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Index of Other Articles for

Bruce A. Powell

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Conference Room Dedication Movie: D Troop (Dakota Troop), 3rd Squadron, 4th Cav Regiment, 3IBCT, 25th Inf Division names new Conference for CPT Bruce Powell in April 2024 at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii

Squadron Awards Formation Movie: Dwight Birdwell and Bruce Powell speak to the troops and then assist with the presentation of awards to individual troopers.

Movies from the Squadron Question & Answer Gathering:

....1. How did you get started in Army Aviation?
....2. What got you into the Website?
....3. What kept you in for 20 years?
....4. Who were your heros?
....5. What were leaderhip issues?
....6. Did you fly in Triple Canopy Jungle?

Letter 13 Feb 67 - First assigned to D Troop 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div
Mortar/Recoilless Rifle Attack Cu Chi - 15 March 1967
The Storm - Big storm of 11 May 67 with Audio tape
Saber Alpha -Working with Sabre Alpha (A Troop) outside of Cu Chi 11 May 67 - Audio Tape
Attack Raven - Using unarmed OH-23G as weapon covering A troop guys 12 May 67
Tunnels - Down with Tunnel Rats - 12 May 67 - Audio Tape
Mortar Attack - 15 March 1967 Cuchi - Powell and Lounsbury
Unfinished - Detailed gun mission in letter home, not finished - Mid 67
Gun Notes - My personal notes as Gun Platoon Leader 1967
The Suicide - The PFC Buff Suicide at Go Dau Ha - Jun 67
Letter 5 Sep 67 - First mission as Gun Team Leader - Halliday, Lange
Letter 29 Sep 67 - Gun Section Leader - hairy mission with Moore
Letter 29 Oct 67 - Seeing the new Cobra Aircraft (Playboys) - Receiving DFC Award flying OH-23G
Dog Team - Hobo Woods Dog Team Rescue with Bruce Wood - Nov 67
Bu Dop - 67 - Support of Bu Dop Special Forces - Highlands with Triple Canopy Nov 67
Letter 19 Feb 68 - Smokey Burgess shot down - Our gunner wounded by secondary explosion on the ground
Too Steep - Fresh from Cobra training, almost crashed UH-1C gunship in way to steep a gun run. Early 68
Shoot Down - Charlie Johnson shot down - Big battle at Tan Son Nhut - Feb 68
Sharks Teeth Tale - How the Centaur Sharks Teeth came about in 1968 - Cobra 540
LRRP 2 Jul 68 - Audio tape of Cobra 23 LRRP team rescue from Nui Ba Den
F Trp Factor - Flying for Koreans in 1972, comparison to flying with the Cav
BattleTayNinh - The Battle for Tay Ninh, landing Cobra to stop A Troop Convoy from entering kill zone.19 Aug 68

Return 2016 - Sharon and I toured III Corps Vietnam