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Index of Other Articles for

Ronald A. Radcliffe

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Last Men Out - Video by Inaudible Productions (F Troop departs Vietnam) - 4:20 min

37mm Takes out Cobra - 28 April 1972 - CPT Paul V. Martindale & WO1 William A. Haines were Killed In Action

Easter Offensive 1972 - Woods

Easter Offensive 1972 - Mick

Five Receive DFC - 20 Feb 1972

Medal Of Honor Affidavit _ by John Spencer for Radcliffe - 20 Feb 1972 battle.

OCS Hall of Fame - Radcliffe induction to the Fort Benning Infantry School Hall of Fame - Video

37mm KIAs - 28 Apr 1972 - CPT Martindale and WO1 Haines were KIA

Walker Mov - Frank Walker video about LOH Scout Pilots

A Job Well Done - Army Aviation News Article about Ron Radcliffe - 1973