Centaur Call Signs
update Jan 2024
When Centaurs communicated on the radio, they used the word "Centaur" and a number to identiy themselves.
Provide your input to Michael Peake (Unit Historian) <thegermansons@yahoo.com>
see recent comments - & additional comments: 1966-67, 1968-69, 1970-71, 1972
see Squadron Organization & Call Signs
CENTAUR 3—Robert Graham, MAJ UH-1C Pilot & OPS OFF Apr 1966-Feb 1967
CENTAUR 3—Francis X. Delvy, MAJ UH-1C Pilot & OPS OFF Apr 1966-Sep 1967
CENTAUR 3—Richard P. Timmermeyer, CPT 1968-1969, OPS OFF Feb 68–Aug 68
CENTAUR 3—John Whitehead, CPT Gun/Slick PLT LDR 1968–1969
CENTAUR 3—William V. Chiaramonte, CPT OPS OFF & AH-1G PLT LDR Dec 1968-Dec 1969
CENTAUR 3—Frank M. Hock, CPT OPS OFF 1972
CENTAUR 3A-Roger G. Martin, CW2 UH-1 Slick Pilot/Asst OPS OFF Jun 1969-Jun 1970
CENTAUR 3A-Ken Wiegand, Dec 1970-May 1971
CENTAUR 4—Thomas Fleming, CPT Service PLT LDR "Stable Boy" Feb 1967-Aug 1967
CENTAUR 4—Clarence C "Buck" Buxton, 1LT SER/MNT PLT LDR STABLE BOY Aug 1967-Feb 1968
CENTAUR 5—Eugene K. “Gene” Prosser, MAJ Aerorifle PLT CDR/XO Feb 1966-Mar 1967
CENTAUR 5—Harold Reid Fisher, CPT Aerorifles PLT CDR/D Troop XO Jan 1967-Dec 1967
CENTAUR 5—Roman Millett, CPT Gun/Scout PLT LDR, & XO Jan 1970-Dec 1970
CENTAUR 6—James M. "Col. Pete" Peterson, MAJ D Troop CDR Apr 1966-Mar 1967
CENTAUR 6—George Stenehjem, MAJ D Troop CDR Jul 1966-Aug 1967
CENTAUR 6—Thomas Fleming, MAJ D Troop CDR Aug 1967-Jan 1968
CENTAUR 6—Raymond “Ray” Trouve, MAJ D Troop CDR Jul 1968-Dec 1968
CENTAUR 6—Ray Kenneth Clark, CPT D Troop CDR Jul 1969-Dec 1969
CENTAUR 6—Thomas R. Hamilton, MAJ D/F Troop CDR 1970-1971
CENTAUR 6—Rodolpho (Rubin) Guitierrez, CPT F Troop CDR Jul 1971-Sep 1971
CENTAUR 6—John J. Spencer, MAJ F Troop CDR Feb 1972-Aug 1972
CENTAUR 6—Kermit E. Larson, MAJ F Troop CDR Sept 1972-Feb 1973
CENTAUR 6A—William Clifton Jesse, CW2 UH-1H PIC Nov 2, 1971-May 2, 1972
CENTAUR 6A—Fate Jim Hutchins, Jr., CW2 Cmd & Control Pilot Jul 1972-Mar 1973
CENTAUR 10—Leland H. Smokey Burgess, Jr., 1LT OH-23 Scout PLT LDR 1967-1968
CENTAUR 10—Roman Millett, CPT Gun/Scout PLT LDR, & XO Jan 1970-Dec 1970
CENTAUR 10—Larry Wilkerson was Centaur 10 mid 69 to mid 70
CENTAUR 10—James E. Whitman, CPT OH-6A Pilot 1970-1971
CENTAUR 10—Aubrey D. Dismukes, CPT OH-6A Pilot Oct 1971-Apr 1972
CENTAUR 10—James Madison Hamrick, Jr, CPT OH-6A Pilot Jan 1, 1972-Feb 20, 1972
CENTAUR 11—Ernest “Ernie” W. Sanders, CPT OH-23 SEC LDR Apr 1966-Sep 1967
CENTAUR 11—Francis "Joe' Stephenson, CPT OH-23 SEC LDR 1967
CENTAUR 11—Charles “Charlie” Rice, 1LT OH-6A SEC LDR Jan 1968-Jan 1969
CENTAUR 11—Lawrence B. Wilkerson, 1LT OH-6A Pilot Mar 1969-Mar 1970
CENTAUR 11—Richard Schwab, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Jan 1972-Mar 1972
CENTAUR 11—Edward P. "Ed" Shanahan, CPT OH-6A Pilot 1970-1971
CENTAUR 11—Stephen R. Pullen,1972-1973
CENTAUR 11—Daniel R. Lott, CPT OH-6A Pilot 1972- 1973
CENTAUR 12—Bruce Powell, CPT OH-23 Scout/AH-1G Pilot Feb 1967-Aug 1968
CENTAUR 12—Billy R. Vinson, MAJ Gun PLT LDR, OPS OFF and D Troop XO 1967-1968
CENTAUR 12—Joe K. Owen, 1LT Scout PLT LDR/Aerorifle PLT CDR Feb 1968-Feb 1969
CENTAUR 12—Peter Holmberg, 1LT OH-6A Pilot Feb 1972-Sep 1972
CENTAUR 13—Bruce Karn, WO1 OH-6A Pilot/OH-6 SIP Jun 1968-Jun 1969
CENTAUR 13—Thomas M "Sam" Dooling, CW2 AH-1G/OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Aug 1970
CENTAUR 13—Erik G. Brethen, CW2 OH-6A/AH-1G Pilot IP/Test Pilot May 1969-Dec 1970
CENTAUR 13—Thomas J. “Tom” Noss, CW2 OH-6A Pilot 1971-1972
CENTAUR 13?—Harlan Gray Sparrow III, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Apr 1971-Apr 1972
CENTAUR 13—John S. “Scottie” Hill, CW2 OH-6A LDR Nov 1972-Jan 197
CENTAUR 14—Stephen R. “Steve” Patterson, WO1 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969
CENTAUR 14-- Wayne R. Cooper, WO1 1967-1967
CENTAUR 14—Martin “Marty” Jenkins, CPT OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Apr 1969
CENTAUR 14—Gary A. Jones, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Jun 1969-Sep 1969
CENTAUR 14—Larry M. Dau, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Sep 1970-Sep 1971
CENTAUR 14—Ronald “Ron” A. Radcliffe, CPT OH-6A Pilot Sep 1971- Jun 1972
CENTAUR 15—Mackie A. Webb, CW2 OH-23G Scout Pilot Jun 1967-Jun 1968
CENTAUR 15—Robert D. “Pooch” Johnston, WO1 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969
CENTAUR 15—John Evans, 1LT OH-6A Pilot 1969
CENTAUR 15—JC Carnathan CW2 OH-6A Pilot 1969
CENTAUR 15—Steven C. Suiter, 1LT OH-6A Pilot 1971-1972
CENTAUR 16—Charles "Festus" Hagan, CW2 OH-23 Scout Pilot Jun 1967 to Dec 1967
CENTAUR 16—Wesley Franklin “Frank” Walker, 1LT OH-6A Pilot 1972
CENTAUR 17—Walter Cooke, CW2 OH-23 Scout Pilot 1967-1968
CENTAUR 17—Bruce Powell, CPT OH-23 Scout/AH-1G Pilot Feb 1967-Aug 1968
CENTAUR 17—John Thomas, Jr, CW2 OH-6A Pilot 1968-1969
CENTAUR 17—Robert “Bob” Forringer, CW2 OH-6A Pilot May 1969-Feb 1970
CENTAUR 18—Michael "Mike" Holder, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Dec 1969-Jun 1970
CENTAUR 18—Edward W. “Ed” Wolfe, CW2 OH-6A Pilot Nov 1970-May 1971
CENTAUR 18—Thomas Broadbent, CW2 OH-6A Pilot May 1971-Jun 1971
CENTAUR 18—Roger Blaha, 1st L OH-6A Pilot 1971-1972
CENTAUR 19—Michael Wilson, CW2, LOH Pilot 1969-70
CENTAUR 20—James "Jim" Moore, 1LT Aerorifle PLT CDR, UH-1C Pilot/SEC LDR Aug 1967-Mar 1968
CENTAUR 21—Lewis “Lew” L. Barger, CPT UH-1C Heavy Scout 1966-1967
CENTAUR 21—Rick Williams, 1LT UH-1C Pilot Nov 1967-Nov1968
CENTAUR 21—Charles L. "Chuck" Rose, A/C UH-1H Cmdr, 1972
CENTAUR 22—Mark Vedder Schmidt, WO1 UH-1C Gun Pilot Feb 1967-Dec 67 (KIA 27 December 1967)
CENTAUR 22—Allen J. Tesini, OH-6A/UH-1H Pilot & UH-1 IP Mar 1971-Feb 1972
CENTAUR 23—Jeff D. Halliday, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Jun 1967-Jul 1968 CDR Feb 1968-Feb 1969
CENTAUR 23—James “Jim” Tonelli, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot Aug 1969-Aug 1970
CENTAUR 23—Jerry Dewayne Cunningham Jr., CW2 UH-1C & Aerorifle Pilot Sep 1970-Sep 1971
CENTAUR 24—Albert J. “Al” Menzl, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Apr 1966-May 1967
CENTAUR 24—James R. “Rick” Arthur, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Mar 1967-Mar 1968
CENTAUR 24—Charles “Pat” "Juaquin" Eastes, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Aug 1967-Aug 1968
CENTAUR 24—Marcus A. Kempson, CW2 UH-1H/“Nighthawk Pilot” 1969-1970
CENTAUR 24—Ralph “Sandy” Sandmeyer, CW2 Pilot UH-1C Heavy Scouts 1969-1970
CENTAUR 24—Ronald D. Holmes, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973
CENTAUR 25—Thomas “Tom” Meeks, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 1967-Oct 1968
CENTAUR 25?—Mark Vedder Schmidt, WO1 UH-1C Gun Pilot 10 Feb 1967-27 Dec 1967
CENTAUR 25—John Evans, 1LT OH-6A Pilot 1969
CENTAUR 25—Roger G. Martin, CW2 UH-1 Slick Pilot/Asst OPS OFF Jun 1969-Jun 1970
CENTAUR 25—Randolph "Randy" Meade, CW2 UH-1 Slick Pilot Feb 1969-Feb 1970
CENTAUR 25—Dennis T. Yenser, CPT UH-1 Slick PLT LDR 1970-1971
CENTAUR 25—Robert W. Yaap, CPT AH-1G Pilot/Unit Property OFF 1972- 1973
CENTAUR 26—Robert "Bob" Dunbar, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Mar 1966-Apr 1967
CENTAUR 27—Thomas “Tom” Meeks, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 1967-Oct 1968
CENTAUR 27—Kenneth H. Rucki, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot Aug 1969-Aug 1970
CENTAUR 27—Ken Kloppel, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot Aug 1970-Aug 1971
CENTAUR 27—James B. "Jim" Starling "Blackbird," 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot May 1971-Mar 1972
CENTAUR 27—J. Dan Keirsey, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973
CENTAUR 28—Steven J. Zorger, HU-1H AC CDR/"Nighthawk" PIC Dec 1968-Aug 1969
CENTAUR 28—Allen Brinckerhoff, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot SEP 1970
CENTAUR 28—William R. Cooper, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot 1971-1972
CENTAUR 28—Daniel W. “Dan” Miller, WO1 UH-1H Slick Pilot Feb 1972-Nov 1972
CENTAUR 28—Dennis Mike Hogan, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot 1972-1973
CENTAUR 29—Philip Tocco, CPT Slick PLT LDR & AH-1G Pilot Jun 1969-Jun 1970
CENTAUR 29—Steve Borden, CW2 UH-1 Slick/"Nighthawk" pilot Jun 1971 to Sep 1971
CENTAUR 29—Joel “Randy” Woodley, 1LT UH-1H Slick Pilot Sep 1971-Apr 1972
CENTAUR 30—Bill Wilde, MAJ HVY WPS SEC LDR, OPS OFF/Aerorifle PLT CDR 1966-1967
CENTAUR 30—Francis X. Delvy, MAJ UH-1C Pilot/OPS OFF Apr 1966-Sep 1967
CENTAUR 30—Eugene K. Gene Prosser, MAJ Aerorifle PLT CDR & XO Feb 1966-Mar 1967
CENTAUR 30—Harold Reid Fisher, CPT Aerorifles PLT CDR/D Troop XO Jan 1967-Dec 1967
CENTAUR 30—Richard P. Timmermeyer, CPT C-30 Jan 1968 - Feb 1968,
CENTAUR 30—Charles "Charlie" Johnson, 1LT UH-1C Pilot/Aero Weapons Jun 1967-Jul 1968
CENTAUR 30—John Whitehead, CPT Aerorifle PLT CDR Feb–Aug 68, UH-1H/Gun PLT LDR 1968-1969
CENTAUR 30—Joe K. Owen, 1LT Scout PLT LDR/Aerorifle PLT CDR Feb 1968-Feb 1969
CENTAUR 31—John Mackey, CPT Cobra Pilot Gun PLT LDR 1972
CENTAUR 32 (Patrol) & Ambush Patrol
CENTAUR 32—Gaylen Randall
CENTAUR 35—John Alto, Aerorifle PLT LDR Jan 1966-Feb 1967
CENTAUR 35—William Mosenthal, 1LT Aerorifle PLT LDR Aug 1967-30 Jan 1968, Jan 1967-Jan 1968
CENTAUR 35—Dale "Dinky" Dow, 1LT Aerorifle PLT LDR Jan 1968–Aug 1968
CENTAUR 35—Terrence M. O’Connell, 1LT Aerorifle PLT LDR 1969-1970
CENTAUR 35—William H. Dawson, CPT Aerorifle PLT LDR Jan 1969-Jan 1970
CENTAUR 36—Bill Wilde, MAJ HVY WPS SEC LDR, OPS OFF/Aerorifle PLT CDR 1966-1967
CENTAUR 36—Carl William Burns, CPT UH-1C Pilot/OH-23 Scout Pilot Apr 1966-Apr 1967
CENTAUR 36—Harold Reid Fisher, CPT Aerorifles PLT CDR/D Troop XO Jan 1967-Dec 1967
CENTAUR 36—Clarence C "Buck" Buxton, 1LT UH-1D Pilot Feb 1967-Aug 1967
CENTAUR 36—Michael D. “Mike” Siegel, CW2 UH-1D Slick Pilot Sep 1967-Sep 1968
CENTAUR 37—Joseph H. “Joe” Bridges, CPT UH-1D Slick Pilot 1967-1968
CENTAUR 38—Michael R. Banks, CW2 UH-1D Slick Pilot Jul 1966-Jul 1967
CENTAUR 39—William "Bill" Altenhofen, SSG Aerorifles PLT SGT Feb 1967–Feb 1968
CENTAUR 39—James W. “Jim” Filiatreault, CW2 UH-1H Slick Pilot Mar 1968-Mar 1969
CENTAUR 40—Charles "Charlie" Johnson, 1LT UH-1C Pilot/Aero Weapons Jun 1967-Jul 1968
CENTAUR 40—Bruce A. Powell, CPT Aero Weapons Jul 1968 -Aug 1968
CENTAUR 40—Bill Cirincione, CPT Aero Weapons Plt Ldr 1968
CENTAUR 40—Mike Joest was Centaur 40 in early 69 after Cirincione
CENTAUR 40—Roman Millett, CPT Gun/Scout PLT LDR, & XO Jan 1970-Dec 1970
CENTAUR 40—Don C. Phillips, CPT Gun PLT LDR 1970-1971
CENTAUR 40—Bill Malinovsky, CPT Gun PLT LDR 1969
CENTAUR 41—James R. “Rick” Arthur, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Mar 1967-Mar 1968
CENTAUR 41—Paul V. Martindale, CPT AH-1G Pilot Nov 1971-Apr 1972, KIA 28 April 1972 (per 1972 letter)
CENTAUR 43—James R. “Rick” Arthur, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Mar 1967-Mar 1968
CENTAUR 43—Charles “Pat” Eastes, CW2 UH-1C Pilot Aug 1967-Aug 1968
CENTAUR 43—Wayne E. Hooper, WO1 AH-1G Pilot Dec 1969 to May 1970
CENTAUR 43—Don Borey, CPT AH-1G Pilot Mar 1971-Jan 1972
CENTAUR 43—John Mackey, CPT Cobra Pilot Gun PLT LDR Apr 1972-Nov 1972
CENTAUR 43—William H. "Bones" Dawson, CPT Cobra Pilot
CENTAUR 44—Charles "Charlie" Johnson, 1LT UH-1C Pilot/Aero Weapons Jun 1967-Jul 1968
CENTAUR 44—Richard Spalding, CW2 AH-1G Pilot/AC 1969
CENTAUR 45—Clay Maxwell, CW2 AH-1G Pilot/AC 1967-1968 (per SQD Log 12-13-1968)
CENTAUR 45—Michael W. “BG” Woods, CPT AH-1G Pilot Oct 1971-Nov 1972
CENTAUR 46—Ted A. Pitcher, WO1 AH-1G Pilot 1968-1969
CENTAUR 46—Terry W. Branham, 1LT AH-1G Pilot Dec 1969-Nov 1970
CENTAUR 46—Richard M. Ward 1st LT Jan 1969-Jan 1970
CENTAUR 46—Hugh "Sandy" McLeod, 1LT AH-1G Pilot/ARM OFF Jul 1970-Jul 1971
CENTAUR 47—Kenneth Lee "Strange Strand" Strand, CW2 AH-1G & OH-6A Pilot 1969-1970
CENTAUR 47—Marcus A. Kempson, CW2 UH-1H/“Nighthawk Pilot” 1969-1970
CENTAUR 47—Walter “Russ” Miller, Jr., CPT AH-1G Pilot/Blues PLT LDR Nov 1971-Nov 1972
CENTAUR 48—Lloyd E. Goldsmith, 1LT AH-1G Pilot Jun 1971 to Mar 1972.
CENTAUR 49—Kenneth R. "Ken" Mick, 1st LT AH-1G Pilot Oct 1971-Sept 1972
CENTAUR 50—Jeffery T. "Jeff" Griffin, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1971-1972
CENTAUR 50—Thomas William Olsson, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Oct 69-Oct 1970
CENTAUR 51—Charles F. O'Connell III, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1971-1972
CENTAUR 51—Bruce W. Sikkema, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Dec 69-Jun1971
CENTAUR 52—Thomas M "Sam" Dooling, CW2 AH-1G/OH-6A Pilot Jan 1969-Aug 1970 (per Mark Jackson Info)
CENTAUR 52—Erik G. Brethen, CW2, AH-1G Feb 70 until DEROS
CENTAUR 52—Charles "Marty" Sullivan, WO1, Jul 1970-Jul 1971
CENTAUR 52—John P. Davis CW2 Cobra Pilot F Troop 1972 to 1973
CENTAUR 53—Kenneth R. Hundt, CW2 AH-1G Pilot 1972
CENTAUR 54—Robert C. "Bob" Jones, CW2, AH-1G Pilot Jun 1971-Mar 1972
CENTAUR 55—Jack E. Craig, CW2 AH-1G Pilot Jun 1969-Jun 1970
CENTAUR 55—Cary J. Bacon, CW2 AH-1G Pilot, Mar 1970-Apr 1971
CENTAUR 55—Robert P. "Pat" Broderick, CW2 AH-1G Pilot & IP, 1971-1972
CENTAUR 55—Farrell D. Swindell, CW2 AH-1G Pilot, 1972
CENTAUR 56—Paul V. Martindale, CPT AH-1G Pilot Nov 1971-Apr 1972, KIA 28 April 1972 (per Info Sheet)
CENTAUR 57—Ray Stanton, CW2 AH-1G Pilot, 1970-71
CENTAUR 56—Paul V. Martindale, CPT AH-1G Pilot Nov 1971-Apr 1972, KIA 28 April 1972 (per Info Sheet)
CENTAUR 59—William Hayden "Pappy" Jones, CW3 UH-1H/AH-1G Pilot Apr 1972-Feb 1973
CENTAUR 65 --Call Sign for the Operations Shack.
CENTAUR 65—William Jr. M. "Bill" Gold, CPT[?] UH-1D Slick Pilot [images show WO1] 1967-1968,BR/>
STABLE BOY—Richard W. "Dick" Thomas CPT Service PLT LDR Mar 1966-Mar 1967
STABLE BOY—Thomas Fleming, MAJ TRP CDR, SER/MNT PLT LDR Stable Boy as CPT Feb 1967-Jan 1968
STABLE BOY—Clarence "Buck" Buxton, 1LT Service PLT LDR 1967
STABLE BOY—William J. "Bill" Blair, CPT Service PLT LDR 1967-1968
Vindicator 32 __John Kelly Aug 67 to May 68 - Artillery Forward Observer
Vindicator 32__Rolland Fletcher May 68 to Sep 68 - Artillery Forward Observer
Recent Comments
Fleming to Peake 7 Nov 2020 Mike you could add "Stable Boy" CPT Tom Fleming Service Platoon. Feb 1967- Sept 1968. Call sign Stable Boy established 1966 Maj Thomas SVC PLT thru 1968 CPT Blair.
Eastes to Peake 7 Nov 2020 I remembered him as a major (Harold R. Fisher), and just looked at his video, where he says that he was XO for a short time under Tom Fleming. Confirmed.
Fleming to Peake 6 Nov 2020 Maj. Harold Fisher moved from the Aero Rifle Platoon to XO D Troop in September 1967 and served in that position until December 1967 when he ended his tour in Vietnam.
Eastes to Peake 5 Nov 2020 One more addition. Jim Moore, KIA March 68, was C20. I seem to remember that Mark Schmidt, kia Dec 67, was C25, but I am not positive on that. Maybe Bruce will remember.
Dillon to Peake 5 Nov 2020 Capt Frank Hock Centaur 3. Ops Officer 72
Jones to Peake Additionally, Lt. Marty Jenkins was Centaur 14 just before I came to the unit. He was flying Paper Tiger when Dobash was killed. Jim Walt (Silver Star) was his observer and Tom Dooling was his cover Cobra.
Harrison to Keirsey & Holmes 4 Nov 2020 I’m having Major Kermit E. Larson added as Centaur 6 from Sept’72 - Feb’73.
Keirsey to Harrison Holmes 4 Nov 2020 Tom Meeks who shared the Centaur 27 callsign was a close friend of mine when I worked at FT Lewis. Wish I had known him we shared a common callsign at the time. Thanks.
Eastes to Peake 4 Nov 2020 I can add a couple if you wish. Before I was C43, Rick Arthur had that callsign in 1967, and I was C24 in late 67 to early 68. Rick Williams was C21 in 68
1966 - 1967
Powell to Fleming Sep 2011
I came upon a note where Burgess referred to Ernie Sanders, OH-23 Section leader, as Centaur 11. Then Stephenson took 11 and then Burgess. Would it be logical to assume that Delvy, Gun Platoon leader during Sanders time was Centaur 10? Who was Gun leader when Delvy went to Opns? What was Billy Vinsons position?
I've grappled with this problem of call signs. I remember being 20 as Light Scout Section Leader, and I believe I kept that call sign the few times I was Gun Platoon leader. 40 always seemed to be the Section Leader of the Hogs, so I had assumed the Baby Scout leader was 10. But then if Sanders was 11 as Section Leader then maybe the 10 call sign was reserved for Gun Platoon leader.
Also was Centaur 3 the Operations Officer (Yes)? and did the Assistant Opns Officer have a call sign (Prilliman)
Powell Nov2018: My Scout notes indicate that I was initially Centaur 17, Vinson 12 and Sanders 11. Delvy was Gun Platoon leader possibly as Centaur 10. I think Vinson may have been promoted to MAJ and became 10, I moved to 12 5Mar67. What happened to Delvy then?
Fleming to Powell 1 Oct 2011
At the point in time you are referring to C-10 was the Aero Scout Platoon Cdr and it was Cpt Billy R. Vinson which was the Heavy Scout Leader. The Troop MTOE was structured that way with the Platoon Ldr the 9th LOH pilot. As far as I know we never organized that way rather provisionally the Lt Sct Leader ran the Light Scouts and the senior HVy Sct officer ran the two sections of Hvy Scts. Their call signs went from C-20 up. The weapon section was by MTOE a separate section. A lot had to do with how efficiency reports were written and the grade of the position.
Centuar 3 was the Flight Operations Officer Frank Delvy. When he made Major and DROSed, Billy Vinson moved to Flt Opns, Harold Fisher moved to XO Bill Wilde moved to Aero Rifle C-30 and I moved to CDR. These moves came in fairly rapid sequence. It gets confusing I know.
Powell to Fleming
This is a good start for me in getting it sorted out in my head. It has always been very confusing, both the Call Signs and the Section and Platoon names. Seems like there had to be some official format for assigning call signs; and that it should have been recorded in Flight Opns. All I remember when I arrived in Feb67, was Cpt Sanders saying he was C-11 and I was assigned C-17. Then a very short period of time later a bunch of people rotated and Sanders told me I was now second to him as C-12. I have notes that say I was named Gun Platoon Leader and C-20 on 9 Sep 1967. Somewhere in between I must have had a different call sign in the twenties.
In early Feb 67 I was told that Cpt Delvy was the gun platoon leader. Some months later he was the one that checked me out in guns. Do you remember if Vinson outranked Delvy?
I reviewed some of the Air Cav TO&E's on line. Many are similar to ours but always different. Was our unit unique? We never did the "Pinks" and "Blues" thing. Maybe there was no other unit like ours in the Army. Here is an example of a unit similar to ours; seems like we should have some document like this somewhere:
It was never clear to me what the "Official" title of the platoons and sections were. I doubt if "Baby Scouts" was ever on the record, however the term was used in a Nov 1967 issue of the Tropic Lightning News (attached). I always thought that the OH-23 Section didn't have a name, other than "Ash and Trash" and "Taxi Service" branch of the Light Scout Section. At that time the Gun Platoon to me was just the "Gun Platoon" with Light Scouts (with their little OH-23 attachment) and Heavy Scouts (Hogs). Never could nail down the official call sign of the Gun Platoon leader. I think you are correct, that there was no official call sign like C-6 or C-30. Instead the ranking Section leader in the Platoon kept his section call sign and was just known as the Platoon Leader.
Maybe Collins can help us out with the Call Sign structure of the LRRPs. Dow and Mosenthal can give us that of the Aerorifle Platoon.
Fleming 2 Oct 2011
C-10,20,30,40 were considered Platoon Leaders C-3,4,5,6 were administrative level leaders. C-12 14,16 would have been Team Leaders As would C-22 24 26 and C-42. These positions were reserved for commissioned officers (if there was one to fill the position). If you remember Cpt Stephenson was the ranking officer in the Aero Scout Platoon so he carried the call sign C-10 after 9 Sep.
Delvy out ranked Vinson. The Major’s list that came out in August ranked Fleming, Fisher, Delvy, Vinson in that order (Delvy may have ranked Fisher). Delvy was a Major for only about a month before he DEROSed.
Dow 2 Oct 2011
Here are a few more for you.
CPT Richard Timmermeyer - C-30 ??? Feb 68
C -3 Feb 68 – Aug 68
CPT John Whitehead C-30 Feb – Aug 68
C -3 Aug 68 – Feb 69
LT Andrew Gerrie C -35 ??? – Aug 67
LT William Mosenthal C -35 Aug 67 – 30 Jan 68
LT Dale Dow C-35 31 Jan – 9 Aug 68
SSG William Altenhofen C-39 Feb 67 – Feb 68
I checked the photo of the crew status board that Mike Galloway sent me. It has all kinds of information, but doesn’t list call signs.
Altenhofen Oct 2011
When I was there I inherited C-34 as fourth squad leader.
1st Sqd was 31. 2nd was 32, 3rd was 33. At one time I had two squad leaders named 'Jones', so I refered to them as 31 Jones and 33 Jones 31 was a Sgt. 33 was a Sp4.
Mosenthal5 Oct 2011
I do recall that the slick section commander was always Centaur 36 in my day – Cpt Wilde and later Cpt Fisher (I was C-35 as the ground platoon leader). The rifle squads were as Bill A. lists them. The platoon sergeant had a call sign but I cannot remember what it was, and I cannot remember what call signs we used in the LRRPs.
Charlie Johnson put out this draft
Centaur 6 - Tom Fleming - Troop Commander - Feb '68
Centaur 4 - Tom Fleming - Service/Maintenance Platoon Leader
Stable Boy - Tom Fleming - Maintenance/Aircraft Recovery
Centaur 5 - Harold Fisher - Troop Executive Officer
Centaur 30 - Harold Fisher - Aero Rifle/Slicks Platoon Leader
Centaur ** - Pat 'Joaquin' Eastes - Heavy Scouts/Mini-Guns Pilot/Aircraft Commander
Centaur 43 - Pat 'Joaquin' Eastes - Aero Weapons/HOGS Pilot/Aircraft Commander
Centaur 44 - Charlie 'Chuck' Johnson - Aero Weapons/HOGS Pilot - Aug '67/ Nov '67
Centaur 40 - Charlie 'Chuck' Johnson - Aero Weapons/HOGS Section Leader - Nov '67/May '68
Centaur 30 - Charlie 'Chuck' Johnson - Aero Rifle/Slicks Platoon Leader/Aircraft Commander - May '68/Jun '68
Centaur 37 - Joe Bridges - Aero Rifle/Slicks Platoon Pilot/Aircraft Commander
Centaur 41 - Rick Arthur - Aero Weapons/HOGS Pilot/Aircraft Commander
Centaur 20 - Bruce Powell - Gun Platoon Leader/Cobra Aircraft Commander - * '68* '68
Centaur 21 - Rick Williams
Centaur 38 - Mike Banks - Aero Rifle/Slicks Pilot/Aircraft Commander
Centaur 36 - Mike Siegel - Aero Rifle/Slicks Pilot/Aircraft Commander/Slicks IP - * '67 * '68
Centaur 44 - Richard Spalding - Gun Platoon/Cobra Pilot/Aircraft Commander
Centaur * - Bill Mosenthal - Aero Rifle Infantry Platoon Leader - * '67 Jan '68
Centaur * - Dale Dow - Aero Rifle Infantry Platoon Leader - Jan '68
Centaur * - Larry Patterson - Aero Scouts Pilot/Aircraft Commander - * 67 * 68
Centaur * - Charlie 'Chuck' Rice - Aero Scouts Pilot/Aircraft Commander/Platoon Leader - * '67 * '68
Pat Eastes Jan 2014: for years I thought that when I was in heavy scouts that I was C21, but that was evidently Rick Williams. I might have been C24, and Doc Halliday was C23. When I went to hogs, I was C43.
Stan Allen (6Jan2017): During 1969 and 70 Mr. Zorger's call sign was C-28 . I am not sure but it may have been the call sign for Night hawk leader.
Stan Allen (6Jan2017): During 1969 and 70 Mr. Zorger's call sign was C-28 . I am not sure but it may have been the call sign for Night hawk leader.