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Click on each type aircraft to see more information. Scroll down for Summary.
see Centaur Aircraft Photos and Centaur Aircraft Tail Numbers
The heart and sole of the Air Cavalry Troop was its aircraft. These helicopters gave the Cavalry tremendous additional capabilities. We could get out in front quickly and provide reconnaissance from the air. We could pin point enemy locations and provide the ground units with critical information that might not otherwise be available. We were able to insert the Long Range Recon Patrol to gather information that couldn't even be provided by the helicopters. Better yet, we were able to get them back out of harms way. Our "Air" ground troops, the AeroRifles, were on top of a problem in minutes and then have the instant close air support of our gunships. Our Maintenance Platoon Huey, Stable Boy, was a UH-1D super hero that would often swoop down and repair a downed aircraft on the spot and provide Medevac support in the same instant manner. Our UH-1C gunships, the Heavy Scouts and the Heavy Weapons ("Hogs"), pulled continuous duty protecting not only our 3/4 Cav unit, but most of the 25th Division units also; Twenty four hour standby to head into trouble in minutes. The huge 24 rocket pods on the Hogs gave our unit it's own aerial artillery. Our little unarmed OH-23G Ravens initially provided an eye over the Route 1 main supply route. They also did ash and trash missions, carrying people and things around, and often became scouts to our brother mechanized troops. Later on they were armed and performed more in the direct combat role. The amazing little "Easter Egg" shaped LOH (Light Observation Helicopter), with it's advanced armament and an added door gunner, kicked up the roll of the "Baby Scouts" and they became one of the enemies worst nightmares. Then came the Cobra Attack Helicopter. It was fast, hard to hit, and provided devastating firepower. How we mixed and matched the capabilities of these fine aircraft will be described better in the "Tactics" section of the website.