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Index of Articles for

Charles "Pat" "Juaquin" Eastes

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FNG 1967:
A fresh out of flight school Warrant Officer aviator joins the Centaurs

Centaur Brothers DVD movie one:
1967 A new gunship pilot’s first night mission. Mark Schmidt was AC and mentor on this flight

Centaur Brothers DVD movie two:
1967 An attempt to take a VC prisoner does not work out as planned. TJ Lange, crewchief, and Jeff Halliday, other pilot

Nashville 2012 Reunion movie:
1968 Remembering a firefight where Centaur Aerorifles are ambushed and pinned down

Year of the Rat:
1968 Remembrances of the Tet Offensive of 1968.

Firefight in the Hobo Woods 1967, 1968:
Some historical fiction depicting a typical close air support mission where a Centaur gun team supports an infantry company.

Down in War Zone C - 1968:
A Centaur gunship goes down in bad guy country.

Coming Home:
Musings regarding Vietnam veteran wannabes

Cobra Discussion:
A note on getting to fly in the AH1G Cobra

Tactics -1967, 1968:
A discussion of gunship tactics as practiced by the Centaurs

Agent Orange Discussion:
1967, 1968. Comments on flying gun cover on defoliation missions

Fly Again:
An old, less bold ex aviator gets to fly a helicopter after a 35 year layoff