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War Stories

What is The Order of the Spur?

by Bruce Powell


If you served in the US Army in a Calvary Squadron and you are not familiar with the Order of the Spur Award, then we hope you will take some time to read this link: Wikipedia.

It is a great Cavalry tradition which might be compared in usage to the more famous Combat Infantryman's Badge of the Infantry Branch. Regardless of a soldier's US Army Branch, if he or she serves in a ground combat role for 30 days or more then the Army can award them the Combat Infantryman's Badge, a coveted award, and they can wear it on their uniform over their heart.

It is a bit different but those serving in a Cavalry Squadron (Squadron being similar in size and strength of an Army Battalion), may be awarded the Order of the Spur Award for achievement by a Squadron Commander.

A Silver Spur Award is awarded in peacetime and a Gold Spur Award can be awarded in combat. The spurs are to be worn with the military uniform during Squadron or Regimental ceremonies and events or as designated by the Cavalry unit commander.

Traditionally, each Trooper is presented spurs by his Squadron Commander at a Ceremonial Dining Event, at a Unit Awards Formation or in the field at the end of a major exercise like we see in the photo of COL -------Commander---- at the 3/4 Cav PT Exercise at Schofiel Barracks, Hawaii in March of 2024.d