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Index of Articles for

CPT Donald E. Borey

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Blessed to be a Centaur: The long path from May 1968 to getting my wings and becoming a Centaur

Remembering Skip Petrie: Cobra Gun Platoon Leader CPT Eudelmer D. "Skip" Petrie

Banned from the Long Binh O'Club: The Club was a lot more formal than our rowdy Lai Khe Club

Leaving Vietnam: January 1972 a radio call on a mission tells me I am going home

CW2 Ed Mortimer KIA Mushroom: 5 July 1971by Steven Borden - comments by Don Borey, Joe Hoover and Kim Jacobsen

F Troop Orphans: What happened to the D Troopers and aircraft when 3/4 Cav left Nam?

Lai Khe and the Fence: Fence between the Troop Area and the ladies of the night

Welcome Home - 50 Years Later: Don was in the Vets Day parade Mesa, AZ Reunion. A rewarding experience.

Sapper Attack Lhi Khe - July 1971: The panic of a ground attack. (Vet's Reunion 2022 Video)

Sapper Attack Revenge - July 1971: We found them and took them out. (Vet's Reunion 2022 Video)

The Centaur Max Cobra - 1971: Replacement from the "Blue Max" Cobra 68-15110. (Vet's Reunion 2022 Video)

Oops, The Garbage Dump - 1971: Bad Weather. Nearly landed in a bad place. (Vet's Reunion 2022 Video)

The Unit Non-Move - 1971: Move from III Corp to I Corp planned but never happened. (Vet's Reunion 2022 Video)

Cobra Night Weather Incidents: Two Cobras traveling IFR down the MSR at night have a near miss. Also get shot at by an ARVN 51 cal.

HunterKiller Patches: The patches were "Awarded" to those deserving.