Info Sheet - Robert L. "Bob" Graham, Biography
Robert L. (Bob) Graham entered active duty in 1953 as a Sergeant from the Washington National Guard, graduated from Artillery and Guided Missile OCS in 1955.
He completed Fixed Wing Flight training in Class 58- 4 and helicopter transition Class 59-6.
He was Operations Officer of the Centaurs, D Troop (Air), 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division at Cu Chi, RVN; August 1966 until February 1967.
He enjoyed a brief vacation at C&GS during which he was selected for the June 1968 activation, training and deployment of the Dragons, A Battery (Aerial Ar tillery) of the 77th Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. They joined the 101stAirborne (Airmobile) RVN December 1968, establishing the battery Dragon’s Den Heliport at Camp Eagle.
At rotation time, May 1969, he became Assistant G-3 Air at II Field Forces.
Bob retired in March 1977 as a Master Army Aviator and resides in Fairfax, Virginia, with his wife, Diana. They are blessed with four children and ten grandchildren, age’s one-minus through twenty-two.
He is a member of Virginia Poets Society and the Poetry and Memoir Workshops of the Osher Lifelong Learning Insti- tute at George Mason University, olli at , Fairfax, Virginia.
He may be reached at: boblgraham at