Info Sheet - John L. Evans
John notes that he was just promoted to 2LT from WO1 for his Centaur tour. Anita and John have been married for 57 Years (2025)
I arrived in Cu Chi as a brand new WO1 and was assigned to Centaurs after a future D Troop commander Major Adams changed my orders while I was in bound from Seattle. I was supposed to fly up north with a joint US/Aussie gunship unit. In November 69 or thereabouts LTC Robert McGowan promoted me to 2nd Lieutenant. He was the most charismatic and professional commander I ever served under. He knew his stuff and respected his troops.
I was assigned to the Slick platoon about that time.
When I first arrived we were short birds (OH-6A) and pillows. So I was assigned 4 different birds at the start of my tour. First one was name unknown but 6 weeks in, I got it shot up in the Michelin rubber plantation north of Dau Tang. “TJ” the door gunner guided me out of there. I had 4 rounds in my seat.
Next bird was SNAFU then Bad News, then the Gary Jones bird which took hits in LOH Alley and my door gunner was wounded. Gary was unhappy I had holed his bird. Shortly thereafter I picked my brand new baby in Tay Ninh. “Iron Butterfly. Life was good.
John Evans notes on his photos: Note: all photos with 1LT were corrected to 2LT. MP5 changed to WO1.
MP1:Those in the revetment are Matt Matthews crew chief for “Bad News’ on the right, me in the center, and Pete Perez “Bad News” door gunner on the left. The Pete in the AK47 story was Pete Perez.
MP2: That’s me Pete Perez & Jerry Matthews, not Ron Hucksoll.
MP4- Outside my hooch in 69. The AK came from an NVA ambush in one of the canals in the Delta. The NVA ambushed a Navy river boat and they called on guard for assistance. We were out of fuel and amo so could not respond. We went next day to be sure no one was left behind. We saw a body so Pete Perez got in waste deep water while we hovered with the water level just below the door opening. The body was a bad guy and this was his weapon. Very likely Dick Ward was watching from above.
MP7: Here's a photo of Larry Turley's LOH, "Bad News". Larry was on a day off, we were sort birds and pilots so maxing hours not uncommon. He roomed next to me and we were pretty close. He was a neat guy, very down to earth and welcoming to an FNG like me.
MP8: 3 guys LOH MP8:
Here's photo Larry Bruce's bird, "SNAFU" That's me with his crew chief whose name I cannot recall. The door gunner was a wild man and was caught attempting to mail home a controlled substance.
??? lived across the hall from Larry and next to "Dick" Richard M. Ward. Larry was a dapper kind of guy with a perfectly clipped mustache that reminded me of David Niven. My own attempt was a sorry piece of work.
"Hank Childs" moved into Larry's room but was sent home on passionate leave never to return. He went through primary with me in class 69-3. He was an E6 or E7 and ex special forces who graduated as a Warrant Officer. He arrived in Troop D right after Larry Turley was wounded. Henry (Hank) and I renewed our former connection and he told me he would not be staying long. Shortly there after he got orders stateside.. He was not the only one who received orders home shortly after arrival in D troop. We have no information on Hank Childs at the unit or Squadron level. ( Looks like this is Henry from the VHPA files. Flight class 69-3, same as John's.)
“SNAFU” was an uncomplimentary assessment of results and operations in world war 2 so I’m not surprised Robert S MacGowan would avoid the aircraft. I am a big fan of Robert S and flew with him often. He was charismatic and a very fine commander.
Race Car Photo: This is how my supervisor and I got our kicks in the 90’s and 00’s. Note the car number we chose and the electric strawberry.
Gary Jones comments: John was Australian and flew the LOH Iron Butterfly. e trained me in Scout tactics when I transferred in to the Centaurs in late June 1969. One of the stories that I remember about John was that he was shot down three times in one day, in LOH Alley, and tried to get another LOH and the unit wouldn't let him go.