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Info Sheet - Matt Jackson

Vietnam through Gulf war Veteran, Col. Matt Jackson, Army (Ret) has an impressive bio: In 1968, this son of a sailor joined the U.S. Army as an entry level private. Twenty-five years later he retired as a full Colonel and accomplished helicopter pilot.

I was born into a Navy Submarine Family and traveled the world as a child. Since I was born in 1947 and until 1993, every three years I moved to a new location as a military brat and as a service member. Enlisted in the Army in 1968 after two worthless years of college and became an Army helicopter pilot serving for 18 months in Vietnam. Was promoted to a commissioned officer while serving in Vietnam and stayed on active duty until 1993. In that time I commanded rifle companies at Fort Lewis Washington and Anchorage Alaska where I commanded an airborne company. Highlight of my career was commanding an air assault infantry battalion during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. The Army sent me back to college to finish my bachelors degree and later working on my own, two master degrees. Once I retired I went into private business and finally retired in 2015. My wife has been with me for 51 years now and I have two sons, both Army officers who rose up through the ranks like their grandfather and me.