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Index of Articles for

John Alto

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Nashville Video - Aerorifle Platoon Leader - Tour Mar 66 to Feb 67

San Antonio Video (3:17Min) AeroRifle Platoon Leader tells of the crash of a UH-1D Huey in the Corral and also addresses the uniqueness of the Air Cavalry Troop in history

Colorado Springs Video (15:54) John and Andy Gerrie talk about being the first two Aerorifle Platoon Leaders

Slides Movie - Video (11:42min) Photo Slide Show of pictures during his 1966 Centaur Tour

Xmas 1966 - Video (4:48 Min) A friend of John Alto, Tyson Richards, helped him put this together

Rescue - Tropic Lightning News Article "Downed Chopper Saved...1July 1966"

A  Day  Late & Dollar Short - John's comments on a Tony Robinson article

No DamnWay - John gets a face wound and comments on 1SG Petty

Little Bear -"Little Bear Crash - 20 May" 1966 article by Bob Graham; John's input

The Claymore Ambush - Article by Bob Graham;

Jesus Nut - Article by Bob Graham

Flameout 1966 - Article by Bob Graham

James Spencer KIA - Article by Bob Graham

Demise of Pancho Villa - Video by Carl Burns and Lew Berger

Scrounging - Bob Dunbar the scrounger

First Aerorifles 1966 - Article by John Alto

2LT Video by Bill Watkins (2:42min)