Relationship of Organizations Involving Centaurs
It can be a little confusing, so here is our explanation. Who are Centaurs?
25th Infantry Division Association is a 501c3 organization for tax purposes. People who served, or are serving, in the 25th Inf Div are eligible to become a member by registering and paying a fee.
..........3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment Chapter of the 25th Inf Div Association, is an element of the 25th Inf Div Association, and falls under their 501c3 for tax purposes. The 3/4 Cav Chapter received its charter from the 25th Infantry Division Association on August 3, 1990 in Chicago, IL.The Chapter operates independently but within the rules and oversight of the 25th Division. Although it was started by, and for, those who served with the unit in Vietnam, those who served with the 3/4 Cav at any time are eligible to become a member. They also welcome the F Troop, 4th Cav Regiment men as “Centaurs” and eligible for membership. Long Range Recon Patrol (LRRP) men who were attached to D Troop are considered Centaurs. Membership requires registration and a fee. Members are encouraged to also join the 25th Inf Div Association.
....................3/4 Cav Reunion is a biennial (every two years) event. It is totally owned and operated by the 3/4 Cav Chapter Officers. All “Centaurs” are invited.
Centaurs In Vietnam Organization (CIVO) is a self declared formal organization with the mission of collecting and preserving the Legacy of the “Centaurs”, defined as the men of D Troop (Air), 3/4 Cav Regiment, 25th Inf Division and F Troop (Air), 4th Regiment serving during the Vietnam War. Membership is not purchased. All those who meet the “Centaur” definition are automatically members in full standing. A self appointed Board of Directors (all Centaurs) began the organization and continue to lead it on its mission of creating the Centaur Legacy, which is currently defined as the Centaurs In Vietnam Multimedia Website. Final goal is to get all our information into the Library of Congress. There is no official government status like 501c3. There are no fees and no sponsors. There are no Board officers, no president, no secretary, no Rogers Rules, no board meetings. CIVO is run by committee and by email. All Board members are equal. We sometimes pass the hat to help with funding. Seems impossible, but somehow we have made it work.
..........Centaurs In Vietnam Website and Monthly Newsletter is maintained and published by the CIVO Webmaster under the oversight of the CIVO Board of Directors.
..........Centaur Society, an initial group dedicated to gathering Centaur information for the website that grew into, and became, the Centaurs In Vietnam Organization (CIVO).
Centaur Veteran’s Day Reunion is a yearly event on Veteran’s Day. It is an independent group of Centaurs and friends that is self contained and self supported, not answering to any other organization. One man, the Host, is responsible for the event. He picks his committee and the location. At close of the reunion the Host and his committee select the next year’s Reunion Host by vote.
Other Organizations with Centaurs involved:
VHPA - Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
AAHF - Army Aviation Heritage Foundation
AAAA - Army Aviation Association of America
FOAA - Friends of Army Aviation