Info Sheet/Obit - Michael J. Callahan
Track Driver, C Troop, 3/4 Cav, 25th Inf Div, Jan 67 to Dec 67
See "From Mike"
Mike Callahan of Kansas City, MO, passed away Feb. 14, 2018 at home. A visitation will be 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, February 16 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, 701 E. Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO. The funeral mass will be 10 a.m. Saturday, February 17 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church. Interment with Honors will follow at 6901 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO.
Mike lived a life of hard work, patriotism, family commitment and community service. As a dedicated reader of the obituaries, Mike will be glad to know that others will be reading his incredible life story.
Mike was born April 19, 1947 in Kansas City, MO to Franklin and Mary Callahan. Growing up as a kid in Brookside, young Mike would visit the neighborhood market to claim wooden produce boxes to break down for woodworking projects. That hobby led to his epic wood shop where he made hundreds of pieces of furniture for family, friends and charity auctions. Mike spoiled his family with his signature pork chili and salsa at almost every family occasion. “Papa” kept alive the annual tradition of a family Christmas card photo regardless of the weather or how big the family got.
Mike worked for 42 years in insurance and benefits at Robert O’Byrne and Associates, Business Men’s Assurance and the Grant Nelson Group. In June 2011, Mike retired from CBIZ surrounded by the dozens of employees he mentored, including his son Greg and daughter Polly.
A 1965 graduate of Southwest High School, Mike excelled at football, wrestling and causing mayhem with his friends. He earned a football scholarship to Central Missouri State University before enlisting in the Army in 1966. During his service in the Vietnam War, Mike earned the Purple Heart and the Army Medal of Commendation among other military honors. Until the end of his life, he continued to serve by counseling veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse up to four nights each week at the Kansas City Veterans Administration hospital. On Friday, Mike celebrated 28 years of sobriety.
Mike also served his community by helping to found Boys Hope Girls Hope, along with a seat on the board of St. Teresa’s Academy. Kathleen and Mike chaired four annual charity auctions for Rockhurst High School and St. Teresa’s. He also gave generously behind the scenes in ways that his family will likely never know.
The Royals, Chiefs and Tigers -- not to mention Fox News -- sometimes caused Papa to bark at the TV from his throne on the couch. He was also a dedicated sports fan for his children’s sports from the bleachers of volleyball and football games -- but especially baseball games at Missouri 3&2 baseball. There will never be another brother, husband, dad or grandpa like Mike Callahan.
Mike was preceded in death by his parents, Franklin and Mary Callahan and his son Harris Franklin James Callahan. Mike is survived by his wife of 29 years, Kathleen Callahan of Kansas City, MO; son Greg Callahan (Melissa) of Kansas City, MO; daughter Jennifer Landes (Mark) of Kansas City, MO; daughter Polly Thomas (Eric) of Leawood, KS; Katie Mulligan (Jeremy) of Independence, MO; Connor Callahan of Kansas City, MO; Shea Callahan of Kansas City, MO; and his grandchildren Abby, Ella, Parker, Hunter, Owen, Sophie, Callahan, Caden, Rory, Molly, Eleanor and Elizabeth.
If you care to make a contribution in Mike’s memory, the family suggests Rockhurst High School or the Michael J. Callahan Memorial Fund : which benefits Catholic education endeavors. Please share a memory at
From Mike:
We interacted with Delta Troop (Centaurs) almost every day in some way. While on convoy duty they were usually above.
Since we operated outside of the base camp we got hot food delivered about once a week. While in the boonies we interacted with the Centaurs in coordinated attacks on suspected sites.
I was involved in a nighttime hot ambush where the Centaur gunships ran off our attackers. I can't remember if the "dust off" ships were theirs or somebody else's but we called for dust off's almost every week. Convoy vehicles hit mines. Cav vehicles hit mines . We also helped infantry units who got in trouble.
Dwight Birdwell and I served at the same time. He was in the third Plt I was in the 1st. I left a few months before he did. My last job in VN was as CPT Leo Virantt's jeep driver and RTO on his M113 for about 3 weeks before I went home. CPT Virantt was in command of C Trp during the Battle of Saigon.
The Centaur gunships and spooky were our savior's when we got in to trouble.
I went to Central Missouri University after my 3 years in the Army on the GI bill. I worked at CBIZ (Benifits and Insurance Services) while attending School. It was a great time for me. Soon kids started coming and somehow 42 years passed by. I had to deal with PTSD but nobody knew it was PTSD until the VA figured it out. Its been a great experience working with the KCVAMC (Kansas City VA Medical Center). I meet twice a month with other VN vets at the KCVAMC. It has been amazing watching these men grow and heal over the years. I have heard others say this so I don’t claim authorship but I would not trade my Military experiences for anything. It truly has been a focal point of my life.
Several years ago the VA classified me as 100% disabled. As a result I spend a great deal of time at the KCVAMC. I've met many Viet Nam veterans there. I've enjoyed my time at the VA.
I'm a life long native of Kansas City, MO. (We love the Royals!). I'm retired from CBIZ, an Accounting, Insurance and Human Resourse firm, after 42 years. My wife, Kathleen, and I have 6 children and 12 grandchildren.
I'm an avid woodworker so I spend a great deal of time in my shop , which was my plan when I retired. Life is good, I'm a better man because of my time in the US Army and especially the 3/4 Cav.