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Info Sheet - 1LT Lloyd E. Goldsmith


I arrived in Vietnam in April 1971 and was initially assigned to the Dragoon Platoon, 334th Attack Helicopter Company. As a result of 334th having only two missions I flew with the Playboy platoon. I arrived at squadron on the night of what I believe was a command and staff meeting. During that meeting a motor round hit outside the covered patio we were in. Myself and other new comers were left in the patio when others went to bunkers. Not the best of welcomes but at least there were no injuries.

C130I was later transferred to F Troop when F Troop was scheduled to move North. That move was cancelled when the runway threshold didn’t support the weight of the C130. (Picture of C130 departing Lai Khe empty.)

After Vietnam I stayed in the Army. Early on a shipment of my household goods was lost – most of my Vietnam memorabilia was in that shipment. Fortunately, I still have my Cav hat. I don’t remember any of the dates or location names and without the memorabilia don’t have the memory prompts. But I have provided some stories as I remember them.