Info Sheet - Dudley "Dud" Oatman
.....................................................................................................................................................................................................MAJ Dudley Oatman (USA, Ret)
Volunteer Meeting Coordinator & Docent
San Diego Air & Space Museum - Restoration of Centaur Aircraft 464 (Gillespie Field, San Diego)
My first RVN tour was in '68 with D/229 AHB (Smiling Tigers), 1CD (AM) out of LZ Sharon, I Corp. I was flying Snakes and B Model guns As "Trouble 23" when I forgot to duck and caught some of those bee's we heard every so often. After 6 months in and out of of hospitals, I made it back on flight status. I have no pictures from this tour as my camera never caught up with me after I was medi-vac'd
The second tour in '71/72 was with C 3/17 Air Cav (Light Horse) at Ving Long as the Maintenance Officer, "Scavenger 56".