2025 Centaur Veteran’s Day Reunion
KC and Shelly Allcock are Hosting the next Reunion!!!!
Dear Fellow Troopers of D Troop, 3/4 Cavalry and F Troop, 4th Cavalry Regiment
As many of you are so aware of, D/F Troop, Veterans Day reunions have been occurring for almost a quarter Century. Fred Reese and I started planning together the first one in 2001 and making it happen for the first time in 2002. It started off with only 5 troopers attending in Indianola, Iowa, and gradually grew in greater attendance as Fred and I were able to make contact with other D/F Troop members. Our contact listing grew with the extreme help of Jack Nemeyer at first and later with Dale Dow. Someone from the attendees of each reunion would volunteer to host the next reunion, The attendees number grew and the Veterans Day activities went from Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Kentucky. and some of the states had multiple reunions in various places within those states. I think the largest D/F reunion attendance we had was around 35-40 Troopers.
The past 3 reunions have taken place in Florida, with "F" Troopers Blaine Kirby and "Bob" Jones for 2022 and D Trooper Jan White (and Trudy) hosting [for 2023, 2024. Large attendance seemed to come with the past 4 reunions to include the Arizona reunion hosted by D. Trooper, Jim Walt. and ( I'm having a senior moment regarding names.)
While the last 4 reunions have been "upgraded" with tours by buses, and other activities, I am going to downgrade to the simpler reunion because Branson, Missouri is a compact tour in itself. Springfield, Missouri has a very nice airport, supported by major airlines, and as far as driving, all major roads coming to Branson from any direction are very good .
Here is what info I can give you at this time. I have contacted "group sales" of the Thousand Hills Resort Hotel, (formally Radisson Inn) and tentatively have some room prices. They have a nice restaurant, a couple of bar rooms, and meeting rooms. The meeting room is an extra cost, but I plan to reserve a meeting room for up to three days, November 9th, 10th, llth. I am going to use the past couple of reunions as examples for the "Room Blocks" and am intending to have about 30 rooms set aside, but will make that flexible incase more are needed. The price they gave me is almost unheard of for what hotel costs are becoming too these days.
Hotel Room Price -------- $115. + Tax per night
Meeting Room ------------ $300. + Tax per day.
I have been told that the reunion committee has a slush fund which maybe I can use for offsetting the meeting room. Anyway this is what I am working on thus far, and next week, Sherry and I will be going to Branson and on the 21st of April, I will be meeting with the Thousand Hills Resort Hotel to go over contracts and finalize things such as the Hotel contact to make reservations, etc. .
PLEASE! Send me an email as soon as possible and let me know if it is possible for you to attend. sgtkc6970@gmail.com.
Thank you. ..."Kc"Allen B. Allcock
Contact KC: sgtkc6970@gmail.comÂ