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Info - Steven Cavanah

Treasurer of the Military Vehicle Preservation Association (MVPA)

Steven honored Centaur WO1 Howard "Doug" Anderson and the Centaur unit by naming his restored 1971 M35A2 2 1/2 ton truck with Doug's name and using D Troop (Air) markings.

CavanahSteve earned his Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a Mathematics minor from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, FL. In 2012 he became an Engineer Intern licensed by the State of Florida and now works at a local architecture and engineering firm. His work there specializes in sustainable designs and advanced construction systems. In his spare time, Steven tutors high school students in math and physics and is an Amateur Radio General Class operator. As a second generation Conch, he has close ties to the local community. A Military Vehicle Preservation Association (MVPA) member

Check out his website at http:/