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Info Sheet - Alvin Winslow Floyd
Killed in Action 2 April 1970
Memorial Ceremony, Distinguished Service Cross Award

Jim Tonelli: SFC Alvin Floyd was with the Aerorifle platoon. Not sure of date but I believe he was there when I first arrived at D Troop August 1969. I think he was the Platoon Sergeant before he transferred over to F Company 75th. We all got to know our Rifles pretty well. Sargent Floyd and I would talk along with other Rifles when waiting on standby and other times. We used to have an afternoon volley ball game for the entire unit where those not flying could get a little exercise using jungle rules. I can’t tell you when he transferred over to the 75th. We always felt that close to both our Rifles and F company. I remember the day he was killed and feel I can still see his face.

Phillip Norton: This was my platoon 1st Sergeant, Alvin Floyd who was with me in the Renegade Woods operation. PN

Marshall Huckaby: SFC Alvin Floyd received the DSC and is honored by the City of Augusta GA with a monument on the river walk.

John "DJ" Krone: Apr 2, 2007 - SFC Floyd was, my 1SG.
I'll Never Forget about mid-April, 1969, SFC Floyd came to my LZ and asked for LRRP volunteers and he inspired me to join the 3rd Brigade, 4th ID., LRRPs, at LZ Oasis. He was the 1SG of that unit and during my assignment, conducting patrols deep, in enemy controlled territory. SFC., Floyd was there, during the insertions and extractions. He was a man, well-respected and admired, by the ranger unit and was the kind of leader one rarely sees. He was in short, my mentor. SFC Floyd had already served in country a minimum of two years. During one patrol, that went badly, SP4, Jerry Hodges and I became separated from our other three LRRP members, in an area known to have a company of NVA. In short, Hodges and I were lost without any radio, but we didn't lose our nerve. It was SFC Floyd who arrived by chopper to extract us, after our signals were seen, from above. SFC Floyd just gave that "look" and didn't have to say a word knowing he didn't lose confidence in the soldiers we were. I learned to pattern myself from SFC Floyd during the ensuing months and grew because of his leadership. I wished he made it home safe, but that wasn't meant to be. Our country lost a patriot, a hero, a man who Rangers admired and I... I lost my friend who believed in me. His end came, on April 2, 1970, when he postumously earned, the DSC serving the country he loved. In my 50th, year, I scaled the top of Mount Whitney, our highest elevation and entered the name of SFC Alvin Winslow Floyd in a log book there, beyond where eagles fly and closer for heaven to see a hero's name. No, I'll never forget.

Memorial Ceremony for SFC Alvin Floyd, F/75, KIA in the Renegade Woods 2 May 1970, was conducted in Augusta, Georgia, on Veterans Day, 1999. SFC Floyd's DSC plaque installation ceremony was at Augusta's Heroes Overlook which is located downtown on the Riverwalk at 10th & Reynolds. Augusta's Mayor Young & Congressman Norwood participated in the ceremony along with members of SFC Floyd's family who are coming in from California, Kentucky and South Carolina. Besides the plaque installation, Congressman Norwood presented SFC Floyd's grandchildren with some of his military medals. Also participating was a military honor guard and the Army Band from Ft Gordon. Also, present was BG Porr (CG EAMC), other retired general officers, state & city elected officials, and a variety of veterans' organizations.


Award of the Distinguished Service Cross

dscThe President of the United States, takes pride, in presenting, the Distinguished, Service Cross, (Posthumously) to Alvin Winslow Floyd, Sergeant, First Class, U.S., Army, for extraordinary heroism, in connection with military operations, involving conflict with an armed, hostile force, in the Republic, of Vietnam, while serving, with Team 38, Company F, (Ranger) 75th, Infantry Regiment, 25th, Infantry Division. Sergeant, First Class, Floyd distinguished himself, by exceptionally, valorous actions, on 2, April 1970, while serving as team leader, of a ranger team, inserted deep, within enemy territory. Upon insertion, the team came under intense, small, arms fire, from a numerically, superior, enemy force. Sergeant, First Class, Floyd took charge, of his scattered, elements and directed them, against the enemy. Through his efforts, an enemy, machine gun bunker, was destroyed and the enemy was forced, to retreat. After moving about eighty-five, meters, from the landing zone, the team encountered, the enemy again and became, pinned down, by accurate, hostile rocket and machine, gun fire, coming, from three sides. Discovering that enemy, small, arms fire, had severed, the radio, headset cord, Sergeant, First Class, Floyd exposed himself, to enemy fire, as he stood up and directed, friendly, gunship fire, on the enemy positions. When another ranger, was wounded and required, medical treatment, Sergeant, First Class, Floyd and another comrade, moved, to his side. As the enemy, fire intensified and became concentrated, on the three, figures, Sergeant, First Class, Floyd, arose and advanced, toward the enemy, in an apparent, effort, to shield, his comrades. As he moved, forward, he was, mortally wounded by an enemy, rocket, propelled grenade. Sergeant, First Class, Floyd's, extraordinary heroism and devotion, to duty, at the cost, of his life, were in keeping, with the highest traditions, of the military service and reflect, great credit, upon himself, his unit and the United, States Army.