaster for upgrades, providing a better Centaur Legacy.



--- MyPages --


John Durham






--- War Stories & Photos---

HunterKiller Patch: Don Borey adds comment to this Discusion Page. The Patch had to be earned.


---Deceased ---

James R. Dedman CW2 Heavy Scout Pilot (Guns) 1966 to 1967 died after his tour in Vietnam on 24 February 2013 at the age of 68.6 from Heart attack. He was from Melbourne, Australia.

An obit index card in shows an obituary article for him for Miami, AZ. The actual obit is not online. Miami, AZ is 6 miles from Globe, AZ,

We believe the photo to the right was him in High School, Globe, AZ 1961
Can you confirm?




Dennis W. Noga SP4 LRRP 1966 to1967 died 8 August 2004 in Milwaukee, Wi. His MyPage has been updated to a Deceased Page and an Info/Obit sheet added.

Comments by Marshall Huckaby



-- Reunion/Events ---

Centaur Vets Reunion November 2025 - Maybe

If you are even remotely interested in hosting the Centaur Vets Day Reunion in November 2025 please talk to Jan and Trudy White ( with your questions. They know how it is done and have items and money left over from the last reunion that are available.

Know that the person that Volunteers to take this job has full autonomy, calls all the shots as they see fit, with no oversight from the Centaurs In Vietnam Organization; only help and assistance as requested.

Those that have performed this job all say that it was a lot of work, but an extremely rewarding life's experence.


3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion September 2025


The next 3/4 Cav Squadron Reunion will be 14 to 18 September 2025 in Nashville, TN

Click here for detailed information.





-- Centaur Shirts and Hats--

Marty Jenkins has two Loach Hats and 5 Cobra F Troop Hats, OLD style Navy Blue. Contact him directly if you are interested in this.



Below are the Dale Dow designed T Shirts that are now available from Christine (Dow) Smith:

D Troop: Small  Medium  Large   XLarge   XXLarge   XXXLarge   4X Large
-----Yellow: 23 -----21 ------43------- 25 --------33---------- 3
-----Gray: ---22----- 28 ------27------- 25-----------22 -------6------ 4

F Troop: Med Large  XLarge   XXLarge  XXXLarge  4X  Large
----Yellow: --11------23------ 19------ 19 ----
----Gray------11 -----24 -------8 -------25 -------------15--------- 5

Shirts are $20.00 each including shipping costs.

Christine (Dow) Smith email at


For the CIVO Board of Directors,

Bruce Powell, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster of
1031 E Highline Drive, Payson, AZ 85541 (Summer)
11875 S Ironwood Drive, Yuma, AZ 85367 (Winter)






xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx END DRAFT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

..................PENDING - "My Swamp"...........................................

Review Pending "My Swamp" below & see what can be done, or has been already done, or given up on.


draft InfoSheet for Russ Mattison

Try to contact Jose M. Casanova lft msg 30Dec

Gordon Eatley stuff?

Upgrade History Section Links

Publish mov of 2014 San Antonio Reunion Cav. Movies and images!

2014 San Antonio Reunion Cav. Videos of Jenkins, Walt, Reese, Neymeyer!!


Added Mortar attack 15Mar67 to Clinton Lounsbury Deceased MyPage Also Powell, Asha, Arthur, Buxton, Lacy, Baum, add more photos from Lacy

Ronald T. ""Ron" Hucksoll LOH Scout Door Gunner 1969: Jim Kreil has added a photo as MP2 to Ron's MyPage. ??

We need a chronological Discussion page that covers the Blues and Browns thru the war. Ask for volunteer to take that on.

Start a monthly War Story second look article. Maybe the Bu Dop Mission of Nov 1967. Or do them by "50 Years ago this month" 57 years ago for Bu Dop

Maybe later when they link to us: Lost Link: Somewhere along the line we lost our link to the Friends Of Army Aviation website. It has been revised and placed on our "Links" page.

Mike Law friends mypage? He does not want one 17Oct2024

WO Larry J. Kastanek Feb 70-71 Gunpilot D/F left phone message. 18Apr (785) 770-7565 lft msg

Add Index of Articles for MyPages: , Beasley, Meeks, Wayne Moose, Peake, Radcliffe, Mike Vaughn

No response Russell James Mattison Oct2024

Await Anthony Holm info & Photo Oct2024

An attempt to help is a new Centaur discussion page Understanding the Modern 25th Inf Div.

Also there is a link to the AAAA video of the event that was provided by <a href="Roster/MyPageFriendsDuals/GoochRexDual.jpg">Rex Gooch</a>

MSR Discussion

Do more movies for Karn/Borey? and Parrish SA7

Alison Litton: Await pics/info from her for her dad Joe  Add Franks input article

Working on getting couples photos taken at the 2023 Centaur Reunion placed on respective InfoSheets

Couples photo listings (to infosheets) Richardson,

Gene Peters - send infosheet and pic with Ginny

Tegelman sends pics of James Spencer Gravesite

Work Harlan Coopers pics from Tegelman into Reunion section. Same with those from Linda Richardson

Donald Borey CPT Cobra Aircraft Commander Centaur 43 March 1971 to January 1972 tells some War Stories.

Do more Borey and Karn Movies

These videos are linked to from Don's Article page, the War Stories Video page and added to MyPages of Bob Jones and Skip Petrie.

3/4 Cav 2010 Reunion page - fix links

2019 Centaur Reunion Bowling green create index page of photos for all the movies! ????

Dows pics of old reunions

Minor upgrades to these other MyPages ..........

Old Reunion Photos found and posted to the Reunion section. Those from Janis Cooper 2016 Cav Reunion (Harrisburg,PA or Centaur Reunion (Omaha)?

Big time 2012 - 48 videos at Nashville

More Reunion After Action Notes from the Centaur Vets Day Reunion Last Month:

Reunion photos and videos of long past have been repaired and relinked Cav 2008 and 2010

2006 Cav Reunion video and Photo Album

Add Reunion photos and videos to PhoAudVideo page at bottom

Do a page for the Cat House? Cat house vs EM club?

Phoncon with CW2 Bob Long A trp 1/9th then D troop Will send pics Calld again 26Aug2023

Upgrade Ed Risner Memoriam page and links

Is Harold B. Swiencki still alive?

Note that 14 2022 reunion videos are posted in the WS Video section.

Located photo of LOH 15338 in Jim Messina old website file. Bigger pic on LOH Photos pg

Consider creating a special YOUTUBE presentation to advertize our Centaur Website.

Need to go thru all of this someday

Ken Rucki? Get photos and info for Dennis Piper (phone call) and current of Rucki. Maybe a current of Bill Byers

Follow up on Leo C. Rice contact from Larry Richardson

Upgrade of Richard "Frenchie" Bernier MyPage - photo album? No word back from him yet 28Oct2022

Discussion page for 20 minute fuel warning light. Mattison

Use photo of Suoi Da Assault 1966 to talk about Suoi Da and Suoi Da Airstrip now under water. Find Airstrip pic with weapons cache from LZ Gold. Early 67 with OH-23

Gordon Eatley will work on his 8mm movie for captions. Tower is Water tower being built.

Cobra down war story by Russ Mattison Meeks/Moose - the real story. Wolfe, Gabrielson

This is not T Berry: Karn note 29 JUN: YES there was a second black enlisted man that joined the scouts before I left.   I don't recall his name.  I remember flying with him once and he didn't like the CS gas that we threw and then flew through.   And yes,  he wasn't any "T -berry".

Tyrone T. Thornsberry "T Berry" SP4 LOH Door Gunner/Observer 1969 now has a draft MyPage and an MP1 using a John Evans photo of Evans, Kreil and Tyrone, with their LOH "SNAFU"

Bruce Karn remembers Thornsberry as his LOH Observer. He could fly quite well from the left seat. see story

Email to Gaylen Randell 66-67 for photos. we have infosheet.

Edmond Manville not found??

1May2022 NOTES Phoncon Reggie Slater:

Fix your email. Have him talk to friends Richard Dennison and Jim Wells. Send pics and info to me. Come to Nov reunion and do videos. Wells was in auto accident and not doing well. Is in photo with Col Pete in the book. He talked to Beasley (throat cancer) who is doing better. Reggie was looking for someone from his 66 tour year going to the DC Reunion. No one was and he has had some health problems. He said the videos I did for him helped him tremendously in his life. I told him to tell that to his buddies and get them to me at the Nov reunion. We will see if that works. Told him about Carl and Ruth Ann Burns health problems

Bob Acker Photos to website - update An Duc War Story - pics to Aircraft Tail number sections (links) and Helicopter photos section

661 494 and 659 pics and info

Info Sheet for Mike Reed

Get current pic from Randy Love

14Apr2022: Bill Boyd called me: His son building a small house behind his for him to live. Moving right now, but will get me some info notes and check out the photos on website. He remembers Ponzillo’s note recruiting new guys. Bill was in Field Artillery. Was not ranger or airbore qualified.Gave new Gmail.

Frank Walker video - edit and post - no longer on YouTube

CW2 Larry M. Dau LOH Pilot 1970-71 Awaiting info for MyPage. sent him email 11Jan22 --Followed up Fri night - left phone msg at  (702) 498-7849 28Jan. Tried again 9Apr.

Find: Terry R. Bleed (sent email), Marty Sullivan, Melvin Locke, mentioned in McLeod audio

Find Melvin W. Locke Jr. 1LT 1970 Pasadina - mentioned in McLeod audio - call

Find Silver Star citation for Joe Don Ramey

...Nicholas, Sellers and Laird SS or Albums - check for possible MP's or myPages

...Review slides and photo albums for guys we have photos on but no links. Create rough draft MyPages.

...Found email Jun 2003 to Dow from CW2 William R. Cooper. Sparrow's hootchmate. 1971-72 Slicks. Been getting News ltr. Send contact email

...Add link to Creeping Jesus in aircraft photos section

Brian Bledsoe- can you add comments to Byrd's slideshow photos?

Possible project: Have some time? Want to help with the Centaur Website? Don't know crap about computers?
Then try this: Centaur Website Projects for Dummies - Lesson 1
- Identifying photos: Lesson 2 ?, 3? etc. Publish to Help Section

Awaiting picture captions from Eric Brethen

Do a redsign of website: Call Signs, Discussions, Glossary and other hard things to find: create buttons at top of Help page and maybe on homepage.

Awaiting stuff from Jim McPeak?

Add discussion page for 1967 Bob Hope show. Find Star Stripes article. Add comments from Fleming

awaiting Susan Gassaway article (Pappy Jones wife) aug2021

Need to add History page for 2.75 rocket pods (M200) etc

Doug Olsen talked to Dennis Pfoor who said he would be contacting me soon. Nov

Nebraska Vietnam Memorial - Moore, Brosh

Jack Kenneth Swinehart 1947-2015. Find a grave. Is this our guy?

Add Discussion Page Volunteers - A Troop to D Troop (Air) as Door Gunners- 1967 find Fleming note

Consider publishing the 3/17 web page describing who was assigned to whom. Try to get answers for the Centaurs. http:/ Otherwise comparable to "Who's on First" by Abbott and Costello. Get input from past commanders and Bob Graham. The main website with index is http:/ dead email address?

Awaiting email from Harry Swiencki about his awards. Assemble his DFC

Consider a piece about Do No Harm doctrine. Encourage all the gory details, particularily to get it off your chest, knowing that the CIVO Board reviews all input to the website to insure that our doctrine of "do no harm to our fellow Centaurs". Yes, we know we had a few genuinely bad people and some good people who made bad decisions. We will tell the stories for history, but not judge or brand those individuals.

We are providing a place where you can vent the frustrations, guilt, anger and remorse you have been carrying for 40 or 50 years, to a group of dedicated Centaurs who have walked in your shoes. We will listen, we will talk, we will edit for the web as necessary.

Acts of Cowardice, Criminal, Inexperience, Arrogance or Stupidity should be discussed to help us all finally get it out. Do it for your mental well being, not for vengence or revenge. Get some closure. It was war. We can forgive most anything, but only you can forgive yourself. Do it and know some peace for whatever time you have left.

more photos due in from David Whitley

Ronald Dean Hoagland tina cook Feb Newsletter .....rejected at this email posted in last newsletter
2LT VHPA F Trp 1971

Gerald L. "Jerry" Wright 1LT pilot Centaur 24 Jan to Jun 1967 sent him welcome email

Reference our War Story Hunter Crew and Rescue Crew KIA: ??

will send pics

Update Odom and Rogers rescue movies to include marty lalli. add links.

Pending:Jeff Lemr His daughter "Jill" contacted us. Add to Newsletter list. Get her in contact with Bill Witt. Frm Witt (10Sep): ">Bruce, Thanks for the reply. I pray Jeff will contact his Daughter however, he has a hard time getting in touch with his feelings. The only time he seems free is playing his guitar. There is a Vet Center here that has a "Combat Stress Management Guitar Group" hopefully, I can get him to go with me. Might need to say something about Jeff Lemr and daughter getting together after 12yrs if that happens.

Jan 3, 12:59 PM from Hamilton.
to Frank, Carl, Carl, Thomas, Bain, Pat, Tom, Brian, Jim, Gary, Nick, Mike, Charlie, John, Jerry, me
Yes, the Designation was D 3/4 Cav until the 2nd Bde 25th was ordered to stand down and return to Hawaii. We thought we would go with them until I received orders that we would not redeploy and would be designated an independent air cav troop, F Troop, 4th U. S. Cavalry. My kids back home really got a kick out of that. Daddy commanded F Troop like on TV.

Awaiting: Rich Williams checks in. need MyPage. Has "Fall in well" comments Altenhofen emailed him 28Dec called him 22 feb 2020 left msg

Awaiting:Bruce Hinds sending Boonie Hat stuff.

Awaiting: CW2 Richard "Rocky" Reed input 15 Sep 2019 He has never answered. Maybe Eric Brethen can get ahold of him. email 5 Dec 2021

Awaiting:James "Mike" Richey info. Photos and text. Added "Mike" to MyPage

ACTION Needed:Pat Lacy? Gilley - Not listed on the Centaur Roster (Spelling maybe?) Photo 50 Can you name the guys in photo 52 with the dog Gunner? Jerry Caldwell, SSG Photos 57
Roosevelt Martin, SSG Photo 57

25th Div Flash publcation? Should we link to it? Can we?














