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Info Sheet - Roger L. Henson

Killed in Action 27 December 1967
Other KIA crew members: Mark Schmidt, John Barsch, and Howard Anderson

HensonMichael Kerr
High School Friend
Conyers Georgia
Roger, I often think of you, our days in Verdun and your sacrifice. Just wanted you to know that you are still remembered.
Jun 12, 2008

Woody Hall
300 Grandview Drive Lawrenceburg Tn 38464 USA
Thinking of You
Roger, this past Veterans Day caused memories to return and getting the news of your death. We were scheduled to take R&R during the period you were killed, however, the start of the TET Offensive up North caused the Marine Corps to cancel my R&R. You chose to cancel yours also and remain in country to fight. Your Mother, "Bless her Heart" went to her grave blaming me for your death and often, I think "what if". Anyway, you are in my heart and will remain a hero to me. Semper Fi !!!!
Nov 13, 2007

Leo Rice
friend - Ashland, KY
The day I seen you go down memories will always last. There is not a day goes by unless I think of you my friend. I wrote to Woody Gardner to let him know we had lost you WO Mark Schmidt, WO Howard Anderson, and Barsch. I also remember cutting your belts off your seats and carrying you out. Rest in peace my friend.
Tuesday, April 11, 2000

Mark Jerome
My dad served and died with you. god has sent leo to me and i no all you up there are looking over use.even thow i didnt meet you,your all hero,s in my heart.god bless and your all loved.and thank you for all you looking over me and leo.
Friday, September 14, 2001

He is my brother - Forever Remembered
You're still in my thoughts after all these years. I'm so sorry you didn't get to know my children as they were growing up. You would be proud of them. You and so many others have given the ultimate sacrifice for your country.
Monday, May 29, 2006