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Index of Other Articles for

Carl W. Betsill

click on any title to go to that piece

Cobra Radio Problems - Video - Carl tells of AH-1G unusual radio problem concerning the 20mm gun

Avionics History - Photos and descriptions of our radio equipment.

Movie Night - Different takes on Movie night in the troop area.

Second Tour 2008 - Carl returns to Vietnam in 2008 as a Wildlife Biologist

Map Locations - Specific places with coordinates and comments.

Google Earth Mapping - Find out where the Centaurs were using Google Mapping products.

Centaur Places - More about finding places with Google Earth Pro.

History of Wargasm 795 - Story of a Centaur LOH aircraft with a very long history.

F Trp Orphans - Discussion of how F Troop and D Troop are related.

Lai Khe Fence - Ladies of the night not hindered by the fence.

Ferrying Aircraft - F Troop moves 450 miles from Sanford Field to Da Nang

Wildlife of Vietnam - Discussion of all the critters we ran into.